ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、VooZaZa Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは、3 つのカジノはすべて同じかという質問はどういう意味ですか? 2 番目に挙げられたカジノの綴りは正しいですか? Slotzo カジノしか見つかりませんでした。
しかし、調べてみましたが、それらの間に関連性は見つかりませんでした。彼らとの経験はありますか、それともなぜ尋ねるのでしょうか? 🙂
Hi, what do you mean when you ask if all 3 casinos are the same ? The second casino mentioned is spelled correctly ? I found only Slotzo casino.
However, I searched and I didn't find any connection between them. Do you have any experience with them or why are you asking ? 🙂
Perhaps those casinos are related.
At least Voozaza and Bogamba have the following similarities.
·screen structure
・Bonus details
・Information email format
If these two casinos are not related, it would be considered a casino using a template for opening an online casino.
*Does such a template exist?
とにかくテンプレがよくわかりません。しかし、同様の情報がインターネット上のいくつかの記事で見つかると思います。試してみませんか? 🙂
Hi, as I mentioned a month ago, I haven't found any relationship between them. But I opened their pages and they are quite similar to be honest, but not the same. I also tried to find out in the live chat but I wasn't successful, so I'm still sticking to my opinion.
Anyway, I am not sure about the template. But I think that similar information could be found on the Internet in some articles. Would you try it ? 🙂
40日以上経っても出金できません、完全に詐欺カジノです...どうしたらこのカジノがブラックリストに載らないのでしょうか?誰もそこに勝ちませんか?私は彼らに書類を送りました、彼らが私のデューセメンクストを他のことに使うのではないかと心配しています、eupol またはスウェーデンの警察に連絡することを検討しています...そうすべきでしょうか?
i havent got my withdrawl in over 40 days now , its a total scam casino... how can this casino not be blacklisted ? nobody is geting there winings? i have send my doucments to them to , i am afried they will use my ducemencst for other stuff , am considering to contat eupol , or the swdish police ... should i do it?
I was able to withdraw money on November 3rd.
The withdrawal request was made around October 26th.
At that time, the money was sent together with other withdrawals that I had applied for in this casino group.
However, the multiple withdrawals I applied for on November 3rd have not been sent yet.
Withdrawals have stopped across this casino group.
40日以上経っても出金できません、完全に詐欺カジノです...どうしたらこのカジノがブラックリストに載らないのでしょうか?誰もそこに勝ちませんか?私は彼らに書類を送りました、彼らが私のデューセメンクストを他のことに使うのではないかと心配しています、eupol またはスウェーデンの警察に連絡することを検討しています...そうすべきでしょうか?
i havent got my withdrawl in over 40 days now , its a total scam casino... how can this casino not be blacklisted ? nobody is geting there winings? i have send my doucments to them to , i am afried they will use my ducemencst for other stuff , am considering to contat eupol , or the swdish police ... should i do it?
I see that your complaint has also been closed as the casino has not responded, which is a pity.
However, I don't think your information should be misused. It is normal that you send documents to the casino as part of the verification process, so I wouldn't be negative right away.
Well, I'm not sure if you will get your money, but if you find out something new could you please let us know ?
もちろん、お金を受け取った場合に備えてここに投稿しますが、45 日以上経過しているので、お金を受け取る可能性は非常に低いと思います
Of course I'll post here in case I get my money, but it's been over 45 days so I think it's very unlikely that I'll get my money
Självklart skriver jag här ifall jag får mina pengar , men det har gått över 45 dagar så jag tror det är väldigt osannolikt att jag får mina pengar
言いたくないですが、私も懐疑的です。ただし、カジノの安全性指数はわずか 4.6 で、非常に低い数値であることがわかりましたか?同様の状況のリスクを軽減するために、カジノに入金する前にリサーチを行うことを常にお勧めします。
I hate to say it, but I'm also skeptical. However, did you see that the casino has a safety index of only 4.6, which is quite a low number? I think that it is always advisable to do some research before depositing in the casino in order to reduce the risk of similar situations.
I firmly believe that you will not come across something like this again and you will only have better experiences.
Casino Guruに群がる多くのギャンブラーが出金速度を入力できれば、多くのギャンブラーが救われるでしょう
As I said in the SLOTHUB discussion, I think the credibility of the casino lies in the withdrawals, but other than that, it's like a bonus.
I think that the withdrawal speed has a pattern from casino to casino, but we can be wary if the withdrawal speed is slowing down.
If the many gamblers who flock to Casino Guru can enter the withdrawal speed, many gamblers will be saved
ご覧のとおり、安全指数が大幅に低下しているため、理解しています。申し訳ありません。カジノ側はいくつかの苦情を解決していませんが、あなたの苦情も解決していないことがわかりました。そのため、それが理由の 1 つである可能性があります。
I understand and I am sorry, because as we can see the safety index has decreased a lot. I have seen that the casino has not resolved some complaints and neither has yours, so that could be one of the reasons.
I strongly believe that a similar situation will not happen again and that if you play in the casino it will only get better. If you have any new information or have received any money, please let us know.
I Will. I have waited for over 45 days now. Is it nothing you guys Can do? As i told before i signd up with your Link. Thanks agin!
このカジノグループは11月初めにさらに多くのボーナスを提供しましたが、その時点ではRTPはさらに悪化していたと思います。 11/2までは勝つことができました。しかしその後はほとんど勝てなくなりました。
現在出金が滞っているカジノは以下のカジノです。 Voozaza、Bogamba、slootz、house of pin、spintornade、これらすべてのカジノには共通点が 1 つあります。それは、Bonus vault Telegram チャネルで同じプロモーション コードが提供されているということです。
さらに、BTCの送金手数料は過去2週間で高騰しています。先ほど少額デポジットを使用すると 15 USD の手数料がかかると言われたため、デポジットしませんでした。
This group of casinos offered very easy bonuses. It seems that the RTP was also good, at least until the end of October.
This casino group offered even more bonuses at the beginning of November, but I think the RTP was worse by then. I was able to win until 11/2. But after that, I almost couldn't win.
And winnings after 11/2-3 will not be withdrawn.
The casinos that are currently stuck with withdrawals are the following casinos. Voozaza, Bogamba, slootz, house of spin, spintornade, all of these casinos have one thing in common: they are offered the same promo code on the Bonus vault Telegram channel.
The UI and bonus terms are almost the same.
If we are to think positively, we can assume that there will be unexpected withdrawal requests due to sweet bonuses, and the financial sector will be overwhelmed with responses.
In addition, BTC transfer fees have been soaring for the past two weeks. I didn't deposit because I was told earlier that if I used a small deposit, a fee of 15 USD would be charged.
In that regard, casinos may be reluctant to send money.
If we think negatively, they encourage players to deposit with loose bonus terms and not withdraw.
Maybe they're stuck in a Ponzi scheme because of financial difficulties.
I myself like this casino because I have had a lot of fun. So I don't want to think too badly.
I would like to withdraw somehow.
こんにちは。苦情は別として - いいえ、カジノが協力する気がないと判断した場合、私たちは何もできません。しかし、その結果、没収額に応じてカジノの評価は低くなります。このケースでもそれが起こっていることがわかります。
Hello. Aside from the complaint - No, we can't do anything when the casino decides they do not care to cooperate. But as a result, the casino's rating will be lower based on the amount forfeited. You may see that has happened in this case.
I'm sorry, but some casinos are not entirely fair to players.
このカジノグループは11月初めにさらに多くのボーナスを提供しましたが、その時点ではRTPはさらに悪化していたと思います。 11/2までは勝つことができました。しかしその後はほとんど勝てなくなりました。
現在出金が滞っているカジノは以下のカジノです。 Voozaza、Bogamba、slootz、house of pin、spintornade、これらすべてのカジノには共通点が 1 つあります。それは、Bonus vault Telegram チャネルで同じプロモーション コードが提供されているということです。
さらに、BTCの送金手数料は過去2週間で高騰しています。先ほど少額デポジットを使用すると 15 USD の手数料がかかると言われたため、デポジットしませんでした。
This group of casinos offered very easy bonuses. It seems that the RTP was also good, at least until the end of October.
This casino group offered even more bonuses at the beginning of November, but I think the RTP was worse by then. I was able to win until 11/2. But after that, I almost couldn't win.
And winnings after 11/2-3 will not be withdrawn.
The casinos that are currently stuck with withdrawals are the following casinos. Voozaza, Bogamba, slootz, house of spin, spintornade, all of these casinos have one thing in common: they are offered the same promo code on the Bonus vault Telegram channel.
The UI and bonus terms are almost the same.
If we are to think positively, we can assume that there will be unexpected withdrawal requests due to sweet bonuses, and the financial sector will be overwhelmed with responses.
In addition, BTC transfer fees have been soaring for the past two weeks. I didn't deposit because I was told earlier that if I used a small deposit, a fee of 15 USD would be charged.
In that regard, casinos may be reluctant to send money.
If we think negatively, they encourage players to deposit with loose bonus terms and not withdraw.
Maybe they're stuck in a Ponzi scheme because of financial difficulties.
I myself like this casino because I have had a lot of fun. So I don't want to think too badly.
I would like to withdraw somehow.
Which group? Is it about Voozaza, please?
Well, my previous response is still valid. Its rating dropped significantly because of unpaid winnings. I'd say there's not much to add...:
Very high value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size
Voozaza、Bogamba、Slootz はおそらく同じグループに属します。 Telegram のボーナス保管庫も参照してください。先月、彼らは Spintornade、House of Spin、TurboSpin を追加しました。非常によく似た GUI、宣伝メール、およびその内容。そして同時に、引き出されなくなりました。安易な宣伝をして金を持ち逃げするのが犯罪なのか、組織的に預金を集めて出金して逃げるのが犯罪なのかは分かりません
Voozaza, Bogamba, and Slootz are probably in the same group. See also Bonus vault in Telegram. Last month, they added Spintornade, House of Spin and TurboSpin. Very similar GUI, promotional emails and their contents. And at the same time, it stopped being withdrawn. I don't know if it's a crime to run away with money by distributing easy promotions or if it's a crime to systematically collect deposits and run away with withdrawals
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com