I'm sorry but there is no "place" we can report the site. Sadly, the casino operates without an official license. This means that there is no official authority watching over the casino's actions 🙁.
We intend to inform players about this dangerous site by placing several warnings.
I also believe that the current rating
0,0 out of 10 serves as the warning as well.
I'm sorry but even if anybody has, it would not solve your issue.
Don't you think?
They asked 9% from my withdrawal, for example i want to withdraw 1000USD, ineed to deposit 90USD first. And then they will release my withdrawal, which i Doubt
As I said, you have no guarantee that this will work. You will probably only lose the money you actually have "in your pocket" to a chance that you might receive the money you never had for real.
This sounds dangerous.
Vulkan Vegas (バルカン ベガス) から既に受け取った人はいますか?どれくらい受けた人いますか?
Has anyone already received from Vulkan Vegas I made a withdrawal request and they set a deadline of up to 12 hours and nothing. How long has anyone received it?
Alguém já recebeu do Vulkan Vegas fiz um pedido de saque e estabeleceram um prazo até 12 horas e nada. Alguém já recebeu em quanto tempo
Vulkan Vegas のサポートでは、同じ会話が常に 1 分から 60 分後に行われ、48 時間かかり、今では引き出しの支払いに数日かかる場合があります。言った 。詐欺は人を騙すサイトでそのままお金を払わない
Vulkan Vegas, in their support, the same conversation was always from 1 to 60 min later it took 48 hours now it can take days to pay the withdrawal. said . Scam does not pay as it is with the website deceiving people
Vulkan Vegas, no suporte deles sempre a mesma conversa era prazo de 1 a 60 min depois passou a 48 horas agora pode demorar dias pra pagar o saque .Vou denunciar o site e golpe não vai pagar , mesmo até aqui perguntei se alguém recebeu e nenhum falou . Golpe não paga como fica com o site na rede enganando as pessoas
Sadly, as I previously wrote - you played in the casino with the lowest possible reputation, and our chances to help you are quite poor.
Let's just hope, that the complaint will be heard by the casino and you will receive your winnings.
Vulkan / Brivio を訴えました。詳細は 12 月に 👍
ただし、事前に訴訟金融業者を通じて損失の 35% を支払います。その前に、弁護士費用が差し引かれます。したがって、運が良ければ、リスクなしで損失の 50% を取り戻すことができます。 EUR 1,000.00 EUROの最小制限があり、最近では10,000ユーロの損失からより多くのクライアントを獲得するだけです-/そしてマルタ/ジブラルタルからのプロバイダーのみ-キュラソーとKWは拒否されました! 😎👌
Have sued Vulkan / Brivio, more info in December 👍
However, you pay 35% of the loss via a litigation financier beforehand - and before that the legal fees are deducted from you - therefore - if you are lucky - you may get 50% of the loss back without risk - with some providers setting a minimum limit of EUR 1,000.00 EURO have, and most recently only take more clients from a loss of EUR 10,000, - / and only providers from Malta / Gibraltar - Curacao and KW are rejected! 😎👌
Hab Vulkan / Brivio verklagt, weitere Infos im Dezember 👍
Über einen Prozessfinanzierer bezahlst Du davor allerdings 35 % vom Verlust - und vorher werden Dir noch die Anwaltskosten abgezogen - daher - wenn Du Glück hast - bekommst Du eventuell 50 % vom Verlust zurück ohne Risiko - wobei einige Anbieter eine Bagatellegrenze von EUR 1.000,-- EURO haben , und seit neuestem nehmen die meisten nur mehr Klienten ab einem Verlust von EUR 10.000,-- / und nur Anbieter aus Malta / Gibraltar - Curacao und KW werden abgelehnt ! 😎👌
1) 10,000 を請求して勝った場合、€10,000 と €2,182 (例) が授与されます。
12,182 から 2,182 を引いて 35%
RobinHoodClaims はキュラソーからすべてを取得します。いくつかの問い合わせを行います。
That is not completly correct.
1) if you claim 10,000 and win then you will be awarded €10,000 plus €2,182 (example).
from the 12,182, 2,182 are subtracted and then the 35%
so you get 6500.
Yes, 50% of the whole. But 65% of your loss.
and RobinHoodClaims takes all from Curacao. Do some enquiries.
Das stimmt nicht ganz.
1) wenn du 10.000 einklagst und gewinnst dann werden Dir 10.000€ plus 2.182€ (Beispiel) zugesprochen.
von den 12.182 werden 2.182 abgezogen und dann die 35%
du bekommst also 6500.
ja schon 50% vom Ganzen. Aber 65% Deines Verlustes.
und RobinHoodClaims nimmt alle aus Curacao. Erkundige dich mal.
Would you like to describe the issue at this casino better, so everyone can understand?
If there is anything we can help you with, we are here.
私は長い間Vulkan Vegasでプレイしており、アカウントは認証されました。私は現在€15,200を獲得しており、もちろんそれを引き出したいと思っていました。その後、約2週間後に突然、アカウントを再認証する必要があるというメッセージが届きました。その後、彼らは私が望んでいたものをすべて送ってくれましたが、いつまでも待って言い訳をした後、彼らは私がそれを見ることができないと言い続けます。そこで、高解像度のカメラでもう一度試し、写真をもっとアップロードしました。長い間待って何度もメッセージを送ってきて、また言い訳をしました。今、写真を再アップロードし、チャットで通知を受けました。私はもう1週間待っていますが、チャットで受け取るメッセージには、認証がまだ保留中であり、辛抱強く待つ必要があると表示され続けています。
I have been playing at Vulkan Vegas for a long time and my account was verified. I have now won €15,200 and of course wanted to withdraw it. Then suddenly, after about two weeks, I got a message saying that I had to re-verify my account. They then sent me everything I wanted. But after waiting forever and making excuses, they keep saying I can't see it. So I tried again with a high-resolution camera and uploaded more photos. Another excuse after a long wait and multiple messages. I have now re-uploaded the photos and been informed via chat. I have now been waiting another week and the message I get in the chat keeps saying that the verification is still pending and that I should be patient.
Ich spiele schon lange bei Vulkan Vegas ,Konto war auch verifiziert . Jetzt habe ich 15200€ gewonnen und wollte Natürlich erstmal Auszahlen. Dann auf einmal nach zirka 2 Wochen bekam ich die Nachricht das ich das Konto neu verifizieren soll. Haben Ihnen dann alles zukommen lassen was Sie haben wollten. Aber immer wieder nach ewigen warten Ausreden können es nicht erkennen. Also dann nochmal mit einer hochauflösenden Kamera zugegriffen und nochmals Fotos hochgeladen. Wieder Ausrede nach langem warten und Mehrfachem Anschreiben. Jetzt wieder neu hochgeladen und über Chat informiert. Jetzt warte ich schon wieder eine Woche und als Nachricht im Chat bekomme ich immer die Aussage das die Verifizierung noch andauert und ich solle Geduld haben.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com