私とJackspayとのちょっとした裏話、私は8/29/21に預金を開始し、1年足らずで10万ドル以上の預金に達し、スーパーVIPステータスとJacks InnerCircle3に到達しました。カスタムメイドのオファーで寛大以上。正直なところ、私が費やしたすべてのペニーはそれだけの価値があります。私の現在の不満は、このステータスまたはデポジットの量に達したとしても、テイラー以外の誰かに連絡するのに苦労していることです。支払いが3週間以上遅れている理由を尋ねると、私が得ている唯一の回答は彼らです。処理の問題があります。
JacksPayは私に素晴らしいカスタムオファーなどを提供してくれましたが、私はそれで多くのことを賭けてきました。 1か月で1380万人が賭けた。その後の次の2か月は、その月に比べてかなりの割合でしたが、夕方になると、月に400万を超える賭けが発生します。私たちの関係は常に堅実であり、これまでのところ、これは私が遭遇した唯一の道路の隆起であり、うまくいけば、今後の最後の隆起です。
今少し脇道になって、上記の投稿に応えて、私は引き出しで20k以上を「リクエスト」することができました、私は最新の$ 13,049を受け取りました(彼らの側に送られた500$を含めて13,549$ですが、それは現在行方不明です。)
I'm having trouble reaching anyone in upper management with Jackspay or whoever is in charge of my account. I've been posting in LCB forums and have emailed their support team which was rerouted to upper management, they responded once but then stopped replying. I've had pending withdrawals since the 20th of April, and on 5/17 after a lot of complaining and finally writing a review on LCB, I was told that ONE of my 5 withdrawals has been paid. That withdrawal was 500$. Taylor (my VIP host and the one in charge of live chat) has told me that they've paid out the $500 from April 20th and it shows up as approved on my end when I check my history, but it hasn't showed up in my wallet. I have triple checked my wallet address and the withdrawal address I've provided. I've asked for the transaction link on the blockchain but have not been provided by upper management. Taylor has said that he has asked upper management for the link since 5/17 but said due to a time difference he has not responded.
Little backstory with me and Jackspay, I started depositing on 8/29/21, in under a year I've reached over 100,000$ USD in deposits and reached super VIP status and Jacks Inner Circle 3. In return, JacksPay and management have been more than generous with their custom tailored offers. Honestly makes every penny I spent worth it. My frustration currently is that even having reached this status or amount of deposits, I'm having a hard time reaching anyone apart from Taylor and when asking why my payouts are more than 3 weeks delayed, the only response I'm getting is they're having processing issues.
JacksPay has given me great custom offers and such but I in turn have wagered a lot with that. 13.8 million wagered in one month. Now the next two months following that was significantly fractions compared to that month, but evening it out, its still more than 4 million wagering a month. Our relationship has always been solid and so far this is the only road bump I've encountered and hopefully the last bump going forward.
Getting a little sidetracked now, in response to the post above, I have been able to "request" 20k+ in withdrawals, I have received $13,049 up to date, (13,549$ including the 500$ that was sent on their end, but it is missing currently.)
Also, to cover my bases I have asked Taylor over and over if my account was at any risk of being blocked for any reason whether it be "bonus abuse" or for violating any of their terms of service. He has assured me that was not the case and that the issue is with their third party processor NGT. The only reason I even bothered to come on this forum was that it seems like the only way to get upper managements attention is by doing so. I hope that the fact that a member who has reached one of their highest status / tiers has to resort to posting on a casino review forum has some effect moving forward.
Anyways, as soon as the 500$ shows up in my wallet, will update. Hope to get this all resolved ASAP.