ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Spin Buffalo Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Has anyone had a successful withdrawal at this casino?
I sent my documents for verification today and a pending withdrawal
Hat jemand in diesem Casino schon eine erfolgreiche Auszahlung?
Ich habe heute meine Dokumente zur Verifizierung geschickt und eine ausstehende Auszahlung
Hey, I see that the casino is still fresh to us and therefore we don't have enough information about it yet. No complaints or user reviews, so it would be best if someone who has played here before could reach you.
Anyway, I would probably wait to see what happens in the verification process and hope it all goes well. If it doesn't, feel free to write and we'll try to help.
Would that be possible?
Really bad. I believe that casinos, especially those that are new, should put a lot of effort into establishing trust, as it is impossible to do otherwise. I sincerely hope that its management will resolve the issue before it is too late. I mean, before it is too late for the players. And speaking of which, I appreciate you filing the complaint! Please keep us updated on this forum as well. It could be useful to others.
I'd say the layout is quite different, but it never hurts to be cautious. Thanks for the suggestion!
What else have you spotted?
I have waited now almost three weeks for withdrawal. Getting the same responses every time.
I now tried logging out, and opening the live chat again asking for a delayed withdrawal.
Got this answer instantly:
"Hello. We sincerely apologize for the delay in processing your payment and any inconvenience this may have caused.
We are committed to resolving this issue promptly and appreciate your understanding.
Your complaint will be escalated to the finance department promptly for resolution."
The funny part is that they did not even know which user was asking for the support.
Scam site, stay away!
こんにちは。あなたにとってこれがいかにイライラすることか、よくわかります。支払いを待つだけでも大変なのに、具体的な更新情報もなく同じ返答が何度も返ってくると、さらに大変になります。特にすでに 3 週間も待っているのであれば、より明確な回答と迅速な対応を期待するのはまったく当然です。
Hi, I totally understand how frustrating this must be for you. Waiting for a payment is challenging enough, but it’s even harder when you’re given the same response over and over without any concrete updates. It’s completely reasonable to expect clearer answers and prompt action, especially when you’ve already been waiting for three weeks.
You have filed a complaint, so our team will contact the casino soon and I firmly believe that things will be resolved and you will get your money.
As much as I hate to say it, we will have to wait and see how the situation develops.
If you have any news, be sure to let us know.
ライブチャットからの支払い遅延に対しては、Betsolino とまったく同じ回答が得られます。
This casino is a scam!!!!
These are the same crimes as Betsolino and 5Bonuses.
You get exactly the same answer to delayed payouts from the live chat as at Betsolino.
They don't pay!! Be careful!
Dieses Casinos ist Betrug!!!!
Das sind die selben Verbrechen wie Betsolino und 5Bonuses.
Man bekommt vom Live Chat die exakt selbe Antwort auf verzögerte Auszahlungen wie bei Betsolino.
Die zahlen nicht aus!! Seid vorsichtig!
こんにちは。カジノ側は、なぜこの 2 つのように書くべきなのか、他に何か示唆を与えているのでしょうか? 共通点があるのでしょうか?
Hi, does the casino have any other indications why it should be like the two that it writes? Do they have something in common?
So do you have a withdrawal and are you waiting for it?
Play'n Go のゲームは、Betsolino のゲーム (古いゲーム) と同じくらい偽物です。
The layout is similar.
The Play'n Go games are just as fake as those at Betsolino (old games).
The live chat looks exactly the same, gives exactly the same answer to pending withdrawals (exactly the same wording).
They don't have a license and don't respond to emails.
Das Layout ist ähnlich.
Die Play‘n Go spiele sind genauso Fake wie bei Betsolino (alte Spiele).
Der Live Chat sieht genau gleich aus, gibt exakt die selbe Antwort auf ausstehende Auszahlungen (genau der selbe Wortlaut).
Haben auch keine lizenz, keine Antwort auf Emails.
I can clearly see that there is more to it, so I hope it will not be the same case. And if so, as many players as possible will avoid it.
I'll keep an eye on it.
I hope you're not expecting a withdrawal here too. 🙁
I have also been waiting 1 month now. Same texts from the support:
We apologize for any inconvenience the late payment may have caused. We're actively working on clearing the payment queue, and your payment will be processed as a top priority"
Hi, definitely not something I want to get into. What did the casino say to you about the whole situation? Is this your first withdrawal? Did you play with any bonus?
Let me know a little more please.
I have also been waiting 1 month now. Same texts from the support:
We apologize for any inconvenience the late payment may have caused. We're actively working on clearing the payment queue, and your payment will be processed as a top priority"
こんにちは。さらに長くお待ちいただいているようですね。あなたのアカウントはカジノ側で確認されましたか? カジノ側からは常にこれだけしか言われず、これ以上具体的な答えはないのですか? 1 か月間、関連情報もなしに同じことばかり聞かされるのは嫌ですね。
Hello, I see you've been waiting even longer. Has your account been verified by the casino yet? Is this the only thing the casino always tells you and you don't have any more specific answer? I guess I would hate to hear the same thing for a month without any relevant information.
I also saw that you lodged a complaint, which was a good move and we'll see where we get since this casino is relatively new in our database. You are the first to open a complaint against this casino.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for a positive ending for you. 🤞
They will never pay you.I have a requested withdrawal since 16/10
My question is how Guru, advertise such casino that is clearly scam casino sites....
You have numberous complains and proofs that is scam casino, why you still promote them?
Guru はすべてのカジノを追加してからフィルタリングしようとします。Guru は私たちにとって良い仕事をしてくれています。
Guru tries to add all casinos, and then filter. Guru is doing good work for us.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com