Good evening, can I ask you something?
Καλησπερα, μπορω να σε ρωτησω κατι;
Good evening, can I ask you something?
Καλησπερα, μπορω να σε ρωτησω κατι;
こんにちは。一般的な質問があります。私はギリシャ出身です。このカジノに登録して賞金を獲得した場合、私の国で利用できますか、それとも問題がありますか? ここで営業するためのライセンスがないと思うので質問しています。実際のところわかりません。混乱しています。よろしくお願いします
Hi there. I have a general question. I am from Greece. If I am registered to this casino and having winnings is it eligible for my country or will I have any trouble? I am asking because i think that it doesn’t have license for working here. I don’t know actually, i am confused. Thank you in advance
Hi, I don't see why you shouldn't get your withdrawals. I've seen that players from Greece can play here so if there are any problems with your withdrawals let me know.
Have you tried to cashout or not ?
Not for canadian players. Tried about 30 games and not available in my area. Tried to withdraw my own money and was told I have to pay ×3 my deposit b4 I can withdraw. Finally found 2 games. Canadians do not play
Thank you for letting the community know about this. Not only does the deposit wagering requirement hold value for potential players, but I bet the lack of entertaining games is a valuable tip as well.
Tell us when you find a casino that deserves Canadians, please. 😉
There are quite a few. Northstar Leo Vegas. Mgm are a few
Thank you for sharing. Hopefully, it'll help someone when looking for a casino to play at.
ほとんどのカジノでは AML は 1 倍だけだと思います。
入金額の 1 倍を賭ける必要があります。ただし、すべてのカジノが同じというわけではなく、プレイヤーが従う必要のある独自のルールがあります。🙂
I think most of the casinos the AML is only 1x.
You need to wager your deposit 1x. However, not all casinos are the same they have their own rules that players need to follow. 🙂
That's right, have you only come across deposit wagering like this so far? I've seen it 3x and in rare cases 5x, that's why I'm asking.🙂
Yes, that's right. Do you think that's too much for a wagering deposit or are you okay with it?
なんてひどいカジノでしょう。サポートはボットです。このカジノで何千ドルも失ったのに、ボーナスもフリースピンももらえません。ロイヤルティ プログラムは悲惨で、デフォルトのゲームは「バイキング ボヤージュ」で、RTP ゼロのゲームで 0.10 セントのスピンが提供されます。全体的に見て、このカジノには 10 点満点中 3 点を付けます。また、ゲームの RTP は提示されている値よりはるかに低いようです。ゲームの RTP が 93% と表示されていても、実際は 15% 程度です。
What a horrible casino, the support is bots. And after losing 1000’s of dollars to this casino, they will give no bonuses or free spins. The loyalty program is pathetic with a default game called "Viking voyage" they offer .10 cent spins in a zero RTP game. All around I would give this casino a 3 out of 10. It also seems like the posted RTP they have for games, are much much lower than they suggest. If a game says 93% RTP, it is more like 15%.
I see that you didn't have a good experience there. May I ask for how long you played at this casino?
Not the one for you, I guess. Right?
Unfortunately, not everyone can be happy with the same casino, I believe. Because when I look at the user reviews of this one, they are pretty good overall.
私の意見では、3 倍は過剰ではなく、適度なレベルであり、カジノが透明性を保つ限り、大きな障害にはなりません。ただし、リスクを最小限に抑えたい場合は、入金額をあまりリスクにさらさずに、常に x1 が最適な要件になります。
しかし、もう少し賭け金を増やしても構わないプレイヤーにとっては、3 倍でもまだ十分対応可能です。
In my opinion, 3x isn’t excessive, it’s a moderate level, and as long as the casino is transparent about it, it’s not a huge obstacle. However, if I am looking for the least amount of risk, x1 would always be the best requirement without risking too much of my deposit.
But 3x is still quite manageable for players who are okay with wagering a bit more.
You explained it quite clearly and therefore reasonably. I know it is a problem for some people, but for others like you it is not so big. For me it would probably be somewhere in between. Neither the worst nor the best.🙂
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