ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Max Vegas Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
最初に支払いをリクエストして確認デポジット (30 ドル) を入金してから 9 営業日が経ちました。4 日前までサポートに連絡していました。それ以来、メールやチャットを何度か送信しましたが、どれも読まれず、応答もありません。私のお金を持って逃げてしまったようです。カジノは閉鎖されたのでしょうか? 回答が必要です。たった 130 ドルですが、私のお金なので今すぐ欲しいです! ひどい経験でした。良かったのはゲームプレイだけです。
It has been 9 business days since I first requested my payout and made my verification deposit (30$) I was in contact with support until about 4 days ago. Since then I have made several emails and chat attempts and none are being read or responded to. It seems that they have taken my money and run. Did the casino shut down? I need some answers. It is only 130$ but it's mine and I want it now! Terrible experience only thing good was the gameplay.
いずれにせよ、カジノには出金を解決するために 14 日間の猶予を与えていますので、何も変わらない場合は、再度私に連絡していただければ、お手伝いさせていただきます。カジノはすでに 1 件の苦情を解決しており、現在さらに 2 件の苦情が解決中であることがわかったので、それもうまくいくことを願っています。
Hi, I'm sorry you've been waiting more than a week for your withdrawal. Did the casino tell you the reason why? Was it necessary to verify in your case ? What did they tell you last time ?
Anyway, we give casinos 14 days to resolve your withdrawal, so if nothing changes, you can update me again and we will try to help you. I saw that the casino has already solved one complaint and has two more open at the moment, so I hope that will be successful as well.
I'll be here if there's any changes.
I was actively talking to them for the first 4 business days after I had requested withdrawal and they were always quick to answer my chat and check my request. Apparently they have a policy that says your first withdrawal can take up to 7 business days to complete (not found in the T,C) I was also told that KYC wasn't needed and that my deposit was verification enough, which I thought was odd. So I didn't bother them until the end of the 7th business day comes around and I try to chat with them again. No word back and my chats aren't being read and seems to have an automated response saying Hello we are currently offline and has said that for the past 4 days at least. One other thing stuck me odd and worrying. Ever since the same day and exact same time when I submitted my withdrawal request, I have been getting numerous spam emails( phishing attempts) to give up some personal information. I know better. It's worrying that maybe the site was hacked and I sent my deposit to some thief or the casino is running a scam and/or they are shut. Anyways just a warning but I will keep this thread updated if or when I hear something more.
私もそのページを開くことができませんでした。そこで、データ チームの同僚に確認してもらいました。
Hey there!
I couldn't open its page too. So I aksed my colleagues from Data Team to check that out.
Let's see what they are going to find out, I'll keep you posted.
I was actively talking to them for the first 4 business days after I had requested withdrawal and they were always quick to answer my chat and check my request. Apparently they have a policy that says your first withdrawal can take up to 7 business days to complete (not found in the T,C) I was also told that KYC wasn't needed and that my deposit was verification enough, which I thought was odd. So I didn't bother them until the end of the 7th business day comes around and I try to chat with them again. No word back and my chats aren't being read and seems to have an automated response saying Hello we are currently offline and has said that for the past 4 days at least. One other thing stuck me odd and worrying. Ever since the same day and exact same time when I submitted my withdrawal request, I have been getting numerous spam emails( phishing attempts) to give up some personal information. I know better. It's worrying that maybe the site was hacked and I sent my deposit to some thief or the casino is running a scam and/or they are shut. Anyways just a warning but I will keep this thread updated if or when I hear something more.
この先が気に入らないというわけではありません。私の好みには奇妙な偶然が多すぎます。とはいえ、今すぐに結論を出すつもりはありません。苦情を提出していただき、ありがとうございます。johndominickのおかげで、データ チームも少なくとも確認してくれるでしょう。
Can't say I like where this is going, too many weird coincidences for my taste. Still, I won't jump to conclusions just now. It's great you submitted the complaint, and thanks to johndominick the Data Team will at least check on them too.
Thanks in advance for the updates.
For now, let's hope this is only a temporary issue o their end.
I guess communication is not the strongest side of the casino according to what you say.
However, I hope that our team will be able to come forward and help you somehow.
Anyway, still no news from the casino regarding your withdrawal ?
それは真実です。出金については何も言われていません。私はこのカジノが詐欺を働いているか、閉鎖されていると信じています。ログインしてチャットしようとするたびに、オフラインと表示されます。チャットも一度も表示されていません。両方のアドレスに複数のメールを送信しましたが、応答がありません。S upport@maxvegas.comそして support@maxvegas.netおそらく、彼らから何かを勝ち取ったことさえ忘れて、先へ進むことになるでしょう。しかし、苦情を最新の状態に保つために、フォーラムでは積極的に活動していきます。チェックインしていただき、ありがとうございます。
That's the truth and no word about withdrawal I do believe that this casino is scamming and or shut it's doors. Everytime I login and try to chat it says offline. Chats have never been viewed either. I have sent multiple emails to both addresses and no response. Support@maxvegas.com and support@maxvegas.net. I'm probably going to just forget I even won anything from them and move on. But I will stay active in the forum in order to keep my complaint updated. Thanks for checking in.
Now it seems the site is running, thoug I let the check request active.
Can yo access the website now?
Perhaps we witnessed a technical issue which may result in delayed withdrawals and general services. Well, have no idea, to be honest.
それは真実です。出金については何も言われていません。私はこのカジノが詐欺を働いているか、閉鎖されていると信じています。ログインしてチャットしようとするたびに、オフラインと表示されます。チャットも一度も表示されていません。両方のアドレスに複数のメールを送信しましたが、応答がありません。S upport@maxvegas.comそして support@maxvegas.netおそらく、彼らから何かを勝ち取ったことさえ忘れて、先へ進むことになるでしょう。しかし、苦情を最新の状態に保つために、フォーラムでは積極的に活動していきます。チェックインしていただき、ありがとうございます。
That's the truth and no word about withdrawal I do believe that this casino is scamming and or shut it's doors. Everytime I login and try to chat it says offline. Chats have never been viewed either. I have sent multiple emails to both addresses and no response. Support@maxvegas.com and support@maxvegas.net. I'm probably going to just forget I even won anything from them and move on. But I will stay active in the forum in order to keep my complaint updated. Thanks for checking in.
それは、米国の他のプレイヤーから聞いた話と非常に似ています。いずれにせよ、情報を教えてくれてありがとう。チームが苦情処理プロセスを通じて何を見つけ出すのか見てみましょう。しかし、カジノが支払いを処理するための最初の 14 日間のフェーズはまだ終わっていません。このような状況でこのようなことが起こるのは残念です。
That sounds very similar to what we had from the other player from the US. One way or another, thanks for keeping us posted, let's see what the Team is going to find out through the complait process. Yet, the initial phase of 14 full days for the casino to handle the payout has not ended. I'm sorry to see that under such circumstances.
I honestly hope the intervention won't be necessary in the end!
このプロセスから何を期待できるかわからない場合は、 このガイドを読むだけで、必要な情報をすべて知ることができます。
Hi, since you have been waiting for quite a long time and still no one has reached you and you don't have a reason from the casino, I would move on to filing a complaint. I don't think that's the best way to keep a player and not communicate with them. Didn't you learn anything new at all?
The complaint I was talking about can be opened here on this link.
If you don't know what to expect from this process, just read this guide and you will learn everything you need to know.
Do you think you'll go for it ?
Great, now let's see how our team will proceed and what they will be able to solve. Feel free to update me if you have anything new. 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com