ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Kudos Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hi, according to what you write you won't have the best casino experience. Can you tell me what happened and how is it possible that the casino took money from your account ? It would certainly be helpful if you could describe your situation so that we can try to help you.
あまり嬉しくありません - わかりました。おそらくカジノのサポートから合理的な説明はあるでしょうか?誰かに連絡を取ろうとしましたか?
Not very pleasing - got it. Any reasonable explanation from the casino's support, perhaps? Have you tried to contact someone?
このカジノを試すために、入金不要ボーナスを請求しました。見た目もとても魅力的で、操作も簡単なカジノでした。サイト上で何をしてもまったく問題はありませんでした。プレイしたゲームに不具合はまったくありませんでした。残念ながら、私は勝ちませんでした。次の日、目覚めると、メールでさらに 20 ドル相当の無料プレイが届いていました。通常は 2 チップ連続で無料プレイを請求することはできないので、プレイできないだろうと思いました。驚いたことに、ルールを調べてみると、実際のお金を入金する前に 2 チップ請求できることがわかりました。すばらしい!!!
I claimed a no deposit bonus to give this casino a try. It was very appealing to the eyes and an easy casino to navigate. I had no problems whatsoever with anything I did while on the site. There was no glitches at all in the games when I played. Unfortunately I did not win. The next day I woke up to another 20 dollars worth of free play in my email. I figured I would be unable to play it because usually you can't claim two chips of free play in a row. Well to my surprise I looked up the rules and you can claim two before you have to make a real money deposit. Awesome!!!
そうですね、Kudos や私が問題を抱えている他のいくつかのオンライン カジノについて言えることは、お金を入金して負けてもカスタマー サービスは素晴らしく、法外なオファーをしてくるということです。不公平なボーナスですが、勝った瞬間にボーナスを請求できなくなります。カジノはあなたをボーナス乱用者として分類しようとします。そのため、あなたはカジノに行って、ボーナスをまったく請求しません。私はもうボーナスを請求しないようにしています。ただし、勝って賞金を現金化すると、カジノのファンではなくなります。全体的な扱いが異なります。失礼で非常に非専門的なツアーです。捕まった人は、その後、カナダでは不利な立場にあるマシンのように感じます。ギャングが凍りついてログオフされます。追い出され、すべてのお金を失いました。
Well, I can say this about kudos and several other casinos online casinos that I do have a problem With you can deposit your money and lose and customer service is great and they offer you outrageously. Unfair bonuses, but the minute that you win behind claiming a bonus. The casino tries to label you as a bonus abuser. So then you go in and you don't claim bonus at all. I try not even claim bonus anymore. However, you are not a fan of the casinos if you win and you cash out your winnings. The total treatment is different. Rude and very unprofessional tours. A person that catches out and then after that point I feel like they're the machines in a disadvantage in Canada. Gangster freezing and so forth in and log you off. Kick you off and you lost every dime.
am not surprised if you have this opinion.
Regarding bonuses, I say this a lot and I would say that they are sometimes more of an attraction than a benefit. Obviously I wouldn't try to claim them and if there were still issues with withdrawals even if I was playing for real money, I'd probably leave the casino.
However, do you still get used to playing here from time to time or not ?
No I have not played at kudos casino since the first of the year
Probably a good decision for you if that was the case with everything you described.
However, are you playing in some other casino where you don't have to deal with such difficulties ?
最初の数日間は書類の確認で問題がありました... 要求されたものはすべて送りました(すべてです!!!)
1) ウェブサイトにアクセスできない
2) ライブチャットで話していると、賞金を受け取る権利を失ったと言われました (€2200!!! 何を言っているのですか!!! 私のせいですか!!!) 恥ずかしいことではありません!!!
3) チャットのオプションがなくなり、メールでも利用できなくなりました。
4) 必死だ!!! 不公平だ!!
Good experience with kudos
Until I got a big prize!!!
APPROXIMATELY €2200 that I have wanted to withdraw for 5 days
The first few days they gave me problems with document verification... I sent everything they asked me for (EVERYTHING!!!)
After several cancellations, today I check the status of my operation again... And I get the following surprise
1) it won't let me enter the website
2) talking to the live chat they tell me that I have lost the right to any winnings (€2200!!! What are you saying!!! What's my fault!!!) No shame!!!
3) They no longer give me the option to chat with them and I'm afraid not by email either.
I talk to them and comment on the situation, they don't seem to read or answer my questions... they always answer the same thing.
4) I'm desperate!!! It's not fair!!
Buena experiencia con kudos
Hasta que me tocó un premio grande!!!
2200€ APROX que quiero retirar desde hace 5 días
Los primeros días me dan problemas con la verificación documentos... Envié todo lo que me iban pidiendo (TODO!!!)
Después de varias cancelaciones, hoy vuelvo a comprobar el estado de mi operación... Y me llevo la siguiente sorpresa
1) no me deja entrar en la web
2) hablando con el chat en vivo me dicen que he perdido el derecho a cualquier ganancia (2200€!!! Que dices!!! Que culpa tengo yo!!!) Sin vergüenzas!!!
3) ya no me dejan opción de hablar por chat con ellos y mucho me temo que tampoco por email.
Les hablo y comento la situación, ellos parece no leerey contestar a mis dudas... siempre contestan lo mismo
4) estoy desesperado!!!no es justo!!
前述のキャッシャーのメールには何と書かれていましたか? また、アカウントが確認されたと思われるときに書類を提出できるようにカジノ側がさらに 10 日間の猶予を与えたのは、かなり奇妙に感じます。タイムラインをクリアするのを手伝ってもらえませんか。
Don't worry, we have a team of dedicated specialists. You are more than welcome to create your own, free-of-charge complaint through which these people will try to resolve this issue.
All you need to do is to follow this green link 👈 and set up the case.
I would also like to mention you should not post any more screenshots showing your personal data, one never knows who's looking.
there is a fair chance I did not conclude the screenshot's details correctly, so I'd like to ask:
What was stated in the aforementioned cashier email, please? Also, it feels quite strange the casino gave you 10 more days so you can provide documents when your account seems to be verified. Perhaps you can help me clear the timeline.
The screenshot, which does not appear in its entirety, is a fragment of the casino's website where they explain that if the account has not been verified in 10 days (in total), I will lose access and balance. That's why I'm desperate
They do not answer emails, they do not ask me or give me more explanations or reasons, not even that I am missing documents.
I provided ID, bank card, direct debit invoice receipt... Everything they asked of me
I have all the necessary documentation, email, screenshots as proof
I have tried to withdraw money 4/5 times and have always been rejected
And now they won't even let me in
Thanks greetings
La captura de pantalla que no aparece entera, es un fragmento de la web del casino donde explican que si en 10 días (en total)no se ha verificado la cuenta, perderé acceso y saldo. Por eso estoy desesperado
No contestan email, no me piden ni me dan más explicaciones o motivos, no siquiera que me falten documentos
Entregué DNI, tarjeta banco, recibo factura domiciliada... Todo lo que me pidieron
Tengo toda la documentación, email, capturas de pantalla necesarios como pruebas
He intentado el retiro de dinero 4/5 veces y siempre me lo han rechazado
Y ahora no me dejan ni entrar
Gracias, saludos
それは興味深いですね。あなたが経験したことにもかかわらず、このカジノは KYC 期限を 10 日間としている点でかなり自信があるようです。
私の提案に同意する場合は、 このリンク 👈 を使用してみてください。プロセスは非常に簡単です。
That's interesting. Despite what you have been through, this casino seems quite confident if they state 10 days as the KYC deadline.
Well, if you feel desperate, I would most likely be; feel free to submit a complaint. It's completely free-of-charge. so you don't have to worry. All you need to invest is your time and cooperation.
Try to use this link 👈 if you agree with my suggestion. The process is quite easy.
details are explained here 👈. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything, ok?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com