ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Spinsy Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
私のガールフレンドはスピンシーカジノで 4,300 ドル以上の賞金を獲得しましたが、オファーを受け取らなかったため、プレイできませんでした。彼女はしばらくプレイしましたが、最終的に 4,600 ドルしか獲得できませんでした。もう 9 日経ちますが、まだ振り回されています。彼女は要求されたことはすべて実行しましたが、私が言ったようにボーナスを受け取っていないので、何が遅れているのかわかりません。
My girlfriend won a prize drop at spinsy casino worth over $4300,didn't take no offers,so no play threw! She played a while longer but ended up eth $4600! Been 9 days now and still giving her the run around! She has done everything they have asked,and like I said she took no Bonus's so I don't know what the hold up is?
14 日以内に支払いが処理されない場合は、当社のチームが喜んでお手伝いいたします。ただし、彼女自身が当社のチームに苦情を申し立てる必要があることをご了承ください。
Is she fully verified at this casino already, or they haven't done the verification yet?
If they will not process the payment within the 14-day timeframe, our team will gladly help out. Just know, please, that she has to file a complaint here with our team herself.
Surely let us know how it goes.
While i was winning, the didn’t pay me for a week. When i started to lose , the were paying me 500€ 1 week later . Now that i m 6000€ loser , i tried to enter to the casino and the county doesn’t let me because this casino is illegal with unauthorised gambling services. I want my money back or i go with the law and they ll pay 200.000€ . I ll stop only if they give my money back
May I ask if your account is fully verified at this casino?
According to our information, they don't except players from your country, you know.🤔
Do I understand correctly that you were able to withdraw money from there before?
10/01 に出金リクエストを出しましたが、まだリクエストの確認待ちです。もちろん、サービスに 5 回か 6 回連絡しましたが、いつも同じ回答です。支払いが遅れているようです。これはもう遅れではなく、詐欺です! ほぼ 30 日間待っています。本当にがっかりしました。お金を受け取れる望みはなくなりました。
Good morning,
I made a withdrawal request on 10/01 and my request is still awaiting verification. I obviously contacted the service 5 or 6 times and I always have the same answers. Like what they have delays in payments. These are no longer delays, it's a scam! I've been waiting for almost 30 days. I'm really disappointed and I've lost hope of receiving my money.
J'ai effectuer une demande de retrait le 10/01 et ma demande est toujours en attente de vérification. J'ai évidemment contacter le service 5 ou 6 fois et j'ai toujours les mêmes réponses. Comme quoi ils ont des retards dans les payements. Ce n'est plus des retards, c'est une arnaque ! Ça fait presque 30 jours que je suis en attente. Je suis vraiment déçu et j'ai perdu espoir de recevoir mon argent.
はいの場合は、 このリンクにアクセスして、状況全体を説明してください。
You are right. It is not okay to wait this long for a withdrawal.
Is your account fully verified, and have you had any other successful withdrawal there before?🤔
You should file a complaint here so our team can investigate the whole matter and hopefully solve it out.
Are you in?
If yes, please follow this link and describe the whole situation.
出金をリクエストしたのは正確にはいつですか? アカウントは完全に確認されましたか?
When exactly have you requested the withdrawal, and is your account fully verified, please?
Hi Kathleen, just a suggestion from me – maybe you could cancel your current withdrawal and try requesting a new one using crypto or another payment method available on the withdrawal page?
Hei Kathleen, bare et forslag fra meg – kanskje du kan kansellere ditt nåværende uttak og prøve å be om et nytt ved å bruke krypto eller en annen betalingsmetode som er tilgjengelig på uttakssiden?
Usually, when I win something, I withdraw using crypto payment methods, and my withdrawals are almost instant.
Vanligvis, når jeg vinner noe, tar jeg ut ved å bruke kryptobetalingsmetoder, og uttakene mine er nesten umiddelbare.
なぜこんなに遅れているのか、何か考えはありますか? 今のところ何も説明されていないなんて言わないでください...
any ideas why such a delay? Don't tell me they have not explained anything thus far...
Speaking about cancelling the withdrawal, I would be carefull. If you have never used the other options before in this casino, they may try to add verification on that option.
I hope it was a good suggestion, though.
メールアドレス -
Hey Kathleen,
Yes my withdrawal received, very nice casino,
Email - dhllh002@gmail.com
他の人の体験についてのアイデアを得るのに役立つように、あなたの投稿を Spinsy Casino の公式スレッドに移動しました。自由に閲覧してください。
Hi there!
To help you get some ideas about what others have experienced, I moved your post to the official Spinsy Casino thread - feel free to browse.
When it comes to your questions, I suggest browsing both types of reviews:
Perhaps you came across something that worries you?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com