ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、FreakyBillion Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Freaky Billion などの新しいサイトが、とんでもなく高い評価を得て CG に突然現れたのを見た人はいますか?
3 日前に入金し、ウェルカム ボーナスを選択しました。ボーナスは追加されず、送信したメールやメッセージに応答がありません。オンライン チャットもありませんか?
Hello all,
Anyone seen these new sites Freaky Billion etc suddenly pop up on CG with ridiculously good ratings?
I deposited three days ago and selected the welcome bonus. It didn't add and had no responses to email or messages sent? There is also no chat online?
Scam site maybe?
このカジノの安全性指数は 7.1/10 に設定されており、新しいカジノです。したがって、これを「とんでもなく良い評価」と呼ぶことは絶対にできません。
I'm sorry for this issue you have experienced there. Was it somehow resolved by now?
The safety index of this casino is set for 7.1/10 and it is a fresh casino. So i really wouldn't call it " ridiculously good rating" for sure.
Here you can read about it's safety index and what it includes. Maybe it can help you understand it better.
If you have any questions, please come forward.😉
7.1 はとんでもなく良いです。
何も解決されていません。チャットは機能せず、メッセージを送信しても応答がありません。4 通のメールにも応答がありません。ドキュメントは 5 日前にアップロードされましたが、チェックされていません。
7.1 is ridiculously good.
Nothing has been resolved. The chat doesnt work, you just send a message and no response. No response to 4 emails. Documents were uploaded 5 days ago, not checked.
Bonus still not added...
このカジノにいつサインアップしたのか教えていただけますか? 今のところ、何か最新情報はありますか?
Well, as you can see, it is a fresh casino, and we have to wait to see how this casino will act, and only then can we change the safety index.
I surely understand your frustration and as I saw in your complaint you have the right to be upset from the way this casino acted. I hope that our team will be able to help you out with your case and the casino will resolve the issue.
May I ask when did you sigh up to this casino? Do you have any updates by now, by any chance?
CG の限定ボーナスを通じてサインアップしました。CG が明らかに詐欺かプレイヤー向けに設定されていないカジノと提携しているのは残念です。ユーザー レビュー セクションを見ると、多くのプレイヤーが私と同じ問題を抱えているようです。
Signed up through CGs exclusive bonus. Shame CG is affiliating with a casino thats obviously a scam or not setup for players. Many players seem to have had the same issue as me if you look at the user reviews section.
「FreakyBillion カジノの安全性指数は 7.1 です。しかし、これは最も新しいオンライン カジノの 1 つであるため、安全性を完全に評価するにはデータが不足している可能性があります。そのため、現時点では新しいオンライン カジノとして分類しています。このカジノについてさらに詳しく知り、自分にとって良い選択かどうかを判断するには、FreakyBillion カジノのレビューを読み続けてください。 」
それぞれの新しいカジノがどの程度準備ができているかを予測する方法が本当にあると思いますか? 当社にはそのようなツールはありませんが、未知のカジノであっても可能な限り最善の方法でレビューできるよう最善を尽くしています。
I understand that for you, that casino is obviously a scam with a not-so-good user rating.
On the other hand, even your complaint has not finished yet, nothing has been proven so far. I imagine how that sounds, but try to keep in mind that we inform players that playing at a new casino is a risk. Yet still, there are players who wish to test freshly opened casinos, despite the fact that these sites are quite unknown to the world.
"FreakyBillion Casino has a Safety Index of 7.1. But since it is one of the newest online casinos, we may lack sufficient data to fully assess its safety. Which is why we have categorized it as a Fresh online casino for now. Keep reading our FreakyBillion Casino review to learn more about this casino and decide whether it is a good choice for you."
I mean, until any casino is proven unfair, no one knows for certain. Hence, we are glad to hear about any experiences shared on the forum or through the user reviews, despite these are just hints for other players.
Do you truly believe there is a way to predict how ready each fresh casino is? We don't have such a tool, but we are still trying our best to review even unknown casinos in the best way possible.
より効率的で論理的な方法は、新しいブランドとあまり提携しないことです (このブランドのすべてのカジノでは、独占オファーがあります)。つまり、サインアップ時に魅力的なキックバックが得られるということです。
FRESH CASINO に 7 の評価を付けるのはやめたほうがいいでしょう。ギャンブラーがそれを見ると心理的な影響があることはご存じでしょう。プレイヤーの安全を第一に考えるなら、「評価なし - FRESH CASINO」と書くほうが理にかなっています。カジノに一定の妥当性があることを確認するために、評価は 3 か月後に発行されるという免責事項を添えてください。
A more efficient and logical way would not to affiliate heavily with a new brand (All the casinos in this brand you have EXCLUSIVE OFFERS with). Which means you get a tasty kickback when there is a sign up.
It would be better not to Grade a FRESH CASINO as a 7. You know the psychological impact that has when a gambler sees it. It would be more logical, if you put players safety first to put - 'UNRATED - FRESH CASINO'. With a disclaimer that ratings are issued afer 3 months to ensure a casino has SOME validity.
All you have to do is look at the players reviews to see the same thing is happening to anyone that signs up.
アドバイスありがとうございます。しかし、カジノの審査プロセスは今のところ同じままだと思います。将来何かが変わるかもしれませんが、私たちはそれを改善しようとします。新しいカジノはプレイヤーにとって馴染みがなく、安全性指数 7 はカジノが良いと思う人がいるかもしれないことは理解しています。いずれにせよ、潜在的なリスクは高いので、プレイヤー自身がそれを知っておくべきだと私は言いたいです。
Thanks for the advice but I think the casino review process will remain the same for now. Maybe something will change in the future and we will try to improve it. We understand that new casinos are unfamiliar to players and the safety index 7 may make someone think that the casino is good. Anyway, I would rather say that the potential risk is higher and the players themselves should know that.
So what I would recommend is to read more carefully and if a player has the urge to try new casinos sometimes take responsibility for it. Or on the other hand, tell yourself that if you don't have enough information you won't deposit somewhere that is not verified.
プレイヤーを保護する論理的かつ効率的な方法を提案しましたが、上記のような回答でした。なぜなのか不思議です... (入金をためらう人が出て、独占ボーナスから得られる利益が減るからです)。
Typical affiliate response.
Offered a logical, efficient way forward that would protect players and the above is your response. I wonder why... (Because it would put me people off depositing and you would get less of a kick back from your EXCLUSIVE BONUSES).
I don't think that's an affiliate answer at all. That's all you're grasping at. If you go through the casinos that are fresh on our site, you'll see that they all have it. There's just a certain process that applies to casinos indiscriminately. You keep talking about the same thing and affiliate partnerships, which has nothing to do with it at all. Don't you think if it was about that, the casino would have had 9/10 a long time ago ? Wouldn't we say it's fresh? Sometimes you have to think about some things because you are quite subjective.
I totally understand what you meant to say, but I don't think that based on that, we're going to overhaul the whole system right now and it's going to be the way you want it to be. I just meant that players have the possibility to check user reviews, complaints and in today's world to find information on the internet in a few seconds. If I go somewhere to give my money and it's not verified because I don't know much about it, is it safe ? If a player goes to play just on the basis of one impulse, then I think sooner or later such problems will continue to set in.
And that's why I said that sometimes you have to take responsibility for your decisions before you blame someone.
あなたのサイトは、「新鮮」という言葉が持つ肯定的な意味合いを理解しており、サイトを「7」と評価しています。私は、将来的にこれを防ぐための実用的で効率的な方法を提案しました。プレイヤーを保護し、「独占」ボーナスがある新しい未証明のカジノを売り込まないことです。あなたも Radka もこれを拒否し、回避しようとしました。
It’s not grasping, it’s fact.
Your site knows the positive connotations ‘Fresh’ has and grading a site as ‘7’. I’ve offered a practical and efficient way of preventing this in future. Protecting players and not pushing new unproven casinos you have ‘Exclusive’ Bonuses with. Both you and Radka have declined this and attempted deflection.
Sleep well at night.
Im done with discussion. People can see this for what is and it isn’t the first time your site has done this.
But it’s always the players fault 🤢
50 FS NDB は「今すぐプレイ、後で支払う」ボーナス カテゴリに分類されるべきだとだけ言っておきます。なぜなら、これらの 50 FS からのお金はロックされており、条件付きの回転は実際のお金でのみ可能だからです。もちろん、登録したときにのみわかります。そして今、カジノは、何度ブロックしても、何ヶ月も私のメールを攻撃し続けます 🫤🫤
Let me just say that 50 FS NDB should be in the "Play now, pay later" bonus category, because the money from those 50 FS is locked, and conditional turnover is only possible with real money. Of course, you will only find out when you register. And now the casino will bombard my email for months, no matter how many times I block them 🫤🫤
Само да кажем да 50 ФС НДБ треба да буде у категорији бонуса "Играј сада, уплати касније" , зато што је новац од тих 50 ФС закључан, а условни обрт је могућ само са правим новцем. Наравно то ћете сазнати тек када се региструјете. И сада ће казино месецима да ми бомбардује е-маил, без обзира колико пута их блокирам 🫤🫤
Therefore, the casino immediately loses its credibility, and no deposit is out of the question. I haven't even verified the account yet and they've already started scamming. FreakyBillion thanks, and bye ... keep your FS
Самим тим казино одмах губи на кредибилитету, и никакав депозит не долази у обзир. Још нисам ни верификовао налог, а они су већ почели да муљају. FreakyBillion хвала, и довиђења ... задржите ваше ФС
And therefore it is really important to read the terms of every bonus beforehand so any future issues can be avoided.
It should always be stated there for all players to read.
Do you usually read the terms of bonuses?
私はいつもルールを読むわけではありません。特に NDB がボーナスである場合はそうです。なぜなら、カジノがすべての権利を持ち、何でも好きなことができるということを最終的に理解するために、ルールは読むのに長い時間がかかるように書かれているからです。
I don't always read the rules, especially if the ndb is a bonus. Because they are written in such a way that it takes a long time to read them, in order to finally see that the casino has all the rights, and can do whatever it wants.
Не читам увек правила, поготово ако је ндб бонус. Зато што су тако написана да је потребно пуно времена прочитати, да би на крају увидео да казина има сва права, и може да ради шта год хоће.
The thing is that if you read the rules beforehand you can decide whether play or not with the bonus, because if you don't like the terms you just choose not to take it.
Of course, aside from the fact that you are better informed if you read the terms, right.
Do you get my meaning?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com