ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Gamblemax Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
2ヶ月以上前に46200.00を勝ちました。アカウント認証のために 50 を入金し、入金したら出金をリクエストしました。数週間経ってもメールが届かなかったので、サポートにメールで問い合わせました。この時点で、彼らは最大5〜30分の即時引き出しのためにさらに30を入金するようにアドバイスしました。これを実行しましたが、アカウントに46200.00が引き落とされたことが反映されているにもかかわらず、数週間経っても何も届きません。今ではサポートが一斉に通信をやめてしまいました。それは詐欺です。
I won 46200.00 over 2 months ago. I deposited 50 for account verification and once I did I requested my withdrawal. After a few weeks of not receiving it I contacted support through email. At this point they advised me to deposit 30 more for instant withdrawal 5-30 min max. I did this and still weeks later have received nothing even though my account reflects-46200.00 being withdrawn. Now support has quit communication all together. It's a scam.
2ヶ月以上前に46200.00を勝ちました。アカウント認証のために 50 を入金し、入金したら出金をリクエストしました。数週間経ってもメールが届かなかったので、サポートにメールで問い合わせました。この時点で、彼らは最大5〜30分の即時引き出しのためにさらに30を入金するようにアドバイスしました。これを実行しましたが、アカウントに46200.00が引き落とされたことが反映されているにもかかわらず、数週間経っても何も届きません。今ではサポートが一斉に通信をやめてしまいました。それは詐欺です。
I won 46200.00 over 2 months ago. I deposited 50 for account verification and once I did I requested my withdrawal. After a few weeks of not receiving it I contacted support through email. At this point they advised me to deposit 30 more for instant withdrawal 5-30 min max. I did this and still weeks later have received nothing even though my account reflects-46200.00 being withdrawn. Now support has quit communication all together. It's a scam.
さて、あなたはこれを見たことがないと思います: https://casino.guru/gamblemax-casino-review#tab=js-tab-reputation
安全性指数 10 点中 0.6 は非常に説得力があります 🙁:
Well, I bet you have not seen this: https://casino.guru/gamblemax-casino-review#tab=js-tab-reputation
Safety index 0,6 out of 10 is quite convincing 🙁:
"Very high value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size"
Not much to help with, I'm afraid.
これが見えるまで待ってください。彼らは私に、賞金をすぐに受け取ることができるように、さらに 30 ドルを入金するようにアドバイスしました。それで私は46200をオフにしようとしました。その 30 ドルで 800,000 を超えました。
そして、私は決して10セントを見ることはないと確信しています。アカウントを確認するために 50 ドルを入金し、賞金を受け取るために 30 ドルを入金した結果、約 900,000 ドルを獲得しました。これは私が今まで見た中で最大の詐欺です。誰も自分が要求した出金を実現できるとは思えません。
wait until you see this. They advised me to deposit thirty more dollars so that I could get my Winnings instantly. So I did trying to get the 46200 an off. That $30 I won over 800000.
And i'm sure I will never see dime. So after depositing 50 to verify my account and 30 to get my winnings I have won around 900,000.00 This is by far the biggest scam I've ever seen. I don't expect anyone will get there withdrawals they've requested.
残念ながら、あなたのこの事件もハッピーエンドではないと思います。私が唯一お勧めできるのは、絶対にここには行かず、避けることです。 😥
I have written with many players about this casino who have had the exact same situation as you. I have a feeling that the casino probably has some kind of strategy, because all the people who have come in describe the exact same thing. Also, the winnings that everyone has recorded seem crazy high to me, but the casino hasn't paid out anything to anyone so far.
I'm afraid this case of yours will not have a happy ending either, and the only thing I can recommend is definitely not to visit here and avoid it. 😥
I agree. I would give anyone the same advice. Avoid this casino without a doubt. It amazes me how such a casino can still be operating.
I could recommend filing a complaint in this case, but so far the casino hasn't resolved any and even the ones that are open I think will turn out the same, so I don't know if it will have any effect at all. Of course, if you are interested, you can try.
But as we both said, this casino is one to avoid.
I hope you will choose a better one in the future and you won't have similar problems.
They just scanned me also out of almost 3000 I died everything that they ask except send now money to become VIP they even made me play over 2500$ before I could withdraw then they said 24 hours then 72 hours now they won't respond
彼らが全員にお金を勝ち取らせて、全員が現金化するために50ドルを支払うことができるようにしたいと考えている間に、彼らが何をしているのかは非常に明らかです。それからさらに 30 ドルなので、そこでプレーする人全員から 80 ドルを受け取れば、それはかなりの金額になります。私はあらゆる場所でカジノをプレイしてきましたが、これが断然最も簡単にお金を獲得できます。私の言っている意味がわかれば簡単すぎますが、最初にプレイしたゲームでわかりました
これは詐欺に違いないということ。それで、少しの間プレイして今のところです。私は1000万ドルを超えていますが、彼らが支払うつもりはないと思います。だから私はわざわざ彼らに50ドルも払うつもりはない。少なくとも私は一銭も出ていない。サインアップのために彼らがくれた 6 ドルのうち 1,000 万ドルを勝ち取りました。ああ、スペル、間違い、言葉をごめんなさい?だって私はテキストメッセージを話しているのに、携帯電話が私を嫌っているから
It's pretty obvious what they're doing period they want everyone to win money so they can all pay $50 to try to cash out. Then another 30 so if they get $80 from every single person that plays there, that's pretty good money. I have played my share of casinos everywhere and this is by far The easiest to win money at. It's too easy if you know what I mean and I knew during the first game I played
That this has to be a scam. So I've played for a little while and right now. I'm over 10 million dolland I really don't think they're gonna pay. So i'm not even gonna bother paying my fifty dollars to them. At least I'm not out one penny. I won the 10 million dollars off of the $6 that they gave me to sign up. Oh, excuse any spelling, mistakes or words? Cause i'm speaking my text and my phone hates me
Hello, it's alright, I think I understood everything the way you meant it.
However, I would say that I join you in your opinion. It's the same thing over and over again, and exactly what you described has been described here by many players before you. I mean, this casino is not reliable and just the fact that players are winning such big amounts here is a complete shady thing to me.
So I would avoid it and definitely don't deposit anything here, because most likely you won't see anything in context of your money.
こんにちは、私が見たことと、あなたがプレイしに来たカジノに基づくと、残念ながら、これらの勝利からはおそらく何も見えないと思います。このカジノの安全性指標は氷点下にあり、これまでのところ賞金を受け取ると発言したプレイヤーは一人もいません。彼らのほとんどは、大金を勝ち取ったので、カジノが引き出しを早めるために入金を求めていると言ってやって来ますが、何も起こりません。したがって、同じ状況に陥った場合は、何も得られない可能性が非常に高いため、カジノにこれ以上お金を入金しないでください。 😥
Howdy, based on what I've seen and what casino you came to play at, I'm afraid to say that you probably won't see anything from those wins. This casino has a safety index at the freezing point and so far there hasn't been a player who has said that he would get his winnings. Most of them come in saying that they won a lot of money and that the casino is asking them to deposit to speed up their withdrawal, but nothing ever happens. So if you have the same situation, definitely don't deposit any more money into the casino because it's quite possible you won't get anything out of it. 😥
Anyway, how did you get into this casino in the first place?
私はギャンブル マックス カジノでプレイしていて、大勝ちしました。毎回マックスでプレイしていました。その後、賞金を受け取るには 50.00 ドル入金する必要があると言われたので、50.00 ドルを入金しました。72 時間しかかからないと言われました。 50時、彼らは私の銀行情報をすべて持っていましたが、72時間経っても連絡がありませんでした。すべてのスクリーンショットを撮りましたが、今では彼らは締め出されているため、何も尋ねることができません
I was playing at gamble max casino and I had won big I was playing max every time and then they told me I had to deposit 50.00 to get the winnings so I deposited the 50.00 and they said it would only take 72 hours and since I deposited the 50.00 they had all my bank information and then after the 72 hours I contacted them and no response and I took screenshots of everything and now they have shut out so I can not ask them anything
それにもかかわらず、私たちのウェブサイトでこのカジノの安全性指標を見たことがありますか?ほぼ0でカジノ側は苦情に応じてくれないので残念ですが、当然お金はもらえません。 😥
I'm sorry you played at this casino. All I will say is that I have heard this story you described at least 10 times because every player comes up with the same thing. Unfortunately the casino seems to have a tactic where you win a lot of money and then they tell you to deposit to speed up your withdrawal. However, no player has gotten their money yet, so I have a feeling you probably won't be an exception.
Nevertheless, have you seen the safety index of this casino on our website ? It's almost 0 and the casino doesn't respond to complaints, so I'm disappointed, but obviously you won't get your money. 😥
私は 4,500,000.00 を獲得し、カスタマー サポートに連絡を取りましたが、すべて予想どおりで、支払い時間は 14 ~ 21 日と言われました。21 日目から 3 日経った今、カジノはもう存在しません!? 誰かこのサイトのライセンス情報を持っている人はいませんか? どうしてこんなことが起きるのでしょうか?? カジノは Bern を 7 年間オンラインで運営していましたが、私が大金を手にしたあと、サイトが閉鎖されたのですか?? サイトの制作者をあと数秒で追跡できるし、どこかで誰かを見つけるためのリソースも持っているので、彼らは何らかの方法で支払いをしてくれるでしょう。
I won 4,500,000.00 and was in contact with customer support and all was going as expected and was told 14-21 days for payout time. 3 days from it being the 21st day, the casino no longer exists!? Does anyone have the license info for this site? How can this be happening?? The casino had Bern in business online for 7 years and then I hit it big and they just shut down the site?? I am seconds away from hunting down the creators of the site and I have the resources to find anyone anywhere and they will be paying one way or another
それにもかかわらず、私たちのウェブサイトでこのカジノの安全性指標を見たことがありますか?ほぼ0でカジノ側は苦情に応じてくれないので残念ですが、当然お金はもらえません。 😥
I'm sorry you played at this casino. All I will say is that I have heard this story you described at least 10 times because every player comes up with the same thing. Unfortunately the casino seems to have a tactic where you win a lot of money and then they tell you to deposit to speed up your withdrawal. However, no player has gotten their money yet, so I have a feeling you probably won't be an exception.
Nevertheless, have you seen the safety index of this casino on our website ? It's almost 0 and the casino doesn't respond to complaints, so I'm disappointed, but obviously you won't get your money. 😥
このようなサイトが多くの人に知られているのに、詐欺や窃盗で当局が彼らを裁く措置を取らないなんて、どういうことでしょうか!? しかも、7年間もいとも簡単にそれができたなんて...!? 政府には人から金を盗むオンライン犯罪者を追跡する能力があるのに、どうしてそんなことが起きるのでしょうか?? 私はこのカジノを、よりによってFacebookの広告で見つけました!! Facebookの厳格なセキュリティ担当者は、なぜこの詐欺サイトを広告から見逃し、おそらく何万人もの人々を騙してお金をただで預け入れさせたのでしょう。どうしてこのようなことが知られ、彼らがそれを止めるものは何もなかったのか、私には理解できません。Facebookと詐欺サイトの作成者に対する訴訟で、私の未払いの賞金以上のものが満たされるべきだと感じています。それに、どうして彼らは本物のスロットマシンを備えた、こんなにも合法的に見えて機能的なウェブサイトを運営できたのでしょうか?? スロットはサードパーティのソフトウェア開発者によって提供されており、彼らはその使用権をリースしているのではないですか??
How can such a site be so well known by so many people but there has been no action taken by any authority figures to bring them to justice for fraud and theft!? And to have done it so easily for 7 years straight...!? How the hell is that something that happens with the governments ability to track down online criminals stealing from people?? I found this casino on a Facebook ad of all places!! How did fb tight ass security miss this fraudulent site from advertising and probably tricked 10s of thousands of people into depositing money for nothing. I just don't see how all this was known and nothing was stopping them from doing it. I'm feeling a lawsuit against Facebook and the creator of the fraudulent website should satisfy my unpaid winnings and then some.. and how the fuck did they have such a legit looking and functional website with actual slot machines?? Aren't the slots provided by a 3rd party software developer and they lease out the rights to use them??
Hi, I'm sorry to hear that such an experience has come, but according to what other players have written here, you probably won't see the money. The casino has no license or is unverifiable, so it is untouchable practically. However, I know that it hasn't been on our site for as long as you mention, and we certainly haven't had it here for 7 years, so I don't know how long it has been running exactly.
But I feel sorry for every single person who put money here. I don't think you can ever win that much money in any casino and when you look at the cases of others it's the same. I would say it's a scam and I would never deposit any money here. I don't know if you'd go through with a lawsuit, because I have a feeling that would cost you some money and you probably wouldn't get anything out of the casino in the end. Just look at the amount you won.
I don't know what else to say, because I've written off a lot of players for similar things. I would never come back here and probably forget about the money. 😥
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