ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Scooby Bet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
おはようございます。しかし、カジノの達人は、どうして知られていないカジノにこれほど高い評価を付けることができるのでしょうか?他のプラットフォームではパスが割り当てられません。casinoguru 8.2 ではパスが割り当てられません。
good morning, but how can casino gurus assign such a high rating to a casino that is not known? on other platforms the pass is not assigned, on casinoguru 8.2
you need to think carefully before assigning such a high rating
users fall into the traps of these rating platforms
the rating will certainly be revised for this platform shortly, but in the meantime several users will have fallen into their traps
buongiorno, ma come puoi casino guru assegnare una valutazione così alta ad un casino che non è conosciuto ? su altre piattaforme non viene assegnata la sufficenza, su casinoguru 8.2
bisogna valutare bene prima di assegnare un voto così alto
gli utenti cadono nei tranelli di queste piattaforme per le valutazioni
sicuramente anche per questa piattaforma nel giro di poco verrà rivista la valutazione, ma nel frattempo diversi utenti saranno caduti nei loro tranelli
コンテンツを共有して、何が起こったのかを他の人に見てもらいましょう: リンクはここにあります👈
私たちはカジノをレビューする際に非常に高度なプロセスを適用していることを保証できます。結果は常に「 安全性インデックスの説明」というタブで説明されます。もちろん、「オンラインカジノのレビュー方法」というガイドで取り上げられている、私たちが使用するマトリックスの一般的な側面に焦点を当てることはできますが、私は決して誰かを贔屓するつもりはありません。
「実際、Ramirexxx は正しく、彼のリアルマネー入金からの賞金は何らかの理由でボーナス残高に入金されているようです。まず、彼には 20 ユーロと 15 ユーロの 2 つのボーナスが入金され (Excel 行 3269 と 3270)、これらのボーナス資金はその後、Ramirexxx はリアルマネー €35 (Excel 行 3394、ID 318570606) を入金しましたが、これは前のボーナス資金が使い果たされ、ボーナス残高が €0 になった後に入金されました (行 3393)。この入金から得た賞金はすべてボーナス賞金として記録されました。
そして、Scooby Bet Casino も正しく、手動デポジット €35 が実際に入金され (行 3522)、全額プレイされ、その後さらに 2 ユーロ、つまり 30 ユーロと 50 ユーロが入金されました (行 3533 と 3534)。
Ramirexxx さんのアカウントは残高がなくなった状態で閉鎖されたため、残念ながら、こちらでお手伝いできることや仲介できることは何も見つかりません。したがって、これ以上の介入や調査は行わずに、この苦情を終了させていただきます。 」
したがって、あなたの洞察力に感謝したいと思います。運が良ければ、他の人は苦情に記載されている間違いを犯さないでしょう。これが私たちが求めているものです。苦情の共有と分類を通じて、メッセージが送信されます。 🙏
Good day to you!
I sense this situation reflects your recent experience with this casino, also described in your complaint.
Let's share its content to let others see what has happened: the link is right here 👈
I can assure you that we have very advanced processes we apply while reviewing casinos, and the results are always explained in the tab called "Safety index explained". Of course, I can focus on the general aspects of the matrices we use covered in the guide called "How we review online casinos", but I certainly don't want to patronize anyone.
I browsed your complaint briefly, and as I said, I'm convinced you simply need to speak up about your frustration. That's ok.
Frankly, and most importantly, the complaint was rejected, which means the casino won't be penalized, and I understand the reason was explained. Allow me to quote:
"Actually, Ramirexxx is right and winnings from his real money deposit seem to be credited to a bonus balance for whatever reason. First, he was credited two bonuses - €20 and €15 (excel rows 3269 and 3270) and these bonus funds were played. Then Ramirexxx deposited real money €35 (excel row 3394, ID 318570606) which was credited after previous bonus funds were exhausted and the bonus balance was €0 (row 3393). Any winnings from this deposit were recorded as bonus winnings.
And Scooby Bet Casino is also right and the manual deposit of €35 was indeed credited (row 3522) which was fully played and later two more - €30 and €50 (rows 3533 and 3534).
So in conclusion, both of you are right and it seems that you don't understand each other's points.
Since Ramirexxx's account has been closed with no remaining balance, unfortunately, I don't see anything that we could help with here or mediate. Therefore, I will now close this complaint without further intervention or investigation. "
I get it leaves a bitter taste, but to be fair and square, we can't deliberately change the casino's safety index solely based on your feelings. To do that, we would need explicit proof that would certainly change the result of the complaint. We close and classify the complaint, which will influence how the casino's Safety Index will be affected. That's how it works.
Thus, I'd like to thank you for your insight. With luck, others won't make any mistakes described in the complaint. This is what we seek. Through sharing and classifying complaints, the message is sent. 🙏
This is also the reason for showing the latest complaints directly under the casino's overview - to keep them visible to players:
Hi Radka
Personally, €80 doesn't change my life
and in any case he assures you that they stole €80 from my account
on other web platforms they complain about missed payments of over €20k to scoobybet
the problem is assigning such a high rating to a casino, without having a history, induces users to play with peace of mind.
On various forums, we read that it is an unreliable casino
This applies to all casinos where there is no history.
The high score is a reward, not something automatic or only for the terms and conditions.
However for scoobybet, you'll see in a few months....
実際のレビュー、口座から 80 ユーロを引き出したので
24 時間以内に 4/5 のレビューを受け入れましたが、それらは明らかに虚偽でした
when you decide to lower your rating,
scoobybet will have ruined dozens of players
then...you rejected my review,
real review, because they withdrew €80 from the account
and accepted 4/5 reviews, in 24 hours, which are clearly false
さらに、私たちは偏ったユーザーレビューがあることを認識しています。具体的な証拠を提供できる場合は、ここで提供してください。 community@casino.guru
I understand your point, but I won't repeat myself.
In addition to your user review, you also have an explanation:
"Hello. Thank you for submitting your review. Unfortunately, we need to reject your review since our internal system detected too many similarities to other reviews submitted already to this casino. We do this in order to keep the user rating as genuine as possible. Thank you for your understanding."
I'd say it's pretty obvious.
Additionally, we are aware of biased user reviews; if you can provide concrete proof, please do so here: community@casino.guru
Frankly, your complaint was beyond resolving, and mistakes were made on both sides. It's fair not to punish the casino in this situation.
If you know about other players needing help with this casino, please send them our way.
The more official and undisputable information we get from players through complaints, the better.
はい、敷物のようです。 1週間以上誰もログインできず、メールなどにも返答がありません。愚かにもカジノグルの評価を信頼し、その兆候を無視しました。 2000ユーロ以上がドブに消えた。
Yes, seems to be a rug. More than a week nobody is able to log in and no response to emails or anything. Foolishly trusted casinoguru rating and ignored the signs. More than 2000eur gone down the drain.
こんにちは。投稿ありがとうございます。私たちのデータチームは必ずそれを調査し、何が起こっているのかを明らかにしようとします。オンラインカジノでも時々何らかのメンテナンスが必要になるのはごく普通のことです。もちろん、カジノからの説明なしにこのようなことが起こるべきではありません。カジノから、ワットの進行状況に関するメール、またはメンテナンスの疑いに関する情報を受け取りましたか? 🤔
Hello there. Thank you for your post. Our data team will surely look into it and will try to find out what is going on. It is absolutely normal that sometimes even online casinos need to do some kind of maintenance. Of course this should be not happening without an explanation from the casino. Have you received any email from the casino about wat is going on, or any information about the alleged maintenance? 🤔
May I also ask how long ago have you applied for your withdrawal?
Let us know please if there is any update and of course we will come back to you if/when there is any information from the casino.
When you go to livechat you can see this message. They said they will come back on Tuesday.... I am not sure wich Tuesday they mean... Their last answer was before 4 days and the situation continues for 8 days
また、フォーラムへの投稿は安全性指数の変化に影響を与えることができないため、安全性指数は慎重に計算する必要があることにも留意してください。実際、私たちにはそれに対して苦情があります。詳細については、この記事👈 をご覧ください。
カジノへの苦情に関しては、私たちのガイド👈からのこの引用が、実際の状況をよりよく理解するのに役立つかもしれません。私たちの安全性指数. これらの要素は相互に相対的に考慮されます, なぜなら, 大手カジノはプレーヤーベースが大きいため、小規模なカジノよりも多くの苦情があることが予想されるからです. これは、大規模なカジノが安全性指数を持つことができる (しかしそうする必要はない) ことを意味します。たとえプレーヤーがより多くの不満を持っていたとしても、低い評価よりも良い評価を。」本件に関してご質問がございましたらお気軽にどうぞ。 👍
Hello there. Our data team have already reached out to the casino to find out what is going on. Just for the info about the alleged maintenance, if you are interested.
Please have also in mind, that posts on the forum can not affect the changes of the safety index, which must be carefully calculated. Actually we have complaints for that. You can read about it more in this article 👈.
As for the complaints for the casino, maybe this quote from our guide 👈 will help you better understand how it actually goes: "Based on the casino's size and its player complaints (their number, disputed amounts and justification), we get the base of our Safety Index. These factors are considered relatively to one another, because it's expected that big casinos will have more complaints than smaller ones because of their larger player base. This means that a large casino can (but doesn't have to) have a better rating than a smaller one, even if players complain about it more." Feel free to ask any question regarding this matter. 👍
こんにちは。あなたがこのような思いをし、このような状況に陥ったことを非常に残念に思います。できれば、カジノの第一人者である私たちがすべてのオンライン カジノをどのようにレビューするか、また安全性指標がどのように機能するかについて少し説明したいと思います。また、私たちは推定ではなく実際に証明されたことに基づいてカジノにペナルティを課すため、安全性指数は将来を反映するものではないことにも留意してください。
また、レビューに関する美しいガイドもあります。ご覧になり、さらに詳しく知りたい場合は、 このリンクをクリックしてください 👈。
「当社の安全性指数のもう 1 つの基礎は、プレイヤーの苦情です。これらの情報から、各カジノがプレイヤーをどのように扱っているかが分かります。カジノに関して正当な苦情が多数ある場合、それはプレイヤーの不満を引き起こす何らかの問題があることを明確に示しています。」
Hello. I am very sorry you feel this way and that you find yourself in this situation. I will try to explain a bit about how we, in casino guru, review all the online casinos and also how does the safety index work , if I may. Please have also in mind that the safety index does not reflect the future, because we penalize casinos for what has actually been proven, not for presumptions.
May I ask if you have some kind of issue with the withdrawal? How long are you waiting? If you feel you need some help with that, you can of course reach out to our complaint team and they will do their best, as always to help you out.
We also have a beautiful guide about our reviews, if you like to have a look and know more, just follow this link 👈.
"Our Safety Index basically describes how casinos treat their players, and how likely players are to be able to withdraw their winnings without running into issues. Casinos with an honest approach to gambling generally have a high Safety Index based on our review methodology, while those with bad intentions have a low Safety Index."
"The other foundation of our Safety Index are player complaints. These tell us how each casino treats its players. If there are many justified complaints about a casino, it's a clear indication that there are some issues which cause players to be dissatisfied."
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any question or any information you'd like to mention, we'll be here waiting.
評価は 6 から開始する必要があります (契約条件などが最適な場合)。
Hi Romi
in my opinion, all casinos, especially the newly created ones
they must start with a rating of 6 (if the contractual conditions etc. are optimal)
and acquire scores over time
Giving a high score is a risk for all the players who follow the forum, because without a history.
When you go to livechat you can see this message. They said they will come back on Tuesday.... I am not sure wich Tuesday they mean... Their last answer was before 4 days and the situation continues for 8 days
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com