I was playing Manna play's Gem Hunter on July 7th, but the game froze when I got all the characters and got the free spins, so when I read it again, the free spins game disappeared and nothing happened. I'm in a state. Normally, there are many providers that allow you to check your winnings from the data stored on the server or restore the game and show you the reproduction, but this provider returns to normal play as if nothing happened, and you can check the history Vera&John's data only payouts when the last trigger is pulled. Vera&John says there are no errors, but I am not convinced. If this is the case, can you verify it somewhere?
私は7/7にManna playのGem Hunterを打っていましたが全てのキャラクターを揃えてフリースピンを獲得した際にゲームがフリーズしたので再度読込をしたらフリースピンゲームが消えて何もなっかった状態になりました。通常ならサーバー保管されたデーターで勝利金が確認できたりゲームを復元して再現を見せてくれるプロバイダーが多いのですがこのプロバイダーは何もなかった様に通常プレイに戻り履歴で確認が取れるのはベラジョンのデータで最後のトリガーを引いたときの配当金だけです。ベラジョンはエラーは無いと言いますが納得いきません。この様な場合はどこか検証してくれないのでしょうか?
残念ながら、できません。サーバーで何が起こったのかを確認できるのは、ゲーム プロバイダーだけです。
sadly, we can't. Only the game provider can check what has happened on the server.
I would ask the casino to provide you with your gaming history because you want to get it checked by the game provider. I'd try it.
最高のカジノとベラジョン 引き出しで預金に問題があったことは一度もありません.このカジノは空から落ちました.私は10年間彼らの顧客でした.
The best Casino and verajohn I never had problems with deposits with withdrawals this casino fell from the sky I have been their customer for 10 years.
O melhor Casino e o verajohn nunca tive problemas com depósito com retirada este casino caiu do céu tem 10 anos que sou cliente deles .
うわー、10年間ですか?信じられない🙂。このカジノについて追加できることはありますか?定期的なボーナスやロイヤルティ プログラムはありますか?言及する価値のある定期的なトーナメントや大会はありますか?
Wow - for ten years you say? Incredible 🙂. Is there anything you can add about this casino? Does it provide regular bonuses or a loyalty program? Any regular tournaments or competitions worth mentioning?
I must say you should consider submitting a user review, being such a loyal customer, I'm sure the casino would appreciate that.
What do you say?
確かに非常に良いですが、12 月に高額の賞金を獲得し、デポジット ボーナスの提供を停止したことを除いては、悪いゲームではデポジット付きのフリー スピンのみが提供されます。とにかくベラジョンおめでとう
Very good indeed, except that I won a larger amount in December and they stopped giving me deposit bonuses now they only give me free spins with a deposit in bad games so I'm even stopped making deposits because I don't make deposits without a bonus anyway congratulations to verajohn
Muito bom mesmo só que eu ganhei uma quantia mais volumosa em dezembro e eles pararam de me dar bônus de depósitos agora só dão giros grátis com depósito em jogos ruim aí até estou parado de fazer depósitos porque depósito sem bônus eu não faço mesmo assim parabéns ao verajohn
まあ、あなたは正直なユーザーレビューを書くことができます - 適切なセクションから始めてください:
Well, you can write honest user review - start with the proper section:
確かに非常に良いですが、12 月に高額の賞金を獲得し、デポジット ボーナスの提供を停止したことを除いては、悪いゲームではデポジット付きのフリー スピンのみが提供されます。とにかくベラジョンおめでとう
Very good indeed, except that I won a larger amount in December and they stopped giving me deposit bonuses now they only give me free spins with a deposit in bad games so I'm even stopped making deposits because I don't make deposits without a bonus anyway congratulations to verajohn
Muito bom mesmo só que eu ganhei uma quantia mais volumosa em dezembro e eles pararam de me dar bônus de depósitos agora só dão giros grátis com depósito em jogos ruim aí até estou parado de fazer depósitos porque depósito sem bônus eu não faço mesmo assim parabéns ao verajohn
フリースピンだけが 100% のボーナスを与えてくれなくなりました。第 2 水曜日と金曜日に 100% のボーナスを与えていた時期がありましたが、今では弱いゲームでのみフリースピンを与えています。
Only free spins are not giving me 100% bonuses anymore there was a time they gave 100% bonuses on second wednesdays and fridays now only free spins on weak games
Só rodadas grátis não estão me dando mais bônus de 100% teve uma época que davam bônus de 100%nas segundas quartas e sextas agora só giros grátis em jogos fracos
私はマーチンゲールで 5$ から始めて、8 つのセッションで勝ちました。しかし、次の9回目のセッションで、7回連続で負けて、すべてのお金がなくなりました。
確率は約 0.73% です。
obvious manipulation in live games.
i paid 1000$ and its all gone in one day.
i started from 5$ with martingale and won 8 sessions. but at the next 9th session ive lost 7 consecutive times and all mone was gone.
the probability is about 0.73%.
マーチンゲールをやめろ、うまくいかない。悪い戦略の責任を負うカジノは 1 つもありません。
「マーチンゲールは、バンカーまたはプレーヤーの勝利の確率が 50% を超えていれば、利益を上げます。100 万分の 1 パーセントで十分です。しかし、有利なのはカジノ側にあることはすでにわかっています。 . これがマーチンゲール戦略を避けるべき理由です. 憧れのカジノに勝つための奇跡的な方法ではありません. コイントスのように勝率が50:50のゲームに賭ける場合でも. 、マーチンゲール戦略は合計ゼロのゲームを生み出し、元の賭け金で終わることになります。」
Dear Pandra.
Stop playing Martingale, it doesn't work. Not a single casino is responsible for your bad strategy.
Or is it just a coincidence wherever you play Martingale, you lose? Read this guide, please!
"Martingale would also be profitable if the probability of the banker´s or the player´s win was higher than 50%. Just one millionth of a percent would be sufficient. But we already know that the advantage is on the side of the casino. This is the reason why you should avoid the Martingale strategy; it really is not the miraculous way to beat the casino you have longed for. Even when betting on a game where the likelihood of winning is 50:50, like when tossing a coin, the Martingale strategy would produce a game of zero totals and you would end up with your original bet."
アドバイスありがとうございます。しかし、私はすでにキュラソーではなく、MGA のあるカジノに引っ越しました。私の戦略を変える代わりに。
thx for your advice. but ive already moved to a casino with MGA, not curaçao. instead of changing my strategy.
I dare to say the conditions would be the same since the strategy affects the output, license not particularly.
Would be interesting to see some sheets though. Do you intend to create some statistics?
あなたは多分正しいです。私も昨日、MGA ライセンスのカジノで fxxked を受けました。私は私の戦略を変更するつもりです。
you are maybe right. i got fxxked in a MGA licensed casino too yesterday. im going to change my strategy.
and do you have any recommendations about which casino i should chiose? please🙂
私はそうは言いません。どこでどのようにプレイしても、それがポイントです。もちろん、まともなカジノについて話します。悪い戦略をプレイすると損失が発生しますが、良い戦略をプレイすると報酬を得ることができます - できる - しなければなりません 🙂.
I wouldn't say so. No matter where you play, how you play - that's the point. Talking about decent casinos, of course. Playing a bad strategy will result in losses, playing a good strategy can reward you - can - not must 🙂.
「 スロットを倒す方法」というこの記事から始めて、ウェブサイトの左側に注意してください (表示に携帯電話を使用している場合) - 各ゲームには推奨戦略が含まれています。
良いカジノの意味を知る必要がありますか? 「 カジノの選び方」という別のガイドが役立つはずです🙂
注意: 公平に残高を失った場合、詐欺ではなく、ただ負けただけです 😉.
You know what? I think you should truly try some strategies described in the guide section.
Start with this article called "how to beat slots" then pay attention to the left side of the website (if you use a phone for viewing) - each game contains a recommended strategy:
You'll find the rest, I'm sure 🙂.
As goes for the recommended casinos, check the list:
Need to know what it means a good casino? Another guide called "how to chose casino" should help 🙂
Just a note: if you lost your balance fairly, you were not scammed, you simply lost 😉.
Better luck next time!
こんにちは。Vera &John Casinoが提供するボーナスについて詳しく知りたいです。現在のボーナスは何ですか、また、どのように活用できますか? また、これらのボーナスを受け取るための特別な要件はありますか?
Hello, I would like to know more about the bonuses offered by Vera&John Casino . What are the current bonuses and how can I take advantage of them? Also, are there any special requirements to qualify for these bonuses?
Olá, gostaria de saber mais sobre os bônus oferecidos pelo Vera&John Casino. Quais são os bônus atuais e como posso aproveitá-los? Além disso, há algum requisito especial para qualificar-me para esses bônus?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com