ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Slot Heist Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
まだウェルカムボーナスを受け取っていませんし、スピンもできないのでどうすればいいのかわかりません。カスタマーサービスに相談しましたが、まだ何も引き換えることができません。できる限り準備をしてください。私のゲームで 25 をお願いします。そうならないからです。何時間もここにいますが、まだ何もありません
I still have not received my welcome bonus and it will not let me do my spins so I don't know what to do I even talked to customer service and it still won't let me redeem anything so as we possible you guys getting ready 25 on my game please because it will not I have been on here for hours still nothing
ボーナスを受け取らなかった理由を知っていますか。カスタマー サポートは、ボーナスを受け取らなかった理由を説明しましたか?通常、ほとんどのカジノでは新規プレイヤーがウェルカムボーナスを受け取ることを私は知っています。ただし、 「私たちはカジノではありません」と言わざるを得ません。私たちはオンライン カジノに関する情報を見つけることができるウェブサイトであるため、オンライン カジノについてはレビューしますが、カジノについてはレビューしません。ただし、ボーナスの潮干狩りについてはお手伝いできませんが、その他の詳細については必ずここでご説明させていただきます。
Hey there!
That sounds quite unpleasant. Not a good start with this casino.
Do you know the reason why you didn't get the bonus, did the customer support explained why is it like this? I know that usually the new players gets welcome bonuses in most of casinos. But, I must say that "We are not a Casino". We are a website where you can find information about Online Casinos, so we review the online casinos, but not a casino. However, even that we can't help you with the bonus clamming, we will be here for other details, for sure!
スロット強盗で 50.00 ドル勝ったので、出金したいのですが、たらい回しにされています。同じオンライン カジノ アプリの他のスレッドをたくさん読みました。メールで KYC を送信しましたが、まだ出金待ちです。勝ったお金を受け取る方法を教えていただけるとありがたいです。ありがとうございます。
I just won 50.00 on slot heist and I wanna withdraw. They are giving me the run around. I have read many other threads on the same online casino app. I sent then via email my KYC and still waiting on my withdraw. If someone can please guide me in the direction to get what I won would be appreciated thank you.
KYC に合格することは非常に重要です。合格して初めて資金を引き出すことができます。確認プロセスは正確にはいつから開始したのでしょうか?
It is really important to pass the KYC, only after that you will be able to withdraw your money. When exactly did you start with the verification process, if I may ask?
I managed to run my welcome bonus free spins winnings up to approx $350US and went to make a withdrawal. I had already met my play through requirement and KYC was verified. the withdrawal was denied because it exceeded the max withdrawal amount of $100. so i changed the amount to the max of $100 figuring everything was good. My litecoin account was verified and my KYC was verified and i was withdrawing an allowed amount. They then came back and said i had multiple accounts from the same IP address. while it's true that there WERE multiple accounts showing the same IP address, only one IS mine. the other was my wife's. I thought it was not possible to have the same IP on more than one device, but they said the accounts were on same IP. I was never paid and I actually had to send an email asking to have the other account closed and blocked if i wished to continue playing there and be able to withdraw any future winnings. i mention this because, even though my wife sent an email requesting her account be terminated, from the device she was playing from. They did not close the account and she was allowed to continue playing until I sent them an email from my account requesting closure of her account. Once i requested the closure, they did so almost instantly and even blocked her from registering under another name from that device. I can still play on slotheist. i don't, but i can still log in and play, i dont know if i can withdraw, but everything else, i can do. i still dont think its possible for 2 devices to have the same IP but that is what they claim and that is why i never received my winnings according to them.
これは、同じ世帯の人々が同じカジノでプレイする場合によくある問題です。ただし、同じ IP アドレスを共有していることが、賞金を無効にする唯一の理由ではないと思います。
複数アカウント規則に違反するということは、特定のプレイヤーが許可されたアカウントを 1 つ以上作成したことを意味します。プレイヤーが複数のアカウントを所有していることを示す最初の指標は、IP の一致です。
ボーナス ハンティングが儲かる行為だった時代には、そのようなハンターは、通常は新規登録時にのみ利用できるウェルカム ノー デポジット ボーナスにアクセスするために、より多くのアカウントを作成していました。このようなアプローチは、同じ種類の魅力的なボーナスを複数獲得するために開発されました。
Casino Guru では、複数アカウント規則に違反したとされるプレイヤーが、複数のアカウントを作成することで実際にカジノに対して不当な優位性を得たかどうかを明確に定義することが最も重要であると常に言っています。
もう 1 つのアカウントは奥様のものなので、状況が少し異なることは承知していますが、この「迫害」の背後にある論理は私には同じに思えます。
先ほど述べたことを踏まえると、カジノ側の懸念は部分的には理解できます。一方で、ボーナス システムを悪用したり、その他の悪用と見なされる行為によって不当な優位性を維持するために両者が「共謀」したことが証明されない限り、同じ世帯に住む 2 人が同じカジノを好むというのは、普通の状況だと思います。
私が言いたいのは、この状況は極めて普通であると確信しており、もしあなたの勝ち金を無効にする唯一の理由が、あなたの妻が同じカジノでプレイしたために、両方のアカウントの IP が一致したということであれば、私の意見では、勝ち金を無効にするには不十分だということです。
カジノ側から、IP 以外の懸念について言及された方はいらっしゃいますか?
いずれにせよ、「カジノの達人の公正なギャンブルの規範」というこの記事の「11. プレーヤーの確認と重複アカウント」のポイントを参照してください👈
This is quite a common issue when people from the same household play at the same casino. Sharing the same IP address should not, however, be the only reason for voiding winnings, I'd say.
Furthermore, what you described sounds more like a shared household issue than a multiple account problem to me, sadly, both topics are close to each other.
Breaching the multiple-account rule means that a certain player has created more than just one allowed account. The first indicator that the player possesses more than one account is the IP match.
Now, why is this supposed to be a problem?
Because in times when bonus hunting was a lucrative thing to do, such hunters used to create more accounts to get access to welcome no deposit bonuses, which are normally only available upon new registration. Such an approach was developed to get more than one juicy bonus of the same kind.
Casinos developed the multiple account rule to fight these practices.
We at Casino Guru always say that the most important thing to do, is to clearly define whether a player accused of breaching the multiple account rule actually gained an unfair advantage over the casino by creating more than one account.
"We accept that it is the responsibility of players to make sure that they don't create multiple accounts at the same casino. Not because we think it's the right way to do it, but because it's the industry standard, and we cannot penalize all casinos that don't enforce the 'one account per player' rule the way we consider best. However, we believe and hope that checking for duplicate accounts during account creation will become the industry standard in the future, and players will be better protected."
I know your situation is a bit different because the other account belongs to your wife, but the logic behind this "persecution" seems the same to me.
Based what I stated earlier, I partially understand casino's concerns. On the other hand, I think that unless it is proven that you both "worked together" to maintain an unfair advantage by abusing the bonus system or any other action considered an abuse, it's just a normal situation where two people living in the same household also favour the same casino.
I'm trying to say that I'm convinced this situation is quite normal, and if the only reason for voiding your winnings is because your wife played in the same casino, so both accounts provided matched in IP, in my opinion, it's not enough to void your winnings.
Did anyone from the casino ever mention any other concern aside from the IP, please?
One way or another, browse this article called "Casino Guru's Fair Gambling Codex", point "11. Player verification and duplicate accounts" 👈 please
I'd say it's highly related to your situation; hence, I think it might be worth a look.
From my perspective, since you submitted a complaint in the past, I bet you are quite familiar with this option. Maybe it would not hurt to create another one now, because based on the Fair Gambling Codex, a more thorough explanation from the casino's side can't hurt.
What do you think?
今後の参考と知識を深めるために、必ず Fair Gambling Codex を参照します。重複した IP アドレスについてのみ言及されていたことに感謝しています。賞金の取り消しを依頼したところ、取り戻すのに疲れたので、別のカジノで発生した問題と同じになるだろうと思い、あきらめました。しかし、今後の問題については、引き出しが取り消され、獲得した賞金を使い果たしてしまったので、取り戻せないと思ったので、今苦情を申し立てる理由はないと思うので、casino.gutu に支援を仰ぐつもりです。
I will definitely look at the Fair Gambling Codex for future reference and better knowledge. I appreciate that the only thing ever mentioned was the duplicate IP address. It got to the point where I just told them to cancel the winnings as I was tired of trying to collect, I figured it would be like the the issue I had with a different casino, which I did lodge a complaint against, so I just gave up. but for future issues, I will definitely look to casino.gutu for assistance as I don't believe I have any reason to file the complaint now as I have had the withdrawal canceled and played through the winnings I had because I didn't think I would ever be able to retrieve them.
It is a very wise decision from your side, and we will be here if you ever need our help. Thank you for sharing.
今、ライブ配信中です。スロット強盗で即時に引き出せるはずだった引き出しを 9 時間待っています。現在、彼らとライブチャット中ですが、引き出せるまでチャットを投稿します。
I am going live right now. I have been waiting 9 hours for a withdrawal that was supposed to be instant with slot heist. I am on live chat with them now and will be posting their chat as long as it takes to get it.
Again it's been 9 hours and Hannah or whoever it has been lying to me all morning saying just be patient we ha a lot of withdrawals
I will start posting what they are saying next watch in real time how slot heist treats their customers.
I’m still sitting here waiting for my payout, did not use any bonus. Did my registration. They’ve cancelled it twice and I was told this time after I resubmit it would be approved in an hour ….that was about 8 hours ago …I really don’t understand.
Now they are telling me that they can only process a withdrawal of $100/day…..wth - they cancelled my withdrawal again, and I have to resubmit again, for only $100, for the next several days ….this is beyond ridiculous
Hello. Please try to describe the issue from the beginning, so we can better understand what exactly happened and try to help you out. We'll wait here for your response.
slotheist に登録し、フリースピンを使いましたが、何も勝ちませんでした。後ほど戻ってきて、LTC を入金することにしました。ボーナスは使いませんでした。勝ち、400 ドルの出金申請をしました。保留中でした。そこで、即時出金カジノとして宣伝されているカスタマーサービスに連絡しました。彼らはそれをキャンセルし、運転免許証をメールで送信して 24 時間後に再送信する必要があると言いました。それを実行すると、7~8 時間かかると言われました。その後、たらい回しにされて、またキャンセルされ、フリースピンの最大出金額は 50 ドルだと言われました。しかし、入金してしまいました。そこで、再送信するように言われ、再送信後 1 時間以内に処理されて承認されるとのことで、1 分ほどプレイしてみましたが、400 ドルの出金が 700 ドルになりました。ヘンリーに確認して、すべてが順調であることを確認した。彼は「はい」と言った。私は再送信し、1時間後に確認し直したが、何も起こらず、たらい回しにされて、すぐに処理中だと言われ、これがさらに12時間続いた。私は継続的に確認し、最終処理段階にあると保証された…待っても何も起こらなかった。チャットに行くとジェームズがいて、キャンセルされたので再送信する必要があり、最大キャッシュアウトは1日あたり100ドルであると言われ、つまり、100ドルで再送信し、24時間ごと(つまり7日間)にそれをしなければならないということだった……。私はこのようなことは一度も経験したことがない。とてもイライラするし、彼らが本当にめちゃくちゃになっているか、不適切に運営されているように感じる。私は100ドルを手に入れたが、今は待たなければならない…これらの障害や迷惑なことについて、情報開示やコミュニケーションは一切なかった。私はただそれを現金化したいだけです。彼らは人々が不安になって待って、何もせずにそれをプレイすることを望んでいると思います。これはばかげています。私は本当に助けていただき、今後 6 日間このストレスとフラストレーションと信頼性のなさを感じないようにしたいと思います。
i registered on slotheist, used free spins, won nothing…came back later and decided to deposit LTC. Did not use a bonus. I won and submitted a withdrawal for $400. It sat pending. So I contacted customer service because they advertise as an instant payout casino. They cancelled it, said I needed to email my drivers license and resubmit 24 hours later. I did that and then they told me 7-8 hours. Then I got the run around and it was cancelled again, they said that $50 was the max cashout for the free spins…but I had deposited. So he tells me to resubmit and it will be taken care of and accepted within an hour of resubmitting, I played for a minute because why not, turned the $400 payout into $700. I checked with Henry to make sure everything was good to go, he said yes, I resubmitted and checked back after 1 hour , nothing, got the run around and told soon and it’s in processing, this went on for another 12 hours, which I had continuously checked back and was assured it was in the final processing phase…waited, nothing. Went to chat and it was James, who tells me that it’s cancelled, and that I would need to re submit and that the max cash out is $100 per day - so o was to resubmit, for $100, and that I’d have to do that every 24hours ( so 7 days) ….. I’ve never ever had anything like this. It’s so frustrating and I feel like they are really messing around or improperly operating. I got $100, and now I have to wait…there was no sosclosure or communication about any of these obstacles and annoyances. I just want to cash it out - I think they want people to get anxious waiting and play it to nothing. This is ridiculous and I would really appreciate some help and to not have this stress and frustration and unreliability for the next 6 days.
しかし、1 日の限度額は 4,000 ドルと言われており、1 日 100 ドルというのは非常に低い金額です。たとえ出金が提出されたその日に処理されたとしても、全額を引き出すのに 7 日かかります。このような理由で私はカジノを試すのをやめ、今では自分がよく知っている 2 つのカジノでのみプレイしています。
But allegedly the limit is 4k per day, 100 per day is extremely low, even if they process every withdrawal the day they are submitted it will take you 7 days to withdraw the entire amount. This is the kind of stuff that made me stop trying casinos and now I only play in two I know well.
It’s a ridiculously low amount…to have as a max cashout ….im beyond annoyed and frustrated!
It's understandable, the withdrawal limit is ridiculous, sadly there is no option but to cooperate, hopefully you will get paid the entire amount (eventually), just submit each withdrawal once the previous one is completed until the entire amount is paid
標準的な 1 日の制限額である 100 ドルは非常に低い金額であり、 レビュー👈 を作成する際にカジノから知らされた限りでは、この金額は少し高いものでした。
100 のみが許可される理由は明確に説明されていますか? 通常は合計入金額を反映する VIP レベルに基づいているのでしょうか?
I'd like to say that $100 as a standard daily limit is an extremely low amount, and as far as we were informed by the casino when creating its review 👈 this amount was a bit higher.
Have you been clearly informed of the reason why you are only permitted 100? Is it perhaps based on some VIP level, usually reflecting the total deposited amount?
Just wondering how they came up with such a horrible limit and if we should take this new information into account.
Anyway, I hope the withdrawals will be finished soon!
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com