ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Galactic Wins Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
注意❗️Galaxynoカジノ、Bcasino、およびBooカジノ(すべてGreen Feather Online Ltdが所有)は、非常に非現実的なボーナス条件に依存して賞金を無効にし、資金を維持する日陰のカジノです。ユーザーがGalaxynoまたはその姉妹カジノに資金を投入することを避けることを強くお勧めします。
BEWARE❗️Galaxyno casino, Bcasino, and Boo Casino (all owned by Green Feather Online Ltd) are shady casinos that rely on extremely unrealistic bonus terms and conditions to void your winnings and keep the funds for themselves. It is strongly recommended that users avoid placing their funds with Galaxyno or its sister casinos.
What kind of "unrealistic bonus terms and conditions" are you talking about? Can you be more specific?
「ボーナスを選択」ページでは、最大$ 30 CADまでの30%の一致が可能です。例えば:
デポジット:$ 25.00
ボーナス:$ 7.50
彼らは、デポジットとボーナスの両方を合計すると、40倍の賭け条件を要求します。 $ 32.50x40 = 1300ドルの賭け条件。 $ 7.50のボーナスのばかげた要件。
許可される賭けは$ 4.00 CADまたはボーナスの10%(2つのうち少ない方)です。
$ 7.50の10%はわずか75セントです。
最大ボーナスは$ 30です。ただし、最大ボーナスの10%はたったの$ 3.00です…$ 4.00ではありません。
T&Cは、プレイヤーをだますことを唯一の目的として提示されます。 10%のルールは、ほとんどのオンラインカジノでは前例のないものです。 10%のルールに違反する不注意な賭けは厳守され、これらのカジノは毎回あなたの賞金を無効にします。彼らはこれを頼りにしています。
最後の侮辱は、これらのばかげた要件が満たされると、カジノは引き出しを行うために$ 7.50を要求します。
The "pick your bonus" page allows a 30% match up to a maximum of $30 CAD. For example:
Deposit: $25.00
Bonus: $7.50
They demand 40x wagering requirements for both the deposit and the bonus added together. $32.50x40 = $1300 wagering requirements. Ridiculous requirement for a $7.50 bonus.
Allowed bets are $4.00 CAD or 10% of the bonus (lesser of the two).
10% of $7.50 is only 75 cents.
The max bonus is $30. However 10% of the max bonus is only $3.00…not $4.00.
The T&C’s are presented with the sole purpose of duping the player. The 10% rule is unheard of in most online casinos. Inadvertent betting that breaks the 10% rule is strongly adhered to and these casinos will void your winnings every time. They count on this.
The final insult is, once these ridiculous requirements are met, the casino demands the $7.50 back in order to make a withdrawal.
Hello, its reputation is not good and we announced info about unfair Bonus Terms and Conditions we'd found. This is an interesting example.
こんにちは私はギャラクシーノカジノに預けて、スルーでプレーしました。私のボーナスと私は700の引き出しをしましたが、魔女は大丈夫だと確認しなければなりませんでしたが、引き出しを待つと、ルールに4ドルを賭けて、引き出しが得られなかったと言って減少しました。私はプレイして$ 4の金額を賭けましたが、そのゲームで勝ったことはありませんでしたが、彼らは私の撤退を取り去りました。デポジットボーナスが特定の金額を超えて賭けることを許可されていない場合、ゲームはその金額を超えて賭けることを許可するべきではありません。ゲームはボーナス額を超えて賭けることを許可します。
Hi I deposited on Galaxyno casino and played thru. My bonus and I did a withdrawal of 700 had to do verification witch was ok but then on waiting for withdrawal got a decline say a had bet over the 4 dollars on the rules and would no get my withdrawal a got a print out and the games I played and bet over the $4 amount I never won any thing on that game and yet they took my withdrawal away they set u up so ur never win . If ur deposit bonus states ur not allowed to bet over certain amount the game should not allow you to bet over that amount there games allow ur to bet over the bonus amount then wen you win they Decine ur withdrawal saying u bet over what a scam
What you're describing is a standard thing. Yes, it would be the best if it wasn't even possible to bet over $4 while playing with the bonus, but that's not how it works in most of casinos. In other casinos, they tell you in the terms and conditions that some slots are forbidden to play while you have a bonus on your account, but the system still lets you play them. Your winnings are voided in case you win...
Even though you didn't win anything when you bet over 4, you managed to complete the wagering requirement faster if you played with higher bets compared to another player who tried to complete the wagering requirement by betting amounts below 4.
Do not just bypass this scripted eatery. But also tell all your friends so that everyone knows that this is a real garbage dump from which it carries a mile away. Such people should be driven from the market ...
Не просто обходите стороной эту скриптовую забегаловку.а еще и всем своим знакомым расскажите,чтоб все знали что это самая настоящая помойка от котторой несет за версту.таких надо гнать с рынка...
I can see that we found this casino uses unfair terms and conditions, so I would like to know what happened to you. Is there any issue you are unable to solve with the casino directly, do you need a helping hand?
You have not submitted the complaint, so we have no clue about what's happened.
前回の入金不要フリースピンから、なんとかスピンアップしました。私は賭けを始めました。ボーナス残高は+15ドルでした。 $1.50 の 10% の賭けに違反することなく賭けが行われました。しかし、以前のデポジットなしのフリースピンからのすべての賞金の合計 + $15 をプレイすることを余儀なくされ、最大許容ベットは最後のフリースピンの賞金から残っていたことが判明しました。
.最初のボーナス残高または最終的な引き出しは $15.06 だったかもしれませんが、この金額には最近有効化されたすべてのボーナス (16 ボーナス) が含まれています。それらはすべて失われ、最後のボーナスは $9.62 でした。したがって、最大賭け金は $1.50 ではなく、約 $0.96 でした。最初から $15.06 がボーナス残高にあり、それに応じて賭け条件が設定されていたことを証明できないため、残念ながらこれはあなたの主張にすぎず、関連性があるとは言えません。
詳細はこちら: https://kasinoguru-ua.com/galaxyno-casino-vigrash-gravtsja-bulo-konfiskovano
結論: カジノは常に賞金を支払わない方法を見つけます。
From the last no-deposit free spins, I managed to spin up. I started playing the wager. The bonus balance showed +15 dollars. Wager played without violating the 10% bet of $1.50. But it turned out that I was forced to play the sum of all winnings from previous no-deposit free spins + $15, and the maximum allowable bet was left from the winnings of the last free spins
. Although your initial bonus balance or final withdrawal may have been $15.06, this amount includes all of the most recently activated bonuses (16 bonuses). They were all lost and the last bonus was $9.62. Thus, the maximum bet was not $1.50, but approximately $0.96. Since you can't prove that the $15.06 was in your bonus balance to begin with and the wagering requirements were set accordingly, unfortunately this is only your claim and we can't find it relevant.
More details here: https://kasinoguru-ua.com/galaxyno-casino-vigrash-gravtsja-bulo-konfiskovano
Conclusion: the casino will always find a way not to pay out the winnings.
З останніх бездепозитних фріспінів вдалося розкрутитися.Почав відігравати вагер.Бонусний баланс показував +15 доларів. Вагер відіграв,не порушуючи 10%-ну ставку 1,50 доларів.Але виявилось,що мені втулили відігравати суму всіх виграшів з попередніх бездепозитних фріспінів +15 доларів,а максимально допустиму ставку залишили з виграшу останніх фріспінів
. Хоча ваш початковий бонусний баланс або остаточне відрахування могли становити 15,06 доларів США, ця сума включає всі останні активовані бонуси (16 бонусів). Усі вони були програні, а останній бонус склав $9,62. Таким чином, максимальна ставка склала не $1,50, а приблизно $0,96. Оскільки ви не можете довести, що 15,06 доларів США було на вашому бонусному балансі на початку, і вимоги щодо ставок були встановлені відповідно, на жаль, це лише ваша претензія, і ми не можемо вважати її доречною.
Докладніше тут:https://kasinoguru-ua.com/galaxyno-casino-vigrash-gravtsja-bulo-konfiskovano
Висновок:казино завжди знайде спосіб не виплачувати виграш.
「PVD2021 様、
私は、カジノの決定を裏付ける十分な証拠を提供されました。必要なすべての情報とデータを収集した後、カジノのボーナス利用規約に違反しているため、この苦情は不当であるとして終了します - ボーナスでプレイ中の最大ベット額を超えました.このボーナスから獲得した賞金を受け取る権利はありません。さらに、カジノにはプレイヤーのアカウントをいつでも閉鎖する権利があり、あなたの残高はゼロでした。
カジノは、その主張を確認するのに十分なデータを提供することができました.最初のボーナス残高または最終控除額は $15,06 であった可能性がありますが、この金額には最後に有効化されたすべてのボーナス (16 ボーナス) が含まれます。それらはすべて失われ、最後のボーナスは $9,62 でした。したがって、最大賭け金は $1.50 ではなく、約 $0.96 でした。最初に $15,06 がボーナス残高にあり、それに応じて賭け条件が設定されていたことを証明できないため、残念ながら、それはあなたの主張にすぎず、関連性があるとは見なされません。
I'm sorry that your complaint was closed as unjustified. Everybody can check it out here.
Allow me to paste in the explanation:
"Dear PVD2021,
I was provided with sufficient evidence supporting the casino's decision. After gathering all the necessary information and data, we are closing this complaint as unjustified due to breaching the casino's Bonus Terms and Conditions - the maximum bet amount while playing with the bonus was exceeded. You are not entitled to the winnings obtained from this bonus. Moreover, the casino has the right to close a player's account anytime, and your balance was zero.
The casino was able to provide us with enough data to confirm its claims. Although your initial bonus balance or a final deduction could have been $15,06, this amount includes all lastly activated bonuses (16 bonuses). All of them were lost and the last bonus was $9,62. Therefore, the maximum bet was not $1,50, but approximately $0,96. Since you cannot prove that $15,06 was in your bonus balance at the beginning and the wagering requirements were set accordingly, unfortunately, it is just your claim and we cannot consider it relevant.
Assuming that you were aware of the rule stating the maximum bet amount and the value of the last bonus, and the fact that you accepted the casino's Terms and Conditions upon registration or claiming the bonus, the casino acted correctly and within its rules.
それから数日後、私は 25 レアルを入金するというオファーを受け取り、プレイするために 75 レアルを獲得しました
Hi so I made my registration on this platform.
Then a few days later I received an offer to deposit 25 reais and I would earn 75 to play
I made the deposit and went to play
Ko deposit had no description of where to play or not
I just had that I would need to complete the bet limit..
So I started playing at the casino
I won a value of 600 reais
I went to try to withdraw and saw that there was this bet restriction
I contacted support and he told me that I would have to bet ..
So I went back and started the bet
And get 5000k earnings
Bet limit has been completed
I contacted to withdraw and
They ask for my documents
account statement
Proof of address
And today I received an email saying that my won amount was canceled
because i played invalid game
How and what I played
And it was stated there that I had complied with the withdrawal rules
I want a solution
because if I wasn't supposed to play
The platform should cancel the game at the same time
But I didn't make 5000k earnings
Now you come to say that it was Invalid?
I'm going after my rights I'm going to denounce the platform
I'm going to the police station
Because I'm in my right
And I want my money
Oi então eu fiz meu cadastro nessa plataforma .
Aí com ums dias recebi uma oferta de depósito de 25 reais e ganharia 75 pra jogar
Fiz o depósito e fui jogar
Ko depósito nao tinha descrição de onde jogar ou não
Só tinha que eu tinha que eu precisaria completar o limite de aposta..
Então eu comecei a jogar no cassino
Ganhei um valor de 600 reais
Fui tentar sacar e vir que tinha essa restrição de aposta
Entrei em contato com o suporte e ele me disse que teria que aposta ..
Então voltei e comecei a aposta
E conseguir 5000mil de ganhos
O limite de aposta foi completado
Entrei em Contato pra sacar e
Eles pedio meus documentos
Extrato de conta
Comprovante de residência
E hoje recebi um email dizendo que meu valor ganho foi cancelado
Pq eu joguei jogo inválido
Como E que eu joguei
E foi Constado lá que eu tinha comprido as regras de saque
Eu quero uma solução
Pq se não era pra eu jogar
A plataforma deveia anula na msm hora o jogo
Mas n eu fiz 5000mil de ganhos
Agora vem dizer que foi Inválido?
Eu vou atrás dos meus direitos vou denucia a plataforma
Vou na delegacia
Porque estou no meu direito
E quero meu dinheiro
I already wrote above that this is a casino scam! They will always find a reason not to pay out the winnings!
Я вище вже писав,що це казино-скам!Вони завжди знайдуть причину не виплачувати виграш!
Would it be possible for us to file a lawsuit and denounce them on this platform? We have to fight for our right
Será que teria como nos fazer uma ação judicial e denunciar eles essa plataforma nos temos que lutar por nosso direito
そのため、 苦情を確認し、さらに詳しい情報を提供してください。
allow me to comment about the "lawsuit" as well.
It's good that you submitted the complaint here, and I strongly recommend paying attention to it now. Based on how your complaint develops only after I would consider the next steps, but first things first, do you agree?
So please, check your complaint and provide us with further information.
Thank you.
I'm sorry that your complaint was closed as unjustified, but you breached the max bet rule. I understand that you feel cheated, but according to our findings, the casino did not scam you.
Always pay attention to rules especially if you play with the bonus, please.
苦情の中で、許可されている最大賭け金を超えていないという事実を述べました。唯一のことは、私が獲得したはずのボーナスの額を証明できなかったことです ($15+、カジノの担当者によって発明されたものではなく、つまり 2 倍少ない)、スクリーンショット。そして、このセスプールの他のカジノのように、完了後にボーナスの金額を設定する他のオプションはありません。
In my complaints, I stated the facts that I did not exceed the maximum allowed bet. The only thing is that I could not prove the amount of the bonus that I should have won ($15+, not the one invented by the casino representative, i.e. twice less ), screenshot. And there are simply no other options to set the amount of the bonus after its completion, as in other casinos in this cesspool.
Here's another player who had their winnings revoked:
Likewise, my winnings were canceled. They wrote that he played prohibited games. I realized that I had been playing jackpot slots for a while.
Although there is no such thing in the rules of the bonus!
Я в своїх повідомленнях в скарзі наводив факти,що я не перевищував максимально дозволену ставку.Єдине що я не зміг доказати суму бонусу ,яку я повинен був відіграти (15+$,а не ту,що придумав представник казино,тобто в два рази меншу), скріншотом.А інших опцій встановити суму бонусу після його завершення як в інших казино в цій помийці просто немає.
Ось інший гравець,якому відмінили виграш:
Аналогічно і мені анулювали виграш. Написали, що грав у заборонені ігри. Я так зрозумів, що якийсь час я грав у слоти з джекпотом.
Хоч в правилах бонусу цього немає!
I can't change that, so if you feel that there is something new you can add to the already closed complaint, ask the complaint to be reopened, please.
Sadly, such a short quote provides no explanation to me, since I have no clue to which complaint it belongs.
Just note that not only do the bonus terms apply, but even the general rules must be taken into the consideration all the time.
サポートは、何を提供する必要があるかを説明する必要があります 🤔
sadly, I have no clue what this clearing number is. Can you advise, please?
The support should explain what needs to be provided 🤔
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com