心配しないでください、Casino Guru は 10/10 の星を与えます。しかし、プレイヤーは1つ星で評価します。 Altacore NV は、カジノの第一人者に非常に高い報酬を支払っていました。あなたがお金を獲得した場合、彼らはここにいる全員としてあなたのアカウントをブロックします.または、彼らは私のようにあなたに支払いをせず、オープンな苦情で1か月を遅らせます.
Don't worry man Casino Guru give 10/10 stars. But the players rate with 1 star. Altacore N.V. had paid very well casino guru. If you win the money just they block your account as everyone here. Or they don't pay you like me and delay 1 month with open complaint.
私たちはサービスに対してカジノの所有者から支払われていません。 😀 一部の苦情は他の苦情よりも時間がかかりますが、Casino Guru が無料で役立つことを忘れている.それは実際には非常にまれです。
We are not paid by any casino owner for services. 😀 Some complaints take longer than others, but hey, you forget to mention that Casino Guru helps for free. That is actually quite rare.
Anyway, I'm happy to see you around, especially with those resolved complaints.
Stay well.
have you been told multiple times that it will be paid SOON!!, or that three e-mails sent have been ignored, it also says on their site i would be paid within 21working days, it has been over 45 working days, how lo9ng should i wait for MY money?
@Radka確かに、あなたのサイトは、1つのケースが1か月後、2番目のケースが4か月後にお金を稼ぐのに大いに役立ちました。問題は、あなたのページがこれらのカジノを 8.2 と 10 の星で評価する理由です。
@Radka For sure your site help me a lot to take my money one case was 1 month after and the second one 4 months after. The problem is why your page rate these casinos with 8.2 and 10 stars.
All know that these pages do that because they point players will play back their wins. And is not common as i did to open a complaint at your page a lot of players scammed from these casinos and they didn't do something.
Please point at casinozer i had 2 more withdraws that with my fault i lost it back because i didn;t had the patient to wait so much.
For me these casinos must be avoided. For this reason i wrote here.
have you been told multiple times that it will be paid SOON!!, or that three e-mails sent have been ignored, it also says on their site i would be paid within 21working days, it has been over 45 working days, how lo9ng should i wait for MY money?
Obviously, I can't answer your question since I'm not a casino employee, I'm sorry.
What do you expect me to say?
The casino now pays slowly - that is nothing new, frankly. Submit another complaint and we will try you help you out. I do not know any details about your issue, hard to say anything solid, but the casino pays eventually.
@Radka確かに、あなたのサイトは、1つのケースが1か月後、2番目のケースが4か月後にお金を稼ぐのに大いに役立ちました。問題は、あなたのページがこれらのカジノを 8.2 と 10 の星で評価する理由です。
@Radka For sure your site help me a lot to take my money one case was 1 month after and the second one 4 months after. The problem is why your page rate these casinos with 8.2 and 10 stars.
All know that these pages do that because they point players will play back their wins. And is not common as i did to open a complaint at your page a lot of players scammed from these casinos and they didn't do something.
Please point at casinozer i had 2 more withdraws that with my fault i lost it back because i didn;t had the patient to wait so much.
For me these casinos must be avoided. For this reason i wrote here.
(念のため: 「返信」ボタンを使用してください。そうしないと、あなたが書いた相手に通知されません。ありがとうございます 🙂)
より多くの洞察を得ようとします。私が隠すつもりは何もありません。 🙂
(Just a kind reminder: please use the "reply" button otherwise the person you wrote to will not be notified. Thank you 🙂)
I asked myself the same question, then I asked the complaint team, the thing is that the casino has paid out every single player through the complaint so far, and this is something we need to keep going for the good sake of the players.
I think that at this moment, we can adjust the rating based on the results of the complaints (solved, unresolved, against fair gambling, and so on) though we are not considering short time effects. I agree it may sound quite weird to the players.
I'll try to get more insights. There is nothing I intend to hide. 🙂
That is correct. It is probably the most important thing and many problems come from missing verification process.
What happened in the end and I'm suffering and I'm thinking of hiring a lawyer
Τι εγινε τελικα και γω παθων σκεφτομαι να βαλω δικηγορο
彼らは私が 2 つのアカウントを持っているという言い訳を見つけました
They found excuses that I have two accounts
Εμενα βρηκαν δικαιολογια οτι εχω δυο λογαριασμους
申し訳ありませんが、Rogue Casino に対するあなたの苦情は解決されていません。
提出されたすべての苦情は、アカウント プロファイルでいつでもアクセスできます。また、次の直接リンクを使用することもできます。
I'm sorry to say that, your complaint against Rogue Casino has not been resolved.
You can always access all your submitted complaints in your account profile or use this direct link:
Allow me to quote from the complaint:
"Dear tjkeeper1,
Unfortunately, the casino decided not to cooperate with us in resolving any complaints from the player so we cannot continue resolving this complaint and we are forced to close it as ‘unresolved’, which will influence the casino’s rating in a negative way.
I wish I could be of more help. I sincerely hope you will not come across a problem like this again.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime."
Hey there.
If you are certain you have not broken any rule, I think the complaint is what you should try now.
Read this article about how the process works, and what you should expect, then consider submitting one.
Honza provided you with another reply here:
Hey there.
What seems to be the matter? Share, and we might find some clues. Or at least describe your full experience.
おお。結局のところ、私だけではなく、彼らがあなたとゲームをしていることは証明されています.手放すことを拒否します。私は正当に私のもののために戦います。私も2023年4月9日に賞金を獲得し、私はまだ待っています。私は何年もそこでプレーしてきましたが、彼らはまだ言い訳をしているので、あきらめてもう気にしないでください。私はただあきらめない それがその通りです 私は正々堂々と正当に勝ちました 私は最初から確認されています 彼らはいくつかのマンボジャンボを引き出しましたが、それは意味がありませんし、私はしません私は自分のお金を得るためにできる限りのことをします。あなたが自分が正しいことを知っていて、そのお金を受け取る権利があることを知っていて、規則や規制を知っていて、あなたは利用規約と内外を知っています。あなたが何年もプレイしているなら、あなたがお金を拒否されるべき理由がないように思えます。私はそう簡単にはあきらめないので、このページにあるように見えることがわかりました。
Wow. You see in the end I'm not the only one and it's proven that they play games with you. I refuse to let it go. I'll fight for what's rightfully mine. I won money as well April 9th 2023 and Im still waiting I've been playing there for years and they still make up excuses they'll try to make up anything so you could just you know give up and not bother anymore but you know that's the thing I just I don't give up and that's the way it is I won fair and square legit I've been verified from the beginning they pull out some Mambo Jambo and it doesn't make any sense and I don't I don't I don't feed into that I do everything I possibly can to get my money and that's the bottom line if you know you're right and you know you're entitled to that money and you know the rules and regulations and you know the terms and conditions and the ins and outs and if you playing for years like there's no reason why you should be denied of your money I mean I've been playing for years and they're still trying to pull this on me but I don't give up so easily so now you know you see like I see on this page wow like 10 on 10 10 on 10 my but.
正解です。私は 2022 年 12 月 4 日から待っていました。そして、太陽の下でのすべての言い訳として、警察のサイバー犯罪ユニットに引き渡しました。約 1 か月前のインタビューの後、私のケースを引き受けることに同意しました。 、あなたのように、私はこれをあきらめていません。それは私のお金であり、彼らはそれを盗もうとしています.
Your correct, I have been waiting since the 4th of December 2022, and it every excuse under the sun, I have now handed it over to the police cyber crimes unit, that was about a month ago when they agreed after interview to take my case, like you I am not giving up on this it is MY money and they are trying to steal it.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com