ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Wonaco Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hi, are your documents also rejected or approved or is there nothing wrong with them but the casino asks for them from you several times ? I would find it quite illogical if you have already sent them what they needed and if there is a problem with them they have not explained it to you.
I also noticed that you have already lodged a complaint and we are waiting for the casino's response, so I wonder what we will get and if they will tell us what is going on, since you have not gone through verification yet.
If you have an update please let me know.
おはようございます。このカジノについての私の体験を皆さんにシェアしたいと思います。素晴らしいカジノです。よく勝てるゲームがたくさんあります。スポーツ ベッティングでも同じで、選択肢が広いです。出金は速く、ボーナスもたくさんあり、チャット サービスも素晴らしいです。このカジノをお勧めします。
Good morning I come to share my experience with you about this casino! it's a great casino there are a lot of games we often win, the same goes for sports betting there's a wide choice. withdrawals are fast, there are lots of bonuses and the chat service is great I recommend this casino!
This casino is top several games several machines! Chat are available quickly. Withdrawals are processed quickly. And the bonuses are great!
I recommend this casino!
Ce casino est top plusieurs jeux plusieurs machines ! Le chat sont disponibles rapidement. Les retraits sont traités rapidement. Et les bonus sont super !
je recommande ce casino!
みなさんこんにちは。Wonaco カジノに関する私の体験を皆さんにシェアしたいと思います。Wonaco カジノはゲームがたくさんある素晴らしいカジノで、スポーツ ベッティングにも最適です。問題が発生した場合でも、いつでも助けてくれる人がいます。素晴らしいボーナスは提供していません。このカジノはお勧めです。問題なくプレイしてください。
Hello everyone I come to share my experience with you regarding the wonaco casino. it's a great casino with a lot of games also great for sports betting. In case of problems there is always someone to help you. it doesn't give incredible bonuses. I recommend this casino, go there without problems!
おはようございます。このカジノについての私の体験を皆さんにシェアしたいと思います。素晴らしいカジノです。よく勝てるゲームがたくさんあります。スポーツ ベッティングでも同じで、選択肢が広いです。出金は速く、ボーナスもたくさんあり、チャット サービスも素晴らしいです。このカジノをお勧めします。
Good morning I come to share my experience with you about this casino! it's a great casino there are a lot of games we often win, the same goes for sports betting there's a wide choice. withdrawals are fast, there are lots of bonuses and the chat service is great I recommend this casino!
こんにちは。同じ国の 3 人のプレイヤーがこのカジノを賞賛しているのは興味深いですね。出金が速かったのなら、お金はどのくらい早く手に入りましたか?
Hi, interesting that three players from the same country are writing praise for this casino. How fast did you get the money if the withdrawals were fast ?
Maybe it would be a good idea not to create fake communication about the casino on the forum, because it is not very credible.
And therefore I warn you to stop because if you continue, our account will be restricted.
This casino is top several games several machines! Chat are available quickly. Withdrawals are processed quickly. And the bonuses are great!
I recommend this casino!
Ce casino est top plusieurs jeux plusieurs machines ! Le chat sont disponibles rapidement. Les retraits sont traités rapidement. Et les bonus sont super !
je recommande ce casino!
おはようございます。wonaco では 1 月 30 日からの引き出しが保留中です。
今日 2 月 7 日になってもまだ何も起こらず、処理に要する有名な 5 営業日が経過したにもかかわらず、まだ保留中です。チャットとメールで数回連絡しましたが、通常の自動応答のみでした。担当部門に要請したところ、引き出しはまもなく処理されるとのこと。
Good morning on wonaco I have a pending withdrawal from January 30th!!!!
Today February 7th still nothing, it is still pending despite the famous 5 working days for processing having passed. Contacted several times via chat and via email they limit themselves to the usual automatic response, we urged the competent department, the withdrawal will be processed shortly.
Shame, I hope no one else makes my mistake of playing on sites like this.
Buongiorno su wonaco ho un prelievo in sospeso dal 30 gennaio!!!!
Oggi 7 febbraio ancora nulla, risulta sempre in sospeso nonostante siano passati i famosi 5 giorni lavorativi per l'evasione. Contattati più volte via chat e via mail si limitano alla solita risposta automatica, abbiamo sollecitato il dipartimento competente, il prelievo verrà elaborato a breve.
Una vergogna, spero nessun altro faccia il mio errore di giocare su siti del genere.
Hi, I would start to get a bit nervous with a week, but I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to send money to the player.
Anyway, did you play with any bonus here? Was it necessary for you to verify or not?
If not I would wait a while and if nothing happens then we will try to help you.
What do you say?
No I didn't use any bonus, I played with the deposited money.
Honestly I'm already quite nervous about this delay but I'll wait a few more days
No non ho usato nessun bonus, ho giocato con i soldi depositati.
Sinceramente sono già abbastanza nervoso per questo ritardo ma attendo ancora qualche giorno
Good morning, I would like to ask if the money has been paid to you. I have the same problem. On January 28th, I requested a withdrawal and as of today, February 8th, the payment has not been processed.
Dobré ráno, rád bych se zeptal, zda Vám peníze byli vyplaceny. Mám ten samý problém 28.ledna jsem žádal o výběr peněz a do dnešního dne 8.2 není platba zpracována.
Unfortunately, I cannot recommend the casino, it does not pay out winnings, I have been waiting for several weeks and I still do not have the money in my account.
Bohužel casino doporučit nemohu nevyplácí výhry čekám už několik týdnu a peníze stále nemám na účtu.
正直言って、状況は非常に苛立たしいです。私はあらゆるサイトで wonaco の悪口を言い、誰もそこから 1 ユーロも入金しないことを望みます。
No news as of today, they continue to say they have had problems and will proceed with the payment shortly!
Honestly the situation is very frustrating, I will speak badly of wonaco on every site and I hope that no one else deposits a single euro from them.
They are pathetic
No ad oggi nessuna novità, continuano a dire di aver avuto problemi e procederanno a breve al pagamento!
Sinceramente la situazione è molto frustrante, parlerò malissimo di wonaco in ogni sito e spero che nessun altro depositi un solo euro da loro.
Sono patetici
Guys, I'm updating you on the withdrawal!
Just made, on a Saturday even!!!!
They sent me the money by bank transfer!
Ragazzi aggiorno sul prelievo!
Appena elaborato, di sabato addirittura!!!!
Mi hanno mandato i soldi con bonifico!
No I didn't use any bonus, I played with the deposited money.
Honestly I'm already quite nervous about this delay but I'll wait a few more days
No non ho usato nessun bonus, ho giocato con i soldi depositati.
Sinceramente sono già abbastanza nervoso per questo ritardo ma attendo ancora qualche giorno
カジノがプレイヤーにどれだけ「速く」支払うかをすでに知っているのに、それでもここでプレイすると思いますか? 🙂
So I didn't notice this message but congratulations. I'm glad the money got to you.
Sometimes players have to wait for a while even though I know it's not pleasant but in the end the most important thing is always that the player gets the money in the end.
Do you think that if you already know how "fast" the casino pays the players, you will still play here?🙂
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