velobet.com のセキュリティ インデックスは 0 のみです。誰もがそれを知っており、誰もが自分の身元を隠したいと思っており、それが唯一の真実です。
The only security index that velobet.com has is 0. Everyone knows it and everyone wants to mask themselves however they want and that is the only truth.
El único índice de seguridad que tiene velobet.com es 0 lo sabe y lo sabrá todo el mundo se quiera enmascarar como se quiera y esa es la única verdad.
I got denied verification because i verified with a government issued UK drivers license. This is literally the only form of id i own and this is the only casino to deny me of my winnings because they dont accept a legitimate drivers license with my photo and all my identity details on it, even with a selfie of me holding it, sitting on £1000 and cant get it out, casinos a scam mate
velobet にサインアップし、楽しくプレイしていました。約 400 ポンドを入金して大満足し、大きなボーナスを獲得してアカウントに 1000 ポンドが入りました。出金しようとしたら、出金前に認証が必要になりました。特別なことは何もありません。写真付き身分証明書 (運転免許証) の表裏とそれを持っている自分の写真、住所、銀行カードの証明を提出します。
住所証明と銀行カードは受け付けましたが、運転免許証は拒否され、他の身分証明書を持っていないため、理由もなく口座に 1,000 ポンドが残っている状態です。他のサイトではこのような問題は発生していません。英国の運転免許証は政府が発行する正当な身分証明書であり、賞金を騙し取られているのではないかと考えています。
Signed up to velobet, was enjoying playing, deposited about £400 and was loving it, managed to hit some big bonuses and ended up with £1000 in my account, tried to withdraw and was hit with a verification before withdrawal. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary i will provide them with a photo ID (drivers license) front and back and a pic of me holding it, address and proof of bank card.
Proof of address and bank card accepted, drivers license denied, i dont own any other form of ID and am now stuck with £1000 in the account for no reason. Never had this problem woth any other site, a UK drivers license is a legit government issued form of identity and am now thinking im being scammed for my winnings.
Any advice?
This needs to be proven first, I'm afraid. Your complaint may play a significant role, but we have to wait for its outcome. Changing any Safety Index to zero based on an open complaint would be irrational.
Don't worry, the players who want to inspect the casino before registering there have a fair chance to do so.
Your complaint and this thread are public. Try to calm down, please, and let the complaint proceed.
velobet にサインアップし、楽しくプレイしていました。約 400 ポンドを入金して大満足し、大きなボーナスを獲得してアカウントに 1000 ポンドが入りました。出金しようとしたら、出金前に認証が必要になりました。特別なことは何もありません。写真付き身分証明書 (運転免許証) の表裏とそれを持っている自分の写真、住所、銀行カードの証明を提出します。
住所証明と銀行カードは受け付けましたが、運転免許証は拒否され、他の身分証明書を持っていないため、理由もなく口座に 1,000 ポンドが残っている状態です。他のサイトではこのような問題は発生していません。英国の運転免許証は政府が発行する正当な身分証明書であり、賞金を騙し取られているのではないかと考えています。
Signed up to velobet, was enjoying playing, deposited about £400 and was loving it, managed to hit some big bonuses and ended up with £1000 in my account, tried to withdraw and was hit with a verification before withdrawal. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary i will provide them with a photo ID (drivers license) front and back and a pic of me holding it, address and proof of bank card.
Proof of address and bank card accepted, drivers license denied, i dont own any other form of ID and am now stuck with £1000 in the account for no reason. Never had this problem woth any other site, a UK drivers license is a legit government issued form of identity and am now thinking im being scammed for my winnings.
Any advice?
このスレッドからわかるように、このカジノで問題を抱えているのはあなただけではありません。具体的な回答を提供したいのですが、代わりにお聞きしたいことがあります。カジノの誰かがあなたの ID が拒否された理由を説明しましたか? つまり、カジノ側は詳しく説明できるはずです。
As can be seen in this thread, you are not the only one having issues with this casino. I would love to provide a concrete answer, but instead, I want to ask you: Has anyone from the casino explained why your ID was denied? I mean, they should be able to explain in full.
We, on the other hand, can barely guess.
Let us know what you've been told.
私はとても落ち着いていて、マテイを信頼していますが、カジノのことは、いつも同じ答えで、彼らは何も明確にしたり答えたりしません。なぜなら、ギャンブル依存症のプレイヤーがいると知らされているにもかかわらず、彼らが入金や賭けを続け、命をかけてプレイすることを許可しているからです。そのため、インデックス セキュリティは大幅に削減される必要があります。なぜなら、これは多くのプレイヤーに起こることであり、一人の命が多くの人の命と同じ価値があるかどうかは関係なく、カジノも責任を負うことになるからです。
I am very calm and I trust Matej but the casino thing is always the same answer and they do not clarify or answer anything, because having been informed that there are players with gambling addiction they allow them to continue depositing and betting and playing with their lives therefore the index Security must be greatly reduced because it happens to many players and it doesn't matter that one person's life is worth as much as that of many, the casino will also be responsible, I say.
Estoy muy calmado y confío en Matej pero lo del casino es siempre la misma respuesta y no esclarecen ni responden nada ,porque habiendo sido informados que hay jugadores con adicción al juego les permiten seguir depositando y apostando y jugando con sus vidas por lo tanto el índice de seguridad debe reducirse muchísimo porque le pasa a muchos jugadores y da igual la vida de uno vale tanto como la de muchos,su responsabilidad tendrá el casino también digo yo.
You don't have to worry, but as Radka mentioned, the safety index will change when the case is closed, of course based on how it turns out.
You have the opportunity to see, as I did, that Matej said that we are on your side in this case and therefore he has to look at what the casino sent him on Skype again.
I hope that this saga will be resolved as soon as possible and, importantly, fairly.
We will have to wait for further developments, so keep your composure.
I'm about to file a complaint!
I can't verify myself! They want proof of a credit card. That's absolutely fine. But mine is an online bank and I don't have a "real" card! A screenshot from my cell phone isn't accepted!
I have explained the problem several times in the live chat. I was asked to write an email, but no one responded!
Ich bin kurz davor eine Beschwerde einzureichen!
Ich kann mich nicht verifizieren! Sie wollen den Nachweis einer Kreditkarte. Ist auch absolut in Ordnung. Bei mir handelt es sich jedoch um eine Onlinebank und ich besitze keine "echte" Karte! Ein screenshot vom Handy wird jedoch nicht akzeptiert!
Ich habe das Problem nun mehrmals im Livechat erläutert. Ich soll eine Email schreiben auf diese wird jedoch nicht reagiert!
こんにちは。このような状況が発生すると申し訳ありません。プレイヤーがカジノと話し合うための合理的な方法を見つけられると、私はいつもうれしいです。つまり、物理的なカードはお持ちではないということですか? オンライン バンキングの代わりに、そのようなことを確認できる何かがないか尋ねてみましたか?
Hi, I'm sorry when situations like this arise, because I would always be happy if players could find a reasonable way to talk with the casino. So you don't have a physical card, do you? Did you try to ask them if something could serve as an alternative from online banking, where they could verify something like that ?
Regarding the complaint, I saw that it is in review status, so our team will try to help you.
If by any chance you manage to verify or find out something new, I'd certainly be glad if you could let me know.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good outcome. 🤞
I think that when a casino assumes its guilt and the security index is not lowered without even the authorities understanding because it is not modified and no one answers anything, it is difficult to maintain composure.
Creo que cuando asume su culpabilidad un casino y no se baja el índice de seguridad sin entender ni las autoridades porque, no se modifica y nadie contesta a nada es difícil mantener la compostura.
Technically, your complaint has not been closed yet, so the outcome still awaits. I think that Matěj took quite an interest in your case, and he has been attending a few quite demanding international events. Let's give it the proper time. Once the complaint is closed, there will be a proper response and closure for you.
(I'm sorry it's in English)
2番目 - velobet カジノは嘘をつき、返金は一切受けておらず、当然のこととみなされています。
3番目 - 法的および医学的アドバイスを通じて、彼らは私に velobet.com の Web サイトに再びアクセスしないようアドバイスしました。これはカジノの意図どおりです。
4 番目 - エラーを認識した後、カジノは脆弱なプレイヤーを利用しているという事実を非常に深刻であると認識しました。または、軽微なことであった可能性があり、セキュリティ インデックスは、プレイヤーが 20 人であろうと 100 人であろうと動きません。非常に深刻で、非常に奇妙なことです。
5 番目 - アカウントのセキュリティ問題、引き出し、入金、私が繰り返している個人的な経験など、このカジノでの私の本当の経験をレビューで表現することはできません。なぜなら、あなたがそれを私に公開していないからです。
Totally disagree with what you have done with me
First- the complaint is not resolved based on any agreement by my main victim therefore for me this is not over.
Second-The velobet casino lies, I have not received any refund, it is taken for granted.
Third-Through legal and medical advice, they advise me not to enter the velobet.com website again, which is what the casino intends.
fourth- after recognizing the error the casino and serious since they take advantage of vulnerable players recognized the fact as very serious or it could have been a minor the security index does not move whether it is 20 or 100 players VERY SERIOUS something very strange.
Fifth-I cannot express in a review my true experience in this casino because you do not publish it to me, security problems in account, withdrawals, deposits, my personal experience I repeat, etc.
I feel like I'm overlooking something.
See you forever.
Totalmente en desacuerdo con lo q habéis echo conmigo
Primero- la queja no está resuelta con base a ningún acuerdo por mi parte principal víctima por lo tanto para mí esto no ha terminado.
Segundo-El casino velobet miente yo no he recibido ningún reembolso se da por echo.
Tercero-Por asesoramiento jurídico y medico me asesoran que no vuelva a entrar en la web de velobet.com cosa que pretende el casino.
cuarto- tras reconocer el error el casino y grave ya que se aprovechan de jugadores vulnerables reconocido echo muy grave o podía haber sido un menor no se mueve el índice de seguridad sea uno 20 o 100 jugadores MUY GRAVE algo muy extraño.
Quinto-No puedo expresar en una reseña mi verdadera experiencia en este casino porque no me la publicáis,seguridad problemas en cuenta,retiradas,depósitos mi experiencia personal repito etc.
Me da la sensación que paso algo por alto.
Hasta siempre.
ユーザーレビューに関しては、特に価値があるとは思いません。また、1 つのアカウントからカジノごとに 1 つのユーザーレビューしか投稿できないことを覚えておくことも重要です。
Well, your case has been dragging on for quite a long time and Matej explained everything well. He also said that you can seek legal help, so if you go for it, I guess we'd all be curious to see if you'd succeed.
As for your user review, I don't think it's of any telling value and it's also important to remember that you can give 1 user review per casino from one account.
I don't know what more to say about all of this, because most of it has already been explained and although I'm sorry about the way it all turned out, there's probably nothing more to be done. 😥
さて、別の観点からこの問題を考えてみましょう。もしあなたがカジノを経営していて、誰かがあなたの責任あるギャンブル システムのミスに気付き、その結果 10 ユーロを失ったとしたら、その人がお金を失ったというだけの理由で、何百万もの賠償金を支払わなければならないでしょうか。私は絶対にそうは思いません。あなたの責任は純粋に金銭的なものなので、プレイヤーに損失を補償し、謝罪するでしょう。そうでなければ、他のすべてのプレイヤーがカジノの不正行為を見つけようとし、多額の賠償金を求めて訴訟を起こすでしょう。
Hello Vicente.
In the complaint, I mentioned that you have the right to claim a €10 refund from your second account. This money, which cannot be used for betting, is available in your account for withdrawal only. The casino has taken the necessary steps to address the issue pointed out in your complaint, prompting a review of their procedures and rectification of the mistake. Consequently, there is no justification for imposing any safety index penalties.
Should you wish to take legal action against the casino, alleging that they are accountable for your issues, you are free to do so. It is important to note, as I have previously stated, that the casino can only reimburse you for your losses during the period in which you informed them of your gambling addiction, in accordance with standard practices in all jurisdictions.
Now, let's consider the issue from a different perspective. If you owned a casino and someone discovered a mistake in your responsible gambling system resulting in them losing €10, would you have to pay them millions in compensation simply because they lost some money? I am sure not. Your liability is purely financial, so you would reimburse the player for their losses and issue an apology. Otherwise, every other player would attempt to find an exploit in casinos and sue them for significant sums.
Obviously, thank you Matej for helping to unmask these scoundrels who take advantage of vulnerable people without assuming anything and it helps me a lot to sue
but I have no choice but to sue everything since I have not received any refund, everything is a lie and of course I am not going to enter your website again. If you want me to do so, contact my lawyer and explain the steps to follow thanks.
Evidentemente gracias Matej por ayudar a desenmascarar a estos sinvergüenzas que se aprovechan de la gente vulnerable sin asumir nada y me sirve de muchísimo para demandar
pero no me queda más remedio que demandar todo ya que yo no he recibido ningún reembolso todo es mentira y por supuesto no pienso entrar de nuevo en su web si quieren q lo haga q se pongan en contacto con mi abogado y le expliquen los pasos a seguir gracias.
他の人を騙さないでください。苦情は今日 2024 年 7 月 9 日時点で解決されておらず、誰も私に何も返金していません。明らかに私は多くのことを見逃しています。
Don't deceive anyone else, the complaint is not resolved as of today 07-09-2024, no one has reimbursed me anything, obviously I missed many things.
Notice to sailors.
Que no engañen a nadie mas la queja no está resuelta a día de hoy 09-07-2024 a mí nadie me ha reembolsado nada evidentemente se me escapaban muchas cosas.
Aviso a navegantes.
Hello. I will inform Matej right away, and he will get in touch with you.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com