ポイントは何ですか ?私はすでにこのカジノに対して苦情を申し立てましたが、あなたはそれを解決できませんでした.このカジノに関する苦情を見ると、1 件の苦情があり、閉鎖されていることがわかります。これは私の不満です。あなたは私のアカウントをブロックしました。彼らが詐欺師であるという多くの証拠があります。
What's the point ? I already filed a complaint against this casino and you couldn't resolve it. You look at the complaints about this casino and you will see that there is ONE single complaint and it is closed. This is my complaint. You have blocked my account. I have a lot of evidence that they are scammers.
Andreii109 様
Dear Andreii109,
I could not find any complaint of yours submitted under this profile.:
This is the reason I urged you to submit one, the one you are talking about was created by a different user, so do not make it sound so obvious, please. Are you vereskasnu? I would not say it will buy you more credibility, because this user committed identity theft.:
So what's the point anyway?
You had your chance, but you acted dishonestly, if I may say. I ask you to stop accusing other players of saying lies simply because you do not agree with their opinions. Does it truly sound so unfeasible to you?