ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、SpinsUp Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
先月、Pragmatic が 96% だったのでウェルカム ボーナスで入金しましたが、スロットは完全に死んでいて、賭け金の 20% にほとんど到達できませんでした。
今では 94% バージョンに弱体化されているので、そこに戻る理由はまったくありません。
Made a deposit with the welcome bonus last month because they had Pragmatic at 96% but the slots were fully dead anyway, I could barely reach 20% wagering.
I see they have now nerfed them to the 94% versions, so no reason whatsoever to return there.
カジノ側になぜこのような措置を取ったのか、それとももう価値がないのか尋ねましたか? プラグマティックのどのスロットをここでプレイしましたか? 🙂
Did you also ask the casino why they took this step or is it not worth it anymore ? What slots have you played here from pragmatic ? 🙂
I've just joined here seems ok so far I've put in for a withdrawal 42 hours ago I asked them there time on withdrawal they said 72 hours think that's a bit much that is a normal tactic to play your money away so I took a 3 day time out see if the winnings come I'll keep you posted
Hello, I'm curious to know how it will turn out and when you will get your money. In some casinos it takes a lot longer so 3 days wouldn't bother me at all.
I'll be here waiting for good news.
このカジノに留まるつもりですか? 🙂
Well, that's great news and I'm glad they kept their word. It's nice when a casino can be relied on because credibility is important, especially when it's online.
Are you going to stay with this casino ? 🙂
So if you have any new experiences let me know, I'll be looking forward to it. 🙂
私の見方では、すべてのことには長所と短所があります。プレイヤーが数週間、どこか別の場所で賞金を待っていることを知っているため、3 日は私にとっては長すぎるとは思いません。しかし、それを言う必要はないことはわかっています。
Everything has its advantages and disadvantages as I see it. 3 days wouldn't be too much for me because I know that players are waiting somewhere else for their money for several weeks. But I know I don't have to tell you that.
Do you think you will play in this casino again if you like it here ?
I always play with them, the worst of them is only this time.
Eu jogo sempre neles,o ruim deles e só este tempo.
それで、他のすべてが問題ないことを嬉しく思います。いつか引き出しがもっと速くなるかもしれません。引き出しにはどのような方法を使っていますか?暗号通貨のオプションはありますか? 🙂
Then I am glad that everything else is fine. Maybe one day the withdrawals will be faster. What method do you use to withdraw ? Is there a crypto option? 🙂
私はPix Brasilのみを使用していますが、暗号化オプションや、astropay、netellerなどの他のオプションもあります。
I only use Pix Brasil, but there are encryption options, and others such as astropay, neteller.
Uso somente Pix Brasil,mas existe opções de criptografia,e outras como astropay,neteller.
ああ、覚えていますよ。そう言ってくれましたが、忘れてしまいました。では、ありがとうございます。今後、出金が速まるかどうか見てみましょう。あなたのお気に入りのカジノの 1 つになるかもしれませんね。🙂
Oh yes I remember, you told me that but I did forget it. Thanks, then, and we'll see if the withdrawals speed up in the future. Maybe it'll end up being one of your favourite casinos. 🙂
苦情を申し立てるのにどれくらいの期間が適切だと思いますか? 引き出しを 3 日間待っていますが、サポートは待つように言うだけで、VIP サポートは応答すらしません。過去には Dama 社が最大 2 時間で支払いました。また、金額は 200 USD にも達せず、引き出しを 3 日間保留するには少なすぎます。
How long do you think is correct to open a complaint? I've been waiting for the withdrawal for 3 days, support only asks me to wait, VIP support doesn't even respond, in the past the company Dama paid in a maximum of 2 hours. And the value doesn't reach 200 USD, too little to hold a withdrawal for 3 days.
Quanto tempo você acha correto abrir uma reclamação?,já estou a 3 dias esperando o saque,o suporte só pede para esperar,o suporte vip nem responde, antigamente a empresa Dama pagava no maximo em 2 horas. E o valor não chega a 200 usd ,muito pouco pra segurarem um saque 3 dias.
プレイヤーに支払いを行うためにカジノに与える期間は 14 日という基準があると思います。それまでにカジノ側はプレイヤーにお金を送るために必要なことはすべて済ませているはずですから、1 週間以上連絡がなく、何も新しい情報がなければ、考え直すでしょう。
ただし、14 日が経過するまでは、チームはカジノに連絡せず、当面は関連する質問のみを尋ねることを付け加えておきます。ここでの仕組みはすでにご存知だと思いますが。
あなたにはそれができると思いますか? 🙂
I would say that we have a standard of 14 days that we give casinos to pay out a player. By then they should have done everything necessary to send you the money, so if I hadn't heard from them in over a week and I didn't know anything new, I'd reconsider.
However, it should be added that until 14 days have passed, the team will not contact the casino and will only ask you relevant questions for the time being. Although I believe you already know how it works here.
So I'd try to wait if you get your money or if the casino contacts you.
You think you can handle it? 🙂
Unfortunately, 4 days later they haven't paid, I canceled the withdrawal and lost everything, I left the money for them, they must be going through financial difficulties
Infelizmente 4 dias e eles não pagaram ,cancelei o saque e perdi tudo,deixei o dinheiro para eles,devem estar passando por dificuldades financeiras
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