ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、WinsParkSpin Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hi, last week there was a big debate about this casino and I think most of the players have had bad experiences and I haven't seen anyone getting money yet.
Also our review says that this casino is a scam, which probably speaks for itself and I would definitely not deposit here anymore.
Anyway, how long have you been waiting for your money? Did the casino ask for any fees from you as well?
same story I won and requested a withdrawal them telling me I needed to do $50 deposit for verification. After deposit was made withdrawal shows payment processing but money still not deposited. I contacted them they told me there’s a fee of $30 in bitcoins needed to be paid for withdraw fee so now the status shows ‘pending payment’. I emailed them asking where does it say that there’s withdraw fees requirement on the site. No response from them. This all took place Oct 1st thru Oct 5,2004. I never pay the $30 fees in bitcoins and never got paid. Anyway today I read the user agreement and saw that there’s a $30 fees in bitcoins requirement for all withdraws which I didn’t see it before but I could be wrong. Does other casino require fees for withdraws?
自分で見てください: https://casino.guru/winspark-spin-casino-review
「警告: 詐欺カジノ: このカジノは、サービスに対して多数の架空の料金を要求します。しかし、処理、確認、またはブロック解除のために受け取った支払いに関係なく、引き出しはまだ実行されていません。これは、合法的なカジノが要求するものではないため、アクティブな残高または保留中の引き出しに加えて要求される可能性のある料金を支払わないことを強くお勧めします。」
Hi there.
Aside from this forum thread, I wonder if you also found the casino's review. Otherwise, I am afraid it answers your question 🙁.
Se for yourself: https://casino.guru/winspark-spin-casino-review
"Warning:SCAM CASINO: This casino demands numerous fabricated charges to be paid for their services. However, regardless of payments received for processing, verifying, or unblocking, withdrawals are still not carried out. We strongly recommend not to pay any fees that may be requested on top of your active balance or pending withdrawals, as this is not something that any legitimate casino would ask for."
Do not deposit there, and if you want to be helpful to others, spread the word about this warning wherever you can.
こんにちは、Radka の最後の投稿をよく読んでください。それは詐欺カジノです。だから、何も勝てないので、そこに入金しないでください。
Hi, you saw well, read Radka's last post. It's a scam casino. So make sure you don't deposit there because you won't win anything.
Or did you do it?
No I did not deposit what they asked because this is the first time anyone has asked for a deposit before redeeming funds. I have over 600,000$ sitting there that I can't get . I will be sure to spread the news that this site is a SCAM !!!
Hi! We appreciate your assistance in preventing others from visiting their website. I imagine it must have been a painful experience. It's great you have not accepted their lure for deposit. Good riddance!
Actually, if I think about it, not so much. The casino is not licensed and therefore it is practically untouchable. Maybe at the local level if there is some kind of authority that prevents such casinos but I'm not sure you'd get anywhere with that. But it's certainly nice to have information so that other players don't get caught.
もしよろしければ、このスレッドをご覧いただきたいのですが、あまり良い読み物ではないのではないかと心配しています。Winsparkspin Casino は Winspark の偽バージョンであり、単体では良いニュースではありません。
念のため、どこでプレイしましたか? Winspark Casino ですか、それとも Winsparkspin Casino ですか?
Hi there,
If I may, I'd like to ask you to browse this thread, though I fear it won't be positive reading for you. Winsparkspin Casino is a fake version of Winspark, which stand alone is not good news.
So, just to be sure, where did you play, please? Winspark Casino or Winsparkspin Casino?
I honestly hope it was not the second option!
I played at this casino:
残念ながら、これも詐欺カジノの 1 つなので、本当に注意する必要があります。
また、私たちの同僚がそのようなカジノに関して作成した新しい記事が 1 つあります。非常に役立つ可能性があります。ご希望の場合は、 こちらで読むことができます。
Unfortunately, this is also one of the scam casinos, and you should really be careful there.
Have you paid any deposit, please?
We also have one new article our colleagues prepared regarding such casinos, which could be really helpful. You can read it here, if you wish.
I hope you will be able to avoid all these casinos in the future.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com