ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、ZoloBet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
誰か Zolobet というカジノを知っていますか? 私はそこでかなり勝ったので、賞金が支払われることを願っています。
現在、検証を待っています。ライブ サポートによると、検証には 24 ~ 48 時間かかり、その後最初の支払いが処理されます。
Does anyone know the casino Zolobet? I won quite a bit there and hope they pay out.
Currently waiting for verification, which according to live support takes 24-48 hours and then the first payout will be processed.
Kennt jemand das Casino Zolobet? Habe dort relativ gut gewonnen und hoffe, die zahlen aus.
Warte aktuell auf die Verifizierung, welche laut live Support 24-48h dauert und danach wird die erste Auszahlung bearbeitet.
認証と引き出しがどうなったか、ぜひお知らせください。後ほど、ユーザーレビューを最初に書いていただけるかもしれません。どう思いますか? 🙂
I have moved your post here to the casino's official thread, so please feel free to browse through their review.
Unfortunately, as of now we don't have any user reviews submitted for this casino, there there's lack of information.
On the other side, no complaints either, which is a good sign. Right?
Please let us know how it goes there with your verification and the withdrawal, and maybe you can be the first one to write a user review later on. What do you say?🙂
We'll wait for your reply.
Unfortunately not yet.
I had to submit new documents because the original ones were not sufficient.
I was told I would be verified today, we'll see.
Leider noch nicht.
Ich musste neue Dokumente einreichen, da die ursprünglichen nicht ausgereicht haben.
Man sagte mir ich werde heute verifiziert, mal sehen.
Verification and payout were both completed today.
Verifizierung und Auszahlung wurde beides heute erledigt.
かなり安心したでしょうね。いずれにしても、チャット オペレーターやサポート スタッフは、プロセス中にどの程度役に立ったと思いますか? つまり、明らかな遅延があったにもかかわらず、全体的な体験はどうでしたか?
It must be quite a relief. In any event, how helpful do you think chat operators or support staff were during the process? I mean, how was the whole experience, even with the apparent delay?
I was satisfied. I can only recommend the casino.
Ich war zufrieden. Kann das Casino nur empfehlen.
もう一度ユーザーレビューを書いて、今度は ZoloBet での体験を共有してみませんか? この Web サイトにレビューを残したプレイヤーはいないようですが、満足度を考えると残念です。あなたも同意するだろうと思いました。
That's very convincing, thank you.
Would you be interested in writing another user review, this time to share your experiences with ZoloBet? It appears that no player has ever left a review on this website, which is unfortunate given your level of satisfaction. I simply assumed you might concur.
こんにちは、このサイトで問題を抱えている人はいますか? 昨日、残高 600 ユーロでプレイしていたのですが、サイトがダウンしてしまい、復旧しません...
Hello, anyone else having a problem with this site? I was playing yesterday with a balance of 600 euros, and the site went down, and won't come back...
Olá ,mais alguém com problema neste site ? Estava a jogar ontem com saldo de 600 euros ,e o site ficou em baixo ,e nao volta...
I just tried to send an email to support and was told that emails cannot be delivered to this email address
Ich habe eben versucht, eine E-Mail an den Support zu senden und mir wurde gesagt, dass an diese E-Mail-Adresse keine E-Mails zugestellt werden können
こんにちは、このサイトで問題を抱えている人はいますか? 昨日、残高 600 ユーロでプレイしていたのですが、サイトがダウンしてしまい、復旧しません...
Hello, anyone else having a problem with this site? I was playing yesterday with a balance of 600 euros, and the site went down, and won't come back...
Olá ,mais alguém com problema neste site ? Estava a jogar ontem com saldo de 600 euros ,e o site ficou em baixo ,e nao volta...
こんにちは。私も試してみましたが、ページを開くことができませんでした。サポートに問い合わせて、何が起こっているのか、一時的なものなのか説明してもらえますか? 数日待ってみてはいかがでしょうか。それでも誰からも返事がなく、ページが読み込まれない場合は、おそらく問題について苦情を申し立てると思います。
Hello, I also tried it and it was not possible to open the page. Have you tried writing to support to see if they can explain what's going on and whether it's temporary or not? I'd give it a few days but if you don't hear from anyone and the page still doesn't load I'd probably file a complaint about the problem.
I'll let our data team take a look at it for now.
Unfortunately I don't have the support email, I registered yesterday, deposited, played a bit and it's no longer available.
Infelizmente não tenho o email do suporte ,fiz o registo ontem ,depositei joguei um pouco e deixou de estar disponível.
I found this email on their website and the page also opened. Will you try it or is it still not working for you?
Good news, so maybe it was short maintenance. Feel free to let me know how it goes. 🙂
The payment was processed today, thank god everything went smoothly, too bad they only have a crypto payment method, we paid a lot of fees to cash out
O pagamento foi processado hoje ,graças a deus correu tudo bem ,pena só terem método de pagamento em crypto ,Pagamos muita taxa para levantar
Positive news always makes me happy and I'm glad you got the money. Speaking of fees, how big were they?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com