ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、WildTornado Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
there is little to discuss. one of the worst casinos I've ever played at.
c'e' poco da discutere. uno dei peggiori casino' a cui abbia mai giocato.
Granted that I suffer from gambling addiction, an ugly beast sadly. I signed up for this casino with my email address. However, I did not remember being self-excluded from him in October 2021. Well, I played, after which I asked for self-exclusion for addiction, which was denied. The next day I received an email from them where they blocked my account which appeared to be duplicated. As it happens, however, the email was the same as in October 2021, and consequently my access should have been prevented a priori, so it was not. I asked for a refund then which I was denied, almost mocking me in communicating with them. So I prepared all the necessary documents, including the old registration. I will therefore proceed with a formal complaint to those who took care of guaranteeing their gaming license.
Premesso che soffro di dipendenza da gioco d'azzardo , una brutta bestia purtroppo. Mi sono iscritto a questo casino con il mio indirizzo mail . Non ricordavo pero' di essermi autoescluso dallo stesso a ottobre 2021. Bene , ho giocato , dopodiche' ho chiesto l'autoesclusione per dipendenza , che mi e' stata negata. Il giorno successivo ho ricevuto una loro mail dove mi bloccavano l'account che risultava essere duplicato. Guarda caso pero' la mail era la stessa di ottobre 2021 , e di conseguenza il mio accesso sarebbe dovuto essere impedito a priori , cosi non e' stato . Ho chiesto un rimborso allora che mi e' stato negato , quasi prendendomi in giro nelle comunicazioni con loro. Allora ho preparato tutti i documenti necessari , compresa la vecchia iscrizione. Procedero' dunque con un reclamo formale verso chi si e' occupato di garantire loro la licenza di gioco.
Hello Marquez199,
Sadly, it truly sounds like a failed self-exclusion process. I'm just eager to see how the licensing authority responds.
You said that the casino denied your self-exclusion request despite the fact you mentioned the gambling problem - can you share the email, or chat conversation, please? It's a serious matter, so I'd like to see the way they reject your request.
私はかつて、50 回のスピン中ちょうど 0 回しか勝てなかったゲームをプレイしました。つまり、それはどのカジノでも起こり得ることであり、残念なことに、プレイヤーはカジノに遊びに行くときにそのリスクを負わなければなりません。 🤔
ここで見つけることができます。 ⬅️😉
Hello, I suppose this is game history, where you show that you haven't won anything from any spin.
Unfortunately, casinos always have an edge over the player and it looks like you've caught a pretty sad losing streak. Still, I wouldn't say the casino is rigged.
I once played a game where I had exactly 0 wins out of 50 spins. So it's something that can happen to you in any casino, and sadly players have to take that risk when they go to the casino to play. 🤔
Of course, as far as any recommendations are concerned, it would be best if you got some advice from a player with experience.
I can provide you with this list of casinos that might be suitable for you.
You can find it here. ⬅️😉
I would always make sure to do some research before making a deposit.
If you choose, don't hesitate to let me know how you get on.
フリースピンで獲得した賞金が突然減額されるのは普通のことなのかな…? いくつか獲得したのですが、規約では最大出金額は 1000 ドルと書いてあるのに、私が勝った後に 100 ドルに減額されました… どこにも書いてなかったし、私にも教えてくれなかったので、ボーナスの規約が私たちが従うものなのかどうか、どうすればわかるのでしょうか??? 🤔
Just wondering is it normal to have your winnings from free spins reduced out of the blue...? I got some and while the terms say max cash out is $1000 after I won they reduced it to $100... didn't say anywhere or tell me so how can I know if the bonus terms are what we go by??? 🤔
利用規約をご確認ください。最大 100 ドルの引き出しについて何も記載されていない場合は、遠慮なくご連絡ください。弊社の苦情チームがこの件に関与し、解決に努めます。
It surely shouldn't be reduced like that. Every bonus should have its terms, and there the casino has to state the maximum cashout as well, besides other rules of that bonus.
Have you tried to contact the support regarding this issue?
See the terms, please, and if there is nothing stated about the $100 maximum withdrawal, don't hesitate to contact us, and our complaint team will get involved in this matter to try to get it solved.
こんにちは、ロミさん。またお会いできて嬉しいです!私はめったに発言しませんが、いつも近くに潜んでいます(笑)😝 仕事の課題に喜びを感じていらっしゃることを願っています 🙂
それらの点を指摘していただき、本当に感謝しています。ここで説明する代わりに、チームの支援を要請することにしました。詳細はすべてそちらで読むことができます。私が知っておくべきだと思うことがあれば、ぜひ私に連絡してください。ここにいる皆さん、本当にありがとうございます 👏❤️
Hi Romi, my pleasure seeing you again! I rarely speak up, however I’m usually lurking close by lol 😝 I hope that you’ve been finding joy in the challenges of your work 🙂
I really appreciate you pointing those things out.. instead of explaining here I decided to request for the assistance of the team. You can read all the details there and if there’s anything you think I should know, I ask you to please reach out to me. Thank you so very much to everyone here 👏❤️
Thank you; I do really enjoy it.😉
I can see that you have submitted your complaint and our team will review it as soon as possible, so we'll wait if there can be anything done from our side.
Please stay patient.🙏
こんにちは。私は詐欺に遭いました。私のリアルマネーがボーナスマネーに変換され、引き出しのために賭け金を要求されたため、私が稼いだ 400 ドルはリアルマネーではありませんでした。彼らは、それは自分たちのミスであり、ミスをしたくないと言っていますが、言い訳をしているだけです。お金を節約したいのであれば、このサイトには近づかないでください。
Hello, I have been scammed that my real money was converted to bonus money and they made me make a wagering for withdrawl which cause that my 400 dollars which i earn was not real money. They are saying that it was their mistake and they dont want mistake to make it out, just making excuses, please stay away from this site if you want to save money
苦情を申し立てるには、 このリンクにアクセスして問題を詳しく説明してください。
Do I understand correctly that you haven't used any bonus, but the casino said that you did?
If you'd like, you could try to submit a complaint regarding this, and our team could have a look at it.
Maybe there will be some solution to all this that could be done.
What do you say?
To file a complaint, just follow this link and describe the issue well.
Let us know how you decide, please.
こんにちは。ご回答ありがとうございます。いいえ、ボーナスなしで入金したので、すぐに引き出すことができました。その後、400ドルになったところで、突然、賭け金が必要なボーナスマネーに変更されたのに気づきました。その後、このボーナスをキャンセルすると、突然アカウントからお金も消えてしまいました。私は彼らに連絡して問題について伝えました。それ以来、彼らはアカウントから消えたこのお金を再入金しましたが、賭け金が必要なため、まだ引き出すことができませんでした。なぜかわかりません??? だから私は賭け金を稼ぐために働きましたが、長続きせず、すべてのお金を使い果たしました。しかし、お金を引き出すことができなかったので、私は詐欺に遭いました。彼らは賭け金に変更したことは自分たちのせいだと認めましたが、私に有利なことは何もできませんでした。はい、私は苦情を書きたいと思います。なぜなら、それは私のお金であり、彼らは嘘をつき、私を騙したからです。
Hello, thanks for your answer. No, I have deposited money with no bonus, so i could withdrawl immediately. Then I came to 400 dollars, and suddenly I see they change my money to bonus mone, which needed wagering, then I cancel this bonus and suddenly money also dissapear from account. I contacted them and tell them about problem, since then, they redeposited this money which vanish from account, but i still couldnt withdrawl because it needed wagering. Dont know why??? So I worked to make wager, but didnt last and spend all money. But I was scammed, since i couldnt withdrawl my money. They admited it was their fault to change to wagering money, but couldnt do anything in favor for me. Yes I would like to wrote complaint, because thats my money and they lied and scammed me.
I would certainly be inclined to complain if I were you. It sounds like the casino added a bonus you weren't interested in, so that you had from real money bonus money, and wagering was applied. I don't know how that can be a mistake but apparently it can. Anyway, if they admitted their fault, they should have removed the wagering and let you keep your money.
So you made a good move and our team will try to do everything we can to help.
If you have anything new, please let us know.
I saw that you managed to lose money before we tried to help you, which is very unfortunate. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, definitely don't do anything with the money, because then when you have nothing left, there is nothing we can do.
I wish it had turned out differently. 😥
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com