ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Hotline Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
never never ever play in this casino. I deposited 35 euros with a 100% bonus, rolled them 35 times and won 1850 euros. This was my first deposit in this casino. the next day they locked my account and told me that I had another account in their casino 2 weeks ago and they didn't pay my winnings. they are big scammers, never deposit money in their fraudulent casino
Hello there,
I'm sorry it went this way. Did this casino provide any proof that you registered multiple accounts?
Are you still in touch with them?
心配しないでください、プレッシャーはありません。 🙂
I see.
We can try it anyway if you feel like it.
I read your complaint submitted against a different casino and it seems pretty understandable to me.
Don't worry, no pressure. 🙂
私はCuraçaoeGamingSelf-Exclusionに苦情を申し立てました、そしてこの委員会はカジノに証拠を提供させました、カジノは私に私の偽の登録とSkrillからの偽の取引のスクリーンショットを含む電子メールを送りました。彼らの代理人である彼は、これらの架空の取引が彼らのシステムに存在しないことを私に確認しました。委員会に証拠として提供できるように、私は彼ら(Skrill)に公式の電子メールを送ってくれるように頼みましたが、彼らは私に電子メールを送ってくれませんでした。私は通訳を使用していますが、何が起こっているのかを正確に説明しているかどうかはわかりません。Hotlineカジノ、Skrill、CuraçaoeGaming Self-Exclusionのメールを提供できますが、それらは多く、多くのことが必要になります。時間の。必要に応じて、ケースを明確にするために写真やメールを送信するためのメールを送ってください
I lodged a complaint with the Curaçao eGaming Self-Exclusion , and this commission made the casino provide me with evidence, the casino sent me an email with a screenshot of my fake registration and fake transactions from Skrill .I contacted with Scrill support and chatting with their agent, he confirmed to me that these fictitious transactions do not exist in their system . I asked them (Skrill) to give me an official email so that I could provide it as evidence to the committee, but they did not send me an email. I use an interpreter and I'm not sure if I'm explaining to them exactly what's going on.I can provide you with emails with Hotline casino , Skrill and Curaçao eGaming Self-Exclusion , but they are many and you will need a lot of time . If you want, give me an email to send you photos and emails to clarify the case
I registered at the casino on 10.02.2022 by email plamax14@abv.bg , and my deposit is from plamax14@gmail.com , in the screenshots I sent you from the Hotline casino have falsified registration and email deposits from plammax1973@gmail.com from january , no deposits have been made from this email, and if the casino has registered in Skrill , in order to justify their actions, the registration is much later after 10.02.2022 in order to justify their actions before the commission
Hello and thank you for this information.
I'd suggest you submit a complaint regarding this issue with Hotline. This needs to consulted further, especially if you have tons of creenshots and communication to provide us with.
Would you submit a complaint?
ホットライン カジノに対する私の不満は解決されていません。私のケースについて彼らに連絡したところ、パートナーの下でアカウントを開設したため、パートナーリンクに支払ったとの回答がありました。しかし、私はカジノグルのウェブサイトからホットラインカジノを見つけました.それはあなたがホットラインカジノのパートナーであるということですか、それとも彼らの言っている別の人ですか?私が訴訟を起こす場合、私の事件に関与した人を使用する必要があるからです。
my complaint with hotline casino has been unsolved. When I contacted them about my case they replied they paid to their partner link because I opened an account under their partner. But I found out hotline casino from casinoguru website, does it means you are the partner of hotline casino, or their saying different people? Because if I lodge legal action I need to use whoever involved in my case.
ええと、あなたの質問についてはよくわからないと言わざるを得ません.2番目のアカウントを使用して苦情を提出した場合、私たちは仲介者としてのみ「関与」していると思います.さらに質問がある場合は、JozefK がここで提案したように質問してください。
各カジノの独自のスレッドで親切にコメントしてください。これは、たとえばホットライン カジノ用です。あなたがすでに圧倒的な数の苦情を提出していることは知っていますが、これらについて間違ったスレッドでコメントすると、非常に混乱します.
Hello Antony,
Kindly use the reply button every time you wish to react to any posts, please.
I moved your post here because you posted it to a thread that is associated with a different casino.
Well, I must say that I'm not pretty sure about your question, if you submitted a complaint using your second account, I believe that we are "involved" only as a mediator. For further questions, ask JozefK as he suggested here, please.
Kindly comment on every casino in its unique thread, this is for the Hotline Casino for instance. I know you have already submitted an overwhelming number of complaints but if you comment about these in the wrong thread it's very confusing.
金融サービスは、455.53 ユーロの引き出しのリクエストを拒否しました
理由: カジノのボーナス ポリシーを悪用しており、ルール 2.2 に違反しています。
2.2.アカウントは 1 つしか持てません。それぞれに1つのアカウントのみ
世帯、IP、PC が許可されます。複数開こうとすると
額 (賭け金 x10)、および最大引き出し額はに制限されています
455.53 ユーロ。
Please block this site.
Because many people have same issuses. You can’t do withdrawal. Like me:
Financial Services declined your request to withdraw EUR 455.53
Reason: You are abusing the casino bonus policy and have violated rule 2.2;
2.2. You are allowed to have only one Account. Only one Account for each
household, IP, PC is allowed. If you attempt to open more than one
Account, all accounts you try to open may be blocked or closed and any
bets may be voided. Also, any returns, deposits, winnings or bonuses
which you have gained or accrued during such time as the Duplicate
Account was active will be forfeited by you and may be reclaimed by us,
and you will return to us on demand any such funds which have been
withdrawn from the Duplicate Account.
The administration is loyal to you. There is a penalty on the withdrawal
amount (wager x10), and the maximum withdrawal amount is limited to
455.53 EUR.
あなたの家の誰もカジノに登録していないことを確認してください。そうでない場合は、https://casino.guru/complaints で苦情を申し立ててください。
もちろん、2 つ以上の口座を開設したことがないことを 100% 確信する必要があります。それまでの間、証拠を提供するように依頼してください。提供されない場合、彼らが苦情に対応する場合は、いずれにせよグルと証拠を共有する必要があります。
Make sure no one else in your house is registered in the casino, if not, file a complaint at https://casino.guru/complaints
Of course, you have to be 100% sure you never opened more than 1 account, in the meantime ask them to provide evidence to you, if they don't, they will have to share evidence with guru anyways if they react to the complaint
I already asked, but they don’t send any proof of that. Only that i have duplicate account
非常に奇妙なことですが、彼らは私のビジネス アカウントの 17.01 メールで送信しました。ネームプロモ付き???
もう 1 つの事実として、私はこのテキストを 2 回書き込もうとしましたが、毎回自動的に削除されます。クレイジーに聞こえますが、本当です。本当に 2 通のメールがありますが、なぜこの 1 通のメールが彼らから、名前のプロモーションとともに届いたのですか?そして、彼らが私が重複したアカウントを持っていると言ったのに、なぜ私はこのカジノに多くのお金を入れたのですか?私のビジネス用メールは、Google を非常に簡単に見つけることができます。彼らがそれを作ったと思うように。登録済みからのウェルカムメールなどはありません。私は愚かではありません。同じ問題を抱えているのは私だけではありません。
what is very stange, they sent it on 17.01 email on my business account, what i now finded. With name promo ???
and another fact, i have tried two times write this text but eveytime i will automatically deleted, liked some one has it put bug in my phone. It’s sound crazy but it’s true. I have two emails really, but why i had this one email from them and with name promo? And why i put so many money in this casino, if like they said i have duplicate account??? My business email can find google very easy. Like i think they made it. There is no welcome email from registered or something for that. I’m not stupid, I’m not only one who have same issue.
彼らは証拠を提供したくないので、彼らが苦情に反応するまで待ってください。それでも、ユーザーが何かで告発され、証拠が提供されないことは非常に失礼だと思います。私の場合は、少なくとも、重複したアカウントのメールアドレス、IP アドレス、およびデバイスが何であるか、証拠を共有することを知りたいと思います。被告人は閉鎖を行い、最終的にカジノの公共イメージを低下させる上記の事件に第三者が関与するのを避けるための簡単な方法です.法廷に行って有罪を宣告されたと想像してみてください。ここも同じ 😬 しばらくお待ちください。苦情が解決されるか、未解決と宣言されるまでに数週間かかる場合があります
Since they don't want to provide any evidence, just wait until they react to the complaint and they will have to provide the alleged evidence and guru will check it. Still, I consider extremely rude that an user gets accused of something and no evidence is provided, if it was my case, I would at least wanna know what the email for the duplicate account is, the IP address and the device, sharing evidence with the accused is an easy way to have a closure and avoid third parties getting involved in said cases which ultimately make the casinos have a poor public image. Imagine going to court, being declared guilty but you never got to see any evidence, it doesn't make sense, right? Same here 😬 by the moment just wait, the complaint getting solved or being declared unresolved can take weeks
金融サービスは、455.53 ユーロの引き出しのリクエストを拒否しました
理由: カジノのボーナス ポリシーを悪用しており、ルール 2.2 に違反しています。
2.2.アカウントは 1 つしか持てません。それぞれに1つのアカウントのみ
世帯、IP、PC が許可されます。複数開こうとすると
額 (賭け金 x10)、および最大引き出し額はに制限されています
455.53 ユーロ。
Please block this site.
Because many people have same issuses. You can’t do withdrawal. Like me:
Financial Services declined your request to withdraw EUR 455.53
Reason: You are abusing the casino bonus policy and have violated rule 2.2;
2.2. You are allowed to have only one Account. Only one Account for each
household, IP, PC is allowed. If you attempt to open more than one
Account, all accounts you try to open may be blocked or closed and any
bets may be voided. Also, any returns, deposits, winnings or bonuses
which you have gained or accrued during such time as the Duplicate
Account was active will be forfeited by you and may be reclaimed by us,
and you will return to us on demand any such funds which have been
withdrawn from the Duplicate Account.
The administration is loyal to you. There is a penalty on the withdrawal
amount (wager x10), and the maximum withdrawal amount is limited to
455.53 EUR.
Honestly, we have no power to block sites, but we can only warn players through our website. The casino received bad reputation rating from us, we also display a warning because of their unfair Terms and Conditions so I hope everyone who'll read it won't decide to play there.
彼らがあなたをどのように扱うかは本当に悪いように聞こえます.他の人と同じ IP アドレスを持っているという理由だけで、複数のアカウントを持っていると主張できますが、これはごく普通のことです。複数のアカウントを持っているという意味ではありません。とにかく、それが証拠も見る必要がある理由です。
The way how they treat you sounds really bad. They can claim you have multiple accounts even only because you have the same IP address as anyone else, which is quite normal. It definitely doesn't mean you have multiple accounts. Anyway, that's why we would need to see the proof as well.
This way, they can just say to anyone who won that the winnings will be voided because of multiple accounts and the decision is final.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com