Thank you and I will keep my fingers crossed for something relevant and a good result.
Thank you and I will keep my fingers crossed for something relevant and a good result.
それで、気になるのですが...このカジノから配当金を受け取った人はいますか?まだクレームを見たことがありません。 5 週間前に 5 回の仮想通貨入金後、出金をリクエストしました。合計入金額より少しだけ多く出金しようとしました。私のアカウントは認証されましたが、ボーナスなしでプレイしました。したがって、LCB リストによると、24 時間以内に処理されるはずでした。でも何もない。私が彼らから受け取ったのは、サポートからの 1 つの返信だけです。これは私が彼らのサポートから得たものと同じです。
彼らが全員のお金を持って空中に消えるまでどれくらいかかるのだろうか?これらのカジノレビュー Web サイトがすべて、新規顧客に対して何の警告もなく、依然としてアクティブなままになっているのはばかげています。彼らは新たな犠牲者を与え続けています。
So, I'm curious...has ANYONE received a payout from this casino? I have yet to see a claim. I requested my withdrawal 5 weeks ago after 5 crypto deposits...I attempted to withdrawal just a little more than my total combined deposits. My account was verified and I played with NO bonuses. So, according to their lcb listing they should have processed it in 24 hours. But nothing. All I've received is one support reply from them that is the same I get from their support as well:
We appreciate your patience as we work through a backlog of payments. Rest assured, we're actively resolving the issue and will have your payment processed as soon as possible.
Best regards
I just wonder how long before they vanish into thin air taking everyone's money? It's ridiculous that all of these casino review websites still leave them active with no warnings to new customers. They continue to feed them new victims.
簡単に言うと、 このガイドを読んで始めてください👈
I bet you didn't know that in order to lower its "below average" safety index further, we need to prove the casino guilty. Thus, it would be great to submit a free-of-charge complaint.
Simply put - read this guide to start up 👈
How do you like this idea?
正直なところ、持っていると思っていましたが、それは lcb と askgamblers にあったと思います...提出されました。
honestly I thought I had, but I guess that was on lcb and askgamblers...submitted.
You're welcome, I'm very curious how it will all turn out in the end because judging from the other players whose complaints I've seen, the casino hasn't tried to resolve anything so far. If this is the case in your situation, the casino will get black points again.
Anyway, good luck.
私も騙されたことがあります。 Wagerinox、turbospins、token Devils、house ofスピンは同じ詐欺サイトのようです。彼らは皆同じ問題や不満を抱えています。
唯一興味深いのは、Web サイトにさまざまなライセンスがリストされていることです。
しかし、wakerinox.com で興味深いのは、証明書が「RAOUL A. BEHR マネージング ディレクター」によって署名されていることです。
この名前を Google で検索すると、linkedin のプロフィールとさらに多くの情報が見つかります。これは、この Web サイトが偽物であり、ライセンスが本物であるかどうかを確認する方法になる可能性があります。
誰かがその情報を使用して連絡できる場合、または Casinoguru のスタッフもこの情報を確認するための連絡先アドレスを知っている場合があります。
また、アフィリエイト サイトがすでにこのサービスによって支払いを受けているか、または詐欺に遭ったかどうかも興味深いでしょう。ウェイジノックスのパートナーは、Web サイトに記載されている noxpartners.io である必要があります。
I also have been scammed. It seems that Wagerinox, turbospins, token Devils and house of spins are the same scam sites. They all have the same problem and complaints.
Only interesting is that there are different licences listed on the websites.
But whats interesting at wagerinox.com is that the Certificate is signed by "RAOUL A. BEHR Managing Director"
If you google this name you find a linkedin profile and a lot of more information. That could be a way to verify if this website is faked and the licence is real.
If someon could use the information to contact or maybe Casinoguru staff also knows contact adresses to verify this information.
Also it would be interesting if affiliate sites have been already payed by this service or if they also got scammed. Partner at wagerinox should be noxpartners.io as listed on the website.
よろしければ、 この記事で最初の手順を説明します👈
How did you end up being scammed?
I could not find any details, so what is the problem? Do you care about submitting a complaint so we can take a deeper look into the matter?
Scammed people usually seek help, hence, I bet you could use some support too.
If you don't mind, this article describes the initial steps 👈
Worth your time?
このカジノに対する苦情を提出しても役に立ちません。正規ではないため、問い合わせには一切応じません。このカジノは詐欺です、私が保証します。 LCB.org、askGamblers、そして今ここから問い合わせがありました。彼らはそのどれにも返事をしていません。
it doesn't help submitting complaints for this casino. They don't respond to ANY inquiries because they are not legit. This casino is a fraud, I guarantee it. I've had inquiries from LCB.org, askGamblers and now here. They haven't responded to any one of them.
I 've had this type of problem from a couple other casinos and I could ALWAYS find a few cases of people who did get paid by the casino. But, not here. No one has claimed payment.
苦情を提出することは役に立ちます。たとえカジノがそれに反応しなかったとしても、苦情は未解決としてクローズされ、カジノのスコアに影響を及ぼし、スコアをさらに下げ、他の人に警告します(ユーザーの登録を妨げる = カジノがお金を失う)。
I can definitely believe this casino is a scam, too many people claiming their withdrawals are delayed and no one has shown proof of a completed withdrawal (no solved complaints, or anything), plus the casino score doesn't help.
Filing a complaint does help, even if the casino doesn't react to it, the complaint will be closed as unsolved and it will affect the casino's score, lowering it even more and warning other people (preventing users from registering = casino losing money)
このカジノに対する苦情を提出しても役に立ちません。正規ではないため、問い合わせには一切応じません。このカジノは詐欺です、私が保証します。 LCB.org、askGamblers、そして今ここから問い合わせがありました。彼らはそのどれにも返事をしていません。
it doesn't help submitting complaints for this casino. They don't respond to ANY inquiries because they are not legit. This casino is a fraud, I guarantee it. I've had inquiries from LCB.org, askGamblers and now here. They haven't responded to any one of them.
I 've had this type of problem from a couple other casinos and I could ALWAYS find a few cases of people who did get paid by the casino. But, not here. No one has claimed payment.
私の観点からすると、それだけの価値があります。 🙏
Even in such a situation, the complaint has its value. Through that, not only does the casino get penalized, but other players may also recognize the complaint before making a mistake.
From my point, it's worth it. 🙏
I guess those of us who took a chance on them using the info provided to us from websites like this one are the real losers. Apparently we have to do the due diligence of testing these "businesses" out to verify all the claims they are advertising here. The sad thing, even when we do invest a ton of money at one of these places and discover every thing they are pushing is a lie, there are no ramifications for the casino. They remain available on practically every casino review website until they shut down and disappear with everyone's money or until they are eventually criticized in so many reviewers they are "flagged" as unsafe...but still left online to continue their crimes. It's all really sad. If New York would just get it together and make it legal, we wouldn't be stuck playing at these shady establishments. Regulation should not be a bad word. And we should all agree that FRAUD is.
Did you know that even licensing authorities can't simply shut down casinos? Instead, only the license gets revoked.
I can't ignore the feeling that you would probably like us to beat the competence of an international court. This is not possible. An online casino is a company that may only be "shut down" by a standard legal procedure.
So long for the regulations 🙁
Sad, but true.
So the best we can do is keep all information available to players, allowing them to make decisions based on solid ground. Sadly, other pages only seek profit, and their recommendations are solely based on the amount agreed with the casinos. It is hard to tell honesty from just a business.
こんにちは。あなたが再び同じような経験をしていると聞いて残念に思います。 苦情を提出したことは正しいことです 👌 。私たちのチームは限界まで努力してこの問題の解決に努めると確信しています。
残念ながら、 Wagerinox カジノはまたしても信頼性の低いカジノの 1 つだと私は言います。 ユーザーレビュー👈 を読んでも、あなたのような「ストーリー」を持つ人がいることがわかります。ユーザー レビューについて言えば、カジノでの自分の体験を説明して他の人を助けたい場合は、このリンクをクリック/タップするだけで自分のレビューを送信できます。もちろん、あなたの判断にお任せします。
Hello. Sorry to hear you are going thru a similar experience once again. You have done the right thing by submitting a complaint 👌 and our team will try to resolve this issue by pushing up to their limits, I am sure of it.
Unfortunately Wagerinox Casino is yet again one of the less trustworthy ones, I would say. Even when you have a read thru the user reviews 👈, you will find out that there are people with "stories" like yours. Talking about the user reviews, if you would like to help other by describing your own experiences in those casinos, you can submit your own review just by clicking/tapping on this link. I'll leave it up to your decision, of course.
Unfortunately, for now, there is nothing much to do. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and see what our complaint team will find out from the casino. Have you got any update from them, by any chance?
LCB がついにこのカジノ アカウントに危険信号警告を追加したことを嬉しく思います。彼らがオープンでありながら、サポートとチャットすると同じメッセージが表示されることに今でもショックを受けています...彼らがバックログを処理して最終的に私に支払うつもりがあると本当に信じているようです。
Thanks, I've left a review multiple times but it's not getting approved. I guess I've been to upset when writing them and said things that aren't allowed. I finally gave up after the third or fourth time.
I'm happy to see LCB finally added their redflag warning on this casinos account. I'm still shocked they are open and still giving me the same message when I chat with support...like I really believe they have any intent of processing the backlog and finally paying me.
結局解決されなかった苦情に基づいて、1 月中旬にユーザー レビューが承認されたようですね。苦情を提出した場合は、まず解決する必要があり、その結果に基づいて承認または拒否されます。
I see that in mid-January your user review was approved, based on a complaint that ended up unresolved. If you file a complaint, it needs to be resolved first and then we approve or reject it based on the outcome.
However, since nothing has been resolved, I am quite upset. As Romi mentioned in her previous post, the safety index of the casino here is also quite low and this casino is not trustworthy to tell you the truth.
I would be happy if the they would give you your money, but after such a long time I am not sure how it will turn out and anything that would be positive would just surprise me.
I'm sorry.
賞金を一銭も受け取っていないプレイヤーは一人もおらず、苦情は役に立たないため、カジノに対してどのように行動を起こせるかという問題が生じます。残念ながら、レビューを読むほど愚かだったので、私はそれにはまりました。ありがたいことに、私は 50 ユーロしか入金できませんでしたが、もちろん大金です。私の 300 ユーロの支払いは 4 週間保留されています。本当に毎日、私はこのカジノに自分の支払い状況について手紙を書いています。そして毎日同じ答えが返ってきます:申し訳ありません、財務部門に報告します。笑える話ですが、このカジノはお金が支払われないことは誰もが知っています。しかし、Web サイトを確実に閉鎖するために頼れる当局が必ず存在するはずです。
Since not a single player has seen a cent of their winnings and the complaints are of no use, the question arises as to how one can take action against the casino. Unfortunately, I fell for it because I was stupid enough to read the reviews. Thank God I only deposited 50 euros, which is of course a lot of money. My payout of 300 euros has been pending for 4 weeks. Every day, really every day, I write to this casino about the status of my payout. And every day I get the same answer: they're sorry, they're passing it on to the finance department. It's laughable, but everyone knows that this casino doesn't pay out. But surely there has to be an authority where you can turn to ensure that the website is closed?
Da hier noch kein einziger Spieler einen Cent von seinem Gewinn gesehen hat und die Beschwerden auch nichts bringen, stellt sich doch die Frage wie man noch gegen das Casino vorgehen kann. Ich bin auch leider darauf rein gefallen, weil ich so dumm war mir mal die Bewertungen durch zu lesen. Gott sei dank hab ich nur 50 Euro eingezahlt, was natürlich auch schon viel geld ist. Meine Auszahlung von 300 Euro steht seit 4 wochen auf pending. Jeden tag, ja wirklich täglich schreibe ich dieses casino an wie der status meiner auszahlung ist. Und wirklich täglich bekomme ich die gleiche antwort, es tut ihnen leid sie geben es der finanzabteilung weiter. Es ist schon lachhaft, aber jeder weiß doch nun das dieses casino nicht auszahlt. Nur muss es doch auch eine behörde geben wo man sich hinwenden kann um dafür zu sorgen das die website geschlossen wird?
I am sorry to see you going thru this kind of situation. Unfortunately, as you can see in the review of this particular casino, we are not able to do much here:
If I may ask you a favor, try to write to your review of this casino more about your experience, describe it better, so it could be really helpful for others to understand the issue there.🙏
I just hope, next time, you will be able to choose some better and safer casino, to prevent similar issues.🤞
Is there no authority to contact???? It can't be that this casino continues to operate.
Gibt es keine Behörde an die man sich wenden kann???? Es kann doch nicht sein das dieses Casino noch weiter betrieben wird.
I can understand your frustration here, but unfortunately we can not do anything about it, at this point.
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