ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Dachbet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
ダハベットについての意見を修正し、撤回しなければなりません。少額の支払いをリクエストしたのはこれで 4 回目ですが、現在は 1 日以内に支払われています。したがって、登録していて資金証明書をすべて提出していれば、Dachbet Casino も非常に迅速に支払いを行います。他のすべてのカジノと同様に、勝つためにはかなりの忍耐力が必要です。 Dachbet には他では見つけるのが非常に難しいゲームがあるため、私はプレイし続けています。
I have to revise my opinion about Dachbet and withdraw it. This is the fourth time I have requested a small payout, which has now been paid out within 1 day. So if you are registered and have submitted all proof of funds, Dachbet Casino will also pay us very quickly. You have to have a lot of endurance to win, but like in all other casinos. I keep playing because Dachbet has, among other things, games that are very difficult to find anywhere else!
However, I can't judge what it looks like with higher winnings, but you win and they pay out too!
ich muss meine Meinung über Dachbet revidieren, zurück ziehen, Ich habe nun das vierte mal eine kleine Auszahlung beantragt, die auch jetzt innerhalb von 1 Tag ausgezahlt waren. Wenn du also registriert bist und auch alle Geldnachweise eingereicht hast, zahlt Dachbet Casino auch sofort uns sehr schnell. Man muss um zu gewinnen, sehr viel Ausdauer haben, aber wie in allen anderen Casinos auch. Ich spiel weiter, weil Dachbet u.a. Speile hat, die es sehr schwer woanders gibt!
Wie es allerdings bei höheren Gewinnen aussieht kann ich nicht beurteilen, Aber man gewinnt und die zahlen auch aus!
こんにちは。ようやくカジノで良い経験ができて良かったですが、 安全指数が非常に低いため、このカジノでプレイすることはお勧めしません。
Hi, I'm glad you finally had a good experience in the casino, but I would still be cautious because the safety index is very low and I would not recommend playing in this casino.
Anyway, I hope nothing bad happens to you, but I would recommend finding a more reliable casino.
Besides, what games does the casino have that are hard to find elsewhere ?
残念ながら、特定のカジノのレビューはあなたによって実行されなくなったか、実行することが許可されなくなったため、ここではもう役に立ちません。私たちドイツ人選手がスロッグ選手の保護の下でこれほど制限されていることは非常に残念です。私はどこに守られたいのですか、私は79歳であり、自分自身の責任はすべて自分にあります。何の権利があって私たちドイツ人はジャックポットを手に入れることが許されないのですか?私たちはそれに対処するにはあまりにも愚かなのでしょうか?私はもう大人なので、何をするかは自分で決めることができると思います。不思議なことに、カジノ、Drück Glückなどはドイツのライセンスを持っているため、依存症の危険はありません。アルケはドイツの宝くじコミュニティの金銭欲など信じられないほどのものですが、
Unfortunately, it's really of no use here anymore, since reviews of certain casinos are no longer carried out by you or are no longer allowed to be carried out. It is very unfortunate that we German players are so restricted under the Slog protection of the player. Where do I want to be protected, I am 79 years old and am solely responsible for myself, by what right are we Germans not allowed to get jackpots? Are we too stupid to deal with it? I'm already an adult, I think, and I can decide for myself what I do. Strangely enough, there is no risk of addiction at casinos, Drück Glück etc. because they have a German license. Alke's just the German lottery community's greed for money etc. is unbelievable,
nutzt ja hier nun wirklich leider nichts mehr, da ja Bewertungen bestimmter Casinos von euch nicht mehr ausgeführt werden oder nicht mehr ausgeführt werden dürfen. Es ist schon sehr bedauerlich, da´ wir deutschen Spieler dermassen eingeschränkt werden unter dem Slogen Schutz des Spielers. Wo will ich geschützt werden, ich bin 79 Jahre und für mich allein verantwortlich, mit welchen Recht dürfen wir Deutschen keine Jackpots bekommen ? Sind wir zu dumm damit umzugeben ? ich bin bereits erwachsen, denke ich mal und kann selbst über mich bestimmen, was ich tue. Komischerweise gibt es keine Suchtgefahr bei Casinos, Drück Glück etc. weil die ja eine deutsche Lizenz haben. Alkes nur Geldgier der deutschen Lotteriegmeinschaft etc. unfassbar,
I understand your point of view and I sympathise with you, because I know that the Germans have a lot of restrictions. I don't think anybody would be stupid and not have a chance to win the jackpot because of that.
However, the decisions that are made within the framework of gambling in Germany have to be respected both by us and by the players. Even though it may seem unnecessary to some, it obviously has some meaning. I'm not sure what more I would add to this, since our conversation was about dachbet and the fact that you're satisfied.
それは大丈夫です、彼らはこの態度をとらなければなりませんが、現在では、承認されていないカジノのほとんどに対して評価を与えないか、与えることを許可されていないこともわかりました。それが私が「自由!!! できる限り、BV Microgaming などの私のゲームがあるカジノでプレイする」というものです。
It's ok, they have to have this attitude, but now I also see that they no longer give or are not allowed to give a rating for most of the casinos that are not approved. That's what I call "Freedom!!! As long as I can, I will play in casinos that have my games, such as BV Microgaming and others"
You can now only make reviews about the supposedly "legal casinos" for Germans. Sad, I hope things turn out differently soon!
ist ok, sie müssen ja diese Einstellung haben, aber nun sehe ich auch noch, daß sie über die meisten nicht in zugelassenen Casinos auch keine Bewertung mehr abgeben oder nicht abgeben dürfen. Das nenne ich " Freiheit! !! Solange es noch geht, werde ich in solchen Casinos spielen, die meine Speile haben , wie z.BV. Microgaming und andere"
Sie können ja jetzt nur noch Bewertungen machen, über die angeblich für Deutsche "legal Casinos " traurig, ich hoffe , es kommt bald mal anders!
実は、あなたは間違っています。私たちは見つけたすべてのカジノを常にレビューしていますが、ドイツのプレーヤーについては、DE ライセンスを取得したカジノのみを表示することが許可されています。
GGL 万歳ですね? 😀
Actually, you're wrong. We keep reviewing all casinos we find, but for German players, we are allowed to show only those DE-licensed.
Hail to GGL, right? 😀
So that was actually exactly the word you mentioned correctly and the reasoning too, because that's basically what I said!!!
So you still follow a German law that treats us German citizens like we're in kindergarten?
What else should I express my opinion on here? This is all pointless!
I really don't wonder anymore why the AFD party is making gains in Germany, it's really no wonder anymore!
also war eigentlich ja genau das von Ihnen richtig erwähnte Wort und die Begründung auch, weil das ist im Prinzip die meinige Aussage!!!
Also auf Grund eines deutschen Gesetzes, welches uns deutschen Bürgern wie im Kindergarten behandelt, dem folgen Sie auch noch?
Zu was soll ich dann hier noch meine Meinung äussern? Das ist somit alles sinnlos!
ich wundere mich echt nicht mehr, warum auch in Deutschland die Partei AFD Zugewinne hat, ist wirklich kein Wunder mehr!
ドイツの法律とドイツ国民に対する政府のアプローチの状況はかなり悲しいと言わざるを得ません。残念ながら、これはそれほど大きな話題ではないギャンブルに関連しています (ほとんどの人はオンラインでギャンブルをしません)。これはほんの始まりにすぎず、他の分野にも広がり、より多くの人に影響を与えるのではないかと心配しています。徐々に自由を失っていきます。選手を守るべきではないと言っているわけではありませんが、別の方法で保護することもできます。たとえば、英国にもギャンブル関連の規則がありますが、ドイツの場合よりもはるかに優れていることは間違いありません。
I must say the situation with the German law and government's approach towards German citizens is pretty sad. Unfortunately, it's related to gambling which isn't so huge topic (most of people don't gamble online). I'm afraid this is just the beginning and it will spread into other areas that will affect more and more people. You slowly lose your freedom. I'm not saying the players shouldn't be protected, but you can do it differently. For example the UK has gambling-related rules as well, but it's definitely much better than in case of Germany
ドイツの法律とドイツ国民に対する政府のアプローチの状況はかなり悲しいと言わざるを得ません。残念ながら、これはそれほど大きな話題ではないギャンブルに関連しています (ほとんどの人はオンラインでギャンブルをしません)。これはほんの始まりにすぎず、他の分野にも広がり、より多くの人に影響を与えるのではないかと心配しています。徐々に自由を失っていきます。選手を守るべきではないと言っているわけではありませんが、別の方法で保護することもできます。たとえば、英国にもギャンブル関連の規則がありますが、ドイツの場合よりもはるかに優れていることは間違いありません。
I must say the situation with the German law and government's approach towards German citizens is pretty sad. Unfortunately, it's related to gambling which isn't so huge topic (most of people don't gamble online). I'm afraid this is just the beginning and it will spread into other areas that will affect more and more people. You slowly lose your freedom. I'm not saying the players shouldn't be protected, but you can do it differently. For example the UK has gambling-related rules as well, but it's definitely much better than in case of Germany
私はこの声明に完全に同意しており、ドイツがこれを修正することを願うばかりです。ドイツ人がジャックポットを獲得した場合、そのお金は通常ドイツ国内で使われるため、国家は自らの身を削っている。売上が増えると税金も増えるなどの施策は理解できません。特に、他のカジノはすでにドイツ国民に対するこれらの措置を回避しているためです。これは選挙に悪影響を及ぼします。たとえば、AFD はそのような弱点や法則を利用するため、AFD はより強力になります。これに同意する国民がますます増えており、私も同様です。しかし、それは私がAFDの有権者であるという事実とは何の関係もありません、いいえ、私はこの政党を拒否します。しかし、彼らが正しいことの一つは、私たちドイツ人は幼稚園と同じように扱われており、私は後見人制度には賛成ではないということです。私を法律で「閉じ込め」ようとする人は確かに必要ありません。また、ドイツのライセンスを取得した宝くじやカジノは合法と記載されているので、ドイツのカジノには中毒者はいないのでしょうか?実際、大衆を本当に馬鹿にしているのです!
I fully agree with this statement and can only hope that Germany will correct this! The state is cutting itself into the ground because when jackpots are won by Germans, this money is usually spent in Germany. Sales increase, and so do taxes, etc. So you can't understand these measures. Especially since other casinos are already circumventing these measures for German citizens. This has a negative impact on the elections. AFD, for example, uses such weaknesses and laws, so the AFD becomes stronger. More and more citizens agree with this, and so do I. But it has nothing to do with the fact that I am an AFD voter, no, I reject this party. However, in one thing they are right, we Germans are treated like in kindergarten and I am not in favor of guardianship! I certainly don't need someone who wants to "lock me up" in the law. In addition, the lottery and casinos with a German license are described as legal, so there are no addicts at German casinos? actually a real dumbing down of the masses!
I refuse.
Diese Aussage teile ich voll und ganz und kann nur hoffen, daß Deutschland das wieder korrigiert! Der Staat schneidet sich ins eigene Fleisch, denn wenn Jackpots durch Deutsche gewonnen werden, wird auch dieses Geld meist in Deutschland ausgegeben. Der Umsatz steigt, damit auch Steuern etc. Also begreifen kann man diese Maßnahmen nicht. Zumal bereits wieder andere Casinos ohnehin diese Maßnahmen für deutsche Bürger um gehen. Nachteilig dazu wirkt sich das bei den Wahlen aus. AFD z.B. nutzt doch solche Schwächen und Gesetze, also wird die AFD stärker. Immer mehr Bürger stimmen dem zu, und diese Sache ich auch. hat aber nichts damit zu tun, daß ich AFD Wähler bin, nein diese Partei lehne ich ab, Jedoch in einem haben die Recht, wir Deutschen werden wie in Kindergarten behandelt und ich bin nicht für eine Vormundschaft! schon gar nicht benötige ich jemanden, der mich im Recht " einsperren " will. Zudem wird Lotto, und Casinos mit deutscher Lizenz als Legal bezeichnet, also gibt es bei deutschen Casinos keine Süchtigen ? eigentlich eine echte Verdummung der Massen !
í lehne ich ab.
I have heard many times that living in Germany is like being in an "invisible" cage. I think you feel the same.
Are you convinced there is a way to change the current level of daily regulations?
I hope there is.
Bad gaming experience, I won and they haven't paid out the money for 7 days, I also didn't even use the bonuses to avoid disputes
Pessima esperienza di gioco , ho vinto e da 7 giorni non erogano i soldi , inoltre non ho usufruito nemmeno dei bonus proprio per evitare controversie
とにかく、出金に関しては、カジノはなぜ 7 日かかったのかについても説明しました。もうアカウントを確認しましたか?また、出金を解決するためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予期間を与えていることも付け加えておきたいと思います。
Hi, I'm sorry for the situation you're in. I looked at the casino's safety index right away and I see that it is quite low and we have a lot of warnings. Did you see that too? I'd be careful before depositing in this casino if I'm honest.
Anyway, as for your withdrawal, the casino also told you why it took 7 days ? Have you verified your account yet ? I would also like to add that we give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawals.
Nevertheless, I also noticed that you have filed a complaint so I hope that it will be possible to resolve your situation.
I will wait for the answer.
こんにちは、私のアカウントは確認されました。また、サポート チャットで言われた現在のアカウントの入金先の書類も確認されました。 画面を添付します )、すべてが順調で、私のゲームは非常に規則的であったにもかかわらず、残念ながら、彼らはこの遅延について説明しませんでした。
Hi, my account is verified and also the documents of my current account where to credit as I was told by the support chat I attach screen), unfortunately they never explained this delay even though everything was in order and my games were very regular!!
Ciao il mio account è verificato e anche i documenti del mio conto corrente dove accreditare così come mi è stato riferito dalla chat in assistenza allego screen) , purtroppo non hanno mai motivati questo ritardo nonostante fosse tutto in ordine e le mie giocate regolarissime !!
Unfortunately I only saw later that the reliability index is very low, otherwise I would never have played, the fact is that to date I don't have an answer from them and I can't understand why they don't give credit, I honestly think they are scammers
Purtroppo ho visto solo dopo che L indice di affidabilità è bassissimo , se no non avrei mai giocato, sta di fatto che ad oggi non ho una risposta da parte loro e non riesco a capire perché non accreditino , penso onestamente siano dei truffatori
やあ。安全指数がかなり低いカジノに関しては、結果を推測するのが非常に難しい場合がほとんどです。 🙁
支払い遅延に関する苦情に対処する際に各カジノに提供する傾向にある次の 6 日間を彼らに与えましょう。それでは、見てみましょう。 🤔
Hi there. When it comes to casinos with rather low safety index, it's mostly quite tricky when it comes to guessing the result. 🙁
Needless to say, this particular casino is not very fond of dealing with players' complaints, it seems:
"Average value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size"
Let's give them next six days we tend to provide to each casino when dealing with complaint about delayed payment; then, we shall see. 🤔
I've seen, hopefully it's good, but unfortunately I no longer trust them, maybe they'll reply to us on the forum, this morning they sent an email saying that it's still under review, today is the 9th day!
Ho visto speriamo bene , ma purtroppo non mi fido più di loro , può darsi che ci rispondano sul forum , stamattina hanno inviato una mail dicendo che è ancora in fase di revisione , oggi è il 9 giorno !
I absolutely understand and sympathise with you. As for them answering here on the forum, it hasn't happened yet, so I wouldn't have high hopes.
However, when you say that you have received an email and the withdrawal is still under review, so be sure to update us if something else comes up.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Be strong.
Incredibly they paid me, I sent some additional documents (based on an experience on another site) but today, the 11th day, they paid me!!
remains the unreliability and terrible communication between customer service and the payment office which was the main reason why I doubted them! taking so much time induces the player to play but I didn't fall for it also because I was annoyed by their ways, in the end they paid I will also withdraw the complaint
Incredibilmente mi hanno pagato , io ho inviato dei documenti aggiuntivi ( forte di un’esperienza su un altro sito ) ma oggi 11º giorno mi hanno pagato !!
resta la scarsa affidabilità e la pessima comunicazione tra il servizio clienti e l’ufficio per i pagamenti che è stato il principale motivo per cui ho dubitato di loro ! impiegare così tanto tempo induce il giocatore a giocare ma io non ci sono cascato anche perché indispettito dai loro modi , alla fine hanno pagato ritirerò anche il reclamo
また、ご興味をお持ちいただきありがとうございます。今日からユーザーが 1 名増えました。あなたは本当に優秀です (たとえ私の状況が自然に解決したとしても) あなたのスキルと興味は賞賛に値することに今でも気づきました。
Also thank you for your interest, from today you have one more user!!! You are really good (even if my situation resolved itself) I still notice your skill and interest which are to be commended!
Inoltre vi ringrazio dell’interessamento da oggi avete un utente in più !!! Siete veramente bravi ( anche se la mia situazione si è risolta da sola ) noto comunque la vostra bravura e interessamento che sono da lodare !
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com