ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Wazbee Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I wanted to ask opinion that why royspins and wazbee allows you to be able to make new account with same personal info but different email, if you have asked a permanent block due addiction? Usually casinos block you completely that you cant make any account with details matching.
これは良い質問です。このような状況については主にカジノ サポート担当者が説明する必要があると思いますが、回答したいと思います。
これは、システムがあなたを検出できなかったことを意味します。 🤷♂️
したがって、このカジノでは、システムがすべての類似点や一致を自動的に追跡するわけではなく、その一方で、名前や生年月日の一致などの詳細は KYC 検証によって確実に検出されるだろうと私は推測しています。
This is a good question, and I want to respond to it even though I feel such a situation should be primarily explained to you by the casino support workers.
Well, I'm going to share my point of view:
Most importantly, self-exclusion should protect vulnerable players by closing their account - leaving such account inaccessible. Or any other accounts this player has created in the meantime.
When it comes to creating another account lately, though, the situation is not always the same.
It's crucial to understand which personal information is necessary for creating such an account and which personal information the casino's system tracks automatically.
The way I understand your question, in this casino the registration email is mandatory, it seems. Though I'm not pretty sure how important the other personal details are, anyway, in some casinos, only the email and date of birth are checked upon registration. I guess you used a different email in order to pass the registration since the older email remains excluded.
That would mean the system was not able to detect you. 🤷♂️
Thus, I'm also assuming that in this casino, the system does not automatically track down all similarities or matches, on the other hand, details like the name or date of birth match will surely be detected by the KYC verification.
Well, did you ask the casino employee how it works in their casino?
If you are a vulnerable player, you should seek these answers before registering at another casino. Just in case.
このカジノで勝つのは不可能。RTP/RNG が操作されている。しばらく戻ってきて、何か新しいことを考えてみた。完全に吐き気。数分で -160 ユーロ。キャッシュバック プログラム? ポイントを受け取って交換できる。全額で、30 倍の賭け金で 10 ユーロのボーナスとポイントを交換できる。すごいギャンブラーのジョーク。
It's impossible to win in this casino. Manipulated RTP/RNG. I came back for a while and thought about something new. Total puke. -160 euros in a few moments. Cashback program? You receive points to exchange. For the entire amount I could exchange the points for a 10 euro bonus with a 30x wager. Awesome gambler joke.
とにかく、スクリーンショットにあるいくつかのケースでの x70 は、賭け金が 0.2 であることを考慮すると、それほど悪くありません。もちろん、明らかにもっと良くなる可能性はありますが、カジノがこれに基づいて RTP を操作する必要があるとは思いません。特定のゲームの内容を尋ねることができます。彼らは問題なく答えられるはずです。
Hmm, I probably wouldn't change it, because I wouldn't find it convenient.
Anyway, x70 in some of the cases you have in the screenshot is not so bad, considering that the bet is 0.2. Of course, obviously it could be better, but I don't think that the casino needs to have a manipulated RTP on the basis of this. You can ask them what it is on a given game. They should have no problem answering.
すべてのスクリーンショットはありませんが、賞金のある 4 つの異なるスロットで 4 回連続でボーナスを獲得しました。 4x、5x、8x、10x。一連のボーナス購入を見ると、アルゴリズムがボーナス購入の全額返金を許可していないことがわかります。賞金は常に一定の範囲内にあります。たとえば、1 倍から 80 ~ 90 倍までです。私の場合、この状況はすでに 6 つのカジノで発生しています。そのため、プロバイダーは、カジノからプロバイダーに提供される、処理されたプレーヤーのメタデータに基づいて個々の RTP を決定する高度なソフトウェアを使用していると考えられます。この形式の「エンターテイメント」については言葉が足りません。幸いなことに、それは苦労して稼いだお金ではありませんでした。しかし、私は皆さんに警告しておきますが、このカジノはスカンクのような臭いがします。私は自分の直感を少し信じます。 ;)
I don't have all the screenshots, but I had 4 bonuses in a row on 4 different slots with winnings. 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x. When you look at the series of bonus buys the thing is that the algorithm does not allow for full refund of the bonus buys. Winnings will always be in a certain range, let's say from 1x to 80-90x. In my case, this situation has already occurred in 6 casinos, which is why I believe that providers use advanced software that determines individual RTP on the basis of processed player meta data, which is made available to providers by casinos. I'm running out of words for this form of "entertainment". Fortunately, it wasn't hard-earned money. But I'm warning each of you that this casino smells like a skunk. I trust my intuition a bit. ;)
If that's how you feel, then I'd rather not play in a casino, if I may confess. Of course, the best part of such a situation would always be the proof that it is the case and that RTP is regulated in casinos, but no one who has had such an opinion has proved that yet.
I mean, I wouldn't even consider it fun, I'd just be frustrated.
この詐欺カジノに注意してください! 私はすべて正しく行い、アカウントを作成して確認しました!
Beware of this fraudulent casino! I did everything right, created an account and verified it!
I deposited a total of 4300 euros and won 8040 euros!
They closed my account for no reason, they don't respond and they kept my money!
Withdrawals in minutes are a lie!
Cuidado com este casino fraudulento! Fiz tudo bem, criei conta e verifiquei-a!
Depositei no total 4300 euros e ganhei 8040 euros!
Fecharam a minha conta sem razão, não respondem e ficaram com o meu dinheiro!
Os levantamentos em minutos são uma mentira!
私は 8040 ユーロを獲得しました。2 回引き出しました。1 回は 3000 ユーロで、約 9 分で承認されました。もう 1 回は 5040 ユーロで、セキュリティ部門から追加の書類を要求され、それを送信して承認されました。この調査も承認されました。
驚いたことに、数時間後、Wazbee はすでに処理したと言っていた引き出しをキャンセルしました。彼は私のお金を差し押さえ、支払いをしませんでした。
I created an account at this Casino, did all the verification, with my identification document and proof of address.
I made several deposits totaling 4300 euros.
I won 8040 euros. I made two withdrawals, one for 3000 euros which was approved in about 9 minutes and another for 5040 euros for which they requested more documents through the security department which I sent and they approved. This survey was also approved.
In both withdrawals, I received an email saying that it was approved and that if it was for digital wallets it would be done in minutes, if it was for the bank too, although it could take some more time.
Surprise of surprises, after several hours Wazbee canceled the withdrawals that it said it had already processed! He withheld my money and didn't pay me.
They stopped responding and without any justification closed the account.
Be careful with this Casino, as well as being liars, as they do not approve withdrawals in minutes, they pretend to approve, they let you check everything, deposit and play. Then they take everything and stop responding.
Don't put your money here, because you'll be left without it!
Criei uma conta neste Casino, fiz a verificação toda, com o meu documento de identificação e comprovativo de morada.
Fiz vários depósitos que perfazem 4300 euros.
Ganhei 8040 euros. Fiz dois levantamentos, um de 3000 euros que foi aprovado em cerca de 9 minutos e outro de 5040 euros sobre o qual pediram através do departamento de segurança mais documentos que enviei e aprovaram. Também este levantamento foi aprovado.
Em ambos os levantamentos, recebi o e-mail a dizer que estava aprovado e que se fosse para carteiras digitais seria feito em minutos, se fosse para o banco também, embora pudesse levar mais algum tempo.
Surpresa das surpresas, passado várias horas a Wazbee cancelou os levantamentos que disse já ter processado! Reteve o meu dinheiro e não me pagou.
Deixaram de responder e sem qualquer justificação fecharam a conta.
Cuidado com este Casino, para além de mentirosos, pois não aprovam os levantamentos em minutos, fingem que aprovam, deixam-vos verificar tudo, depositar e jogar. Depois ficam com tudo e deixam de responder.
Nao coloquem aqui o vosso dinheiro, pois vão ficar sem ele!
このカジノでは、すべてをチェックして 4300 ユーロを入金しました。8040 ユーロを獲得しましたが、何も言わずにアカウントが閉鎖されました。
This casino let me check everything and deposit 4300 euros. I won 8040 euros and they closed my account without saying anything.
They kept all the money!
Este casino deixou-me verificar tudo e depositar 4300 euros. Ganhei 8040 euros e fecharam-me a conta sem nada dizer.
Ficaram com o dinheiro todo!
Attention players, this casino, if you request self-exclusion, will allow you to create other accounts with your same details and identification cards.
They do not have responsible gaming mechanisms.
Only when you win do they detect this and confiscate your winnings.
Atenção jogadores, este casino, caso peçam a autoexclusao, vai permitir-vos criar outras contas com os vossos mesmos dados e cartões de identificação.
Nao têm mecanismos de jogo responsável.
So quando ganham é que detectam isso e confiscam os vossos ganhos.
プレイヤーの皆様、私たち全員がこのテーマについて理解を深められるよう、あなたの投稿をすべてこの 1 つのスレッドに移動することにしました。
この状況の複雑な背景を説明するために、読者の皆さんには、関連する苦情👈 も念頭に置いておくことをお勧めします。
苦情から判断すると、あなたはすでに多くのカジノでかなりの経験があるようですので、自己排除がどのように機能するかを知って、現在の状態に縛られた不必要な複雑さを回避する方法についてのヒントをいくつか得るべきだと思います。少なくとも、今すぐ試してみてください: https://casino.guru/problem-gambling 👈
Dear player, I decided to move all your post to this single thread so we can all have the best chance to keep up with the subject.
I really appreciate the care you show toward other players. We indeed seek insightful warnings, because sharing means caring to us. In regard with that, however, I must point out that there is another side to your warning.
To provide a complex context to this situation, I encourage the readers to keep in mind your associated compalint 👈 too.
As far as it looks: Not just that you have so far provided conflicting information, but sadly, you failed to follow recommended steps to exclude yourself from the casino properly.
I won't quote from the complaint because I don't want to push your emotions further, and I respect your contribution. But to be fair and square, maybe you should focus on the complaint too and then reflect on its outcome. Or, to be precise, to focus on all of the complaints you created to get refunds from the casinos.
I understand you are addicted, but that does not mean you are not at least partially responsible for your actions too. Please try to avoid any other possible losses.
Based on the complaints, you already have quite a history with many casinos, so I think you should now know how self-eclusion works and get a few hints on how to avoid unnecessary complications bound to your current state. At least, try that now: https://casino.guru/problem-gambling 👈
実際の書類で登録し、すべて正しく行ったのに、Wazbee は私から 8040 ユーロを差し押さえました。Rabuka さん、これについてどう思いますか?
Wazbee withheld 8040 euros from me when I registered with my real documents and I did everything right! What do you think of that Rabuka?
A Wazbee reteve-me 8040 euros, quando me credenciei com os meus documentos verdadeiros e fiz tudo certo! O que pensas disso Rabuka?
It remains to be investigated. Thus, we don't have the answers on the forum. Keep up with the complaint, please.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet, please, and let's see how it turns out. I saw that the timer expired, so just to be sure I'll tell Nick to check it out and you'll get an answer soon.
すぐにそのような見解に頼る必要はないと思います。苦情は解決済みではありませんが、苦情処理担当者が 20 名いて苦情が 1,000 件ある状況では、すぐに誰かに連絡するのは簡単ではありません。ニックにリマインダーを送ったところ、彼は対応中だと言いました。どうかもう少しお待ちください。
I don't think we have to resort immediately to such views. The complaint is not closed, but with 20 people dealing with complaints and they have 1000 complaints, it's not easy to get to someone right away. I gave Nick a reminder and he told me he was getting to it. Just be patient, please.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com