資金を私の口座に返金するよう要求した後、彼らから次のメールを受け取りました (実際に返金されました)。
残念ながら、弊社の管理外の銀行業務の遅延により、銀行振込による最近の出金が完了できませんでした。この問題を解決するため、弊社は即時の解決策をご提供いたします。VISA または MASTERCARD のいずれかを使用して資金を引き出すことができます。これらの代替手段は現在有効であり、より迅速な取引を促進し、資金が速やかにお客様の口座に入金されることを保証します。
I have received this email from them after requesting the funds be sent back to my account (which they have been):
Regarding your withdrawal
We regret to inform you that due to some banking delays beyond our control, your recent withdrawal via bank transfer could not be completed. To rectify this, we are happy to offer you an immediate remedy. You have the choice to withdraw your funds using eitherVISA or MASTERCARD. These alternatives are now active and will facilitate a more rapid transaction, ensuring that your funds are deposited into your account promptly.
Best Regards,
Customer Support Team
Should I try and withdraw by debit card or Crypto ?
I think that if the casino wrote you this email, it is at least worth a try and I hope that this time it will be successful.
Give it a shot and let me know how it goes, hopefully it will be positive. 😉
Yes but by crypto withdrawal like the other guy on here that received his funds or by debit card like they are suggesting?
Well, I would try the card as suggested by the casino and if that doesn't work, you have the option of using crypto. I don't think you'll get anything for it if you try it and see if you can withdraw or not.
Anyway, let me know if anything changes or if the casino contacts you again. 😉
今年 1 月以来、最近の出金リクエスト (2023 年 11 月頃) に関して連絡がなかったにもかかわらず、どこからともなく Suberb からメールが届いたので、すぐにそこに行って、同じ金額 100 ユーロを新たに出金しました。その金額は私のカジノ アカウントに戻されていましたが、まだあまり期待していません。
From nowhere suberb send me an email even i hadn't have any contact since january this year regarding my recent withdrawal request(somewhere in nowember 2023) so immediatly i went there and made new withdraw for that same amount 100€ which they had moved back to my casino account,i still dont expect much of it!
It looks like good news but as you said, better not to expect anything after previous experiences and see if the casino will eventually send money to the players or not.
Of course, be sure to let me know if anything changes and the casino has processed your request and the money has arrived.
I'll keep my fingers crossed.🤞
こんにちは。7 か月後、Suberb Casino がようやく私の 100 ユーロの引き出しを支払ったことをお知らせします。Visa に直接新しい引き出しを行うようにという最後のリクエスト以来、約 1 週間しかかかりませんでした。それでも、私はそこでプレイしないことを強くお勧めしますが、賞金を受け取った今、同じ状況にあるあなたにも希望があります。
Hey,just wanted to announce that after 7months ,suberb casino finally paid my 100e withdraw,since their last request to make new withdraw straight to visa it only took about a week,still,i strongly advice not to ever play there but now when i got my winnings ,there is hope for you whom is in the same situation.
That is fantastic news.
I put my withdrawal in for the 2nd time on 14th May, still pending at the moment.
こんにちは。7 か月後、Suberb Casino がようやく私の 100 ユーロの引き出しを支払ったことをお知らせします。Visa に直接新しい引き出しを行うようにという最後のリクエスト以来、約 1 週間しかかかりませんでした。それでも、私はそこでプレイしないことを強くお勧めしますが、賞金を受け取った今、同じ状況にあるあなたにも希望があります。
Hey,just wanted to announce that after 7months ,suberb casino finally paid my 100e withdraw,since their last request to make new withdraw straight to visa it only took about a week,still,i strongly advice not to ever play there but now when i got my winnings ,there is hope for you whom is in the same situation.
素晴らしいニュースです。このようになってとても嬉しいです。7 か月で 100 ユーロというのは私には高すぎるように思えるので、あなたがこのような意見を持っているのも不思議ではありません。
Great news, I am very happy that it turned out this way. 7 months for €100 seems too much to me, so I'm not surprised that you're holding this opinion.
Anyway, maybe the casino will want to improve its reputation and this could be a stepping stone.
Good luck.
しかし、ソートコードと口座番号の詳細を入力したとき、カードの長い番号、発行番号、CVV も必要だったため、送信されませんでした。今度は、オンラインで使用してお金を盗むために、カードの詳細が求められました。
I have recieved same email regarding my withdrawal and then after 3 times cancelled withdrawl I was hurrying to make it again through visa or Mastercard .
Bit when I enter my sort code and account number details , it wasn’t going to submit , as they also want your card long number , issue number and cvv. Now they wanted your card details to use it online and steal your money .
who wants long card number and cvv in withdrawal .
Midnite もその 1 つです。
I was a bit worried about this as well but there are a few bookmakers that have also asked for this.
Midnite is one of them.
I have recieved same email but when I try making withdrawal via visa add or master card , they want your card long number , issue date , cvv . Which again is risky and as everyone knows they are thieves .Once they get your card details , they can b used anywhere online . I have never seen a booki asking for long card number and cvv for withdrawals. Just everyone be careful
Well I put in the re-withdrawal on the 14th May and have not received it yet, now 24th May.
私自身のケースの最新情報です。昨年 11 月に 600 ポンドを引き出しましたが、今週まで他の皆さんと同じ経験をしていました。ログインすると、残高が再びアカウントに戻されました。今回は 600 ポンドを引き出す代わりに 300 ポンドを引き出して 300 ポンドでプレイしました。プレイした 300 ポンドは失われました (どちらにしても問題ないと思っていたので、あまり賭け金をかけませんでした)。しかし、出金リクエストの 24 時間後に、信じられないことに承認されたと表示されました。まだ非常に懐疑的でしたが、確認を続け、数時間後に完了しました。その 1 時間ほど後に、お金は私の銀行口座に入金されました。つまり、7 か月後にようやくお金が戻ってきました。私はビザで引き出したので、まだ希望を持っている人がいたら試してみてください。
just an update from my own case. I withdrew £600 last November and had the same experience as everybody else up until this week. My balance was once again returned to my account when I logged in. This time instead of withdrawing 600 I withdrew 300 and played with 300. I lost the 300 I played with (I was playing silly stakes because I didn’t think it would matter either way) but 24 hours after my withdrawal request, unbelievably it said accepted. Still extremely sceptical but I kept checking and it moved to complete a few hours later. The money was in my bank an hour or so after that. So after 7 months I’ve finally received some money back. I withdrew via visa so if anybody’s still hopeful, give it a go.
That is really positive news indeed. So you think you gonna continue playing at this casino?🤔
How long should I give them before I cancel my withdrawal again ?
申し訳ありませんが、あなたの質問が本当に理解できません。🤷♀️ それはどういう意味ですか?
Sorry, I really do not understand your question. 🤷♀️ What do you mean by that?
It has been 10 days since I put in my 2nd withdrawal request.
How long should I give them before I ask them to cancel it again and put in another request for a smaller amount as it seems larger withdrawals are not going through ?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com