ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Rarebet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hey guys, I’m really scared is there any way I can get any help from any staff asap by contacting this casino there holding my money and not paying me and won’t even reply anymore even though they said they would verify and pay me today. They’ve left 50 messages read today alone.
まず、カジノについて言及するのを忘れたようです。カジノの名前を教えていただけますか? あなたのプロフィールの下に、未解決の苦情が 3 件あります。
どのくらいお待ちいただいているか教えていただけますか? 検証がまだ終わっていないようですが、それとも私が間違っていたのでしょうか?
first of all, you probably forgot to mention the casino. Can you tell us its name, please? I see 3 open complaints under your profile.
May I also know how long you have been waiting? It appears the verification has not finished, or did I get that wrongly?
弊社の情報によると、このカジノはキュラソー (GCB) の管轄下で運営されています。このスレッドの上部にあるカジノ名をクリックすると、カジノの完全なレビューを読むこともできます。
KYC を完了できたか、またはまだ手続き中であるかを教えてください。
Hello there.
Now that we know which casino is all this about, I have moved the whole conversation here to the official thread.
According to our information, they operate under the Curaçao (GCB). You can read the full review of the casino when you click on the name of the casino on the top of this thread, as well.
I saw your complaint, and our team has already started to investigate the matter.
Could you just tell us, please, if you were able to complete the KYC or are still in the process?
Hi romi, happy new years! They do not reply to me at all anymore and are ignoring any messages from me whether it be live chat or email even after they had told me that day in particular everything would be done.
さらに、ライブチャットでもメールでも、ほぼ 2 日間返信がありません。これは非常に珍しいことなので、詐欺に遭ったと思います。1 日前に返信すると言われたにもかかわらず、更新情報はまったく届きませんでした。
Also on top of that they have not replied to me in almost 2 days in live chat or in email. Which is very unusual I think I got scammed. I never got any update even though they said I would a day ago.
I understand. Now we need to wait for your complaint resolver to inform you what the next steps would be.
Please be patient, as we have many complaints pending, and surely soon you'll get the reply to your complaint.
May I also ask if this is your first withdrawal attempt from this casino and how long have you been playing there?
Hi, I have successfully withdrawn from the casino before. I withdrew last Friday without issue until I tried to withdraw again which they caused issues. I’ve only been playing on the site for a couple weeks max.
Which made the complaint an excellent choice. According to what I've read here so far, we will need someone from the casino to explain the bottom of this. Hopefully it won't take too long.
It is always so frustrating to see how casinos fail to communicate with their players. I understand negative feelings might get involved; on the other hand, support should be ready to announce bad news, whatever it may be, not to mention a decent level of communication I always thought was necessary for such a job. Leaving players uncertain and helpless would, in my opinion, not benefit any casino's creditability in the long term.
彼らは 1554 xrp を保有していますが、まったく返信がありません。前回、彼らが問題を抱えていたので、皆さんは私に代わって彼らに連絡できますか。あなたのチームは彼らにメールを送って対処してもらえますか? チームとプレイヤーの間には良好なコミュニケーションレベルが必要であることに完全に同意します。最悪なのは、彼らが私に 1 つのメッセージさえもまったく返信しないことです。とても不公平です。あなたのチームが以前に彼らと対処したことがあるので、私のお金を簡単に手に入れることができるのはうれしいです。それを祈っています。
They are holding 1554 xrp and not replying whatsoever. Can you guys contact them for me because last time they had issues with a. Could your team emailed them and dealt with it? I agree completely there should be a good level of communication between the team and a player. The worst part is they won’t reply whatsoever to me not even one message. It’s very unfair. I’m just happy your team has dealt with them before so it should be easy to get my money. I am praying for that.
カジノチームとプレイヤーの間には一定の信頼とコミュニケーションが必要だということに完全に同意します。私はもう 1 週間も返事を待っています。しかし、彼らは返事すらせず、私に何の知らせも与えてくれません。彼らが最後に私に言ったことは、あなたの KYC は明日確認されるということだけで、明日になると彼らは私を無視し、二度と返事をしませんでした。あなたのチームが以前彼らと話したことがあると知って嬉しく思います。だから、支払いを受けられるという点で良いはずです。
I agree completely there should be a level of trust and communication from the casino team and the players. I’ve been waiting a week now even for a reply. However they won’t even reply and give me any news. Last thing they told me was hey your kyc will be looked at tomorrow, when tomorrow came they ghosted me and never replied again. I’m just happy to know your team has talked to them before so it should be good as in I should be able to get paid out.
待つのは簡単ではないことは理解していますが、残念ながら、私たちのチームが毎日何百もの苦情に対処しているため、この苦情 1 件だけを検討することは不可能です。
Please wait for our team to deal with this case as we usually do, and we'll contact the casino soon. Hopefully there will be some update from them regarding your issue.
I understand that it is not easy to wait, but unfortunately, with the hundreds of complaints our team deals with every day, it is not possible to look at only this one complaint.
Sounds good, it’s just very nerve racking knowing the price keeps going up and down. I just want my cash out as I did nothing wrong, thanks so much for your time and support in this matter.
It is totally understandable that you feel this way. We'll do everything possible to get it solved.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com