ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Rebellion Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
このカジノは出金に時間がかかります。Dama は最近非常に悪くなっています。最初は素晴らしい会社でしたが、今では出金に何日もかかっています。忍耐強く待つことができれば、このカジノでプレイできますが、彼らはあなたが失うまであなたのお金を保留します。
This Casino has a long withdrawal time, Dama has become very bad lately, in the beginning it was a great company, now they hold withdrawals for days, if you have the patience to wait you can play in this Casino, they hold your money for you to lose.
Este Casino tem os Saques demorados , a Dama ultimamente se tornou muito ruim, no início era uma ótima empresa ,agora eles seguram saques por dias .se você tiver paciência pra esperar pode jogar neste Casino ,,eles seguram seu dinheiro para você perder.
Hi, I was wondering how long you have your money there? How much is too much for you when you have the temptation to play? Were you able to withdraw or not?
こんにちは、私は2日間80ドルを待ちました。今日のほとんどのカジノはNo Pixに数秒で支払います。現在引き出しを保留しているのはDamaだけです。グループのWinZioは数分で支払い、残りは保留中です。
Hi I waited for two days 80 usd , most casinos today pay No Pix in seconds , only Dama that is now holding the withdrawal, WinZio which is from the group pays in minutes, the rest are holding .
Olá esperei por dois dias 80 usd ,a maioria dos casinos hoje paga No Pix em segundos ,só a Dama que está com isso agora de segurar o saque, a WinZio que é do grupo paga em minutos,o resto está segurando .
理由も尋ねましたか? 個人的には 2 日は長すぎるとは思いませんし、ほとんどのカジノではどこかで引き出し時間がもっと長くなるので、あまり興奮しないと思います。
Did you also ask for a reason? 2 days wouldn't be too much for me personally and I have to say that in most casinos you probably wouldn't be excited because the withdrawal times are much longer somewhere.
However, do you often play only in Dama casinos?
I play in a lot of casinos, all of which have instant withdrawals, I don't play in those over 3 days, Rabid, and others, Dama used to be all instant withdrawals, recently they started holding withdrawals, they must be having difficulties
Eu jogo em variados casinos todos com saques instantâneos ,estes acima de 3 dias não jogo,Rabid ,e outros ,a Dama era todos saques instantâneos,a pouco tempo começaram a segurar saques ,devem estar passando por dificuldades
Maybe so, but if you're saying that another casino in this group has fine withdrawals, then it's debatable. But of course not impossible and I hope it will be fixed as soon as it can be.
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