ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Nummus Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I made a deposit using ethereum and it didn't go into my account. Support said they would look into it and haven't given me an answer. How should I proceed in this case?
Fiz um depósito usando ethereum e não caiu na minha conta. O suporte falou que iria averiguar e não me respondeu nada. Como proceder nesse caso?
I made a deposit using ethereum and it didn't go into my account. Support said they would look into it and haven't given me an answer. How should I proceed in this case?
Fiz um depósito usando ethereum e não caiu na minha conta. O suporte falou que iria averiguar e não me respondeu nada. Como proceder nesse caso?
こんにちは。私はこのカジノに登録しました。ウェルカムボーナスを請求し、賭けに成功しました。4926.55 USDTを獲得しました。最初の出金(1日あたりの制限である3000 USDT)を行った後、アカウントの確認に関するリクエストを受け取りました。私はそれを通過しましたが、出金はまだ保留中でした。数日後、2回目の出金1926 USDTを行い、3日後に確認されました。私の支払いオペレーターは、それが「ダーティ暗号」の出金であると指摘し、その後、このカジノからの個人的な出金であることを確認する必要があり、この出金は私のアドレスに入金されました。その後、3000 USDTをキャンセルし、別の支払いプロバイダーに新しい出金リクエストを行いました。それは2024-09-23でした。その時から現在まで、カジノは私の出金リクエストを処理していません。サポートアシスタントは、過去2週間、「財務部門はまだプロバイダーからの回答を待っています」という同じ回答を私に返しています。このケースについて私を助けてください。
Hi. I have registered at this casino. I have claimed a welcome bonus and successfully wagered it. I won 4926.55 USDT. After I made first withdrawal (3000 USDT - it's limit per day) I got request about verification of my account. I have passed it, but my withdrawal was still pending. After few days I made second withdrawal 1926 USDT and after 3 days they have confirmed it. My payment operator noted that it was "dirty crypto" withdrawal, after that I had to confirm that it's my personal withdrawal from this casino, and this withdrawal was credited to my address. Then I have cancelled 3000 USDT and made new withdrawal request to another payment provider, it was 2024-09-23. From that time till now casino didn't process my withdrawal request. Support assistant is giving me the same answer "The finance department is still waiting for the answer from the provider." during last two weeks. Please help my with this case.
つまり、2 回目の引き出しは受け取れたが、1 回目の引き出しは受け取れなかったということですね?🤔
しかし、最初は両方とも同じ決済プロバイダーでした。3000 USDT の引き出しについても銀行に問い合わせましたか?
So, you received the second withdrawal but not the first one. Right?🤔
But both were to the same payment provider at the beginning. Did you ask your bank about the 3000 USDT withdrawal as well, though?
I believe we'll learn more in your complaint after you provide some additional questions our team has, so they can move forward. Please update them whenever possible.
はい、2 回目の引き出し (1926 USDT) を受け取りました。どちらも最初は同じ決済プロバイダー (Trustee Plus) への引き出しでした。3000 USDT をキャンセルし、「Bitpay」決済プロバイダーに新しい引き出しを行いました。
Yes, I have received the second withdrawal (1926 USDT). And both were to the same payment provider (Trustee Plus) at the beginning. I cancelled 3000 USDT and made new one withdrawal to "Bitpay" payment provider.
It's just weird that they did proceed with the second one and not the first one.🤔
I can see that you did not reply in your complaint thread, so please do so whenever possible.🙏
Otherwise, we can't move forward with the case.
Nummus Casino は私の出金をすべて処理しました。単一のケースであることを願います。
Nummus Casino has processed all my withdrawals. Hope it was single case.
That is great, and hopefully it really won't happen again.
How would you rate the whole process now, and will you continue playing there? What do you reckon?
彼らは私の実際の残高から 6,300 ドルを盗みました。私はスポーツ賭博をしていて、非スティッキー ボーナスを使用していましたが、彼らは私のボーナス資金とすべての実際の資金をキャンセルしました。彼らは単なる泥棒であり犯罪者です。
definitely the casino is becoming a scam or is completely broke, recently it canceled my real balance because I canceled the non-sticky bonus when I did withdraw my real balance.
their support and representatives are pure amateurism, they are worth less than this shitty nummus token and will probably disappear soon.
they stolen $6300 from my real balance, I was playing sports bets and used a non sticky bonus, and they canceled my bonus funds and all real funds, they are just thieves and criminals.
こんにちは。ボーナスをキャンセルしたからだと言われたのですか? 非スティッキーボーナスは本来そのように機能するものではありません。
Hi, did they just tell you it's because you cancelled your bonus? That's not how the non sticky bonus is supposed to work.
I wanted to help you and tell you to file a complaint, but unfortunately we don't deal with sports betting, so if the money only came from that then it won't be possible from our side.
But I can try to give you some links where they might be able to help you.
You can find them here:
Try it and let me know if you have solved anything?
そこで、Nummus カジノ詐欺は、条件を非スティッキー ボーナスからスティッキー ボーナスに一方的に変更し、それが彼らにとって利益になると、プレイヤーの実際のお金を意図的に盗みました。
私は、スポーツ賭博に関するものなので、casino.guru に苦情を言うことはないだろうとわかっています。
it's a long story, I took a non-sticky bonus, and the system allowed bets for real money + bonus balance, I collected $6,300 in real funds and $5,200 in bonus funds, I talked on live chat with the support and received an answer that I can withdraw real funds at any time, then after 10 days they wrote to me that they will also cancel real money because I used it together with the bonus, but they do not understand that the funds are on my real account. funds in real account were generated from real funds (I canceled the bonus funds when I requested to withdraw the real balance)
so Nummus casino scam unilaterally changed the terms from a non sticky bonus to a sticky bonus, when it was profitable for them, they willingly stolen the player's real money.
I know I won't complaints in casino.guru because it concerns Sports Betting.
That's the only pity that it concerns sports betting. But definitely try to look at the links I sent you, maybe they will be able to help you. Alternatively, if you know of a site that deals with such complaints, by all means complain.
I wish it had turned out differently and you could have gotten your money.
However, if you do manage to resolve it, let me know how you got on.
I'm sorry you have to go through this. 🙁
I had the displeasure of playing in this casino once, I remember that it took a very long time to withdraw the money, and they always blamed it on technical problems, he finally sent me the money, but I don't play there anymore and I don't recommend it to anyone, the worst thing that could be to win a large amount in such a miserable casino, I am afraid that in such a case the withdrawal would take forever, this casino does not have a large bankroll and many players, so playing there is always a risk.
And could you tell us how long it took to withdraw, please?
I surely can understand that you wouldn't want to play anywhere again if you experience something negative. Right?
I don't remember exactly, but it took a few weeks, over 14 days, I believe that it is best to play in companies where payments are immediate or within 24-48 hours, any company that pays slower has problems with financial liquidity, amazingly, they almost complain about technical problems, this is the most common excuse.
I surely get your point here.
Have you found out the real reason why it took so long, though? 🤔
If you wish, by using this link you can write about your experience there as well.😉
これは実際に良いビジネスです。ブックメーカーとカジノを開き、プレイヤーが勝った場合は預金を返金するだけで、負けた場合はすべて問題ありません。私はすでに、betplays の不正行為者には誰も勝てないだろうと思っていましたが、Nummus が彼らに匹敵する良い方法をとっていることがわかりました。ただし、Nummus にはおそらくプレイヤーがいないので難しいかもしれません。
I advise against it, don't play there, this company has no money, they cancelled my bets and wrote that they had a problem with the sports betting provider, but we will return your deposit so nothing happened, you did not suffer a loss,
WOOW, it's very funny, after all, according to their reasoning, can always cancel the winnings and return the deposit and the matter is settled.
I even have conversations with a person named Jessica who says:
we returned your deposit, you didn't lose anything, you should be happy.
I bet on football matches of the biggest leagues in Europe at correct odds (no surebets, odds errors etc.)
it's actually a good business, open a bookmaker and casino, in case of a player's win just return his deposit, if he loses everything is ok, I already thought that no one would beat the cheaters from betplays, but I see Nummus is on a good way to match them but it may be difficult because Nummus probably doesn't have any players.
Well, in that regard, I'm a bit hesitant to compare the returned deposit situation related to sports betting with the casino; however, thanks a lot for such an information. Did you also face problems while playing in the casino?
This is, first of all, the subject of Casino Thread, so I'm asking.
残念ながら、賭けが確定した後に賭けを取り消すことができるのは、最大のゴミだけです。間違いではなく、正しいオッズで行われた賭けです。Nummus Casino のゴミに対する敬意はゼロで、そこで働いている人々はゴミであり、完全な家畜です。
unfortunately, only the biggest trash can do canceling bets after they have been settled, bets that were not mistakes and were played at the correct odds, zero respect for the trash from Nummus Casino, the people working there are trash and complete cattle.
I assure you that no sports company with a normal reputation would do such rudeness and scumbaghood.
This is obviously a scam company, anyone who makes a deposit there can forget about withdrawing when winning.
they have already closed second of their brands, mustangCasino, and it is clear that they are stealing players' money at Nummus as well, so that will probably disappear soon too.
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