ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、RealSpin Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Did anyone manage to get there account closed I've asked them to close my account due to an addiction problem but they are completely ignorant to the request I've emailed them I don't no how many times I've pleaded with live chat but nothing they don't care
Hello, I don't like to hear situations like this happening to players because it definitely shouldn't be, and casinos should take such things responsibly.
But I've been looking at the casino's safety index and I would say that if it's that low I'm not surprised and I've seen an open complaint which is similar to what you're writing.
So if you've tried a few times, I'd probably go ahead and open a complaint and our team will try to help you, but I don't know how it's going to work out.
Do you think you'll go for it?
このカジノがどんなところかを知ることができてよかったです。さらによかったのは、これまでここで入金してプレイしたのは 10 ユーロだけだったことです。このカジノを個人的なブラックリストに追加するつもりです。
本当に驚いたのは、カジノが偽のライセンスを持っていると書かれていることです。バナーをクリックして規制当局の Web サイトにリダイレクトされると、すべてが本物のように見えます。
さらに、このカジノは AG にも掲載されており、そこでも高く評価されています。しかし、AG は大きく悪化したため、サイトをまったく信頼できなくなりました。
It's good to know what this casino is like and what's even better is that I've only deposited and played €10 here so far. I'm now going to put this casino on my personal blacklist.
What really surprises me is that you write that the casino has a fake license. Everything looks so real when I click on the banner and am redirected to the regulatory authority's website.
Furthermore, the casino is also listed on AG and is highly praised there. But AG has changed so much for the worse that you can no longer trust the site at all.
Thank you, I probably would have left a lot of money there if I hadn't gone to your site and seen that.
Gut zu wissen, wie dieses Casino so drauf ist und noch besser ist, dass ich nur 10€ bisher hier eingezahlt und gespielt habe. Ich werde dieses Casino nun auf meine persönliche Blacklist setzen.
Was mich stark verwundert ist, dass ihr schreibt, das Casino hat eine falsche Lizenz. Es sieht alles so echt aus wenn ich auf den Banner klicke und auf die Seite der Regulierungsbehörde weitergeleitet werde.
Desweiteren ist das Casino auch bei AG gelistet und wird dort in den Himmel gelobt. Aber AG hat sich so zum negativen verändert, der Seite kann man garnicht mehr vertrauen.
Danke euch, ich hätte dort womöglich viel Geld gelassen wenn ich nicht auf eure Seite gegangen wäre und das gesehen hätte.
My last comment does not need to be approved, it's been resolved. I just saw that you have listed the casino after all.
Mein letzter Kommentar muss nicht freigegeben werden hat sich erledigt hab grad gesehen dass ihr das Casino nun doch gelistet habt.
ご希望の場合は、 ここで独自のユーザーレビューを書くこともできます。
I have moved all your posts here, so there is no misunderstanding for other players among the forum and can see all the information you have provided about this casino, because they always could be helpful to someone else.🙂
Regarding the fake license. Our data team checked this information recently, and unfortunately they really found out that the license is fake, and I can also see that this casino is pretty low-rated, so how would you rate your overall experience?
You can even write your own user review here if you wish.
Do you think you will play there again?🤔
こんにちは、ありがとうございます 🙂 コメントがごちゃごちゃしてすみません。
Antillephone から次のような回答を得ました。
あなたの時間と調査、そして正直に私たちの目を開かせてくれたことに、私は最大限の敬意を払います。ありがとう! Casino Guru は、疑わしいカジノでの潜在的なトラブルから私を何度も救ってくれました。
Hello, ok thanks 🙂 sorry for the mess with my comments.
I will definitely never play in this casino again. I asked for my account to be closed yesterday and am waiting for a response. From what I read here, it could take a long time.
I got the following answer from Antillephone:
It just makes me very angry that another very well-known platform praises this casino and even mentions in their reputation that the casino has a trustworthy license. Just like Cssino, I will never visit this platform again 😂
You have my utmost respect for your time and all the research and for opening our eyes in an honest way. Thank you! Casino Guru has often saved me from potential trouble in dubious casinos.
For me, the overall rating would have been a healthy middle ground. Deposits work great, slots run smoothly. But the fake license and the disregard for player protection make the overall rating negative.
Hallo, ok danke 🙂 sorry für das Durcheinander mit meinen Kommentaren.
Ich werde definitiv niemals mehr wieder in diesem Casino spielen. Habe gestern um Kontoschließung gebeten warte auf Antwort wie ich hier lese, kann das wohl lange dauern.
Ich habe folgende Antwort von Antillephone:
Mich macht es nur sehr wütend, dass eine andere sehr bekannte Plattform dieses Casino sehr lobt und sogar noch in deren Reputation erwähnt, das Casino besäße eine vertrauenswürdige Lizenz. Diese Plattform werde ich genau wie das Cssino auch nie mehr besuchen 😂
Ihr habt meinem größten Respekt, für eure Zeit und die ganzen Recherchen und dass ihr uns auf ehrliche Art und Weise die Augen öffnet. Danke! Casino Guru hat mich oft vor potenziellem Ärger in unseriösen Casinos bewahrt.
Gesamtbewertung wäre für mich das gesunde Mittelmaß gewesen. Einzahlungen funktionieren super, Slots laufen flüßig. Aber das mit der gefakten Lizenz und der Missachtung vom Spielerschutz macht die Gesamtbewertung negativ.
It makes me really happy when I read your words! Thank you very much for those.
It is our goal to help players like you, so it is really nice to see that we are achieving it.🙂
Yeah, it is totally understandable that you don't want to go back. Maybe don't wait for them to close your account, but just don't visit the site anymore. Usually casinos act promptly only when the reason for closing is because of gambling issues, you know, so you really might be waiting longer.
I would also like to stop at the point you said that some "very well-known platform praises this casino and even mentions in their reputation that the casino has a trustworthy license"—could you tell us more regarding this?
どうか真実だけを話してください :) はい、そうですし、あなたは素晴らしい仕事をしています。
Please only tell the truth :) yes you do and you're doing a great job.
For me the casino is written off and I will not go there anymore, no matter how long they take to close the account and whether they do it or not, I don't care, they will never see me there again.
The casino is advertised on Askgamblers. There they only report positive things about the casino and point out that the casino is fully licensed and regulated. Which is not true and I don't think that's right. Players are misled with false information, which shouldn't happen, and it makes the platform look totally dubious.
Bitte gerne ist nur die Wahrheit 🙂 ja das tut ihr und ihr macht das klasse.
Für mich ist das Casino abgeschrieben da werde ich nicht mehr hin gehen egal wie lange die sich Zeit lassen für die Kontoschließung und ob sie das tun, ist mir auch egal mich sehen die da nie wieder.
Bei Askgamblers wird das Casino beworben. Dort wird nur positives über das Casino berichtet und es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass das Casino vollständig lizensiert und reguliert ist. Was ja nicht stimmt und das finde ich nicht in Ordnung. Man führt Spieler in die Irre mit falschen Informationen das sollte nicht sein und die Plattform macht sich dadurch total unseriös.
Alright, I understand now. Thank you.
Have you got any other favorite casino, perhaps?
弊社はカジノに支払い手続きに 14 日間の猶予を与えていますので、支払いの進捗状況や弊社のサポートが必要かどうかをお知らせください。
Hopefully there won't be any problem for you to pass the verification so your withdrawal can be approved, then.
Did you provide all the required documents in the right format and of good quality?
It is very important because otherwise they will ask you to send them again.
We give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the payment, so let us know how it goes and if our help is needed.
Hi, I was looking at the fact that the casino has a disastrous safety index and I don't know what to think about the whole situation.
As far as verification goes, it's standard procedure that you have to verify, so nothing seems strange to me so far. If you manage to verify then you should be able to get the money out but I don't want to guess how it will go.
So I would definitely send the casino the documents they require and see if you go through the process successfully first.
Will you do that?
したがって、当社はカジノにこのプロセスを整理するために 14 日間の猶予を与えており、期限が切れても何も解決しない場合は、当社にご連絡いただければ、できる限りお手伝いいたします。
Hey, what makes you think the casino refuse your withdrawal? Is it still pending on your account? The casino hasn't told you why you're waiting at all? What payment method are you using?
Sometimes players have to be a little patient before they get their money and before the withdrawal is processed, sent and gets to you.
So please note that we give casinos 14 days to sort this process out and when the time is up and you have nothing, then you can contact us and we will try to help.
Will you hang on then?
このカジノでのみプレイしますか、それとも他の場所でプレイしますか? Pragmatic Play のゲームは全体的に好きですか? 😀
Do you play it only in this casino or somewhere else? Do you like Pragmatic Play games overall? 😀
わかりました。苦情を申し立てました。私は彼らと姉妹サイトの Hotbet にメールを送っていますが、どちらもアカウントの閉鎖を拒否しました。どちらも顧客のリクエストに制限を設けると宣伝していましたが、これら 2 つのカジノは同じ戦略で運営されており、5 営業日が経過するまで制限を設けたり支払いを行ったりしません。これは、あなたが勝ち金を使い果たすことを期待しているためです。苦情を続ける前に、さらに調べることにしました。勝てば勝つほど、支払いに時間がかかります。両方のサイトとの会話はすべて保存し、彼らからの通信もすべて保管していますが、すべて事前に作成されたゴミという言葉とまったく同じです。詳細がわかったら、苦情を再開して、誰もが詐欺サイトを見ることができるようにします。
Ok I have a complaint started .... I have been emailing them and there sister site hotbet they both refused to close accounts .they both advertised setting limits on the customers requests these 2 casinos both work of the same strategy they won't set limits or payout till after 5 working days in the hope you play your winnings away I decided to look more into them before I keep my complaint going .. the more you win the longer it takes to payout I have saved every conversation with both sites and kept all correspondence from them it's identical to the word all prewritten rubbish when I find out more I will be reopening my complaint so everyone can see the scam site
わかりました。苦情を申し立てました。私は彼らと姉妹サイトの Hotbet にメールを送っていますが、どちらもアカウントの閉鎖を拒否しました。どちらも顧客のリクエストに制限を設けると宣伝していましたが、これら 2 つのカジノは同じ戦略で運営されており、5 営業日が経過するまで制限を設けたり支払いを行ったりしません。これは、あなたが勝ち金を使い果たすことを期待しているためです。苦情を続ける前に、さらに調べることにしました。勝てば勝つほど、支払いに時間がかかります。両方のサイトとの会話はすべて保存し、彼らからの通信もすべて保管していますが、すべて事前に作成されたゴミという言葉とまったく同じです。詳細がわかったら、苦情を再開して、誰もが詐欺サイトを見ることができるようにします。
Ok I have a complaint started .... I have been emailing them and there sister site hotbet they both refused to close accounts .they both advertised setting limits on the customers requests these 2 casinos both work of the same strategy they won't set limits or payout till after 5 working days in the hope you play your winnings away I decided to look more into them before I keep my complaint going .. the more you win the longer it takes to payout I have saved every conversation with both sites and kept all correspondence from them it's identical to the word all prewritten rubbish when I find out more I will be reopening my complaint so everyone can see the scam site
Well, I wonder what our team will say when you reopen the complaint.
Anyway, why don't they want to close your account? Are they trying to convince you not to do it or are they asking you some questions about the process? Do you still have some money you are waiting for? 🤔
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com