こんにちは。このカジノのどんなところが気に入りましたか? 最も改善したい点や強調したい点は何ですか? もっと詳しく教えていただけますか? 🙂
Hi, what exactly did you like about this casino? What would you like to improve or highlight the most? Could you tell me more? 🙂
こんにちは。このカジノのどんなところが気に入りましたか? 最も改善したい点や強調したい点は何ですか? もっと詳しく教えていただけますか? 🙂
Hi, what exactly did you like about this casino? What would you like to improve or highlight the most? Could you tell me more? 🙂
こんにちは、このスロットで大勝ちした時のスクリーンショットはありますか?それともまだ達成していないのですか?どのゲームプロバイダーがこのゲームを持っていますか? 🙂
Hello, do you have any screenshot of a big win on this slot? Or haven't you managed it yet? Which game provider has this game? 🙂
ゲームがやりがいのあるものであれば、次回もぜひプレイしてください。それ以外に、カジノで気に入っている点や改善したい点はありますか? 🙂
Feel free to do it next time if the game is rewarding. Besides that, do you have anything else you like in the casino or what would you improve? 🙂
Definitely, especially for other players who could use such information to learn the necessary things.
Have fun in the casino and enjoy your weekend. 😀
残高が 16,746.07 ドルの状態でアカウントが削除されました。このカジノはあなたからすべてを奪います。私はほとんど機能がないまま 1 日で 1 万ドルを失いました。カジノの仕組みは、あなたが入金した金額に十分近い金額を決して与えないというものです。5 ドルまたは 10 ドルの賭けをすべて行うことができますが、機能を獲得するほど運が良かったとしても、ゲームで 500 ドル以上が支払われることはありません。これは、Winspirit で 1 か月間過度にプレイした後、私が到達した結論です。Winspirit では、30,000 ドル以上入金して負けたため VIP ステータスになりました。
2024 年 12 月 24 日に初めて勝ちました。そのため、残高は 16,746.07 ドルでした。資金を引き出せるようにカジノに連絡して認証を受けたところ、数時間後にアカウントにそれ以上の賭けを禁止する制限が課され、その後アカウントが完全に削除され、残高が消えて、最終的にサイトからブロックされました。
Winspirit と何時間もやり取りした結果、別のアカウントがあること、利用規約にはこのカジノで使用できるアクティブ アカウントは 1 つだけであること、残高は没収されることが通知されました。
私自身のお金で 30,000 ドル以上を入金した後、引き出す価値のある勝利金がめったに得られないかもしれませんが、彼らはあなたに支払いをしません。
I had my account removed with my balance of $16, 746.07. This casino will take everything from you, i lost 10k in a single day without barely any features. How the casino works is by giving you enough but never close to what you put in. You can do all the $5.00 or $10.00 bets but even if you are lucky enough to get a feature, the games will never pay more then $500.00. This is the conclusion i have arrived at after playing excessively for 1 month with Winspirit where i got to VIP status because i deposited over $30,000 and lost.
For the first time ever, i won on the 24.12.24, that is why my balance was $16, 746.07. I contacted the casino to get verified so i can begin withdrawing my funds and then the next few hours i would see a restriction for further betting placed on my account followed by an outright removal of it with my balance being wiped out and i was blocked from the site ultimately.
Upon hours of communication with Winspirit, they notified me that i had another account and terms and conditions state only 1 active account can be used with this casino and my balance will be forfeited.
That is a lie because after losing $20,000 3 months prior to my gambling session on the 24th of December 2024, i requested for that account specifically to be removed and deleted due to my poor experiences with this casino. I was told it was successfully removed.
So I opened a new account based on the fact that i was told in email which i have proof of that it was removed. There was no mention that it would be kept, that if i want to re play that i would need to contact them but only a confirmation of account being removed.
They kept my old account open without my consent since i told them to delete it which is illegal.
Lucky for me, i have the proof of my balance prior to my account being removed. I have the emails stating it was removed so i will be taking this matter further and letting everyone that cares to read this to stay away from this fraudulent, illegally run casino.
After $30,000 plus of depositing of my own money, you might get a once in a blue moon win worth withdrawing but they will not PAY YOU.
さらに、私は以前のアカウントで使用していたのと同じ IP アドレスを使用して、同じ銀行カードから 2 日間で 4,500 ドルを入金していました。
カジノ側はこれを知っていましたが、私が 4,500 ドルを失ったことと、勝つことを期待していなかったこと、そして率直に言うと、私が負けると思っていたことから、行動を起こさないことを選択しました。
では、教えてください。非アクティブで削除された別のアカウントがあるのに、なぜプレイを許可したのですか? 出金のために身元確認を試みた後にだけ、アカウントを削除するのはなぜですか? これまで 30 回の入金は問題なく受け付けてくれたのに、出金となると言い訳をして、もう 1 つのアカウントはブロックされていて使用できず、最後に使用されたのは 3 か月前なのに、アカウントが 2 つあると言います。
Further more, i had deposited over the course of 2 days $4,500 from my same bank card, using the same IP address that my previous account was using.
The casino had knowledge of this but choose not act because i lost the $4500 and they did not expect to win and if i have to be frank, i thought i would lose.
My email was the only thing different, my address, my name, my bank card, my mobile number which was verified was the same.
So tell me, why did you allow me to play when i had another account that was inactive and removed? Why remove my account only after i try to get my identify verified for withdrawal? You had no trouble taking my 30 deposits prior but when it comes to pay out, you find an excuse and say i have 2 accounts when the other one is blocked, cannot used and was last used 3 months ago.
いずれにせよ、Casino Guru Resolution Center を通じて苦情を申し立てるのは賢明な行動であり、可能になったら何らかの支援が得られることを願っています。
Hello, We are not employees of the casino, so the part where you address the casino is unlikely to receive a response here. I just thought you would like to know this.
In any case, lodging the complaint through the Casino Guru Resolution Center was a smart move, and I hope you will get some help once it is possible.
Perhaps the others would prefer a shorter description:
"The player from Australia has their account removed along with a balance of $16,746.07, which was fairly won. The casino claims she has another active account, leading to a forfeiture of her funds, despite her prior request for the original account to be deleted, which she has proof of."
The full complaint is available right here 👈👈
Given how concerning your experience sounds to me, I would really like to hear the casino's perspective.
We have to wait for that though.
WinSpirit Casino を探索して、勝利を目指して挑戦したいと思っています。このサイトについて良いことを読んだことがありますが、成功したプレイヤーの話をもっと聞きたいです。共有できるヒントやレビューがあれば、ぜひ教えてください。
I’m eager to explore WinSpirit Casino and try my hand at winning. I’ve read good things about the site, but I’d love to hear more from players who’ve had success. Any tips or reviews you can share would be helpful!
複数の返信を受け取りましたが、それらには、アクティブなアカウントが 2 つある、または 2 つのアカウントがあり、2 つ目のアカウントを開設することでカジノの利用規約に違反した、と記載されています。
すでに述べたように、私の最初のアカウントは正常に閉鎖されたと伝えられました。以下のメールは 9 月 16 日のものです。この事実から、私は自分のアカウントが閉鎖されたと想定しました。つまり、最初のアカウントが実際には保留中またはブロックされているだけであることを知るすべがなかったのです。閉鎖されたことを知らせるメールには、そのことについては何も触れられていませんでした。もし彼らが、何らかの理由でアカウントを閉鎖できないと言っていたら、私はカジノに連絡して再開を依頼していたでしょう。
私の立場からすると、残高が 16,000 を少し超えた時点でアクティブなアカウントは 1 つありました。幸運なことに、アカウントが閉鎖される前に残高のスクリーンショットを保存していました。これは、確認に関して連絡した後のことです。
Hi Radka,
My apologizes. I have edited the post so it is explaining my situation rather then addressing the Casino on here.
I have received several replies and they are are stating that i had 2 active accounts or 2 accounts and i broke the terms and conditions of the casino by opening a second account.
As i have i have mentioned, i was told my original account was closed successfully. The email below is dated on the 16th of September. From this fact, i assumed my account was closed meaning that i had no way of knowing that the initial first account was actual just on hold or blocked. There was no mention of that in the email stating it was closed. If they had told me that we cannot close your account due to such and such, i would have contacted the casino and asked them to re open it.
From my standpoint, there was 1 active account when i had my balance at a little over 16k. Luckily i saved the screenshot of my balance before they closed my account and that is after i contacted them regarding verification.
Winspirit は利用しないでください。報酬は支払われません。詐欺です。勝っても支払わないためにあらゆる言い訳をします。寄付を希望する場合は、ぜひ利用してください。
Don’t explore Winspirit you won’t get paid it’s a scam they will find all kind of excuses to not pay if you win, if you are for donations go for it
編集していただき、ありがとうございます。私の意見では、これはずっと理解しやすいと思います。ただ 1 つだけ、完全に理解できていない点があります。私の知る限り、匿名のカジノを除いて、ほぼすべてのカジノでは、1 人のプレーヤーが作成できるアカウントは 1 つだけです。したがって、私の意見では、別のアカウントを作成するのではなく、カジノに連絡してアカウントの再開を依頼するのが正しい選択です。アクティブなアカウントが 1 つだけということではなく、私の観点からすると、問題は複数のアカウントを作成することです。
誤解を避けるために、2 番目のアカウントを作成したときに、重複についてカジノにも通知しましたか?
Thank you very much for the edit. In my opinion, this is much easier to understand. I have just one point, which I do not fully comprehend. to the best of my knowledge, in almost every casino, aside from anonymous, one player is only allowed to create one account. So the right choice, in my opinion, would be to contact the casino and ask your account to be reopened rather than create another one. It is not about only one active account; from my perspective, the issue is more about creating multiple accounts.
So, just to avoid misunderstanding, when you created the second account, did you also inform the casino about the duplication, please?
On the other hand, I think, especially in such a case, all circumstances matter and may play a significant role in the final stage of the complaint.
利益を得るには、古いアカウントを使用した方がよかったでしょう。私は 1 か月で 50,000 ドル以上プレイした後、VIP メンバーになりました。ボーナスがあり、アカウントはそこで完全に確認されており、銀行カードと銀行口座の詳細はすでに設定されています。カジノからそう言われたので、閉鎖/削除されたと思いました。
さらに、責任あるカジノはこのような状況を避けるために、登録と認証を義務付けるべきです。認証を受けずにユーザーが 1 セントでも入金することは許可されるべきではありません。
それどころか、彼らは私の入金を完全に把握しており、私のアカウントが 72 時間で 26 回、4,650 ドルを入金するのを阻止できませんでした。入金を再確認しましたが、実際には 3 日間プレイしていました。確認プロセスが終わって初めて、私のアカウントは削除され、賞金は無効になりました。私の IP アドレスは同じで、確認できた唯一の部分である携帯電話番号も最初のアカウントとまったく同じです。私の住所、使用したカード、私がゲームをしていたことを知らないということはあり得ません。カジノは、この欺瞞的な戦術で何をしているのかを正確に知っていました。
Hi Radka,
I am novice gambler and prior to this situation, had no knowledge that an account cannot be deleted but only be blocked.
That said, the casino told me it was closed which i understood was removed because in my initial messages to them, i asked for the account to be deleted.
If the casino had told me that my account was in fact blocked, i would have contacted them and asked them after 3 months of not playing and getting help/treatment for my problem gambling to open my original account.
To be benefit, i would have preferred to use my old account. I am a VIP member there after playing though over $50,000 in a single month. I Have bonuses, my account is fully verified there, my bank cards and bank details are already set up. I thought it was closed/ removed because this is what the casino told me.
It is the casinos responsibility to address this in the email when they confirmed closure.
Further more, a responsible casino should to avoid situations like this have mandatory registration with verification. A user shouldn't be allowed to deposit a single cent without getting verified.
Instead, they fully were aware of my deposits and failed to stop my account from depositing 26 times for $4650 in 72 hrs. I re checked the deposits, i actually played for 3 days. It's only after the verification process, my account was removed and my winnings nullified. My IP address was the same, my mobile number which was the only part i got verified is the exact same as my first account. My address is, my cards used, it is impossible for them to not know that i was gaming. The casino knew exactly what they were doing with this deceptive tactic.
Frankly put, i wouldn't be in this forum writing these messages if i didn't get extremely lucky and win from the last deposit i was going to make in a long time. The only reason we are talking on here is because i won and now they are not paying me because they mislead me into thinking my account was closed when in fact it was only blocked which led me to opening a new account and breaking their terms and conditions without even knowing.
お客様のご経験について深くお詫び申し上げます。状況をさらに調査するため、お客様のご経験についてさらに詳しくお知らせいただくか、弊社のサポート チームまでご連絡ください。
Dear mq5dnyf4c4,
We deeply regret hearing about your experience. To investigate the situation further, please provide more details about your experience or kindly contact our support team.
残念ながら、これがまさに、新規プレイヤーが常に利用規約を読むべき理由です。🙁 残念ながら、これが最も基本的なことです。
I am sorry you are in this predicament, and I can see where the issue came from. The way I see it, you asked the casino for deleting your account, and they confirmed account closure. Well, that's it. Closure raises the prospect of the account being reopened. If the casino merely verified the account deletion, the circumstances would be more in your favor. Please, can you sense the difference?
Regretfully, this is the precise reason why new players should always read the terms and conditions. 🙁 I am afraid this is the most basic.
In any case, submitting the complaint was a good choice; if nothing else, my colleagues will investigate the matter thoroughly. If there is a way to reason up a solution, my colleagues will do their best.
We shall see the outcome, and I wish you the best result.
WinSpirit Casino は、優れたゲームが揃った優れたオンライン カジノです。
WinSpirit Casino is a decent online casino with all the good games.
nice site or appealing app
bonus program / loyalty program and also VIP program
really recommendable!
WinSpirit Casino ist ein ordentliches online-Casino mit allen guten Spielen.
schöne Seite bzw. ansprechende App
Bonusprogramm / Treueprogramm und auch VIP-Programm
wirklich empfehlenswert!
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com