ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、GeniusWin Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは...約 1 週間前に出金リクエストを出しましたが、要求された書類をすべて送信したにもかかわらず、まだ処理中です。チャットでサポートに連絡しましたが、何の説明も期限も与えられず、「ほぼ4000ユーロなので心配し始めています...ここでいつも読んだのですが、過去にgeniuswin.itで大きな問題を抱えた他の顧客がいたと...何かしてもらえますか?ありがとう
hi...I made a withdrawal request about 1 week ago and it is still being processed despite having sent all the requested documents....I contacted support via chat but they don't give me any explanations or a timescale and I'm getting started to worry since it's almost 4000 euros....I've always read here that there have been other customers in the past who have had big problems with geniuswin.it...Can you do something? Thank you
salve ...ho fatto una richiesta di prelievo circa 1 settimana fa e ancora risulta in gestione nonostante abbia mandato tutti i documenti richiesti....ho contattato l'assistenza in chat ma non mi danno ne spiegazioni ne una tempistica e mi sto cominciando a preoccupare visto che sono quasi 4000 euro....Ho letto sempre qui che ci sono stati in passato altri clienti che hanno avuto grossi problemi cn geniuswin.it ...Potete fare qualcosa ? Grazie
やあ、お困りのことを聞いて申し訳ありません。まず、カジノに出金と KYC プロセスを解決するために 14 日間の猶予期間を与えているということから始めたいと思いますが、なぜ 1 週間お金がないのか、または認証がどの段階にあるのかについての情報がない場合、それはあまり良いことではありません。
Hey, I'm sorry to hear about your problem. I would like to start by saying that we give casinos 14 days to resolve a withdrawal and KYC process, but if you have no information why you have no money for a week or in what stage is your verification, that's not so good.
However, when you say that you sent the documents, did you pass the verification or not ? Because until it is successful, you probably won't get the money.
Let me know how it is.
こんにちは。はい、銀行振込で身分証明書と請求フォームを送信して認証に合格しました。心配なのは、支払いのタイミングがわからないことと、カスタマー サービスからの情報がまったくないことです。唯一のことは、彼らは私に、問題があるので待たなければならないと言った。そしてここで、他の人たちも私と同じ問題を抱えていて、数か月経ってもまだお金を受け取っていないと読みました。
Hi, yes, I passed the verification by sending my identity card and the collection form via bank transfer.....the worrying thing is not knowing the timing of the payment and the total absence of information from customer service.. The only thing they told me was that they have problems and that I have to wait. And here I read that other people also had the same problem as me and months later they still hadn't received the money
salve si ho superato la verifica mandando la mia carta d'identità e il modulo per la riscossione tramite bonifico bancario.....la cosa preoccupante è non sapere la tempistica del pagamento e la totale assenza di info da parte del servizio clienti ... unica cosa che mi hanno detto che hanno dei problemi e che devo aspettare . E qui ho letto che anche altre persone hanno avuto il mio stesso problema e a distanza di mesi non hanno ancora ricevuto il denaro
確か、退会申請をしてから1週間ほど経ちましたよね?率直に言って、今は患者が鍵を握っていると思います。 🤷♀️
Such feedback is not very convincing, isn't it? At least the KYC is behind you. I'm not saying you've overcome the worst part, on the other hand, it's good to know you don't need to worry about that now.
If I'm not mistaken, it has been more or less a week since you asked for the withdrawal, am I right? Frankly, I'd say the patient is the key now. 🤷♀️
はい、それほど時間は経っていませんが、最も心配しているのは、カスタマー サービスが期限を教えてくれないことです。このフォーラムで、何か月経ってもお金を受け取っていない他の人たちの話を読みました。 🙁
yes it hasn't been that long but the most worrying thing is that customer service doesn't give me a time frame and I've read here on this forum other people who haven't received the money after months.....🙁
si non è passato tanto tempo ma la cosa piu' preoccupante che il servizio clienti non mi dà una tempistica e ho letto qui su questo forum altre persone che a distanza di mesi non hanno ricevuto i soldi.....🙁
ただし、Radka さんが書いているように、しばらく辛抱してみてください。何も変化がなく、お金を受け取れない場合、またはカジノが応答しない場合は、私たちがあなたを助けるように努めます。 🙂
Even though support hasn't written you any relevant information about your withdrawal, I wouldn't be skeptical yet, although I understand that it's not easy when it's your money.
However, as Radka wrote, let's try to be patient for a while and if nothing changes and you don't get your money or the casino doesn't reply, we will try to help you. 🙂
Will that be possible ?
I think it is the right decision. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your money. If you have any update let me know.
おはようございます。9 月 3 日と 25 日に合計約 1600 ユーロの出金リクエストを 2 回行いましたが、数か月経ってもまだ管理されています。支援は所管部署に要請すると繰り返しているが何も動かない。過去に何度か引き出しをしましたが、数か月前に支払いが停止されました
Good morning, I made two withdrawal requests on 3 and 25 September for a total of around 1600 euros however they are still being managed after months. The assistance continues to repeat that it requests the competent department but nothing moves. I have made several withdrawals in the past but they stopped paying a few months ago
Thanks for your attention
Buongiorno, ho effettuato due richieste di prelievo in data 3 e 25 settembre per un totale di circa 1600 euro tuttavia risultano ancora in gestione dopo mesi. L'assistenza continua a ripetere che sollecita al reparto competente ma nulla si muove. Ho effettuato diversi prelievi in passato ma da qualche mese hanno smesso di pagare
Grazie dell'attenzione
状況は誰にとっても暗いと思います...現時点でできる唯一のことは、弁護士を関与させ、これらのブックメーカーが顧客のお金を持ち逃げしたときに保証人として機能する国の独占企業から直接報酬を受け取ることです... .ただし、イタリアの官僚機構は非常に遅いため、すべてが解決されるまでにはさらに何か月もかかるでしょう...いずれにせよ、嫌悪感が終わることはありません。.itで勝ったとしても、安心してください。
I see the situation as bleak for everyone...at this point the only thing to do is to get a lawyer involved and get paid directly by the state monopolies that act as guarantors when these bookmakers run away with the customers' money.... however, more months will pass before everything is resolved because the bureaucracy in Italy is very slow... in any case there is never an end to the disgust, not even when you win on .it you can rest assured
La situazione la vedo nera per tutti …a questo punto l’unica cosa da fare e’ di mettere in mezzo un avvocato e di farci pagare direttamente dai monopoli di stato che fanno da garante quando questi bookmakers scappano via con i soldi dei clienti ….tuttavia passeranno altri mesi prima che tutto si risolva perché la burocrazia in Italia va lentissima …comunque allo schifo non c’è mai fine nemmeno quando si vince sui .it si può stare tranquilli
おはようございます。9 月 3 日と 25 日に合計約 1600 ユーロの出金リクエストを 2 回行いましたが、数か月経ってもまだ管理されています。支援は所管部署に要請すると繰り返しているが何も動かない。過去に何度か引き出しをしましたが、数か月前に支払いが停止されました
Good morning, I made two withdrawal requests on 3 and 25 September for a total of around 1600 euros however they are still being managed after months. The assistance continues to repeat that it requests the competent department but nothing moves. I have made several withdrawals in the past but they stopped paying a few months ago
Thanks for your attention
Buongiorno, ho effettuato due richieste di prelievo in data 3 e 25 settembre per un totale di circa 1600 euro tuttavia risultano ancora in gestione dopo mesi. L'assistenza continua a ripetere che sollecita al reparto competente ma nulla si muove. Ho effettuato diversi prelievi in passato ma da qualche mese hanno smesso di pagare
Grazie dell'attenzione
こんにちは。この場合は、すぐに苦情を申し立てますので、ここに提出してください。カジノがプレイヤーに数カ月も支払いができないのに、そのような状況を解決するためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予を与えるというのは正しくないと思います。
Hi, in this case I will immediately recommend you a complaint which you can file here. I don't think it's right if a casino can't pay a player for several months and we give casinos 14 days to resolve such a situation.
Anyway, the casino only gives as a reason that it will move it to the department that deals with withdrawals ? I think it should have been done a long time ago.
So you're gonna go ahead and file a complaint?
Yes, for now I'll open a complaint and see how it goes, thanks
Si per adesso apro un reclamo e vediamo come va, grazie
苦情を提出する際に何が予想されるかを理解できるように、ガイドも添付します。 ここで見つけることができます。
Thank you for your reply. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
I will also attach a guide so you know what to expect when you file a complaint. You can find it here.
I hope the situation can be resolved and you will get your money.
after a month I still haven't received any money....they don't have the money to pay the winnings....I will contact AAMS directly who will then hopefully take away his license
a distanza di un mese non ho ancora ricevuto nessun soldo ....non hanno i soldi per pagare le vincite....mi rivolgerò direttamente ad AAMS che poi spero gli toglierà la licenza
さらに詳しい情報が必要ですか? このガイド 👈 を試してみてください。
または、こちらからお問い合わせください。 🙏 重要なのは、これがまだ可能である場合にあなたを助けることです。
What about submitting the complaint here? I'd say it's also a good thing to do because if we find something unfair in your case, the casino will be penalized.
Need further information? Try out this guide 👈 please.
Or ask us here if you like. 🙏 The point is to help you if this is still possible.
yes yes thanks I would like to open a complaint...so at least other people won't play on this site
si si grazie vorrei aprire un reclamo...cosi almeno altre persone non giocheranno su questo sito
皆さん、おはようございます。私は、2023 年 12 月 26 日と 2024 年 1 月 1 日に、geniuswin で 2 回の出金リクエストをしました。また、遅延が発生しており、いつ解決されるかわからないとも言われています。何か心配なことはありますか?
Good morning everyone, I made two withdrawal requests on geniuswin on December 26, 2023 and January 1, 2024. They also tell me that there are delays and that they don't know when they will resolve it. Is there anything to worry about?
Buongiorno a tutti fatte due richieste di prelievo su geniuswin il 26 dicembre 2023 e il 01 gennaio 2024 anche a me dicono che ci sono ritardi e che non sanno quando risolvono. C'è da preoccuparsi?
残念ながらそうです....今日AAMSから返信があり、小切手を行っているとのことでした...文字通りお金がなくなって、もう誰にも支払っていないと思います....電子メールを送ることをお勧めします-メールアドレス dir.giochi.gad-scommesse@adm.gov.itまたは dir.giochi.giocoadistanza@adm.gov.itあなたの問題を説明します。
unfortunately yes.... today AAMS replied to me and told me that they are carrying out checks... I think they have literally run out of money and are no longer paying anyone..... I advise you to send an e-mail to dir.giochi.gad-scommesse@adm.gov.it or dir.giochi.giocoadistanza@adm.gov.it describing your problem.
purtroppo si.... oggi mi ha risposto AAMS e mi ha detto che stanno facendo dei controlli ...penso che hanno finito letteralmente i soldi e non stanno pagando piu nessuno.....vi consiglio di mandare un e-mail a dir.giochi.gad-scommesse@adm.gov.it o dir.giochi.giocoadistanza@adm.gov.it descrivendo il vostro problema .
But did they pay you in the end? I assume not...
Ma alla fine a te hanno pagato? Presumo di no..
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com