ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、GoralBet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは。私にとっては、これはかなり引っかかるものなので、私はそのようなトーナメントには参加しません。あなたも同じことをしたことを願っています。ライブチャットに連絡して、本当に正しく理解できたかどうか、またこの全体の目的は何なのかを確認してみましたか? 回答がない可能性もありますが、基本的になぜそれがとても不便なのかを知っておくのは良いことです。
Hi, it seems like quite a hook to me and I wouldn't enter such a tournament. I hope you did the same. Have you tried contacting the live chat to see if you really got it right and what is the purpose of this whole thing ? It's possible that they might not answer you, but it would be good to know why it's basically so inconvenient.
Are you going to try it ?
I think they've already made the change, I guess it was a bug, I keep playing and for now I'm happy with it...
Credo che hanno già fatto il cambiamento, immagino sia stato un bug, continuo a giocare e per ora mi ci trovo bene...
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying the casino.
But if I may know what bug are you talking about ? Are you referring to something specific, maybe what the player before you wrote, or is it about something else ? Can you help me understand what you managed to solve ? 😊
こんにちは。私の場合も、Goralbet での暗号通貨の引き出しに問題はありませんでした。新しいカジノですが、インターフェースが気に入っています。今後もこのような状態が続き、他のカジノのようになってしまわないことを願っています。
Hi, in my case too I had no problems with cryptocurrency withdrawals on Goralbet. It's a new casino but I like the interface. I hope they continue like this and don't become like others in the future.
Ciao, anche nel mio caso non ho avuto problemi con i prelievi di criptovalute su Goralbet. È un casinò nuovo ma mi piace l'interfaccia. Spero che continuino così e che non diventino come altri in futuro.
素晴らしいですね。出金できてカジノが気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。暗号通貨経由だとどれくらい時間がかかりましたか? 🙂
Excellent, I'm glad you managed to withdraw and you like the casino. How long did it take when it was via crypto ? 🙂
これまでに暗号通貨で 3 回引き出しました。1 回目は 24 時間で非常に迅速でした。2 回目は遅く、5 日かかりました。3 回目は 4 日後に到着しました。
2 回目は少し遅いように感じましたが、これまで常に支払いをしてもらっているので文句は言えません。
I have made three withdrawals with cryptocurrencies so far. The first one was quite quick, in 24 hours. The second one was slower, it took 5 days, and the third one has now arrived after 4 days.
The second one seemed a little slow, but I can't complain because they have always paid me so far.
Ho fatto tre prelievi con criptovalute finora. Il primo è stato abbastanza veloce, in 24 ore. Il secondo è stato più lento, ci sono voluti 5 giorni, e il terzo mi è arrivato adesso dopo 4 giorni.
Il secondo mi è sembrato un po' lento, ma non posso lamentarmi perché finora mi hanno sempre pagato.
2週間前にgoralbetでプレイし始めました。試しに50ユーロを入金したところ、90ユーロに達するまで勝ちました。そこで、賞金を引き出すと、同じ日にアカウントに支払いが届きました。うまくいっていたので、残高に500ユーロという高額を入金しました。その後、数週間で使って、750ユーロまで勝ちました。その間に引き出しもいくつか行いましたが、何の問題もなく、少しずつ1000/1500ユーロまで安全に入金できました。引き出しの際には、引き出しは2~5日で届くと言われたからです... 2日前、1500ユーロほど入金して賞金を引き出そうとしたのですが、突然、いつものように最初の数時間で引き出しが届かなくなりました!!!
こんなに多くの賞金がかかっているのだから、せめてできるだけ早くお金を受け取れるはずなのに、まずは2日連続でお金がもらえず、サポートに問い合わせると「技術的な問題」(??) のため、少なくともあと24時間、さらに2日間待たなければならないと言われました!!
I started playing on goralbet two weeks ago, I put in €50 to try and I managed to win until I reached 90. So I withdrew my winnings, and on the same day I received the payment in my account! So I deposited a higher amount into the balance, €500, since it was going well for me, which I then used in recent weeks, winning up to €750! I made some withdrawals in the meantime, and I never had any problems, and little by little I was able to safely deposit up to €1000/1500 because in the withdrawals they told me that the withdrawal would arrive in two or five days... Two days ago I wanted withdraw my winnings after a deposit of around €1500 and all of a sudden the withdrawal doesn't arrive in the first few hours like it always has!!!
With so many winnings at stake, at the very least I should receive my money as soon as possible, but first I am left empty for two days in a row, and when I contact support I am told that due to "technical problems" (??) I will have to wait at least another 24 hours until two more days!!
Can anyone help me??
Io ho iniziato a giocare su goralbet due settimane fa, avevo messo 50€ per provare e sono riuscito a vincere fino ad arrivare a 90. Quindi ho fatto il prelievo delle vincite, e nella stessa giornata ho ricevuto il pagamento sul conto! Quindi ho depositato al saldo una cifra più alta, 500€, dato che mi stava andando benone, che poi ho usato in queste settimane vincendo fino a 750€! Ho fatto dei prelievi nel mentre, e non ho mai avuto problemi, e man mano riuscivo a depositare con sicurezza fino a 1000/1500 € perché nei prelievi mi dicevano che il prelievo sarebbe arrivato tra due e cinque giorni... Due giorni fa volevo prelevare le mie vincite dopo un deposito di 1500 € circa e tutto ad un tratto il prelievo non arriva nelle prime ore come ha sempre fatto!!!
Con così tante vincite in ballo, come minimo dovrei ricevere quanto prima i miei soldi, invece prima rimango a secco per due giorni di fila, e quando contatto il supporto mi viene detto che per "problemi tecnici" (??) mi tocca aspettare minimo altre 24 ore fino ad altri due giorni!!
Qualcuno mi può aiutare??
これまでに暗号通貨で 3 回引き出しました。1 回目は 24 時間で非常に迅速でした。2 回目は遅く、5 日かかりました。3 回目は 4 日後に到着しました。
2 回目は少し遅いように感じましたが、これまで常に支払いをしてもらっているので文句は言えません。
I have made three withdrawals with cryptocurrencies so far. The first one was quite quick, in 24 hours. The second one was slower, it took 5 days, and the third one has now arrived after 4 days.
The second one seemed a little slow, but I can't complain because they have always paid me so far.
Ho fatto tre prelievi con criptovalute finora. Il primo è stato abbastanza veloce, in 24 ore. Il secondo è stato più lento, ci sono voluti 5 giorni, e il terzo mi è arrivato adesso dopo 4 giorni.
Il secondo mi è sembrato un po' lento, ma non posso lamentarmi perché finora mi hanno sempre pagato.
はい、実を言うと、それは常に最後に最も重要なことです。 5 日間は待つのにそれほど長くありませんが、暗号通貨の引き出しにはもう少し速いことを期待しますが、この場合でもいくつかの複雑さがある可能性があります。
3 回とも出金できたことを嬉しく思いますし、これからも順調に進んでいくことを願っています。☘️
Yes, that's always the most important thing in the end, to tell you the truth. And 5 days is not that long to wait, although I would expect a bit faster from crypto withdrawal, even in this case there may be some complications.
So I'm glad you got all 3 withdrawals and I hope you will continue to do well. ☘️
2週間前にgoralbetでプレイし始めました。試しに50ユーロを入金したところ、90ユーロに達するまで勝ちました。そこで、賞金を引き出すと、同じ日にアカウントに支払いが届きました。うまくいっていたので、残高に500ユーロという高額を入金しました。その後、数週間で使って、750ユーロまで勝ちました。その間に引き出しもいくつか行いましたが、何の問題もなく、少しずつ1000/1500ユーロまで安全に入金できました。引き出しの際には、引き出しは2~5日で届くと言われたからです... 2日前、1500ユーロほど入金して賞金を引き出そうとしたのですが、突然、いつものように最初の数時間で引き出しが届かなくなりました!!!
こんなに多くの賞金がかかっているのだから、せめてできるだけ早くお金を受け取れるはずなのに、まずは2日連続でお金がもらえず、サポートに問い合わせると「技術的な問題」(??) のため、少なくともあと24時間、さらに2日間待たなければならないと言われました!!
I started playing on goralbet two weeks ago, I put in €50 to try and I managed to win until I reached 90. So I withdrew my winnings, and on the same day I received the payment in my account! So I deposited a higher amount into the balance, €500, since it was going well for me, which I then used in recent weeks, winning up to €750! I made some withdrawals in the meantime, and I never had any problems, and little by little I was able to safely deposit up to €1000/1500 because in the withdrawals they told me that the withdrawal would arrive in two or five days... Two days ago I wanted withdraw my winnings after a deposit of around €1500 and all of a sudden the withdrawal doesn't arrive in the first few hours like it always has!!!
With so many winnings at stake, at the very least I should receive my money as soon as possible, but first I am left empty for two days in a row, and when I contact support I am told that due to "technical problems" (??) I will have to wait at least another 24 hours until two more days!!
Can anyone help me??
Io ho iniziato a giocare su goralbet due settimane fa, avevo messo 50€ per provare e sono riuscito a vincere fino ad arrivare a 90. Quindi ho fatto il prelievo delle vincite, e nella stessa giornata ho ricevuto il pagamento sul conto! Quindi ho depositato al saldo una cifra più alta, 500€, dato che mi stava andando benone, che poi ho usato in queste settimane vincendo fino a 750€! Ho fatto dei prelievi nel mentre, e non ho mai avuto problemi, e man mano riuscivo a depositare con sicurezza fino a 1000/1500 € perché nei prelievi mi dicevano che il prelievo sarebbe arrivato tra due e cinque giorni... Due giorni fa volevo prelevare le mie vincite dopo un deposito di 1500 € circa e tutto ad un tratto il prelievo non arriva nelle prime ore come ha sempre fatto!!!
Con così tante vincite in ballo, come minimo dovrei ricevere quanto prima i miei soldi, invece prima rimango a secco per due giorni di fila, e quando contatto il supporto mi viene detto che per "problemi tecnici" (??) mi tocca aspettare minimo altre 24 ore fino ad altri due giorni!!
Qualcuno mi può aiutare??
こんにちは。まだ心配することはないと思います。引き出しはまだ始まったばかりで、今のところすべて届いているとのことなので、疑わずに待って様子を見るのがいいと思います。また、最大 5 日かかる可能性があるともおっしゃっていましたので、間違いなく辛抱強く待つと思います。
すべてを整理してプレイヤーに送金するまで、カジノには 14 日間の猶予が与えられます。早く送金できればよいのですが、そうでない場合は、私たちがお手伝いします。
あなたはそれを処理できると思いますか? 🙂
Hi, I would say there is nothing to worry about yet. You're at the beginning with the withdrawal and you say that so far they've all arrived so I wouldn't be skeptical and I would try to wait and see what happens. You also mentioned that it could take up to 5 days, so I would definitely be patient.
Also the casino has technical difficulties so you'll have to wait for that to be sorted out and of course it would be good to ask from time to time how your withdrawal is going.
We give casinos 14 days to sort everything out and send the money to the player. Hopefully you will get it much sooner and if not then we will try to help you.
Do you think you can handle it? 🙂
All right, I'll do that. If you say it takes up to two weeks I will wait, even if the 5 days recommended by support have passed and still nothing. Thanks for your help, I'll let you know if the situation improves or not. HI
E va bene, farò così. Se dici che servono fino a due settimane attenderò, anche se sono passati i 5 giorni consigliati dal supporto ed ancora nulla. Grazie dell'aiuto, farò risapere se la situazione migliora o no. Ciao
とにかく、この 5 日間で何か新しいことを学んだのでしょうか?😕
Great I'm glad, of course if nothing changes let me know and we will try to help you.
I believe it won't be necessary.
Anyway, there's nothing new you've learned in these 5 days ? 😕
銀行アプリに送金が表示されるまでにも時間がかかりましたが、お金は 2 日前に届きました。実際、サポートではこの程度の時間が必要であると示していました。まあ、私にとって重要なのは支払いを受けることなので、その後はどれだけ時間がかかっても問題ではありません... ある程度までは! 🙂
Hi Jaro, finally some good news!
It took a while, even for the transfer to show up in the bank app, but the money arrived two days ago! Actually, the support had indicated this fraction of time as necessary. Well, for me the important thing is to get paid, then it doesn't matter how long it takes... up to a certain point! 🙂
In the future I will see how the issue will be resolved, but it seems that the technical problem is no longer there. I'm going back to play, thanks a lot for the advice!!!
Ciao Jaro, finalmente buone notizie!
C'è voluto un po', anche per il bonifico che si mostrasse nella app della banca, ma i soldi sono arrivati due giorni fa! Effettivamente il supporto aveva indicato questa frazione di tempo come necessaria. Beh, per me l'importante è venire pagato, poi non importa quanto ci voglia... fino ad un certo punto! 🙂
In futuro vedrò come si risolverà la questione, ma sembra che il problema tecnico non ci sia più. Torno a giocare, grazie mille dei consigli!!!
いずれにせよ、私たちの一日を幸せにしてくれたことに感謝します。今後、問題が起きないことを祈ります。カジノ側は問題を解決したようですが、共有する価値のあるさらなる経験はありますか? カジノがまだ新しいことを考えると、あなたの洞察から恩恵を受けたいと思います。😉
That is truly incredible news!
I am so happy you can move on and/or completely forget about the issue 😀. You make the decision.
Either way, we appreciate you making our day happier. Hopefully, you will not experience any more issues. Since the caino appears to have resolved the issue, have you had any further experiences that would be worthwhile to share? Given how new the casino is, I would like to benefit from your insights. 😉
彼らはロールオーバーを理由に私の出金ID 400 ユーロを拒否しました。私はロールオーバーが完了したと確信していますが、彼らは私にギャンブルを許可していないためロールオーバーすらできません。カジノでもスポーツブックでもありません。すでに述べたように、ゴーストカジノでは、このカジノからは誰からも返答がありません。
unfortunately I think that this is ghost casino, no answer for days, in live chat support none ever answer, on mail also already 3-4 days no answer, looks like I lost 2100€.
They rejected my withdrawal id 400€ with excuse of rollover even I am pretty sure that rolliver is done, but even can’t make rollover cause they do not allow me to gamble anymore, not casino, not sportsbook and as I already said ghost casino, no one answer from this casino.
まだアカウントにアクセスできますか? あるいは、どのようにしてプレイを禁止したのでしょうか? また、最後の会話の内容は何でしたか? 取り消された引き出しについて、どのように正確に説明されましたか? 正確なテキストをコピーして貼り付けるか、スクリーンショットがあれば提供してください。
It is a fresh casino; that's always tricky. Perhaps the support is not capable of keeping up with requests or that the quality is not actually very good. i've spotted such feedback in one user review saying that:
"Chat service is really bad they never anwser"
Additionally, I am not convinced it is fair to void the balance/winnings due to unfinished wagering. It would make more sense to let you wager until the requirement is made. Of course there could be more to it, so allow me a few questions first:
Can you still access your account? or perhps, how did they prohibit you from playing? Plus, what was your last conversation about - how precisely did they explain the voided withdrawal to you? Feel free to copy and paste the exact text or provide a screenshot if you have any.
I'll wait for the details; don't worry.
I just received autkmatic reply on mail that withdraw is rejected and to contact support who never replied. When I try to enter to sportsnook got system message stall is suspended. When want to enter to slot receive you can’t gamble or soemthing like that. And yes, i can enter but cant use. I would say that this is scam
私の意見では、これは市場に新しく設立された会社にとって非常に残念な結果です。このような状況ではカジノのメンバーとのコミュニケーションが不可欠であるため、彼らのソーシャル メディア プロファイルを見つけて、それをコミュニケーション手段として使用しようとするのが賢明だと思います。
In my opinion, this is a very unfortunate result for a newly established company in the market. Since communication with any member of the casino is essential in situations like this, I believe it would be wise to locate their social media profiles and attempt to use them as a means of communication.
To summarize, the most popular course of action is to file a complaint against this casino if all other options are exhausted. We have a good chance of finding out the merit of this issue if someone from their company chooses to get in touch with us.
Would you be interested in submitting another complaint?
サポートでは、過去に提出するはずだった KYC 文書を再度要求しています。
Ever since I applied for a withdrawal, the withdrawal has not been made,
I was notified that this casino is closing.
Support is asking again for KYC documents that should have been submitted in the past.
It appears that another organization has already taken over the operation and is trying to illegally obtain my personal information.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com