ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Nitrowinner Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I would advise everyone to stay away. They are clearly a pop up around christmas to get deposits in and vanish with the cash.
They have stopped responding to my emails, there is a complaint open here against them and I cannot withdraw any money.
Almost 100% sure they are scammers.
そうですね、あなたの苦情を拝見しましたが、KYC に合格していないとおっしゃっていました。少なくともカジノ側から見れば、それが支払いを受けられなかった理由である可能性が最も高いです。その部分について説明していただけますか? おそらく私は間違っていたと思います。
Well, I saw your complaint, and you stated that you have not passed the KYC. That is most likely the reason why you have not been paid, at least from the casino's perspective. Do you care to explain that part to me, please? I probably got that wrong.
Dear lord.
No Radka, I don't. Read the complaint properly.
Sumsub が実際にあなたにラベルを付けたため、カジノがあなたのアカウントを検証したくないとあなたが書いたのがわかります。
I can see that you wrote that Sumsub has actually labeled you, and that is why the casino doesn't want to verify your account.
Isn't that so?
I believe that this is what Radka meant as well.🤔
Hopefully, our complaint team will be able to intervene in this case, though.
If you are 50% right.
If you read the complaint properly you will see however the casino said my account was verified manually by the documents I sent in...
They have stopped responding for over a week
And therefore, I hope that our complaint team will be able to contact them when the time comes.
Please stay put, even though it is not easy.
It will be useless.
Not your fault. But the casino won't engage. They've ignored me for weeks now. I would assume they will be closing very soon. So many scammers these days.
とにかく試してみるのはいいことです。苦情を省略すると、調査の機会を失うことになります。他のスレッドで返信したように、多くのプレイヤーが多くのカジノで禁止されたり無視されたりしていますが、Casino Guru への対応はまったく異なります。様子を見ましょう。当社のスペシャリストが喜んであなたに代わって試してみます。
Good to try that anyway. You know if you skip the complaint, it means we lose another opportunity to investigate. As I replied in the other thread, many players have been banned or ignored by many casinos, but responding to Casino Guru is quite different. We shall see. Our specialists will gladly try that on your behalf.
Sumsub によってブラックリストに載せられたという部分について、理解するのを手伝っていただけますか? このカジノが人物確認にこの方法を使用している場合、それがあなたの問題に関係している可能性があります。たとえば、最初の入金の前にカジノに問い合わせるとよいでしょう。
I perfectly understand your optics on casinos we have been discussing here together. Still, no, I do not know as well as you do. I will change my meaning in accordance with the complaint. I prefer not to relay on my conclusions if the complaint is still open.
Could you perhaps help me understand the part where you say you have been blacklisted by Sumsub? Because if this casino is using this way of verifying people, it may be connected to your issue. I would ask the casino before my first deposit, for instance.
私がサインアップした時点では、sumsub は使用されていませんでした。その後、私が参加してから約 3 週間後に、KYC セクションでこれらが導入されました。それ以前は、アップロード ウィンドウのみでした。最初にカジノに電子メールで知らせない限り、sumsub を使用するカジノではプレイしません。
その後、Nitrowinner は電子メールで私のすべての書類を受け取り、確認済みでアカウントも承認されたと伝えました。しかし、問題が発生し、機能しなくなりました。
They weren't using sumsub when I signed up. They then introduced these in the KYC section about 3 weeks after I joined. Prior to that it was just an upload window. I don't play at casinos with sumsub unless I email the casino first and let them know.
Nitrowinner then accepted all my documents via email and said they were confirmed and so was the account. Now the issues have started and they've gone dead.
I have trading accounts with IG etc and they allowed me to bypass sumsub by sending documents in. Sumsub won't tell me why Im blacklisted (though I think it's due to me being frauded years ago). Their own message on nitrowinner or any site when they fail you says 'contact the company' with your details.
Thanks! I imagine this must be quite a complication in many casinos.
For this current situation though, I'd say this is actually quite good news because you have no chance to prevent possible complications, so it's up to the casino to make the good call.
What do you think?
The casino is showing symptoms of turning zombie.
Inflated offers before christmas, only now offering email support, non responsive for over a week, other players having issues across the web.
They won't respond or engage with the complaint. This is the same dance that you and I have both seen countless times. Scatterhall anyone?
Well, that's a pity because some answers would certainly be appropriate if I'm right.
As for the complaint, I saw that you have one first, so we will see if we can make contact with the casino.
I hope so and eventually things will be resolved.
I'll keep my fingers crossed.🤞
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