ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、SlotoRush Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんばんは、私は彼と彼に関連する他のカジノに登録しました。ロールオーバーを完了して20ユーロを支払わずに済みました。100 r$に制限しています。とても良いと思いました。+引き出しできるようにアカウントを確認するのに時間がかかります。
good evening, i registered with him and the other cazzino related to him i was able to complete the rollover and not pay 20$ euros i limit it to 100 r$, i found it very good + it takes a long time to verify the account to be able to withdraw
boa noite, criei cadastro nele e aos outroz cazzino relacionado a ele nele conseguir completar o rolover e não paga 20$ euros limito a 100 r$ , achei bem de boa + demora muito muito tempo pra verificar a conta para poder retirar
Hello, so based on what you say, you like the casino, yes ? The verification process was long you mentioned, how long did it take ? Was there a problem with the documents ? 🙂
気に入りました。まだ確認されていません。確認プロセスが遅く、30 時間経過しても応答がありません。しかし、それ以外は問題ありません。唯一の問題は、最初に確認されなかった場合、確認されるまで少なくとも 3 〜 5 日待たなければならないことです。
I liked it, it hasn't been verified yet, I found the verification process slow, 30 hours and no response. But otherwise it's fine, the only problem I see is that if it's not verified first time, I'll have to wait at least 3 to 5 days for it to be verified.
Gostei, ainda não foi verificado, achei o processo de verificação lento, 30 horas e nenhuma resposta. Mas de resto tranquilo, único problema que vejo é que se não Verificar de primeira vou esperar entre 3 a 5 dias para verificar no mínimo
明らかに、カジノはこのプロセスを真剣に受け止め、すべてを徹底的にチェックしようとしています。場所によっては早く進むところもあれば、遅く進むところもあり、それは確かに多くの要因に依存します。3~5 日しかかからないのであれば、私は心配しないでしょう。
Clearly, casinos are trying to take this process seriously and check everything thoroughly. Some places it may go faster, some places slower, it certainly depends on more factors. If it should only take 3-5 days, then I would not be nervous.
Nevertheless, I don't suppose you've received the money yet, since you haven't gone through the verification, am I right?
私は2年間Guruを使用していますが、ここからの紹介でこのようなことを経験したことはありません。別名、今日はアカウントを入力しようとしたときに一日中エラーが発生し、入力したくない、このパートナーシップを確認する方法はありますか? slotorushカジノは何らかの形で悪意を持って行動し、支払いを行わず、ユーザーデータを収集するだけであると信じ始めているため、このパートナーシップを確認する方法はありますか?新しいカジノ会社が複数のプラットフォームを立ち上げ、どれも良い基準を持っていないことはあまり意味がなく、チャットがない、4日前の30日にアカウントを作成しましたが、彼らは私の電子メールに返信すらせず、今ではアカウントにログインしようとするとカジノからエラーが表示されます、カジノの正当性を再確認して、他の誰もこのような不便と時間の無駄を経験しないようにしていただけますか?さらに、このような無視のために、今後そこに入金する意欲をすべて失います。
I've been using guru for 2 years and I've never had to go through this because of a referral from here. alias today it gave error all day when trying to enter the account does not want to enter, is there any way for you to verify this partnership because I have begun to believe that slotorush casino is somehow acting in bad faith and will not pay and will only collect user data, I realized that a casino network came with it that must belong to the same company where it does not make much sense for a new casino company to launch several platforms and none have a good standard, where there is no chat, I created an account on the 30th 4 days ago and they don't even answer my e-mail and now the casino gives me an error when I try to log in to the account, I ask that if you can double check the legitimacy of the casino so that no one else goes through this inconvenience and waste of time, in addition to me losing all desire to make a deposit there in the future 'for such disregard
ainda não, não recebi retorno no email nem nada, uso o guru a 2 anos nunca passei por isso por indicação vinda daqui. alias hoje deu erro o dia todo ao tentar entrar na conta não quer entrar, tem alguma forma de vocês verificar essa parceira pois tenho começado a acreditar que o cassino slotorush esta de alguma forma agindo de má fé e não vai pagar e vai apenas coletar dados do usuário, percebi que veio uma rede de cassino junto a ele que deve pertencer a mesma empresa onde não tem muito sentido uma empresa de cassino nova lançar varias plataforma e nenhuma ter um padrão bom, onde não tem chat, criei conta dia 30 a 4 dias ja e nem e-mail eles respondem e agora o cassino da erro ao tentar entrar na conta, peço que se puderem verificar novamente a legitimidade do próprio para que ninguém mais passe por esse transtorno e perca de tempo, além de eu perder toda vontade de futuramente realizar um deposito lá ´por tal descaso
彼らは私の書類を確認しましたが、アカウントにまったくログインできず、ログインエラーが表示されます。この会社のカジノはすべてこのようになっています。ログインすると、キャプチャエラーが表示され、このコードが表示されます。予期しないトークン '<'、"
they've verified my document now, but I can't get into the account at all, it gives me a login error, all the casinos in this company are like this now. When I log in, I get a captcha error and this code appears Unexpected token '<', "
verificaram meu documento agora, mas não consigo entrar na conta de jeito nenhum da erro no login todos os casino dessa empresa tá assim aqui agora, não. Deixa acessar da erro no captcha e aparece esse codigo Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON 2 dias sem conseguir entrar
あなたが言及したメールにも記載されているこの問題について、彼らにメッセージを送りましたか? 彼らはあなたに返信せず、何が起こっているのか、その背後に何があるのかを知らせませんでしたか?
Did you write to them about this problem which you also have in the email you mentioned ? They didn't write anything back to you and let you know what's going on and what could be behind it ?
ola jaro, i wrote yes and they didn't inform me, i'm going to give up for now, i apologize for having to bring the problem to you i know that the error is exclusively from the casino, and i thank you for the attention you gave me
ola jaro, escrevi sim e não me informaram, vou desistir por hora, peço desculpa por ter que trazer a vocês o problema sei que o erro é exclusivamente do cassino, e agradeço a atenção que você me deu
You're welcome, but I wouldn't want to give up yet. If you have money in there then it's not fair of the casino not to inform you if you tried to solve the problem.
I would recommend that you start a complaint with us and our team will try to help you with the whole situation.
Just click here and explain what's going on and we'll see what we can do.
What do you think, are you in?
thank you i opened the complaint but i have no hope of the problem being solved to anyone who can see and follow the chat, DO NOT create an account at slotorush, do not create, save your mental health do not waste time with a shitty casino like this
obrigado abri a reclamação mais nao tenho + esperança do problema ser resolvido a quem possa ver e acompanhar o bate-papo, NÃO criem conta no slotorush, não criem, poupem sua saúde mental não percam tempo com um cassino mequetrefe como esse
If the casino does not try to resolve the situation and our team finds out that you have the right to get your money and you have not violated anything, then at least a small satisfaction will be that I will get black points and the safety index will be changed. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and see how our investigation turns out.
またもや slottorussh に騙されました。出金するには入金しなければならなかったのですが、出金できません。あなたの支払いリクエストが登録されていません! 最低出金限度額に達しました
again i'm being ripped off by slottorussh i had to deposit to withdraw and they won't let me Your payout request is not registered! Min withdraw limit reached
novamente estou sendo lesado pelo slottorussh tive que depositar para retirar e nao me deixam sacar Your payout request is not registered! Min withdraw limit reached
I see that the complaint has been left open. Which seems to be a hindrance in the withdrawal. I understand that the casino seems to have said that you have to deposit, but I don't understand that your payout is not registered. Does that mean it looks like you didn't make a withdrawal or how should I understand that ?
スクリーンショットを見れば、この件では 100% 間違っており、ボーナス マネーを支払うべきであることがわかりますが、私はもうプレイしたくありません。入金したお金を返してもらいたいです。「技術的な問題」が解決したらボーナス マネーを受け取れるとわかっていたので、プレイを続けました。私の意見では、彼らは私を騙しただけでなく、おそらく他の人も騙したと思います。
This casino is a fraud!
They offer 100% bonus money on the first deposit and the next 4 as well. Now i deposit 30 euro and choose 100% deposit bonus. Not added. I contacted them RIGHT away did not even play my balance was still 30 euro. They said we have a technicall issue but will be solved soon. So i keep playing and make 9 deposits and keep contacting them and they say will be fixed soon. After depositing almost 300 euro i said to them. I want a cool off untill the deposit bonusses are added. The agreed they even calculated how much i need to receive (See screenshot). They said CLEARLY the bonus amount will be added when your account will be reopend. Now is my account open again. Guess what no bonus money of almost 100 euro!
Just see the screenshots they are 100% wrong in this case and should be pay the bonus money out but i don't want even play anymore. I want my deposits back. I kept playing knowing that i would receive the bonus money once the 'technical problem' was solved. In my opinion they scammed me and maybe others as well.
ボーナスがまだ失われていることに気付くまでにどのくらいの時間がかかったか教えていただけますか? ユーザーにとって悪い経験であることは理解していますが、これを詐欺と呼ぶのはちょっとためらわれます。カジノに「数百ドルをだまし取る」理由がないことはあなたもご存知だと思います。でも、あなたが怒っているように見えるのは理解できます。
May I know how long it took for you to come back to find out the bonus is still missing? I understand it is a bad user experience, but I'm a bit hesitant to call this a scam. I know you know the casino has no reason to "scam you for a few hudreds". Though I understand why you seem to be angry.
It is, however, not a first fresh casino suffering technical issues, which is, in my opinion, ruining their start.
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