ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Weiss Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは、チャットにはデポジットの 1 倍を賭けなければならないと書かれていましたが、あなたがくれたメッセージによると、そのようなことが起こったような気がしません。つまり、あなたの最初のデポジットがいくらだったのかはわかりませんが、試合にいくら賭けたかを考えていました。
Hi, I see that in the chat it was written that you have to wager 1x your deposit and according to the message you gave I don't have the feeling that it happened. I mean I don't see how much your first deposit was, I was thinking about how much you bet on the match.
But I would also like to point out that we don't deal with sports betting here because we don't have any experts and our insight wouldn't be relevant.
Therefore, your winnings, which the casino does not want to pay you, are only from sports?
DO NOT PLAY if you want fast withdraw!!
They keep you waiting for your money 20 working days, this record here means 1 month without your money…i never heard anywhere this situation. For me is the 10th and still waiting
こんにちは。14 日以上かかる場合は最新情報をお知らせいただけますか?なぜなら、私たちはカジノに出金を処理するのに十分な時間を与えているからです。
Hi, could you please update us if it will be more than 14 days? Because we give casinos that much time to sort out the withdrawal.
However, if that doesn't happen then I would recommend filing a complaint.
For now we can be patient and see how the situation develops. Please let me know.
完璧。お金を受け取ってよかったし、苦情は必要ありませんでした。 😊🎉
Perfect. I'm glad you got your money and no complaint was necessary. 😊🎉
I think your experience will be informative for other players as well.
May I ask what method you used to withdraw the money ? It might also be useful to know.
Thank you for your reply. I would say that for bitcoin quite a long time, but the important thing is that you already have the money. I assume you will choose another casino for your next deposit, am I right ?
For sure, they also trick me with their bonus. They have Rakeback bonus but is not specified and when I asked if i will play with real funds+ bonus money , customer support told me "yes", but surprise.
Anyway, a better name for weiss casino is weird casino.
In this instance, I think it's best to stick with a casino that hasn't let you down yet. If you say that the bonus is also misleading for you, then obviously there is no reason to try it again to avoid getting into further trouble. I hope that you will do well elsewhere.
ただし、出金プロセスを解決するためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予を与えているため、3 日はそれほど多くないと思います。それでも問題が解決しない場合は、サポートできるよう最新情報をお知らせいただけますか?
Hey, did you lose your money or do you still have it ? Did the casino give you a reason why this is the case ? Do you have a fully verified account yet ?
However, I think that 3 days is not so much because we give casinos 14 days to solve the withdrawal process. If you still have a problem could you update us so we can try to help you ?
Why u rejected my user review? And why u stop answering? And why the answer of weiss casino has dissapear? Hmmmm
私たち、WEISS の公式代表者は、現在の支払い遅延により引き起こされたご迷惑を遺憾に思っています。予期せぬ問題により、送信したメッセージも表示されません。ただし、当社はこの問題の解決を支援することに尽力します。メールアドレスをお知らせください。遅延の原因を速やかに調査し、解決に向けて取り組みます。
We, the official representatives of WEISS, regret the inconvenience caused by the current payment delay. Due to an unexpected issue, we also cannot see the message we sent you. However, we are committed to assisting you in resolving this matter. Kindly provide your email, and we will promptly investigate the cause of the delay and work towards its resolution.
WEISS Official Representatives
Yes, it would be best if you were patient as I can see that the casino has responded to you. If nothing has changed, be sure to let us know. As for the previous notification, I saw that it was deleted, but the casino replied again so there should be no problem in this regard.
I will wait for the update.
ユーザーレビューが拒否された理由が示されました。あなたは、出金までに 3 日間待っているとしか説明していませんでした。私は、このフォーラムでの返信で、カジノにはそのようなプロセスを解決するために 14 日間の猶予を与えていると言いました。だから、それだけが公平だとは思わないでください。ユーザーレビューに記載。
You have been given a reason why your user review was rejected. You only described that you are waiting for 3 days to make a withdrawal, I told you in my reply here on the forum that we give casinos 14 days to resolve such a process, so don't think it's fair if that's the only thing you mention in the user review.
As for why I don't reply to you, it's because I'm not here 24/7 but I also work at certain hours.
こんにちは、ワイス、私のメールアドレスは bibo_212212@hotmail.com
hello weiss , my email address is bibo_212212@hotmail.com
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com