ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Winsly Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hello. Why you dont consider these casinos raptor casino, infiza limited casinos, madrush and winsly as a same group. You have info that all of these has the same management. If I have asked to be blocked from all these sites with same management it should mean all this group. Also they advertise these sites on their casinos and then say we dont have nothing to do with each other.
こんにちは、 Casino RaptorとWinslyの関係のみが見つかりました。他の 2 つは関連性が見つかりませんでした。
Hi, I only found a relationship between Casino Raptor and Winsly. The other two I did not find anything related.
As for your self-exclusion, does the casino you wanted to exclude have a mention somewhere that it also applies to the other casinos ? Have you tried asking the support if it works that way ? Some casinos have it that way, but there are many cases where you have to exclude yourself from all casinos you want, even if they are in the same group.
Of course if you have a problem you can file a complaint with us.
I asked from raptor casino that is it possible to get blocked from any casino there is under same management/ any casino that is connected due my gambling addiction. They promised that this would happen. However I was able to play with madrush and winsly after. Now they deny that these casinos has anything to do with each other.
Whatever the fact is, I think it is not very good thing to advertise different sites on their casinos. Basically they welcome you to use their other sites, even if you have just closed one due addiction. Of course you should have a chance to block all these sites at once. If the management is the same, it is not a hard thing to do that.
I asked from raptor casino that is it possible to get blocked from any casino there is under same management/ any casino that is connected due my gambling addiction. They promised that this would happen. However I was able to play with madrush and winsly after. Now they deny that these casinos has anything to do with each other.
Promises are not the safest option, if I may say so. I would strongly recommend taking print screens as proof. One never knows when you might need them. and when it comes to self-exclusion, one can never be too cautious.
Jaro already mentioned the complaint, and in my books, it provides a fair chance.
Especially if you possess the aforementioned screenshot.
Whatever the fact is, I think it is not very good thing to advertise different sites on their casinos. Basically they welcome you to use their other sites, even if you have just closed one due addiction. Of course you should have a chance to block all these sites at once. If the management is the same, it is not a hard thing to do that.
理想的な世界では、あなたの言うことは完全に正しいでしょう。残念ながら、ビジネス標準を考慮する必要があります。不快な、またはおそらく不適切な感情にもかかわらず、カジノがグループ全体のアカウント閉鎖をどのように処理するかを知っておくと、準備が整い、十分な準備が整うはずです。 🙏
In an ideal world, you would be entirely correct. Regretfully, we must consider business standards. Despite the uncomfortable or perhaps inappropriate feeling, being aware of how casinos handle account closures across the whole group should help you be ready and well-prepared. 🙏
Wouldn't you say?
こんにちは、情報ありがとうございます。このメッセージをデータ チームに転送しました。データ チームはこの状況を調査し、可能であればカジノ レビューを更新します。
Hi, thanks for the information. I have forwarded this message to our data team who will take a look at this situation and update the casino review if they can.
Anyway, did you have any money in there and did you request a withdrawal ?
もうお金はありませんでした。私は口座に KYC 確認を行うよう依頼し、そこから数百ユーロを引き出しました。
there was no more money. I did ask to do a kyc confirmation on the account and I withdrew a couple of hundred euros from there.
ei ollut enää rahaa. kerkesin kyllä tekemään kyc vahvistuksen tiliin ja nostin sieltä pari sataa euroa.
That's fine, the important thing is that you didn't have any problems with the withdrawal and everything went smoothly.
Anyway, did you play at this casino often ?
こんにちは、このカジノに関して私たちのチームから次のような返信を受け取りました。つまり、カジノは間違いなく閉鎖も営業もしておらず、これはフィンランドと他のいくつかの国にのみ適用されるというものです。カジノは Pay n' Play (デポジット & プレイ) に切り替えていますが、フィンランド市場向けにこれを解決する途中であるため、現時点では古い方法で開設されたアカウントを閉鎖する以外に選択肢がありませんでした。システム。したがって、フィンランドは間違いなく制限されませんが、Pay n' Play システムを通じて運営されることになります。 🙂
Hi, I received the following reply from our team regarding this casino, namely that the casino is definitely not closing or operating and this only applied to Finland and a couple of other countries. The casino is switching to Pay n' Play (deposit & play), and as it is still in the process of resolving this for the Finnish market, there was no other option at the moment but to close the accounts that were opened via the old system. So Finland will definitely not be restricted, but will now operate through the Pay n' Play system. 🙂
I hope I helped a bit with this information.
彼らは常に異なるライセンスの下で新しいサイトを作成し、それらを異なるサイトで宣伝します。この管理下にあるすべてのカジノからブロックするように要求したり、この「その他のカジノ」セクションに表示されるこれらのサイトすべてをブロックするように要求したりしても、それは実行されません。たとえあなたが依存症でギャンブルをコントロールできないとはっきり言っていたとしても、そうではありません。これらのサイトはすべて接続されています。同じサポート、同じ管理担当者 (たとえば、別のサイトで苦情に回答する同じ担当者)、サイトは類似しており、同様のウェルカム ボーナスと登録が付いています。
They constantly make new sites under different lisences and advertise these on their different sites. Still even when you ask to be blocked from every casino under this management and ask to block all of these sites that shows under this more casinos section, it is not done. Not even when you clearly say that you have an addiction and cant control your gambling. These sites are all connected. Same support, same management people(for example same people that answers for complaints on different sites they have), sites is similar with similar welcome bonus and registering.
If you ask me, this is a horrible way to act and there is none responsibility towards addiction. If you ask that you want to be blocked from all casinos that is showing on this more casinos section and with same management due your addiction, why it is not done?
No matter what people says. I think it is sick that I could now open all of these sites support and I could have the same worker on everyone of these. I can say to one that I want to be blocked from all casinos that you are marketing here. Still I can be on another casino site with this same worker like nothing happens.
They just keep on saying that we dont have anything to do with these other sites, we are just support here. I dont buy it. There is definitely the same management/background. Like why would they keep on marketing just random casinos to make people use them if these isnt connected by any means?
あなたの言いたいことは理解していますが、これはかなり一般的な状況であることを付け加えなければなりません。この業界以外の企業も共有サービスやアウトソーシング サービスを利用していると想像してみてください。
Hi there.
Even though I understand your point, I have to add that this is a pretty common situation. Just imagine that other companies outside this industry also utilize shared services or outsourced services.
This is just a way companies minimize fixed costs these days.
Could you also help me understand this question you had?
"Like why would they keep on marketing just random casinos to make people use them if these isnt connected by any means?"
I think I didn't get it correctly. Thank you.
彼らは常に異なるライセンスの下で新しいサイトを作成し、それらを異なるサイトで宣伝します。この管理下にあるすべてのカジノからブロックするように要求したり、この「その他のカジノ」セクションに表示されるこれらのサイトすべてをブロックするように要求したりしても、それは実行されません。たとえあなたが依存症でギャンブルをコントロールできないとはっきり言っていたとしても、そうではありません。これらのサイトはすべて接続されています。同じサポート、同じ管理担当者 (たとえば、別のサイトで苦情に回答する同じ担当者)、サイトは類似しており、同様のウェルカム ボーナスと登録が付いています。
They constantly make new sites under different lisences and advertise these on their different sites. Still even when you ask to be blocked from every casino under this management and ask to block all of these sites that shows under this more casinos section, it is not done. Not even when you clearly say that you have an addiction and cant control your gambling. These sites are all connected. Same support, same management people(for example same people that answers for complaints on different sites they have), sites is similar with similar welcome bonus and registering.
If you ask me, this is a horrible way to act and there is none responsibility towards addiction. If you ask that you want to be blocked from all casinos that is showing on this more casinos section and with same management due your addiction, why it is not done?
We are convinced that in order to keep yourself safe in terms of self-exclusion, players should always ask each casino separately. I agree that it's not ideal, but when troubles come, this approach is far safer than counting on the feelings that the group must do that. I bet you know that in such a situation, you are on your own.
The question is why would they advertise just random site on their casino? That would mean some customer choose another site on their list and they would loose the income?
There is No point of doing that. That is why these sites is connected.
ここで私が言いたいのは、infiza Limited、raptorカジノ、madrush、winsly、kimcasino にはさらに多くのカジノセクションがあるということです。そこで彼らはこれらのサイトを宣伝します。これらはすべて同じサポートを受けられます。つまり、これは単なるランダムであり、これらのサイトは接続されていないということですか?もしそうなら、なぜ他のカジノセクションにこれと同じサポートがないカジノがないのでしょうか?ベッソンみたいな?
What I'm trying to say here is that infiza limited, raptor casino, madrush, winsly and kimcasino has all this more casinos section. There they advertise these sites. All these has the same support. So are you saying this is just random and these sites isnt connected? If so, why on that more casinos section isnt any casino that wouldnt have this same support? Like betsson?
The question is why would they advertise just random site on their casino? That would mean some customer choose another site on their list and they would loose the income?
There is No point of doing that. That is why these sites is connected.
理論的に間違った理解を混ぜ合わせているだけだと思います。あなたが言おうとしたことと、これが一般的に正しくない理由を表現してみます。 🙏
プレイヤーは同じグループ内で 1 つだけではなく、すべてのカジノで単一のアカウントを作成できるため、潜在的な「収入」損失はないと考えています。それはどういう意味でしたか、教えてください。
Hey there.
I think you're just theoretically mixing the wrong understandings. I'll try to express what I feel you tried to say and why this is not generally correct. 🙏
First of all, many casinos fall under the same management or support, I already told you so.
Please do not recognize such a state as a fraud.
Since players may create a single account in every casino, not just one within the same group, I see no potential "income" loss. What did you mean by that, please?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com