ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Helabet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
最初はコンピューター経由でこのサイトをプレイしていましたが、後で電話から試してみたところ、私の国ではサイトがブロックされているとのことでした。 (コンピューターでモバイル版をクリックすると、そのステータスも表示されます)。ライブチャットで合法かどうか尋ねたところ、彼らはそれを知る義務があるという自動メッセージを出しました.
ギャンブルは一般的に合法ですが、その特定の Web サイトが合法かどうかをどのように判断すればよいのか疑問に思います。
彼らと電子メールで話していると、VPN を使用しているかどうか尋ねられました。当然のことながら、私はノーと言いました... 一般的にルールに反すると考えられており、多くの場所でアカウントが没収される可能性があるからです.
たとえば、1xbet のようなサイトは、私の国で (ある時点で???) 利用可能であったと主張していますが、モバイルでもコンピューターでもそのサイトにアクセスすることはできませんでした。このサイトには、モバイル版からのメッセージしかありませんが。
I originally played on this site via computer, but later tried from phone and said the site was blocked in my country. (It also gives that status if you click on mobile version on computer). When I asked if it it was legal via live chat they gave an automated message of it being my duty to find out.
Though gambling is legal in general, I question how I'm supposed to figure out if that particular website is.
When I was talking to them through e-mail, they asked if I was using VPN. Naturally I said no, since... it's generally considered against rules and can get your account confiscated in lots of places.
It was then that they stopped responding to me entirely.
For instance, a site like 1xbet claims to have been available in my country (at one point???), but I could never access their site on either mobile or computer. While this site only has that message from their mobile version.
Frankly, I don't know what to say or think. If it was not legal in my country, I'd expect some sort of reimbursement for my losses (not a lot but still a lot to me 150euro or so) since they accepted me, but what do I know. Sketchy as heck they just stopped responding to me though.
スウェーデンのプレイヤーが公式に利用できるサイトを確認するには、 このリンクを確認してください- SE ライセンスと呼ばれるタブ
カジノのスタッフは、少なくとも、プレイできるが SE ライセンスがないことを通知する必要があります。ただし、ライセンスに関係なく、他のプレーヤーと同じように勝ったり負けたりする可能性がなければならないので、勝ったとしても払い戻しを要求しますか?
I will reduce the question of legality to a short explanation:
The site is not licensed in Sweeden, so you should not play there. If the casino decides to accept players from Sweeden, they should be treated fairly, so all rightfully accumulated winnings should be paid.
To make sure which sites are officially available to players from Sweeden, kindly check this link - tab called SE licensed
The casino staff should at least informed you, that you can play but it lacks the SE license. No matter the license, however, you must have the same chance of winning and losing as other players, so would you ask for reimbursement, even if you won?
Furthermore, the blockage is probably caused by your internet provider because the site is restricted from Sweeden, another sign that you should not play in such casinos. Sadly, not every unlicensed casinos are automatically blocked.
あなたはそれをブロックしているのは私のISPだと言いますが、私がWIFI経由で両方にアクセスしているのに、なぜ私の電話ではブロックされ、私のコンピュータではブロックされないのでしょうか.それと私は、コンピューターのサイトでモバイル バージョンをクリックすると、何らかの理由でモバイル バージョンのみであるというメッセージが表示されると述べました。
そして、VPN を使用するかどうか尋ねられた瞬間に、彼らは私への返信をやめますか?それはただめちゃくちゃです。
You kind of missed or misunderstood half my post.
You say that it's my ISP that is blocking it, but why would it be blocked on my phone but NOT my computer when I'm accessing both via WIFI. That and I mentioned that clicking on mobile version on their site on their computer would trigger the same message as in it pertains that it is only their mobile version for whatever reason.
And then them stop replying to me the second I'm asked if I use a VPN? That's just messed up.
And I would think that legality supersedes any chance of equality since people aren't equal if they aren't all legally allowed the same access. Of course proving that would be not something I'd be familiar with anyways.
しかし、私はカジノの従業員でもインターネットプロバイダーでもないので、声に出して考えているだけで、私の意見にまったく腹を立てる必要はありません 🙂.
I did not skip it, I just mention my opinion, so furthermore, from my personal experience, the internet block does not work pretty well when you try to access some casinos via mobile - sorry, I failed to mention that.
But I'm not the casino's employee, nor the internet provider, so I', just thinking aloud, you don't have to feel offended by my opinion at all 🙂.
Sadly, I don't fully comprehended this part "And then them stop replying to me the second I'm asked if I use a VPN? That's just messed up."
I feel that the casino failed to provide a proper explanation of whether you can or can't use the VPN, right?
That is of course a bad situation and I agree that it does not show this casino in a good light. Speaking about the good or bad sides, this casino has only a questionable reputation.
It seems that the casino should improve a bit!
そして、応答を停止するということは、彼らが最後に書いたのは、VPN を使用したかどうかを尋ねるものだったということです。 (あたかも彼らのルールに反しているかのように)
インターネットにアクセスしたい時までに、vpn (仮想プライベート ネットワーク) を使用していますか?
Well, I suppose there will always be outliers when it comes to different devices.
And what I meant by stop responding is that, the last thing they wrote was asking me if I used VPN. (as if it were against their rules)
There was literally no reply after that to my replies. There wasn't even an attempt to explain.
"Hello Remy,
Thank you for contacting us,
Are you using vpn (Virtual private network)?, by the time you want to access internet?
Thank you.
Helabet Team."
Was the last message. Couldn't even be bothered to blame me. Sadly.
And I can't recall if or where I had checked to see if they were a site worth going to.
Was my mistake for not digging enough, though I know you should never believe a lot of things you see regardless because everything is biased towards free stuff.
I think that for next time it will be generally better to ask more questions on live chat before starting the game and clarify the discrepancies so that you are sure under what conditions you are playing. I understand, that when it seems first, that you are allowed to play on computer, so you probably don't even doubt that it could be banned in your country if it lets you play. As you say, the proper research is always necessary before.
ライブ チャットで彼らと話そうとしたときに受け取ったコピー アンド ペーストの自動メッセージを考えると、満足のいく回答が得られた可能性は低いです。彼らが文字通り、それを理解するのは私の責任だと言ったとき、私が彼らのサイトへのアクセスを許可されているかどうかを具体的に尋ねたとき.彼らはどこでサービスを販売することが許可されているか、私よりもよく知っていると思うでしょう。
将来的には自分自身の声に耳を傾け、bankid または少なくともそれ以上の基準に縛られたサイトにのみアクセスすることを願うばかりです。検証を受ける必要があること (またはそのストレス - 喜んでお金を受け取っているにもかかわらず明らかにしたくない人もいるため) と安全なゲームの心配が少ないほど良い.
Considering the copy & paste automated messages I got while attempting to talk to them via live chat, it is unlikely that I would have gotten a satisfactory answer. When they literally tell me that it is my responsibility to figure it out, when I specifically asked if I was allowed to access their site. You'd think they'd know better than me where they are allowed to sell their services.
Again, I understand that it is hindsight and not something one should have to think of.
Well, regardless. I admit it as my fault for having gone to a questionable site as theirs.
I can only hope that I listen to myself in the future and only access sites that are bound by bankid or at least higher standards. The less worries about having to be verified (or the stress thereof - since some clearly don't want to despite happily taking your money) and safe gaming the better.
こんにちは、彼らのチャットの応答が適切ではなかったことには同意します。不快な経験をさせてしまったことをお詫び申し上げます。しかし、Radka が上で述べたように、「カジノがスウェーデンからのプレーヤーを受け入れることを決定した場合、彼らは公正に扱われるべきです」。また、あなたがここに書いているように、将来的には安全で信頼できるカジノを選択することを願っています. このページを確認してください。ここで、好みに応じてカジノをフィルタリングできます。たぶん、あなたに合った新しいカジノを見つけて、より陽気な投稿で私たちに戻ってくるかもしれません. 😉。幸運を
Hi, I agree that their chat responses were not the most appropriate and I'm sorry that you had such an unpleasant experience, but as Radka said above "if the casino decides to accept players from Sweden, they should be treated fairly". I also hope that in the future you will choose safe and reliable casinos as you write here. Just check this page, you can filter casinos here via your preferences. Maybe you find new casino which fits you and you come back to us with more cheerful post. 😉. Good luck
こんにちは、私は資金を引き出すためにこのスレッドを作成しました。私はアルゼンチンのプレーヤーで、資金を引き出したいのですが、HELABET カジノでは許可されません。アカウントを作成してから合計で、約 45/50USDT を入金しました。勝ったときも負けたときも、今日の口座は 79USDT (ここアルゼンチンでは大金です) で、急いでお金を引き出す必要があります。CRYPTOGRAPHIC メソッド (TRC20) を使用して入金しました。
すると、「問題を記載したメールと HELABET サポート メールのスクリーンショットを送信しました」と表示されます。
私も同じことをしましたが、対応するスクリーンショットを添付した電子メールをすでに 6 通以上送信しました。返信はありませんでした。本当にお金が必要です。「ヨーロッパ」にとってはほんのわずかなお金ですが、アルゼンチン人である私にとっては、それが多すぎます...
Hello, I created this thread to help me withdraw my funds, I am a player from Argentina who wants to withdraw his funds and the HELABET casino won't let me, in total since I created my account I deposited approximately 45/50USDT (between winnings and losses, today the account is at 79USDT (a lot of money here in Argentina) and I need to withdraw the money urgently, I deposited using the CRYPTOGRAPHIC method (TRC20)
I want to withdraw by the same method, to the same wallet with which I made the deposit, and the casino tells me "WITHOUT REJECTED BY THE OPERATOR"
I did the same thing and I already sent more than 6 emails with the corresponding screenshot, I didn't have any response and I really need my money, it is very little money for "Europe" but for me, as I am Argentine, it is too much...
I have read a case of a Polish player who had exactly the same thing that happened to me and it took 1 month and a half to be able to withdraw. Please, if anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.
Hola , creo este hilo para que me ayuden a poder retirar mis fondos , soy un jugador de argentina el cual quiere retirar sus fondos y el casino HELABET no me deja , en total desde que cree mí cuenta deposite aprox unos 45/50USDT (entre ganancias y perdidas , hoy la cuenta está en 79USDT (mucho dinero aquí en argentina) y necesito retirar el dinero urgentemente , yo deposite mediante el método (TRC20) CRIPTOGRAFICO
Quiero retirar por el mismo método , a la misma wallet con la cual hice el depósito , y el casino me dice "RETIRO RECHAZADO POR EL OPERADOR"
hice eso mismo y ya mandé más de 6 emails con la captura correspondiente , no tuve respuesta alguna y realmente necesito mí dinero , es muy poco dinero para "Europa" pero para mí que soy argentino es demasiado...
He leído un caso de un jugador polaco que le pasó lo mismo que me pasó exactamente a mí y estuvo 1 mes y medio para poder retirar , por favor si alguien puede ayudarme se lo agradeceria
Hi, did the casino give you any reason why you can't withdraw your money and why is the withdrawal still rejected ? I think you thought well when you wanted to withdraw as well as you deposited. Do you have a verified casino account ?
However, I saw that you managed to open a complaint with us and I think that is a good step. Our team will take a look at the situation and try to help you. If you have any new information don't hesitate to update us.
Hello, no, they don't give me any type of response, no one answers my emails, and they didn't send me any email saying "we need a certain amount of documentation to be able to verify it" so I don't know what to send to be able to do it, on other pages, if I want withdraw, they always asked me to verify, I did it and that's it, I withdrew, but here they don't even answer my emails, so I'm totally lost and without knowing what they need from me to be able to verify, they don't let me deposit directly, they won't let me bet either, no match, and withdrawing gives me an error... But I can continue entering my account normally and the money is still there
Hola , no , no me dan ningún tipo de respuesta, nadie responde mis emails , y tampoco me mandaron ningún email diciendo " necesitamos , determinada cantidad de documentación para poder verificarlo" entonces no se que mandar para poder hacerlo , en otras páginas , al querer retirar , siempre me pedían verificar , lo hacía y listo , retiraba , pero aquí ni siquiera contestan mis emails , así que estoy totalmente perdido y sin saber que necesitan de mí para poder verificar , depositar ya directamente no me dejan , apostar tampoco , a ningún partido , y retirar me da error... Pero puedo seguir entrando con normalidad a mí cuenta y el dinero sigue ahí
27. KYC ポリシー - 資格情報の確認
クレジット/デビット カード: ゲーム アカウントへの入金に使用したクレジット/デビット カードの表と裏のコピー。できるだけ早く本人確認ができるよう、クレジット カード/デビット カードのコピーを提出する前に、読みやすいことを確認してください。セキュリティ上の理由から、カードの表面のコピーでは中央の 8 桁を、裏面のコピーではセキュリティ コードの 3 桁を隠してください。
住所証明: この目的のために、公共料金の請求書またはクレジット カードの明細書をお送りください。この書類は最近あなたが受け取ったもので、ゲーム アカウントの登録時に入力したあなたのフルネームと住所が明確に記載されているはずです。クレジット カードの明細書を提出する場合は、セキュリティのためにカードの中央の 8 桁を隠す必要があります。
公証文書: 提出した文書の合法性を証明するために、文書は認定された公証人/弁護士の署名と押印によって証明される必要があります。
注意!場合によっては、入金に使用した支払い方法に応じて、上記の書類の 1 つ以上、またはこのリストに含まれていないその他の追加書類の提出を求められる場合があります。
プレイヤーはリクエストを受け取ってから 48 時間以内に情報を提供することを約束します。これらの文書は個人アカウントでダウンロードできます。当社は、成功した検証結果を報告しない権利を留保します。
検証プロセスには最大 48 時間かかる場合があります。検証プロセスの一環として、当社は顧客の口座からの資金の引き出しを制限する裁量を留保します。当社は、マネージャーによる KYC 書類の処理中に発生する可能性のある支払い処理の遅延については責任を負いません。
チャット オペレーターを試すか、サポートが応答するまで少し待つことをお勧めします。運が良ければ、オペレーターがあなたと会話をしてくれるでしょう。
Well, this is a really frustrating situation, since on one side the verification is probably a necessary first step, allowing you to withdraw your winnings once it's successfully completed. On the other hand, this process should be initiated by the casino or at least you should be told what you are supposed to provide.
I did consult the casino's rules and found this
27. KYC Policy - verifying your credential
In order to prevent possible online fraud, we reserve the right at any time to verify the authenticity of your credentials, such as your name, address, age and payment methods that you use, requiring you to submit all the necessary documents for this verification.
These documents usually include proof of your identity, your residential address (such as a utility bill), and the method of payment you are using.
Photo ID. A copy of this document is required to process your first withdrawal request. This could be a copy of your passport, driver's license, or other proof of your identity. To verify your identity, we require a photo of your identity document.
Credit / Debit Cards: Copies of the front and back of the credit / debit card that you used to deposit into your gaming account. Before submitting a copy of your credit / debit card, please make sure it is easy to read so that we can verify your identity as soon as possible. For security reasons, cover the middle eight digits on the copy of the front of your card and the 3 digits of the security code on the copy of the back.
Proof of Address: For this purpose, you can send us your utility bill or credit card statement. This document should be recently received by you, and it should clearly show your full name and address, which you provided when registering your game account. If you are going to provide a credit card statement, you should cover the middle 8 digits of your card for security.
Notarized Documents: Your documents must be certified by the signature and stamp of an authorized notary / legal counsel to prove the legality of the documents you provide.
Attention! In some cases, depending on the method of payment that you used to make a deposit, you may be asked to provide one or more of the above documents or other additional documents not included in this list.
The player undertakes to provide information within 48 hours of receiving the request. These documents can be downloaded in your personal account. We reserve the right not to report successful verification results.
If the player refuses or ignores our request for the provision of these documents, the Company may, at its discretion, close his account and withhold all the money that will be in his game account.
If the documents you send us do not pass our internal security checks, for example if we suspect that you have sent us fraudulent documents, or that your documents contain falsified information or have been provided to us for the purpose of misleading, we will not must treat these documents as legitimate and inform you about this decision.
The verification process can take up to 48 hours. As part of the verification process, we retain the discretion to limit the withdrawal of funds from the Customer’s account. The Company is not responsible for any delays in processing payments that may occur within a processing of KYC documents by our managers.
I suggest you try the chat operator or just wait a bit for support to respond. With luck, the operator will engage in conversation with you:
Could you please try the chat out and then let me know?
こんにちは、radka。アカウントにログインしようとしましたが、Google 認証コードを入力しようとすると「コード エラー」と表示され続けます。私にはこのようなセキュリティがあるため、昨日はコードを入力して問題なくログインできました。驚いたことに、今日はログインできません。1時間以上試しましたが、方法がありません。彼らは文字通り私のお金を保管していました, カジノのゴミ
Hello radka, I just tried to log into my account and it keeps telling me "code error" when I want to enter the Google authenticator code, since I have security like this, yesterday I logged in without any problem by entering my code, and surprise, Today it won't let me log in, I've been trying for more than an hour, and there's no way, they literally kept my money, casino garbage
Hola radka , acabo de intentar entrar en mí cuenta y me dice todo el tiempo "error de código" cuando quiero poner el código del autenticador de Google , ya que tengo la seguridad asi , ayer ingresé sin ningún problema poniendo mí código , y sorpresa , hoy no me deja ingresar , hace más de 1 hora estoy probando , y no hay forma , literalmente se quedaron con mí dinero , basura de casino
Phew, that's not nice if I'm honest. You still can't log into your account, can you? As for the chat, I suppose if you couldn't log in you didn't even try it, or am I wrong ? As I read that no email was sent to you by the casino and they did not reply, I am not sure if it would be the case now if you had asked why this situation occurred.
However, I am glad that you have an open complaint as our team will try to help you. I hope it can all be resolved eventually. If there is any new information, please let me know.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com