ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Winsmania Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I’m going through the verification process, it’s going strangely, they didn’t even respond by email about receiving the documents. I hope I will withdraw my funds
прохожу процесс верификации, как то странно проходит, они даже не ответили на почте о получении документов. надеюсь я выведу свои средства
Hello. I am sorry to hear you are in this state of mind right know. May I ask when exactly have you sent your documents to the casino? You could try to contact them, if you feel that your waiting has been too long. The live chat or the support will perhaps answer the question about receiving the documents, or even could explain the delay of verifying those. Would you try it, perhaps?
残念なことに、現在彼らは検証が遅れていると書いており、3〜5日の期間を設定しています。彼らが初めて書いたときは、チェックするのに 72 時間かかりました。
unfortunately, now they write that the verification is being delayed, and have set a period of 3-5 days. the first time they wrote it takes 72 hours to check.
к сожалению, теперь они пишут что проверка затягивается, и установили срок 3-5 дней. в первый раз они писали 72 часа занимает проверка.
I have had my withdrawal cancelled 6 times and all the live chat members are ignoring me. I have been promised my withdrawal would be processed about 3 time by live chat members but every time it gets cancelled. Now when I mention it is me to a live chat member they ignore me.
Looks like I need to file a complaint against them
нужно похоже создать жалобу на них
こんにちは。サポートの誰かがあなたから書類を受け取ったことを確認しましたか?認証プロセスには実際には数日かかる場合がありますが、オンラインカジノではそれほど珍しいことではないと思います。苦情チームが介入する前に、検証が完了するまで丸 14 日間カジノに与えます。少し辛抱して、カジノからの最新情報をお知らせください。🙏
Hello. Did anyone from the support confirmed they have received you documents? The verification process could actually take few days, it is not that unusual for the online casinos, I would say. We give casinos 14 full days for the verification to be done, before our complaint team intervene. Try to be little bit patient and give us any updates from the casino, please.🙏
こんにちは。このカジノに関する問題についてご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません。すでに私たちのチームに苦情を提出しているようです 👍。私は彼らがこの事件を解決するために全力を尽くすと強く信じています。お聞きしてもいいですか、引き出しまでどれくらい待っていますか?メールでサポートに連絡できましたか?🤔
Hello there. Sorry to hear about your issue with this casino. I can see you have already submitted a complaint with our team 👍. I firmly believe they will do everything they can to get this case resolved. How long are you waiting for the withdrawal, if I may ask? Have you had any luck in contacting the support by email, maybe?🤔
I have contacted them multiple times via email and have had no luck in getting a response. I spoke to a a live chat member this morning who promised me they found the glitch in their system and that my withdrawal will be processed this time. I originally made the withdrawal on Wednesday but since then it has been rejected 8 times. Apparently my account was showing up as unverified even though they previously has verified my accounts. I will Keep you up to date to whether they have told me the truth
こんにちは、更新ありがとうございます。今、実際に私の頭に浮かんだのは、他の支払い方法や引き出しを試したことがあるかどうか、あるいはそれを検討していただけないかということです。🤔 とにかく、私は 🤞 を保管して、あなたからのニュースを待ちます 🙂。
Hello and thank you for the update. Right now actually comes to my mind, if you have maybe tried some other payment method or the withdrawal, or if you would consider it?🤔 Anyway, I will keep my 🤞 and wait for the news from your side 🙂.
彼らはそれをキャンセルし、追加の Kyc を与える必要があると言いました。これは、他のライブハットメンバーが私のアカウントはすでに完全に認証されていると私に告げた後に私に告げられたものです。
これは、その規約と規約に含まれています。ウェブサイトは、当社のゲームライセンスで規制されているように、2500ユーロまたはそれに相当する金額を超える暗号通貨の出金に対して追加のKYC検証手順を実行する権利を留保し、さらにそのような検証手順を次の方法で実行する権利を留保します。当社のゲームライセンスで要求されている、少額の出金の場合。閉鎖、ロック、または除外されたアカウントに保持されている資金の回収を希望するアカウント所有者は、カスタマー サポートに連絡することをお勧めします。
They cancelled it and said i need to give them additional Kyc. This was Told to me after other live hat members had told me that my account was alreayd fully verified.
this is in their ts and Cs The Website reserves the right to carry out additional KYC verification procedures for any withdrawals exceeding €2500 or equivalent amount in Cryptocurrencies, as regulated by our gaming license, and further reserves the right to carry out such verification procedures in case of smaller withdrawals, as demanded by our gaming license. Account Holders who wish to recover funds held in a closed, locked or excluded account, are advised to contact Customer Support.
considering my withdrawal was less than this I don’t see how this is legal whatsoever
Hello. I'm sorry you are still in this kind of situation, and I can surely understand your frustration. Nice of you, that you keep our complaint team fully updated. I have read all the information you have provided in your complaint, and it seems to me like a never ending story, I would say. So let's see if Greg from the live chat was actually right and your account has been finally fully verified. Please continue to keep us updated, so in case you need our team to intervene, they will do so. Have you heard anything new from the support by now?
I haven’t heard anything yet and just checked and my withdrawal is still pending. I think I have come to the conclusion that this website is a full on scam as I have not seen one example of someone actually ever receiving their withdrawal from this company. If you could please tell me if you have spoken to people that have ever actually received money from this website please let me know. I very much doubt that they even have a finance team whatsoever or that they have even processed one withdrawal. It’s a shame because I really need this money and I will never access it.
私が見つけた唯一のことは、出金確認手順に関する他の 2 つの苦情でした。
The only thing I found were two other complaints about the withdrawal verification procedure.
I am afraid not much to work with. For the content, reviewing user reviews is even worse.
I wish I could find something positive to share...
残念です。少なくとも、複数のチャットメンバーが既に認証されていないと言っているので、私のアカウントが認証されていないとは主張できません。正直に言うと、彼らがそのようなことをしたとしても私は驚かないでしょう。おそらく、カジノの第一人者の誰かが彼らに話しかけて圧力をかければ、実際に私にお金を支払う可能性が高まるでしょう。しかし、彼らがあなたを無視したとしても、私は驚かないでしょう。出金は今後 2 時間以内に処理されると再び約束されましたが、その可能性は非常に低いと言えます。この会社で最も迷惑なのは、チャットメンバーが問題を解決するために実際には何もするつもりがないのに、常に嘘をつき、出金が処理されると告げることです。 5.5 は彼らが本当に無能であることを正確に表しているわけではないので、このウェブサイトでのこの会社の評価は下がるべきかもしれません。ラドカさん、助けてくれてありがとう。いつか私がこのお金にアクセスできるかどうかは誰にも分かりません。彼らが出金をキャンセルするたびに私がこのお金を賭けることを彼らが望んでいることはわかっていますが、私はこの問題を真に解決し、他の人たちにこのカジノの本当の姿を見せることに全力で取り組んでいます。
That’s a shame. Atleast they can’t claim my account is unverified as multiple chat members have already told me it was. To be honest I wouldn’t be suprised if they did pull something like that. Maybe if someone from casino guru speaks to them and applies some pressure they will be more likely to actually pay me out. However I wouldn’t be suprised if they ignored you aswell. I have yet again been promised that my withdrawal will be processed in the next two hours but I would say the chances of this are very slim. The most annoying thing about this company is the chat members constantly lie to you and tell you that your withdrawal will be processed when they have no intention of actually doing anything to resolve the problem. Maybe the rating of this company should go down on this website as 5.5 doesn’t truly represent how incompetent they truly are. Thanks for the help Radka. Who knows maybe one day I will acces this money. I know they hope that I will gamble this money everytime they cancel my withdrawal but I am commited to truly solving this and showing the true colours of this casino for every else to see
I've read about your problem and it's quite a difficult situation. As Tomas said in your complaint, if you can't resolve anything with the casino, our team will intervene and contact them, so you need to be patient.
I also see that the chat always just tells you that your withdrawal will be approved but nothing happens and it's the same old story over and over again.
As for the safety index itself, if the casino doesn't try to resolve your situation and the complaint will go unresolved, it will get black points which will affect its rating.
However, as I mentioned before, you need to be patient for some time. Tomas will surely get to you, but you are not the only one who has a complaint, so give him a while. You're certainly not being ignored. At the top right of your complaint you have a timer that shows how long each side has to respond.
I hope your case is resolved soon. If you have any update let me know.
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