Is it time that the licensing authority also decides in favor of the customer ...
Wird Zeit das die Lizenzbehörde auch zugunsten des Kunden entscheidet....
Is it time that the licensing authority also decides in favor of the customer ...
Wird Zeit das die Lizenzbehörde auch zugunsten des Kunden entscheidet....
Do you think Daniel or someone of you could help me a little?
I think Daniel has the most know-how in sports betting ... that's right
Glaubst du Daniel oder jemand von euch könnte mir etwas helfen?
Ich denke das Daniel das meiste know how von Sportwetten hat..stimmts😉
Please, ask your questions and I'm sure that Daniel will try to help.
私が覚えているように、カジノはあなたが確認の電話に合格しなかったと述べました。申し訳ありませんが、これは私の知識分野ではありません。 🙁
As I recall the casino stated that you did not pass the verification call. I'm sorry but this is not my field of knowledge. 🙁
Yeah right
And believe me ... I've been playing sports bets and casino slots now and then ... and successfully ...
I have and had an account with many providers but there has never been anything like it ...
Und glaube mir....ich spiele seit über 20 Jahren sportwetten und Casinoslots ab und zu....und das erfolgreich...
Habe und hatte bei vielen Anbietern einen Account aber sowas gab es noch nie....
良い週末を。 🙂
I see. Well, the complaint has been dealt with and I can't change the result. Let's hope you will win elsewhere with no trouble getting the winnings.
Have a nice weekend. 🙂
Most of us in CasinoGuru are familiar with your case. Anyway, there's not much else we can do with it and honestly, my personal opinion is that Curacao licensing authority doesn't really deal with what's fair and what isn't. We've seen many cases where it was clear that the player is right, but the authority decided in favour of the casino. It's usually when a casino applies some unfair rules. We say: the rules are unfair, the player is right. Curacao licensing authority says: it was written in the rules, the player broke the rule, the casino is right. They don't really care whether the rules are fair or not.
Why does the authority issue licenses with unfair terms and conditions? They must be allowed to check it and forbid it.
I feel totally unfairly treated .. and it is abnormal if you do not sit on the longer lever. You can't do everything just to get the customer's money out of their pockets.
I'll try anyway and write them a complaint ....
Warum erteilt die Behörde Lizenzen mit unfairen AGBs? Die müssen es doch prüfen und untersagen dürfen.
Ich fühle mich total unfair behandelt..und es ist abartig wenn man nicht am längeren Hebel sitzt. Man kann nicht alles machen um den Kunden nur das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen.
Ich versuche es trotzdem und schreibe denen eine Beschwerde....
The authority issues the license, because they get paid for it. Then you have authorities with different approaches. There are authorities that are closely related to the national government. Whenever they issue a license, you can trust them. But then you have authorities that issues the license to basically anyone who pays for it.
Then it all depends on the casino. There are great casinos with very customer-friendly approach that are licensed in Curacao or they don't even have any license. But it's thanks to their management, not because they need to be like that, because they have the license.
For example you have casinos that are licensed in Costa Rica. I've never heard about a case where a player contacted the licensing authority and they would even reply to him.
What happens when you file a complaint?
Was passiert wenn man eine Beschwerde einrreicht?
こんにちは、これはまったく楽しい状況ではありません。私はあなたがすでに苦情を提出したことを知っています。苦情処理チームが問題を解決し、より明確にすることができることを願っています。ここでも議論の結果についてお知らせください。 🤞
Hello, this is not a pleasant situation at all. I can see you already submitted a complaint what is great. I hope our complaint team is able to sort things out and bring more clarification. Let us informed about the result also here in discussion please. 🤞
お金が欲しい それだけ
Hello Magda I still haven't answered so far I've sent several emails and simply the account that is my money has been deleted !!! But so far no reply
I just want my money that's all
too sad
Olá Magda ainda não me responderam até agora já mandei vários e-mails e simplesmente a conta que está meu dinheiro foi deletada !!! Mais até agora nada de responder
Só quero meu dinheiro só isso
Triste dmais
悪い !!処理された引き出しのメールを受け取りました。すべて問題ありませんでしたが、支払い時にアカウントが削除されました!!
Worse !! I received the emails of the processed withdrawals, everything was ok but when paying they deleted the account!!
O pior !! Recebi os e-mails dos saques processados , tudo certo mais na hora de pagar deletaram a conta !!
こんにちは、わかりますが、良いこともあります。 FEZbetカジノに関する他の苦情を私たちのウェブサイトでチェックしているとき. FEZbet カジノは過去にすべての苦情を解決しました。
Hi, I understand, but there is also positive thing. When I am checking other complaints regarding to FEZbet Casino here on our website. FEZbet Casino solved all complaints in the past what means they communicate very well with our complaint team.
I believe that your case will be resolved with positive result. Please just be patient now.
もちろん我慢です!!私が奇妙に思う唯一のことは、彼らが今まで私に連絡をとっていないことです!!チャットに連絡したのは私だけで、彼らは私に何も説明しません!!!入金時、または毎日のスピンを受け取りに行ったときに、彼らはアカウントをキャンセルしなかったためです!!彼らは私の引き出しの時に今キャンセルしました!!!私は彼らの仕事を信頼してfaz betに参加しましたが、彼らはそれについてとても悲しんでいます!!!
Of course I'm patient!! The only thing I find strange is that they haven't contacted me so far!! I was the only one who contacted the chat and they don't give me an explanation of anything !!! Because they didn't cancel the account at the time of my deposit or at the time I went to claim my daily spins!! They just canceled now at the time of my withdrawals!!! I entered the faz bet trusting their work and they are so sad about it!!!
Claro estou paciente !! Só oque eu acho estranho é que eles até agora não entraram em contato comigo !! Só eu que entrei em contato com o chat e eles não me dão explicação de nada !!! Porque eles não cancelaram a conta então na hora do meu depósito ou na hora que fui reinvindicar os meus giros diários!! Só cancelaram agora na hora do meus saques !!! Entrei na fez bet confiando no trabalho deles e estão tão triste com isso !!!
I'm outraged so far they haven't sent me any email explaining anything !!! I sent them more than 10 emails!!!
First they only left to say that my account was blocked after the amount of withdrawals there!! Why didn't they warn you sooner!???? This is all to steal the money that is rightfully mine
Estou indignada até agora não me mandaram nenhum e-mail explicando nada !!! Mandei mais de 10 e-mails pra eles !!!
Primeiro só deixaram para falar que minha conta foi bloqueada depois do valor dos saques lá!! Porque não avisaram antes !???? Isso tudo para roubar o dinheiro que é meu por direito
I'm outraged so far they haven't sent me any email explaining anything !!! I sent them more than 10 emails!!!
First they only left to say that my account was blocked after the amount of withdrawals there!! Why didn't they warn you sooner!???? This is all to steal the money that is rightfully mine
Estou indignada até agora não me mandaram nenhum e-mail explicando nada !!! Mandei mais de 10 e-mails pra eles !!!
Primeiro só deixaram para falar que minha conta foi bloqueada depois do valor dos saques lá!! Porque não avisaram antes !???? Isso tudo para roubar o dinheiro que é meu por direito
申し訳ありませんが、サポートの質と、スタッフがプレイヤーの問題にどのように対処するかについて説明するのはカジノ次第です。正直なところ、カジノがあなたに警告することができたのかどうか、またはどのように警告したのかさえわかりません。あなたのアカウントはまだ確認されていないことがわかっただけなので、これが最初の問題だと思います。アカウントと支払いオプションが確認されていない場合、カジノは引き出しを処理できませんが、一方で、いくつかの指示がすぐに送信されることを期待しています.できる限りのことを行い、 苦情が提出されました。苦情チームに対処するためのスペースを与えてください。
I'm sorry but it's up to the casino to explain the quality of support and how exactly the staff deals with players' issues. Well, I'm honestly not sure what is the matter I have no clue how or even if the casino was able to warn you or not. I only find out that your account has not been verified yet, so I guess that this is the first problem. Casino can't process any withdrawal if your account and payment option are not verified, on the other hand, I would expect some instructions to be sent immediately. You did what you could, and the complaint is submitted, now give the complaint team some space to deal with it, please.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com