こんにちは!私はPragmatic Playのゲームをプレイしていますが、通常のSugar RushとSugar Rush 1000が本当に気に入っています。おそらく1か月ほどプレイしています。これはRTPの高い非常に寛大なスロットです。一言で言えば、私は本当に楽しんでいます
Hi! I've been playing games from Pragmatic Play, and I really like the regular Sugar Rush and Sugar Rush 1000. I've probably been playing them for about a month now. It's a very generous slot with a high RTP. In short, I really enjoy it
あなたもシュガーラッシュが好きですか?素晴らしいスロットです!私は約1か月間プレイしています。ロケットが一度に5〜6個ヒットすると、息を呑むほどです。スロットのデザインは美しいです。また、サイトでの支払いが非常に便利であることも気に入っています。皆さん、Pragmatic Playを強くお勧めします
Do you also like Sugar Rush? It's a great slot! I've been playing it for about a month now. Sometimes, when the rockets hit 5-6 at a time, it takes my breath away. The slot is beautifully designed. I also like that the payouts on the site are very convenient. Guys, I highly recommend Pragmatic Play
残念ながら、casinoguro のレビューを信頼することはできません (少なくとも私たちブラジル人にとっては)。
Mostbet プラットフォームは 2 日で私のアカウントを凍結し、書類の確認に問題を引き起こしています。要求された書類はすべてすでに送信されており、私の顔が映っているビデオも添付されています。安全で真面目なプラットフォームであれば、書類の信憑性を確認できるはずのすべての必要な情報が含まれていますが、何が間違っているのか、何が足りないのかを詳しく説明することなく、同じ書類を要求するメッセージが何度も送られてきます。
最後に、入金に使用したカードの写真を求められましたが、私は PIX 経由で 2 回入金しただけで、取引の証拠も送っていますが、私の物理的な NEON 銀行カードには最後の 4 桁しか印刷されておらず、カードのすべての桁の写真を要求されていますが、Neon 銀行アプリではこの情報を取得できません。
2 つの取引の証拠を送ったので、書類の確認に関しては、この詳細は関係ありません。
reclameaqui.com.br と portaldaqueixa.com で確認したところ、60 日以上も金額を差し押さえるという行為が多くの人に対して行われていることがわかりました。
casinoguro プラットフォームは、これらのプラットフォーム評価にもっと注意を払う必要があります。2 か月の検証と完全に弱いサポートでは、決して高いスコアを得るに値しません。
Unfortunately it's not possible (at least for us Brazilians) to trust the reviews here on casinoguro.
The mostbet platform froze my account in 2 days and has been creating problems to verify my documents. All the documents requested have already been sent, with a video of my face appearing, all the necessary information that if they were a safe and serious platform it would already be possible to confirm the veracity of the documents, but they send a message requesting the same documents several times, without explaining better what is wrong or what is missing.
Lastly, they asked for a photo of the card used for the deposit, I've only made two deposits via PIX and I've even sent proof of the transactions, but my physical NEON bank card only has the last 4 digits printed on it, they want a photo of ALL the digits on the card, and in the neon bank app I can't get this information.
A detail that doesn't make any difference when it comes to verifying my documents, since I sent them PROOF of the two transactions.
After checking on reclameaqui.com.br and portaldaqueixa.com I saw that they are doing this to MANY people, withholding amounts for more than 60 days.
They are practically acting like a financial pyramid, withholding money from several players for months and playing with our money.
The casinoguro platform should pay more attention to these platform evaluations, a 2-month verification and totally weak support does not deserve a high score ever.
They are playing with people and families as if they were nothing.
Infelizmente não está sendo possível (pelo menos para nós brasileiros) confiar nas avaliações aqui no site casinoguro.
A plataforma mostbet congelou minha conta em 2 dias de uso e vem criando problemas para verificar meus documentos. Já foram enviados todos documentos solicitados, video com a minha cara aparecendo, todas informações necessárias que se fossem uma plataforma segura e séria já seria possível confirmar a veracidade dos documentos, porém enviam mensagem solicitando os mesmos documentos por diversas vezes, sem explicar melhor o que está errado e o que está faltando.
Por último solicitaram foto com o cartão utilizado para depósito, eu realizei apenas dois depósitos via PIX e já enviei até mesmo comprovante das transações, porém o meu cartão físico do banco NEON possui apenas os 4 últimos dígitos impressos, eles querem uma foto com TODOS os dígitos do cartão, e no aplicativo do banco neon não consigo essa informação.
Um detalhe que não faz diferença nenhuma para verificar meus documentos já que eu enviei os COMPROVANTES das duas transações.
Após verificar no site reclameaqui.com.br e portaldaqueixa.com vi que estão fazendo isso com DIVERSAS pessoas, retendo valores por mais de 60 dias.
Estão agindo praticamente como uma piramide financeira, retendo valores de diversos jogadores por meses e brincando com nosso dinheiro.
A plataforma casinoguro deveria ter mais atenção nessas avaliações das plataformas, uma verificação por 2 meses além do suporte totalmente fraco não merece nota alta nunca.
Estão brincando com pessoas e famílias como se não fossem nada.
I have read about your verification problem and to tell you the truth it is quite strange. Like you, I would like to know that if something is wrong on a document, what is it so that I can send the correct one.
But I see that's not the only problem when you mention that you can't verify the card you deposited with. Did you tell the casino that you couldn't even get it from the bank? I think in that case they should try to find some alternative. On the other hand, if you visit the bank, isn't it possible to get a document confirming what the casino wants? This is something that seems to me to be a fairly simple request and also a common one.
Anyway, since you have a complaint with us, we will try to help you and see if we can.
I hope so and you will be able to withdraw the money.
If you get any more information and the case moves forward, feel free to let me know.
もう 1 つ、詳細があります。前述したように、Pix 送金で入金したのは 2 回だけです。入金伝票、銀行アプリのすべての画面のプリントアウト、およびカード番号全体を文書で提供できないことを確認する Neon Bank サポートのプリントアウトをすでに送信しました。
casinoguru の皆さんが真剣にカジノユーザーに素晴らしいサービスを提供していることは知っていますが、mostbet のようなプラットフォームに対する高い評価は、私のような人々を騙す結果に繋がっています。
真面目なプラットフォームは、チャット自体での確認プロセスをリアルタイムで、または最大 3 日以内に解決します。今では、ドキュメントを確認するのに 60 日以上もかかりますか? これは詐欺です。
I contacted the bank and they explained that the physical card has a different numbering for security reasons, the numbers in the banking app are for the virtual card and can be changed if it is cloned. The casino insisted on the numbering of the physical card, but with all the numbering, data and security code printed on the card, anyone can use my card at will.
Another detail: as I said, I've only made two deposits via Pix transfer, and I've already sent them the deposit slips, a printout of all the screens in the banking app, and a printout of Neon Bank's support confirming that it's not possible to provide the full card numbers by documentary means.
These procedures, if they were just to ensure security, would have been resolved by now. I even sent a video showing all the documents, the computer screen with the accounts open, I showed my face, I spelled out my documents, which was supposed to be more than enough to prove my identity, but the truth is that several casinos are acting as financial pyramids with the excuse of verification, they withhold amounts from several players for months and we are left without our money without any support.
I know you guys at casinoguru are serious and provide a huge service to casino users, but these high marks for platforms like mostbet end up leading people like me to fall for it.
Serious platforms resolve the verification process in the chat itself in real time, or at most within 3 days. Now it takes more than 60 days to look at a document? That's a scam.
Fiz contato com o banco e me explicaram que o cartão físico possui uma numeração diferente por questões de segurança, os numerais que estão no aplicativo bancário são para cartão virtual e podem ser alterados caso seja clonado. O cassino insistiu querendo a numeração do cartão físico, detalhe: com toda numeração, dados e código de segurança impresso no cartão qualquer um pode utilizar o meu cartão a vontade.
outro detalhe, como informei eu realizei apenas dois depósitos via transferência Pix, sendo que já enviei para eles os comprovantes dos depósitos, print de todas telas do aplicativo bancário, print com o suporte do banco neon me confirmando não ser possível informar por meio documental os números completos do cartão.
Esses procedimentos se fossem mesmo só para garantir segurança já teria sido resolvido, eu enviei inclusive vídeo mostrando todos documentos, tela do computador com as contas abertas, mostrei minha cara, soletrei meus documentos, que era pra ser mais que suficiente para comprovar minha identidade, mas a verdade é que vários cassinos estão agindo como pirâmide financeira com a desculpa de verificação, eles retém valores de diversos jogadores por meses e ficamos sem nosso dinheiro sem ter suporte algum.
Sei que vocês da casinoguru são sérios e prestam um serviço enorme para os usuários de cassino, mas essas notas altas para plataformas como a mostbet acabam levando pessoas como eu a cair nessa furada.
Plataformas sérias resolvem o processo de verificação no próprio chat em tempo real, ou no máximo com prazos de 3 dias. Agora demorar por mais de 60 para olhar documento? Isso já é golpe.
So if it's not possible to get it and you explained it to the casino anyway, it should be possible to find something that would suit. However, it is important that the casino cooperates and if you can't verify and get the money, then we will try to help you.
As far as the rating is concerned, only when it is found that the casino has made a mistake and they won't try to fix it, then it can change. Until then, it won't be any different.
In the end, I hope that everything can be resolved in this case.
このカジノでは出金で問題が起きたことはありません。もちろん、大金ではありませんが、私はいつもカードで入金して出金しています。30 分以内に資金が私のアカウントに入金されます。ちなみに、私はポーランドのプレイヤーです。
I have never had a problem with withdrawals at this casino - of course, they are not large amounts, but I always deposit by card and withdraw. Within 30 minutes the funds are in my account. I am a player from Poland, by the way.
Ja na tym kasynie nigdy nie miałem problemu z wypłatami - wiadomo nie są to duże kwoty ale zawsze wpłacam kartą i wypłacam . w ciągu 30minut środki są na moim koncie. Jestem graczem z Polski jak coś.
It is great that you are happy there.
Just be careful, please, and try not to share any sensitive information on the forum. It is not that safe, you know.
How long do you play at this casino?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com