ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Legiano Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I have to verify the status of a withdrawal of 500 euros and they always give me the runaround, they tell me that in three days after they have had a problem with the visas. Etc legiano casino
Tengo pendiente de verificar estado de un retiro de 500 euros y siempre me Dan largas, me dicen que en tres días luego que han tenido un problema con las visas. Etc legiano casino
ご存知のとおり、私たちは通常、カジノに 14 日間の猶予を与えています。何らかの問題や技術的な問題が発生する可能性があるためです。
So, you are still waiting for the verification of your account, right?
You know, we usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed, because there really can be some kind of issue, or technical problem.
So, if you really see that all this is going nowhere and you are not ale to withdraw your winnings, let us know, and we will intervene.
Please keep us updated about the whole situation.
すでに支払いは済んでいますか? 済んでいることを願っています。共有していただけるあらゆる詳細を大変ありがたく思います。あなたの投稿により、同じような経験をした人がもっと混乱しなくなるかもしれません。
Hi there!
I just came across this conversation and was wondering how things turned out for you.
Have you been paid by now? I hope you have, and every detail you may share is much appreciated. Maybe your posts will make others less confused if someone else experiences something similar.
何時間もチャットした後、ようやくお金が支払われました。今、ポールスターカジノでも同じ問題が発生しています。このページの別のユーザーのレビューのおかげで、これらのカジノは両方ともRabidi NVの下で運営されていることがわかりました。このグループのサイトでプレイすることはお勧めしません。今チャットで受け取る回答は、legianoから受け取った回答とまったく同じです。ある日はすべて順調だと言い、次の日には多額の引き出し要求があると書きます。今私が受け取る回答とまったく同じコピーアンドペーストされた回答です。casinoguruの皆さんは、Rabidi NVのページを検討すべきだと思います。そうでなければ。これらのカジノはうまく運営されていません。顧客に引き出しをキャンセルさせ、引き出しに時間がかかる理由を言い訳にしようとします。現在、ポールスターから500ユーロを待っています。私はこれらのサイトで二度とプレイすることはありません。
I finally got the money paid out, after hours of chatting. I now have the same problems with polestar casino. Thanks to another user's review on this page, I found out that both of these casinos are operated under Rabidi NV. I would advise against anyone playing on sites under this group. The answers I get in chat now are exactly the same as I got from legiano. They say one day everything is fine, then they write that they have a large request for withdrawals the next day. It's exactly the same cut and paste answer I get now. I think you at casinoguru should consider the pages under Rabidi NV Otherwise. These casinos do not operate well. They want the customers to cancel their withdrawals and come up with excuses as to why the withdrawals should take so long. Now waiting for 500 eur from polestar. I will never play on any of these sites again.
Jeg fikk til slutt pengene utbetalt, etter timevis i chat. Jeg har nå samme problemer med polestar casino. Takket være en annen bruker sin anmeldelse her på siden, fant jeg ut at begge disse casino drives under Rabidi N.V. Jeg vil fraråde alle å spille på sider som ligger under denne gruppen. Svarene jeg får i chat nå er helt like som jeg fikk hos legiano. De sier en dag alt er i orden, så skriver de at de har stor forespørsel på uttak neste dag. Det er helt like klipp og lim svar jeg får nå. Jeg synes dere i casinoguru burde vurdere sidene under Rabidi N.V. Annerledes. Disse casinoene opererer ikke bra. De ønsker at kundene skal avbryte sine uttak og kommer på unnskyldinger på hvorfor uttakene skal ta så lang tid. Venter nå på 500 eur fra polestar. Jeg skal aldri spille på noen av disse sidene igjen.
いいえ、 他のカジノでの出金がどうなるか見てみましょう。🤞
I am glad that you have got your money, even though you need to wait longer, and that must surely be stressful.
Whenever a complaint gets resolved, we don't get black points to any casino, you know, even though it takes a long time. Only if a complaint is unresolved will the casino get them, and it will negatively influence its safety index.
That's why it is great when our users share their experience here on forum or by writing user reviews, so everyone can be better informed.
No, let's see how it will go with your withdrawal at the other casino.🤞
Everything was going well until I started making a profit.
I requested a withdrawal and it took 29 days to get paid.
Now I have ordered another one and it arrived after 10 days of waiting....I still haven't received my money
I think I'm going to lose my money...
Todo iba bien hasta que empecé a tener beneficios.
Solicité un retiro y tardaron 29 días en pagarme.
Ahora he vuelto a pedir otro y llego 10 días esperando....todavía no he recibido mi dibero
Creo que voy a perder mi dinero...
Do you mean that they approved it after 10 days?
If your account there is already verified, I wouldn't say that it will take that long.
May I ask which payment method you used, please?
このカジノは私たちを騙そうとしていると思います。私の口座にある 2400 ユーロを失うことになります。
In September they asked me for verification and I spent more than 20 days trying to verify.
In October it took them 28 days to give me a withdrawal of only €190, I had to claim it every day!!
I'm now waiting for a withdrawal since 11/21, and I've lost hope.
I use bank transfer, but I've been told that it doesn't matter which method you use because the waiting days are the same.
I think this casino is going to scam us. I'm going to lose my 2400€ that I have in my account.
En septiembre me pidieron verificación y estuve más de 20 días para verificar.
En octubre tardaron 28 días para darme un retiro de solo 190€, tuve que reclamar todos los días!!
Ahora estoy esperando un retiro desde el 21/11, y he perdido la esperanza.
Utilizo bank Transfer, pero me han dicho que da igual el método que uses porque los días de espera son los mismos.
Creo que este casino nos va a estafar. Voy a perder mis 2400€ que tengo en mi cuenta
Legiano Casino に関する苦情は解決されたと思っていましたが、どうやら別の問題があるようです。状況は同じようですので、解決策はすでにご存知だと思います。お金を失う代わりに、別のレビューを試して、新しい苦情を提出してください。それがはるかに良い行動です。
Don't lose the money. Once you do that, no one will be able to help you get the amount back.
I thought your complaint about Legiano Casino was resolved, but you have another issue, it seems. Well, the situation seems to be the same, I reckon, so you know the solution already. Instead of losing the money, try another review and submit a new complaint. That's a far better course of action.
こんにちは。 他のスレッドで私の質問に対するあなたの回答をここで見ました。
Hey. I just saw your answer here to my question in the other thread.
Let's just keep it here, in the official thread of the casino, because this way, when you write to multiple threads about the same issue, it is really hard to keep up.
May I ask you why you need to open another complaint, please?
Is there any more money pending, perhaps?
If there is, you can write in your pending complaint that you have another withdrawal requested, and your complaint resolver will add the amount to the previous one, you know.
Just post it into the complaints thread here.
If you need any kind of help with it, surely let us know.
おはようございます。グーグルでこのフォーラムを見つけました。皆さんのお力添えをいただければ幸いです。20回以上引き出しをしましたが、Legiano はそれをすべてキャンセルしました。チャットを開くと、キャンセルしたと言われます。また、Visa に問題がある (振替で引き出した場合) と言われ、常に千の言い訳を言われ、私にとって良い結果にはなりません。彼らは常に千の言い訳をし、さまざまな方法を試しているなど...私はすべて試しました。すでにお金を引き出しましたが、問題なく完了しました (90 ユーロでした)。今は 500 ユーロで、問題が始まります。90、100、50、400 を引き出そうとしましたが、何も起こりませんでした。1 か月以上この状態が続いていますが、誰も何も解決していません。言い訳ばかりで、いつも同じテキストが何度も何度もコピーされています。私は賭博場のエキスパートである弁護士に連絡を取りましたが、彼はさらに約 20 人の被害者を抱えており、1 人あたり 20 ユーロで Legiano に対して法的手続きを開始すると私に伝えました。この段階まで行きたくはありませんが、私たちが目にしてきたことを考えると、他に選択肢はないと思います。誰か協力したい人、または集団苦情に加わりたい人はいませんか?
Good morning, I found this forum by googling and I hope you can help me. I have made more than 20 withdrawals and Legiano cancels them all, and when I open the chat they tell me that I have cancelled it, other times, that they have problems with Visa (when I withdraw by transfer) and always a thousand excuses and it never ends in anything good for me. They always give a thousand excuses, that they try different methods, etc... I have done everything. I have already withdrawn money and it was done without problems (it was 90@ euros) now it is 500 and the problems begin. I have tried to withdraw 90, 100, 50, 400... and nothing. It has been like this for more than a month, and nobody solves anything. Only excuses and always the same text copied over and over and over again. I have contacted a lawyer who is an expert in betting houses, and he has about 20 more affected people, which he has told me that for 20€ each of us, we will start legal proceedings against Legiano. I don't want to get to this point, but given what we've seen, I think there's no other option. Does anyone want to help, or does anyone want to join the collective complaint?
Buenos días, googleando llegué a este foro y espero me puedan ayudar. Llevo más de 20 retiros y legiano los anula todos, y cuando abro el chat me dicen que lo he anulado yo, otras veces, que teienen problemas con visa ( cuando retiro por transferencia) y siempre mil excusas y nunca acaba en nada bueno para mi. Siempre dan mil excusas, que prueba diferentes métodos, etc... Lo he hecho todo. Ya retiré dinero y lo hizo sin problemas ( eran 90@ euros) ahora son 500 y empiezan los problemas. He intentado retirar 90, 100, 50, 400... y nada. Llevo más de un mes así, y nadie soluciona nada. Solo excusas y siempre el mismo texto copiado una y otra y otra vez. He contactado con un abogado experto en casas de apuesta, y tiene como 20 afectados más, los cuales el me ha dicho que por 20€ cada uno de nosotros, iniciaremos trámites judiciales contra Legiano. No quiero llegar a este punto, pero visto lo visto, creo que no queda otra. ¿ Alguien ayuda, o alguien se quiere unir a la denuncia colectiva?
Hello there.
I am lucky you found our site, and I can see that you have been already able to file a complaint here as well.
Please know that the complaint is free of charge, and our team will do their best to solve it as we already did with other complaints for this casino.
If you go through this thread, you will read more posts with similar issues from our users. I hope that all this will be solved soon and you'll get your money.
How long have you been playing at this casino, if I may?
こんにちは!最近、Legiano Casino からお金を引き出すことができた人がいるかどうか、興味があるのではないでしょうか。解決済みのプレイヤーの苦情を調べたところ、実際に支払いを受けたプレイヤーもいることがわかりました。
Hi! I bet you are interested to know whether anyone has recently been able to withdraw money from Legiano Casino. I checked resolved player's complaints to find out that some players have actually been paid.
https://casino.guru/complaints/resolved 👈
Feel free to browse the related forum threads located under the official discuss tab and list at the reviews site 👈
For the most direct update, though, I think we would need to meet an actual palyer. Let's see whether someone responds here.
私の名前はヴァシリスです。ギリシャ出身で、2024 年 12 月 24 日に Legiano に登録しました。電話番号とメール以外の確認は必要ありませんでした。
現在、12 月 25 日、26 日、27 日付けでそれぞれ 500 ユーロの出金リクエストが保留中です。アカウントの残高はまだ 2,500 ユーロで、合計 4,000 ユーロになります。
My name is Vasilis, I am from Greece, and I registered on Legiano on December 24, 2024. No verification was required apart from my phone number and email.
I currently have pending withdrawal requests for €500 each, dated December 25, 26, and 27. My account still shows a balance of €2,500, making a total of €4,000.
In the chat, they keep responding with the same automated and seemingly false messages, claiming that the finance department is overwhelmed with withdrawal requests and asking me to be patient.
I never used any kind of bonus.
I suspect they are scammers. Please help me retrieve my money.
しばらく待って、カジノがまだそのくらいの時間がかかるかどうか見てみましょう。カジノには出金処理に 14 日間の猶予を与えていますので、それ以上かかる場合はご連絡ください。できる限りお手伝いいたします。
Hello, if I'm honest, maybe the casino really isn't lying. It was a holiday, so it's possible that they don't have enough people or the withdrawals just aren't processed during those days.
Try to hold out and see if it still takes the casino that long. We give casinos 14 days to process withdrawals so if it takes longer than that please get in touch and we will try to help.
I hope everything will be alright. 👍😊
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com