ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Sky247 Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hello, do you mean your password for sky247, please? If yes, please contact casino staff.
Sky247 でパスワードをリセットするには、次の手順に従います。
パスワードのリセット中に問題が発生した場合は、Sky247 カスタマー サポート チームにお問い合わせください。
To reset your password in Sky247, you can follow these steps:
If you encounter any difficulties while resetting your password, you can contact the Sky247 customer support team for assistance.
素晴らしいです - 次回からはここに禁止リンクを貼らないでください、念のためお願いします 😉
Hello admin (really?)
Awesome - next time do not put the forbidden link here, If I may ask 😉
Hi, could you please describe your situation a bit more ? Did the casino tell you any specific reason why they blocked your account ? Did you play with the bonus or not ? Did they also take your winnings ?
Let me know so we can try to help you if possible.
どうも 、
これは Sky247 カジノから完全に詐欺です。プレイヤーが多額の賞金を獲得した場合はブロックします。
Hi sir ,
Sky247.live Casino blocked my account because I'm won 45 lakhs rupees,
I don't use any bonus I'm playing with deposit money,
There support saying suspicious activity in my account,
What suspicious activity never know,
This is totally froud from sky247 casino, if player won big amount so block,
Okay, so did you try to ask the casino what suspicious activity was on your account or what to do now ?
If you feel that you have done nothing wrong and you have won money fairly and the casino has taken it from you wrongfully, you have the option to file a complaint with us.
Our team will try to help you find out more information about why the casino took your money.
Are you in?
私のアカウントで問題がないことを確認できました。私は常に sky247.live ルールに従っている本物のプレイヤーです。
先生、私の代わりに sky247.live から連絡して私のアカウントのロックを解除してください、
Yes Sir I'm file a complaint from my registered email,
There support live chat just saying suspicious activity so account is locked and under investigation,
Sir can you please tell me if someone won big amount this is not fair to block there account,
I can confirm in my account no issues, I'm real player always follow sky247.live rules ,
Please help me,
Sir you please contact from my behalf sky247.live unlock my account,
あなたの事件の幸運を祈ります。 ☘️
If you file a complaint as you announced, our team will try to help you in your situation so you don't have to worry about that.
If you say that you have won a large amount, it is becoming more and more common for casinos or game providers to do some checks to see if everything was in order and in accordance with the rules, and therefore it happens that until the whole thing is resolved, your account will remain blocked. So I wouldn't be negative right away and we'll see what the casino tells you and how it turns out. Of course, if it goes on too long and nobody says anything to you, you'll have an open complaint.
Therefore, it would be a good idea for you to write here from the account you are going to start it from.
I wish you luck with your case. ☘️
Sky247.live は私のアカウントが調査中であると言っています、
私の準拠したメッセージを転送し、sky247.live サポート担当者を招待してください。
Sky247.live saying my account is under investigation,
Kindly please help me in my complaint I'm provide all details in compliant,
Please forward my compliant and invite sky247.live support representative.
Jaro がすでに説明したように、おそらくそのような憶測をするには時期尚早かもしれません。
ただし、どうしてもという場合は、少なくともこの緑色のリンク 👈 をクリックまたはタップして、解決プロセスに関する考えを確認してください。 🙏
ちなみに、「 sky247admin 」というアカウントでカジノを宣伝している人を見かけたのを覚えています。
Hey there.
I'll do my best to put it simply this time. We can't forward your complaint to support because you have not submitted it yet. Those are simply forum posts.
As Jaro already explained, maybe it is far too early for such speculations.
But if you insist, at least Click or tap this green link 👈 to get some thoughts regarding the resolution process. 🙏
By the way, I recall spotting someone promoting the casino with the account "sky247admin"
Based on the account description, however, I would be a bit hesitant.
Let's give it a shot 🤷♀️
Sky247 でパスワードをリセットするには、次の手順に従います。
パスワードのリセット中に問題が発生した場合は、Sky247 カスタマー サポート チームにお問い合わせください。
To reset your password in Sky247, you can follow these steps:
If you encounter any difficulties while resetting your password, you can contact the Sky247 customer support team for assistance.
たまたまプレイヤー「 a44334 」との最新の会話を閲覧できますか?
Hey there,
I wonder whether you could help us address player concerns regarding the blocked account.
Could you browse the latest conversation with the player "a44334" by chance?
Thank you in advance for your support.
Yes I already know that, could you post your complaint here again ? So we can see how it's going ? It would certainly be useful if other players came across it.
とにかく、「 Akib 」というアカウントで苦情を作成していただいてうれしいです。
Hey there!
It all finally makes sense now. If I could name a plea - please do not switch between accounts, especially on the forum. As you may now see, we were all quite confused. Aside from that, I can imagine the casino may have blocked your account for a similar reason...
Anyway, I'm glad you created the complaint, under the account "Akib".
Let's see how it turns out.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com