ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Prism Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
カジノの利用規約では、プレイヤーがボーナスを選択する際に詳細にあるボーナス規約を読むように指示されています。私はこれをします。ボーナスコード FREE60 を使用しましたが、ボーナスの詳細に記載されている条件は最大キャッシュアウト $100 です。 60 回のスピンが完了すると、何を賭けなければならないかを示すポップアップ メッセージが表示され、プレイスルーの完了時に 100 ドルを超える資金が削除されることも通知されます。最大キャッシュアウトが 100 ドルであると表示されるのはこれで 2 回目です。プレイスルーを完了すると、システムはすべての資金を削除し、ちょうど 100 ドルを残します。引き出しに行くと、カジノは私に 50 ドルを支払います。理由を尋ねると、ソフトウェアでプログラムしたものとはまったく異なるルールのセットが提供されました。彼らはマーケティングチームにエスカレーションする必要があると言いました。意味がありません!マーケティングは私にボーナスのルールを提供しませんでした。一部のマーケティングメールにはルールが記載されていません。ルールはシステムにプログラムされており、ボーナスを選択すると提供されます。つまり、文字通り誰でも prism の Web サイトにアクセスしてボーナス コード free60 を入力し、自分の目で確認することができます。最大キャッシュアウトは 100 ドルです。カジノがすぐに 50 ドルを支払わないという事実は悲しいことです。特に私は入金プレイヤーであり、これは100%彼らのせいです。
casino terms and conditions tell players to read the bonus terms in the details when selecting a bonus. I do this. I used bonus code FREE60 and the terms in the details of the bonus are max cash out $100. When you complete the 60 spins you get a pop up message that tells you what you have to wager and it also tells you funds in excess of $100 will be removed at completion of playthrough. That is the second time it tells you the max cash out is $100. Once you complete the playthrough the system removes all funds and leaves you with exactly $100. I go to withdrawal and the casino pays me $50. I ask why and they provide me with a completely different set of rules then they have programmed in the software. They said they have to escalate to marketing team. Makes no sense! Marketing did not provide me with bonus rules. The rules are not in some marketing email. The rules are programmed into the system and provided to you when u select the bonus. I mean literally anyone can go to the prism website and type in bonus code free60 and see for themselves. Max cash out is $100. The fact that the casino just won’t pay the $50 instantly is sad. Especially since I am a depositing player and this is 100% their fault.
つまり、「最大100」と書かれています。それは 100 に等しくありません。
いずれにせよ、最大キャッシュアウトは常に明確に記載されるべきであり、私に言わせれば、それはボーナスの最も重要な部分の 1 つです...
Hey there!
Well, this is really an interesting situation. Frankly, both screenshots miss the part about the specific max cashout.
I mean the one says "up to 100". That's not equal to 100.
Can you find this information stated somewhere in the rules, perhaps?
One way or another, the maximum cashout should always be stated clearly, it's one of the most important parts of the bonus, if you ask me...
カジノは私に 100 ドルを支払わなかったので、50 ドルを送ってくれて、申し訳ありませんが、システムのルールが間違っていたと言いました 😂😂😂
The casino wouldn’t pay me $100 they sent me $50 and said sorry the rules were incorrect in the system 😂😂😂
three days later they changed it and now this is what is says..
am I crazy for thinking the casino should honor the rules they gave to players? That is the only way we even know bonus rules is by clicking the details of the bonus in the system. All I can say is this is why people do chargebacks. I bet the casino doesn’t like when players charge back and say ooops my bad! It’s okay for them to treat players like that but when tables are reversed they get pissed and a I’m sorry the charge back was a mistake is not enough. Yet they expect it to be enough for players
カジノは私に 100 ドルを支払わなかったので、50 ドルを送ってくれて、申し訳ありませんが、システムのルールが間違っていたと言いました 😂😂😂
The casino wouldn’t pay me $100 they sent me $50 and said sorry the rules were incorrect in the system 😂😂😂
three days later they changed it and now this is what is says..
am I crazy for thinking the casino should honor the rules they gave to players? That is the only way we even know bonus rules is by clicking the details of the bonus in the system. All I can say is this is why people do chargebacks. I bet the casino doesn’t like when players charge back and say ooops my bad! It’s okay for them to treat players like that but when tables are reversed they get pissed and a I’m sorry the charge back was a mistake is not enough. Yet they expect it to be enough for players
No wonder you feel this way...
In my books, once you take the bonus, the terms and conditions apply until you finish up with the bonus, either by winning from it or losing it. Changing conditions in the middle is not fair.
Frankly, technical errors happen all the time, yet it is not your fault, and a decent casino would surely pay you the whole amount.
Also, in that regard, I think you mentioned chargeback in a very appropriate way.
Anyway, please visit your complaint, it's waiting for an update. Feel free to use this link 👈
Thank you!
プレイスルーに達すると、引き出しが許可されている金額を超える余分な資金がシステムによって自動的に削除されることに注意してください。プレイスルーを終えて $116 を持っていたのですが、システムが $16 を差し引いて、出金できるのは $100 でした。
I should note that once you hit the playthrough the system automatically removes excess funds over the amount you are allowed to withdrawal. I finished playthrough and had $116 the system took off the $16 leaving me with $100 to withdrawal.
私たちのサイトでは、非常に興味深い投票が行われています。あなたの投票も追加してみませんか? 😉 ご希望の場合は、 こちらのリンク👈 をご覧ください。
とにかく、私たちのチームがあなたの苦情にどのように対処するかを見て、あなたにとって最良の結果が得られることを期待しましょう。 🤞
Hello. So that is actually a good thing, they have it set by the system, it is really helpful for the players, I reckon. So especially in this case, they should pay you the whole amount.
We have a really interesting poll going on, here on our site. Would you like to add your vote, perhaps? 😉 Here is the link 👈, if you wish to do so.
Anyway, let's see how our team will go with your complaint, and hope for the best result for you. 🤞
初日にお金の引き出しがほぼ即座に完了し、いくつかの入金で 625 ドルを獲得し、有効にしたクーポンの条件を完全に満たして引き出しをリクエストしました (9 月 28 日)。チャットでは、アルゴリズムの仕組み上、7 暦日以内に完了すると言われましたが、1 時間で引き出しを完了すると約束する理由が理解できません。私のアカウントは完全に識別されており、続きが楽しみです。
on the first day the withdrawal of money was completed almost immediately, among some deposits I earned $625, I fully fulfilled the terms of the coupon I activated and requested a withdrawal (28 Sep), in the chat they said it would be completed in 7 calendar days because this is how the algorithm works which I don't understand how they promise complete withdrawal in an hour, my account is fully identified and I'm curious to see the continuation..
And we are curious as well, so please update us whenever there will be some news.
Did they give you any explanation regarding this delay, though?
In a communication I had with them via chat they replied that they know exactly the payment date 5/10, I'll tell you the newest .. Their explanation was that the Coindraw system pulled out that date
Hmm, although it's not the most pleasant thing to wait for, I believe they have told you accurate information and so we will probably have to hold on and see if everything goes smoothly and you get your money.
If it doesn't, be sure to let us know and we will try to help.
625 ドルの引き出しは問題なく完了しました。チャットでは、リクエストを送信してから 168 時間後に処理が行われると言われましたが、実際に 168 時間後に処理が行われました。このようなことはこれまで一度も起こったことがなく、心配でしたが、最終的にはすべてうまくいきました。
the withdrawal of $625 was completed without any problems, I was told in the chat that the processing will be done 168 hours after submitting the request and it actually happened exactly after 168 hours, something like this has never happened to me before, I had a concern but in the end everything went well.
I like to see when what the casino tells the player is true and they stick to it. It's also nice to see that everything went smoothly and therefore the experience probably remained good in the end.
Will you play here again?
i played this casino because it promised 20' withdrawal and believable bonus 300% no rules, still waiting a week is a deterrent, i believe there is no reliable casino through the enclave, RTG casinos are there without worrying about your winnings at all and is outside the enclave
έπαιξα σε αυτό το καζίνο επειδή υποσχέθηκε 20' απόσυρση χρημάτων και πιστευτά μπόνους 300% no rules,παρόλα αυτά η αναμονή μιας εβδομάδας είναι αποτρεπτικος παράγοντας , πιστεύω ότι δεν υπαρχει αξιόπιστος καζίνο μέσω του inclave ,RTG καζίνο υπάρχουν χωρίς να ανησυχείς καθόλου για τα κέρδη σου και είναι εκτός του inclave
I understand your position, so I hope that everything will be fine in the future and the withdrawals will not be unnecessarily prolonged.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com