ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Revolution Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
100 ユーロ、300 ユーロ、200 ユーロの 3 つの保留中の引き出しがあり、最初の引き出しは 3 月 27 日のもので、何の情報も受け取っていません。チャットで何度連絡しても、決済までに 3 日かかると言われました。
There are 3 pending withdrawals of €100, €300 and €200, the first from 27/3 and I have not received any information, even as many times as I have contacted via chat they tell me that it takes 3 days to be settled
Εκκρεμούν 3 αναλήψεις 100€ 300€ και 200€ η πρώτη από 27/3 και δεν έχω καμία ενημέρωση ακόμα και όσες φορές επικοινώνησα από το chat μου λένε ότι θέλει 3 μέρες να διευθετηθεί
トーマスがあなたの苦情で説明したように、私たちはカジノに支払いを処理するために丸 14 日の猶予を与えています。そのため、残念ながら今のところは何もすることがありません。カジノがこの期限内にすべてを完了できることを願っています。少し辛抱してください。これに関する最新情報があればお知らせください。
As Tomas has explained to you in your complaint, we give casinos 14 full days to procced the payment, so for now there is nothing much to do, unfortunately. I hope the casino will be able to have everything done within this timeframe. Please try to be little patient and let us know if you have any update regarding this.
Have you had any successful withdrawals from this casino before, by any chance? Will wait here for your reply.
That's too bad, I thought you would learn something new and the casino would tell you more. But since that didn't happen, Romi told you how much we give the casinos to handle withdrawals. Besides, do you have a verified casino account yet? They haven't contacted you or replied at all ?
A while ago two of the three withdrawals were completed. one more is pending.. I will update when I have news
Πριν λίγο ολοκληρώθηκαν οι δύο από τις τρεις αναλήψεις.εκκρεμει άλλη μια..θα ενημερώσω όταν έχω νεότερα
Great news, I'm glad to see it moving forward.
I'll definitely be waiting for an update to get all your money, and it would be just as well if you mentioned it in your open complaint.
Feel free to click here and add what is needed.
Fingers crossed you get your money as soon as possible. 🤞☘️
わかりました。とても嬉しいです。以前投稿した緑色のリンクをクリックしていただけますか? これはあなたの苦情ですが、すべて受け取ったことを付け加えるのが適切でしょう。その後、当社のチームがクローズします。
Okay, I'm very happy about that, could you click on the green link I sent you in the post before ? It's your complaint to which it would be appropriate to add that you have received everything and our team will close it afterwards.
I would be grateful and congratulations again. 🤗🎉👍
こんにちは。Revolution Casino で出金しましたが、明日には着金するはずです。みんなの意見を聞くと、このサイトは半分詐欺で、お金が届くのは数週間後だと言っています。このサイトで出金したことがある方、何か知っている方はいらっしゃいますか? ありがとうございます
Hi, I made a withdrawal on revolution casino and it should arrive by tomorrow. Reading around everyone says that the site is half a scam and that the money will arrive after weeks. Has anyone withdrawn on this site and knows anything? Thank you
Salve ,ho prelevato su revolution casino e dovrebbe arrivare entro domani .Leggendo in giro tutti dicono che il sito sia un mezzo scam e che i soldi in caso arriveranno dopo settimane.Qualcuno ha prelevato su questo sito e sa qualcosa ? Grazie
Hopefully you will get some answers here. Have you got any update about your withdrawal?
サポートに連絡し、Casino Guru で苦情を申し立てましたが、承認待ちです。資金は今日届くはずでしたが、今のところ何も届いていません。昨日、Revolution Casino のサポートにメールしたところ、遅れているので翌日に連絡するようにと言われました。今日も同じで、財務部門にリマインダーを送ったので、必要なら明日の午後に連絡するようにと言われました。
I spoke to support and opened a complaint on Casino Guru and it is awaiting approval. The funds were supposed to arrive today but so far nothing. I wrote to Revolution Casino support yesterday and they told me there are delays and to contact them the next day. Same thing today and they told me that they have sent a reminder to the financial department and if necessary contact them tomorrow afternoon.
Ho parlato con il supporto ed ho aperto un reclamo su Casino Guru ed è in attesa d 'approvazione .I Fondi dovevano arrivare oggi ma al momento niente .Ho scritto al supporto di Revolution Casino ieri e mi hanno detto che ci sono ritardi e di contattarli il giorno dopo.Oggi stessa cosa e mi hanno detto che hanno fatto un sollecito al dipartimento finanziario ed in caso contattarli domani pomeriggio .
はい、あなたの不満はわかります。残念ながら、私たちのチームは 14 日の期限までに介入することができません。ですから、それまでの間、どんなニュースでも必ず私たちに知らせてください。私たちはここで待っています。
Yeah, I can see your complaint, where our team won't be able to intervene before the 14 day time frame, unfortunately. So please keep us updated, for sure, about any news, until then. We will be here waiting.
payment arrived, after numerous contacts with support. This morning I asked again about the timing and 5 minutes later the funds arrived. I do not recommend depositing on this betting site (my opinion) because to receive 15 euros I waited a while contacting every time assistance. The case has been resolved, but many like me are disappointed by a betting site with very high withdrawal times. Thank you
pagamento arrivato ,dopo numerosi contatti con il supporto .Stamattina ho chiesto dinuovo delle tempistiche e 5 min dopo sono arrivati i fondi.Non consiglio di depositare su questo sito di scommesse (parere mio) perchè per ricevere 15 euro ho aspettato un pò contattando ogni volta l assistenza .Il caso è stato risolto ,ma tanti come me delusi da un sito scommesse con tempi di prelievo molto alti . Vi Ringrazio
しかし、 苦情の中で、お金を受け取ったという事実について言及していただけますか?
Hi, if it's been a long time for you to choose, I understand why you don't recommend this casino.
But could I ask you to mention this fact that you received money in your complaint ?
It would be appropriate since our team will be able to close it. Thank you very much and I firmly believe that you will have a better experience. 🙂
土曜日13.4 0:48に、出金リクエストについての確認メールを受け取りました。つまり、これは非常に新しいので、待つしかありません。しかし、もう1つ、土曜日から今日まで、Revolutionのサポート部門に4通のメールを送信しましたが、1通も返信がありませんでした。リクエストが受信されたという確認を受け取りました。
多くの人がそのカジノで何らかの問題を抱えていると読んだので、私は現在、これが 2 週間以上の攻防にならないように、最初からできる限りのことをしようとしています。
Hey! Is there any information if any Finns have had problems with the casino?
On Saturday 13.4 at 0:48 I received a confirmation in my email about the withdrawal request. That is, this is very fresh, so there is no help but to wait. But another thing, from Saturday to today I have sent 4 emails to Revolution's support department and not one of them has been answered. I have received confirmation that my request has been received.
I've read that many people have had some kind of problems with that casino and I'm currently trying to do everything I can in the beginning so that this doesn't turn into more than a two week back and forth battle.
Hei! Onko tietoa, onko kenelläkään suomalaisella ollut ongelmia kasinon kanssa?
Lauantaina 13.4 kello 0:48 sain vahvistuksen sähköpostiini nostopyynnöstä. Eli tämä on erittäin tuore joten ei auta kuin odotella. Mutta toinen juttu, olen lauantaista tähän päivään lähettänyt 4 sähköpostia revolutionin support osastolle ja yhteenkään ei ole vastattu. Olen kyllä saanut vahvistuksen, että pyyntöni on vastaanotettu.
Olen lukenut että monilla on ollut jonkinlaisia ongelmia kyseisen kasinon kanssa ja yritän tällä hetkellä tehdä tässä alussa kaikkeni, jotta tästä ei tulisi mitään yli kahden viikon edestakais taistelua.
That's pretty good news. I guess you're right and we'll just have to wait for the money to actually come in.
Be sure to let me know if it does.
As far as if any Finns have a problem with this casino, I would recommend to check the complaints and see if they do or not.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
少し心配なのは、この 3 日間、私のメールに返信がまったくなかったことです。Casino の Web サイトがサポート メールを読んでいるのであれば、少なくとも 1 日に 1 回は誰かが返信するはずです。
The only thing that worries me a bit is that during the last three days, none of my emails have been answered. You would think that if Casino's website reads their support email, then someone would answer them at least once a day.
Ainoa asia mikä hieman huolestuttaa on se, että viimeisen kolmen päivän aikana, yhteenkään sähköpostiini ei olla vastattu. Luulisi, että jos casinon sivustolla lukee heidän support sähköpostinsa, niin joku vastaisi niihin edes kerran päivässä.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com