ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Wildsino Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Good morning,
I think I fell into a trap...
As I am on day 4 of waiting for withdrawal approval from Wildsino1.com
On the site they write that there is up to 3 days of waiting
Their responses everyday are "we're happy to let you know it's in the queue for processing"
Νομίζω πως έπεσα σε παγίδα...
Καθώς είμαι στην 4η μέρα αναμονής έγκρισης ανάληψης από το Wildsino1.com
Στο site γράφουν ότι έχει έως 3 μέρες αναμονή
Οι απαντήσεις τους καθημερινώς είναι "είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας ανακοινώσουμε ότι είναι στην σειρά για επεξεργασία "
しかし、少しだけあなたの痛みを和らげさせてください。私たちのレビューによると、このカジノは中規模なので、遅延の理由になるかもしれません。カジノが大きいほど、一般的な出金リクエストが簡単に処理される可能性が高くなります。さらに、 安全性指数は良好で、このカジノが賞金を支払う可能性が非常に高いことを意味します。
Hi there!
Despite it being hard to deal with, I would stick with what the casino already told you. As far as I understood the situation, your account does not need to be verified, but on the other hand, the withdrawal is delayed because there are others in the queue.
Let me, however, ease your pain a bit: According to our review, this casino is midsized, which may explain the delay. Let's say the bigger the casino is, the better chance a common withdrawal request will be handled quite easily. Additionally, its Safety index is decent, which means this casino will very likely pay out the winnings.
Try to calm down, ask regularly about the progress, and keep us posted, please. Even though I remain optimistic, it won't hurt staying in touch and ensuring all ends well.
That is great news!
Sometimes we worry for nothing. Right?🙂
If you like you could be the first to submit a user review for this casino about your experience and how would you rate it. What do you say?
Here's the link if you wish to do so.
Tell me now, please. Are you going to continue playing in this casino?🤔
I'm also waiting for a withdrawal from this casino. I requested on Monday and it's supposed to be processed in 3 business days but I'm still waiting. All they keep saying is that there's a delay without giving a timeline for resolution of the issue. I'm very frustrated.
こんにちは。その場合は、もう少し待ってみることをお勧めします。カジノ側が期限を定めた場合、それを守らないのはよくないことだとは思いますが、カジノ側もプレイヤーに送金するまでに 14 日間の猶予を与えています。
Hi, in that case I would try to wait some more time. I know that when a casino gives you a timeframe it is not nice if they don't meet it but we also give casinos 14 days to send money to the player.
Anyway, was it necessary for you to verify or not? Is this your first withdrawal?
If nothing has changed and you had no information and the casino ignored you, we will try to help you.
Hello, I requested my first withdrawals from wildsino a while ago, but unfortunately nothing has happened yet. Every time I am told to be patient, but I am slowly losing patience. To be honest, I am starting to doubt that I will ever get the money, it has been almost 2 weeks now and that is not normal.
Hallo habe vor einiger Zeit meine ersten Auszahlungen bei wildsino beantragt, leider hat sich bis jetzt nicht ergeben. Jedes Mal wird gesagt ich soll mich gedulden aber die verliere ich langsam. Ehrlich gesagt Zweifel ich langsam das ich das Geld noch bekomme, ist jetzt bald fast 2 Wochen her und das ist nicht normal.
興味があれば、 このガイドをご覧ください👈 これで準備は整います。困ったことや質問があれば、いつでもお手伝いしますので、ご心配なく。
Hello. You have been very patient; that's really cool.
I'd say if your account needs to be verified, the casino should tell you in the first place. Yet based on what you said, I feel the lack of communication prevents the progress. How about you file a complaint against the casino through our Resolution Center? It is free, so no risk involved.
If you're interested, please go through this guide 👈 Should get you prepared. I'll be here to help you out with any struggles or questions, don't worry.
That is quite reasonable but I can see that if you keep getting the same answer, then eventually it will end up in a complaint anyway. I probably wouldn't hesitate to go ahead so that our team can investigate the situation sooner.
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