ここで私が言いたいのは、infiza Limited、raptorカジノ、madrush、winsly、kimcasino にはさらに多くのカジノセクションがあるということです。そこで彼らはこれらのサイトを宣伝します。これらはすべて同じサポートを受けられます。つまり、これは単なるランダムであり、これらのサイトは接続されていないということですか?もしそうなら、なぜ他のカジノセクションにこれと同じサポートがないカジノがないのでしょうか?ベッソンみたいな?
What I'm trying to say here is that infiza limited, raptor casino, madrush, winsly and kimcasino has all this more casinos section. There they advertise these sites. All these has the same support. So are you saying this is just random and these sites isnt connected? If so, why on that more casinos section isnt any casino that wouldnt have this same support? Like betsson?
したがって、いいえ、私は全く逆のことを言いました。たとえば、自動車ブランドのレクサスが、世界中の重要な都市すべてにサロンを持つ、全世界にわたる 1 つのブランドであると想像してください。ただし、サポートに電話したり電子メールを送信したりする場合、それは 1 つの部門であり、おそらく国ごとに分かれていますが、それでも 1 つのグループと 1 つのブランドです。 1 つの大きなカジノ ブランドでもほとんど同じですが、各オンライン カジノには独自の名前とスタイルがあるだけです。
Yes, many casinos share the same services, most likely under the same management and probably in the same group of brands - a perfectly normal thing.
"So are you saying this is just random and these sites isnt connected?"
Thus, no, I said quite the opposite. Imagine the Lexus car brand, for instance, as one brand across the whole world, with salons in every important city in the world. When you call its support or send an email, it's, however, one department, maybe separate for each country, but it's still one group and one brand. It's mostly the same for the one big casino brand, just that each online casino has its own name and style.
Does it make more sense now?
Then why I cant get block for all these sites that is connected if I especially ask it? You would assume it would be quite easy to at least transfer that query to some manager who is connected with this group?
You seem to loose my point here.
これらのサイトは接続されていないと言われました。彼らがそうではなく、彼らがこの他のサイトをマーケティングしている場合。私が 1 つのアカウントを閉鎖し、マーケティング リストにある別のカジノを選択するとしたら。 - > 同じオーナー/バックグラウンドがないと損です。
They have told me that these sites isnt connected. If they wouldnt be and they are marketing this other sites. If I would close one account and choose another casino on their marketing list. - > There would be a loss if there wouldnt be same owner/background.
That is the point here as they constantly say that these sites isnt connected in any way.
Then why I cant get block for all these sites that is connected if I especially ask it? You would assume it would be quite easy to at least transfer that query to some manager who is connected with this group?
You seem to loose my point here.
こんにちは、私もあなたは要点を見逃しているように感じます。ただし、もう一度試してみます。 🙏
「私たちは、自己排除の観点から自分自身の安全を守るために、プレイヤーは常に各カジノに個別に問い合わせるべきであると確信しています。それが理想的ではないことに私も同意しますが、問題が発生した場合、このアプローチは、カジノの感情に頼るよりもはるかに安全です。 「それはグループでやらなければなりません。そのような状況では、あなたは一人でいることを知っているはずです。」
おわかりのとおり、何らかの形で関連するすべてのカジノを自己排除することが不可能な場合もあります。ただし、その規約を遵守することを強くお勧めします。おそらく、Winsly カジノにのみリクエストした場合にどのカジノから除外できるかが規則に記載されているのでしょうか?
Hello, I also feel you are missing the point. I'll give it another shot, though. 🙏
Let me start with the information I already provided:
"We are convinced that in order to keep yourself safe in terms of self-exclusion, players should always ask each casino separately. I agree that it's not ideal, but when troubles come, this approach is far safer than counting on the feelings that the group must do that. I bet you know that in such a situation, you are on your own."
As you can now see, sometimes it's not just possible to self-exclude in all somehow related casinos. I strongly advise you to keep up with its terms, though. Is it perhaps stated in the rules which casinos you can be excluded from if you ask in only in the Winsly Casino?
You should always consult the rules or ask the support if you need advice. Please do not assume on your own, I'd say, it is an unnecessary risk.
これらのサイトは接続されていないと言われました。彼らがそうではなく、彼らがこの他のサイトをマーケティングしている場合。私が 1 つのアカウントを閉鎖し、マーケティング リストにある別のカジノを選択するとしたら。 - > 同じオーナー/バックグラウンドがないと損です。
They have told me that these sites isnt connected. If they wouldnt be and they are marketing this other sites. If I would close one account and choose another casino on their marketing list. - > There would be a loss if there wouldnt be same owner/background.
That is the point here as they constantly say that these sites isnt connected in any way.
簡単に言えば、アカウントが閉鎖されたことを 100% 確信したいですか?各カジノを訪問し、それぞれのカジノで個別に自己排除を求めてください。
なぜなら、たとえ一部のカジノが「接続されている」としても、あなたが言うように、自己排除は依然として考慮され、個別に保持される可能性があるからです。少なくともルールを確認してください。 🙏
No, I didn't say those sites were not connected.
The whole time, I've been explaining that even if they were, it would have been a perfectly normal situation.
At least I can now say for sure that the only aspect you've been focusing on is solely self-exclusion. Frankly, it wasn't so obvious to me a few posts ago.
Thus, I didn't consider this aspect to be a loss.
I'll put it simply - do you want to be 100% sure your account is closed? Visit each casino and ask for self-exclusion separately in every single one of them.
Because even if some casinos are "connected," as you say, self-exclusion may still be considered and held separately. Consult the rules at least. 🙏
I really hope I didn't confuse you further.
では、オープンする新しいカジノを常に検索する必要があるのでしょうか?ホワイトハット ゲーミングは、ブロックを要求した場合、MGA に基づいていない新しいライセンスに対してもブロックを作成します。私が言いたいのは、もし彼らが責任を気にするなら、求められたらブロックを設定するだろうということです。
それが、これらの新しいライセンスを作成するための重要なポイントでもあります。これにより、SE プレーヤーが他のライセンス サイトでプレイを続ける可能性が生じます。そうすれば彼らは弱い立場にある人々からすべての利益を得ることができます。
So I just need to constantly search for New casinos that opens? White hat gaming makes block also for their new lisence that isnt under mga if you have asked a block. My point is that if they would care about responsibility, they would set the block if it is asked.
That is also the whole point for making these new lisences. It makes the possibility for SE players continue playing to their other lisence sites. That way they can get all the profit from vulnerable people.
私たち Casino Guru は、プレーヤーができるだけ多くのカジノから効果的に自己排除できるようにするための一般的なツールが必要であると感じています。しかしその一方で、特に依存症のプレイヤーは、すでに設定されている除外を回避する方法を模索しています。
Winsly Casino がどのようにしてこの話題に至ったのか教えていただけますか?長い通信だったので、道を見失ったようです。
I'm sorry, but I got the impression you aim to exclude yourself from a certain group, which I explained is not a business standard. Searching for new casinos indicates quite the opposite.
The point of self-exclusion is not to be allowed to access the casino anymore. So, when you seek out new casinos in order to play somewhere, you're creating quite a dangerous circle.
We at Casino Guru also feel some general tools to help players effectively self-exclude from as many casinos as possible are needed. On the other hand, though, especially addicted players seek any ways to bypass even already set exclusions.
Unfortunately, a global solution is ultimately most complicated by those who need it most.
May I know how Winsly Casino comes to this topic? It has been a long communication, and I lost track, it seems.
Thank you 🙏
ここで私の要点をすべて見逃していますが、大丈夫です。そして、これは infiza Limited、madrush、kimcasino、raptor カジノの一部であるため、winsly と関係があります。私がすべてのカジノにブロックを持つように要求したところ、ライセンスが異なるにもかかわらず、このグループ内にあります。これらすべてのカジノ間でこれらのサイトを宣伝する場合は、要求された場合には少なくともこれらのカジノに対してブロックを設定してください。
You have missed all my points here but ok. And this has to do with winsly as it is part of infiza limited, madrush, kimcasino, raptor casino. Where i have asked to have a block for every casino there is within this group despite different lisence. If they advertise these sites between all of these casinos, then at least set block for these casinos if it is asked.
I dont know how you are missing my point so badly.
「これらのカジノすべてにこれらのサイトを宣伝するのであれば、求められたら少なくともこれらのカジノに対してブロックを設定してください。 」と言うと、これは単なるあなたの意見であると説明しようとしましたが、ビジネスの基準は異なります。
Hey there.
Frankly, I'm pretty convinced I already explained how you should self-exclude yourself, not just within the group.
Yet you seem not to understand a single point.
When you say "If they advertise these sites between all of these casinos, then at least set block for these casinos if it is asked." I tried to explain that this is just your opinion, but business standards are different.
Don't expect those casinos to exclude you from the whole group unless it is stated in their terms.
Ask the support if you can't find it in the terms. I want you to understand that advertisements are hardly a reason for such assumptions. Follow the rules, and use the support. By the way, each license's requirements are different.
Well, not much I can add to this topic, I'm afraid.
Well I think im allowed to say my own opinion regarding the matter and how this business would become a lot more healthier. There is multiple people that has lost everything due this industry.
Of course, you can!
Just remember that things work differently, that's all I meant to explain. So you, or anyone interested in this thread, won't lose all, like the people you mentioned.
I'm really sorry I confused you, I meant no harm - quite the opposite, though.
私は www.Winsly.com で約 15,000 ユーロを獲得しました。
カジノはキプロスにありますが、エストニアのライセンスを持っています。少し疑問があります。Trustly で支払いますが、デンマークの税金を支払う必要がありますか?
Resident in DK.
I have won about €15,000 on www.Winsly.com.
The casino is located in Cyprus, but with an Estonian license. I have a little doubt - I pay out with trustly but: Do I have to pay Danish tax?
Bosiddende i DK.
jeg har vundet ca 15.000€ på www.Winsly.com.
Casinoet er lokaliseret i cyprus, men med estisk licens. Jeg er lidt i tvivl - jeg udbetaler med trustly men: Skal jeg betale dansk skat?
Hi, it's a pretty good question but I'm not sure I know the answer. You'll have to find out on the internet or ask how it works in your country because I have no information about it. But I think that such a matter can be found out for sure, so either one of the players can help you or try to research what is needed.
私は嘘で彼らを決して推薦しません。Winsly Casino は私のお金 100 を支払わないでください。私は彼らにテキストメッセージを送りました。彼らは私を捕まえたくないのです。あなたがプレイするなら、ただお金を投げて問題を起こしてください。
ウィンズリー カジノ 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
I never recommend them in lies winsly casino don't pay my money 100 I texted them they don't want to get me if you play just throw money and cause problems..
NOK 7,000 I have not taken back
Jag rekomendera aldrig dom i ljuger winsly casino inte betala mina pengar 100 stycken jag skrev sms dom vill inte fårsto mig om ni spelar bara kasta pengar och göra problem ..
7000 kroner jag inte tagit tillbaka
you don't get to take your money winsly they cheat people only
du får inte ta dina pengar winsly dom lura folk bara
Hi, although at first glance I regret what happened, the best thing to do would be to explain it a bit and tell the reason why the casino doesn't want to pay you your money. So what was the problem that caused this situation ? Would you describe it to me so I can see what's wrong and maybe recommend you to get help from our team ?
I'm trying to explain, but they deliberately ignore me. They sent money to my bank account 3 times for a total of 1650 and my bank did not accept this money because it came from another country And again the money went to their account and later, after great effort, they paid 1200 euros They did not give me the 450 euros that I first took out, I did not play the game, they did not transfer it to my casino account, they did nothing, I sent all my bank accounts I showed it to my game account because I haven't played anything again, but they are stubborn because we paid
I sent the reference numbers of the refunded money and they do not accept
They are lying !!!!!!!🤬
If you have such an issue, then I would recommend filing a complaint and our team would try to investigate everything necessary and see if we could help you.
I noticed that you have already received some of the money, but if they have taken some of your funds unfairly, then it doesn't seem right to me.
You think you'll go for it?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com