ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、OhMySpins Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I know that it seems like a long time period, but I still think it's better than not being paid at all.
I presume that the first delay was caused by the verification s it seems that the casino started with the withdrawal just now.
Anyway, what did they lie to you about?
I think that this two-week period is meant as maximal waiting time, so you can get your winnings even sooner.
for how long have you been waiting? Is your account fully verified, please?
Share more detail please, we may be able to help you.
こんにちは。まずカジノで問題が発生しました。支払いを 1 週間以上待っていました。その後、アップロードした書類を本人確認する必要があることに気付きました。銀行から 6 か月分の取引履歴を PDF 形式で要求されているので、試してみました。サイトへのアップロードは残念ながら最大 5 つのファイルしか許可されていないため不可能であるとのことで、ライブチャットに尋ねると、電子メールでもできると言われましたが、サイトにアップロードするように電子メールで言われ、その後、財務部門に送信された電子メールには、ページ上で行うべきだとも書かれています。でもサイトでは機能しないので、今アップロードするにはどうすればよいですか、そしてなぜ6か月分の履歴が必要なのでしょうか。他のどこでもそれは少し誇張されていると思います、そのほうが簡単で速いです
hello i have a problem with the casino first i've been waiting for my payout for over a week then i saw that i have to verify myself the documents i uploaded they want a transactions history from my bank for 6 months in pdf format i tried that uploading to the site is unfortunately not possible because a maximum of 5 files are allowed then I asked the live chat they said I can also do it by email but I was told by email that I should upload it to the site then I got an email sent to the finance department, they also write that I should do it over the page ?? but it doesn't work on the site so how should i upload it now and why do you need the history for 6 months i think that's a bit exaggerated everywhere else it's easier and faster
hallo ich habe ein problem mit dem casino erstens warte ich schon über eine woche auf meine auszahlung dann hab ich gesehen das ich mich verifzieren muss die documente habe ich hochgeladen sie wollen eine transactions history von meiner bank für 6 monate in pdf format ich habe das versucht auf der seite hochzuladen das geht leider nicht weil maximal 5 dateien erlaubt sind daraufhin habe ich den live chat gefragt sie sagen ich kann das auch per email machen aber per email wird mir gesagt das ich es auf der seite hochladen soll dann habe ich eine email an der finanzabteilung gesendet die schreiben auch das ich es über der seite machen soll ?? aber es geht nicht über die seite also wie soll ich es nun hochladen und warum brauchen sie für 6 monate die history ich finde das bisschen übertrieben überall woanders geht es einfacher und schneller
and the other problem is when i try to upload again there is an error message that the maximum files have been reached
und das andere problem ist wenn ich es versuche erneut hochzuladen kommt dort eine fehlermeldung das maximale dateien erreicht sind
カジノがあなたの認証に失敗し、リクエストを送信した瞬間から 14 日以内に送金できない場合は、私たちが介入します。 🙁
I'm sorry, but this is exactly the thing casino should solve with you. No one can help you with that, it's quite a stupid situation! Just ensure you sent all requested documents also by email and make sure the support knows that.
If the casino fails to verify you plus send the money sooner than fourteen days from the moment you submitted the request, we will step in. 🙁
I'm having trouble with withdrawals.
・I applied for the first time on November 17th, so I contacted them because it was late.
We are told that ``Our company has already completed the processing, so it may be a delay on the payment provider's side (VegaWallet).''
・I use it regularly and have never had this happen, so I contacted Vega.
``Oh My Spin has been suspended because it was discovered that Vega was being used without going through the official procedures, and withdrawals will not be possible until the official procedures are completed at the member store.''
・As a result, since the formal procedures were not carried out, a refund will be issued.
・You will receive a standard email to cancel your withdrawal and be prompted to change your withdrawal method.
I wanted to make a bank transfer, but the system allows deposits but not withdrawals, so I gave up and deposited again at JETON.
・Because there are wagering conditions attached to the deposited amount, the amount is used up and the funds are meaninglessly reduced.
Since I managed to clear the wagering requirements, I applied for a withdrawal using the JETON I used for depositing.
However, once again I received a standard email canceling the withdrawal and it was returned to my balance.
Currently, I am in this situation and have contacted them via email, but I have not received a reply.
I have asked many times through live chat.
In the end, the answer was "I'll escalate this to the finance department and email them" and nothing was resolved.
Casino Guru has a good reputation, but I think this case is malicious.
What should I do? Please give me some advice.
「Oh My Spinは正式な利用手続きを経ずにベガを利用していたことが判明したので使用停止処置にした、加盟店の正規手続完了までは出金できない」と言われる
Casino Guruでは評判が良いですが、今回の件は悪質だと思います。
どうしたらよいでしょうか? アドバイスを下さい。
あなたの書き込みによると、引き出しと支払いのプロバイダーに問題があるようですね。 VegaWallet経由で出金できるようにするには、まず調査を終了する必要があることを考えると、かなり複雑な状況です。 Jeton の出金に関して、カジノはそのように機能しなかった理由を何と説明しましたか?彼らはあなたに撤退の代替案を与えましたか?
Hey, according to what you write, I see that you have a problem with the withdrawal and payment providers. It's quite a complicated situation when I see that the investigation has to end first in order to be able to withdraw via VegaWallet. As for the Jeton withdrawal, what reason did the casino give for it not working that way as well ? Did they give you an alternative to withdraw ?
Anyway, as I saw, you lodged a complaint with us and I think it was the right decision. Our team will try to help you and we will see where it goes in your case. For now, we will have to wait and see how things develop and if you have anything new, don't hesitate to let us know. I hope everything will be resolved without further problems and you will get your money in the end. Fingers crossed.
Dear jaro, thank you.
I was told that the problem with VegaWallet was that Oh My Spin had not followed the formal procedures and had suspended its use.
If that's the case, I told VegaWallet that they should reject it at the deposit stage.
Regarding the issue of canceling withdrawals on JETON, I have asked for the reason for this, but I have not received any reply.
I simply received an email with instructions to cancel the withdrawal.
I posted a post with the same content as here in the complaint, and if I have to choose one or the other, I will delete it.
VegaWalletでのトラブルはOh My Spin側が正式な手続きをしていなかったから使用停止にしたと言われましたが
VegaWallet に関する限り、この支払い方法は停止されているため、おそらくそこに行く方法はありません。
Jeton 経由の出金に関しては、キャンセルされた理由についてカジノからの回答が役立つと思います。とにかく、カジノはあなたに出金する他の選択肢を提供しませんでした、あなたは出金をキャンセルするように指示を受けただけです、はい?
ただし、前に述べたように、カジノが何らかの理由を返信し、状況や今後の進行についてあなたを助けようとするかどうか、辛抱強く待つ必要があります。もちろん、私たちのチームはあなたをサポートしようと努めますので、結果や新しい情報を見ることに非常に興味があります。成功を祈っている。 🤞
It's okay, because I think that since you posted it on the forum, players will be able to get to it easier if they have a problem with this casino and read the experience from you as well.
As far as VegaWallet is concerned, there is probably no way to go there since this paymet method has been suspended.
Regarding the withdrawal via Jeton, an answer from the casino as to why it was canceled would be useful. Anyway, the casino didn't offer you any other alternative to withdraw, you just got instructions to cancel the withdrawal, yes ?
However, as I mentioned before, you will need to be patient and wait if the casino will write you back some reason and try to help you with the situation or how it will go on. Our team will of course try to help you, so I am quite curious to see the result or new information. Fingers crossed. 🤞
Thank you very much Joro.
Regarding JETON, I only received an email saying that it has been cancelled, and when I asked for the reason, there was no response at all.
If you ask a question on live chat, the person in charge will just ask you to send an email.
Even if I inquire by email, I do not receive a reply.
Although the amount is small, I cannot tolerate this response.
I was even asked to make an additional deposit...
I would like to resolve the issue even if it takes some time, so I appreciate your continued support.
joro様 ありがとうございます。
ただし、お客様は私たちにオープンな苦情を持っているため、前述したように、私たちのチームがお客様のケースを支援するよう努めます。最終的にはすべてが解決され、お金が戻ってくることを願っています。したがって、何か新しいことを学んだ場合は更新していただけますか?幸運を願っています。 ☘️
Ah, so it looks like you are in one round when you get a reply from chat that you have to send an email but basically you don't get any reply to your email. It would certainly be useful to know why this is happening and why the withdrawal is still canceled.
As for the additional deposit, why did the casino ask you for it ?
However, you have an open complaint with us, so our team will try to help you with your case as I mentioned before. I hope that everything will be resolved eventually and you will get your money. Therefore, would it be possible to update us if you learn something new ? Wish you good luck. ☘️
Dear jaro
Thank you for your advice.
»Why did the casino require an additional deposit?
I was told that if I wanted to use a new withdrawal method, I would have to make a deposit using that method first.
And there is a wagering requirement of 1x for that deposit.
The minimum deposit amount was 1,500 yen, so I made the deposit thinking that even if I lost some money, I could withdraw the money and the problem would be over.
I will report as soon as there is any progress, but for now, the withdrawal application has been canceled and the balance remains.
It seems like there will be no progress unless something is done from here.
Thank you for your continued support.
しかし、ボールはカジノの法廷にあるようで、現在あなたの苦情はカジノからの返答を待っているところです。それでは、カジノが現在進行中の問題を説明できるかどうか見てみましょう。これがどのように発展するか見守る必要があります。最善を願っています。 🙂
I understand, it is normal to deposit because this will verify the payment method. But if nothing has changed even then, it's quite sad.
However, I see that the ball is in the casino's court and now your complaint is waiting for a response from them. So let's see if the casino can explain the ongoing problem. We will have to wait and see how this develops. I hope for the best. 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com