ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、TotoGaming Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Does this casino have anything to do with the previous one? I think so, that casino has already been closed, I have been verifying my account for 2 months and the casino has not paid me any money
Czy to kasyno ma cos wspolnego z poprzednim ? wydaje mi sie ze tak, tamto kasyno zostalo juz zamkniete, od 2 msc weryfikowalem swoje konto i kasyno nie wyplacilo mi srodkow
From what I see the casino has a very high rating, has the same name, it looks like they have the same owner, can I ask for some intervention? It can't be that a casino with such a rating will not pay the player's money
Z tego co widze kasyno ma bardzo wysoka ocene, posiada taka same nazwe, wyglada na to ze maja tego samego wlasciciela, czy moge prosic o jakas interwencje ? to nie moze tak byc ze kasyno posiadajace taka ocene nie wyplaca gracza pieniedzy
こんにちは。私が見たところ、このカジノはアルメニアのライセンスを持っています。もう 1 つはキュラソー (CEG)のライセンスで、所有者が異なります。
Hello there. This casino here has an Armenian license, as I can see. The other one is under Curaçao (CEG) and has a different owner.
That would be the difference.
Which casino did you play at? From your complaint, I can see that it was the other one. Right?
How is it possible that casinos have nothing in common when the sites look exactly the same and have the same names?
Jak to możliwe że kasyna nie mają ze sobą nic wspólnego jak strony wyglądają dokaldnie tak samo i tak samo się nazywają ??
WinsPark と「Winsparkspin」に関する最近の問題に気づきましたか? ご興味があれば、 スレッドはこちらです👈
Hey, I imagine it feels confusing, but you may find similar examples even in ordinary life. Anyway, there may be a few reasons for that. I'll try to mention the most common cases, for example:
There are companies which provide "ready-to-go" casino websites; hence, there is a strong possibility these casino will look quite the same despite having different owner or licenses. In the worst situation, scam companies may use this tactic to confuse players and convince them to play in a "fake" casino using the same graphics and the same or similar name.
Furthermore, we believe it would not be appropriate to publish unverified information unless we are positive that one casino is connected to another. This whole topic is quite complex, and I completely understand your opinion. I would really love to be more specific.
Have you spotted the recent issue concerning WinsPark and "Winsparkspin"? Just in case you would be interested, the thread is here 👈
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